
Burning Love
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A/N: Hi, guys! Here's the next chapter! :)

Initially, after Yesung disappeared when Kyuhyun tried to call the cops, the genius gamer was worried that the lunatic (a.k.a. Yesung) would suddenly just appear and follow him again. He spent a while always looking over his shoulder as he walked around his neighborhood and the campus, dreading that Yesung might suddenly be following him again.

After a few days with not a single sign of Yesung, though, Kyuhyun eventually started to relax.

It seemed like he was finally free from the weird stranger! Thank all gaming gods!

Yesung had disappeared as abruptly as he came into Kyuhyun’s life. About a week had passed, and Kyuhyun was back to his daily routine of gaming until the early hours of morning, only to wake up before lunchtime to get ready for his afternoon classes.

At this point, he had almost completely forgotten all about Yesung. The weird stranger was nothing more now than a fleeting, weird, bad encounter that deserved nothing more than to be left in the past.

Late one night, Kyuhyun was walking home on his own. His last class had been dismissed quite late. They had a surprise quiz, which his classmates had all been upset about and had difficulty with. However, as Kyuhyun was a genius, the quiz was as easy as pie for him. Thus, despite being dismissed late, he was still in a very good mood, certain that he was able to ace the quiz.

Since it was late at night and he was in the less busy part of the neighborhood, he was the only one in sight. He didn’t mind being alone, though. As a genius, having to put up with “much-less-smart” humans was sometimes quite a chore. That’s why he very much preferred his games to actual people.

And speaking of games! He had a new game that he wanted to try tonight!

Energized by this thought, he walked even faster, eager to get home.

However, as he walked down a dimly lit street, he was suddenly knocked aside by a big, burly body. Being wimpy unathletic slim, Kyuhyun immediately became off balance, and he had to swing and flail his arms wildly to avoid completely falling down. Before he could do anything else, though, the person who had bumped him grabbed his backpack and took off running.

Holy hell! He just got robbed!

His genius brain started mentally listing all the things in his bag. His textbooks, notes, and school supplies. Nonessentials, really… His wallet and his cards and IDs. Important but can be replaced… What else was in there? Hmmm…. Holy crap balls! HIS PSP WAS IN THERE. He never went anywhere without “the love of his life.”

And it was for that love of his life/gaming device that Kyuhyun’s sense of rationality left him, and he ran after the thief! (Not smart! Don’t copy him, folks!)

Again, Kyuhyun was never the most athletic person. The most exercise that he usually got was the running and jumping that his game avatars do in his video games. However, despite being unathletic, he somehow became physically coordinated and fast as he chased the thief. It must be the adrenaline. And the threat of losing his beloved PSP. 

He was quickly gaining on the thief!

Then, the thief turned into a dark alley.

Ignoring (or perhaps not considering would be a better term) the risk, Kyuhyun immediately followed.

As soon as he turned into the alley, though, he ran right into the thief! Apparently, the thief, upon realizing that Kyuhyun was following him, decided to attack and fight back instead of his simply running away with the looted backpack.

Kyuhyun found himself being roughly pushed to the side again, and he hit a side wall of the alley. Squinting through the darkness, he could now see that his attacker was a big man, probably in his 40s. The thief was unkempt and unshaven, wearing ragged and disheveled clothes—the typical street rat who turned to the life of crime in order to survive in the streets.

Kyuhyun managed to steady himself on his feet, and he raised his fists in front of him, ready to fight.

Of course, as is being repeatedly mentioned, he wasn’t the most athletic person. He was the type that stuck to his studies and his games; he had never been one to get into this kind of trouble.

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390 streak #1
Chapter 7: Babe! Where's the nasty surprise? T^T
390 streak #2
I just noticed the tags : mpreg (?)

Who's gonna be the one? (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪

Eniwei, are you still here? Not gonna update this? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
390 streak #3
Chapter 7: reread this, I miss my Sungie as a dragon >___<
Chapter 7: Oh boy Kyuhyun's in for a ride. HAHAHA
Will wait for updates <3
Chapter 6: Kinda feeling sorry for Kyu's neighbors because they had to put up with KyuSung telling for days at ungodly hours lmao
Chapter 5: Yeah no, you're not going back, Kyu
Chapter 1: Sounds like them alright HAHAGAHA
vpurple #9
Chapter 7: i love this story so much already!! i hope you come back to it soon! thank you for writing!! <3
vpurple #10
Chapter 7: i love this story so much already!! i hope you come back to it soon! thank you for writing!! <3