Let's Meet Again

home is you

Translated collaborative work with Reyfon. Originally written in Bahasa.


Normally, Minjoo wouldn’t even bother attending a concert of a group that she doesn’t even like, much less stan. More often than not, Minjoo doesn’t bother to attend concerts that require her to travel all the way from her home in Busan to wherever the concerts are held. Even if it’s her most favorite artist’s concert.


But for some reason, today she finds herself in the middle of a queue for a concert. A private mini-concert of a group that she doesn’t even know the name of until yesterday when she accidentally stumbles upon one of the staff (or members) giving her a free pass for their private mini-concert. Initially, she wants to toss the ticket away to some random stranger but earlier this day, she suddenly has the impulse to attend.


Besides, it’s held in the same city as where she is in. It also only requires a brief 10-minute walk from her hotel.


It’s strange—because Minjoo never thought of herself as someone with many whims and she’s definitely not an impulsive person.


But she’s here anyway—in the middle of exchanging her ticket, and is on her way to enter the concert hall.


It’s autumn, but it’s scorching. Fits, because it’s noon and there are maybe more than a hundred of people around her. Not even the strong air conditioner and additional large fans are enough for Minjoo to feel cool. The heat is unbearable that Minjoo feels like it’s killing her. She’s not surprised if she’s dehydrated at this point with her sweating bullets despite herself constantly making sure to drink.


The lights suddenly turn dim. The crowd falls into a hush before resuming their noise—cheering. One by one, the members of the group appear as a spotlight beams to each one of them.


‘Pretty,’ was something that Minjoo unconsciously whispers under her breath as the seven girls strut closer to the crowd, a confident smirk on their lips and neither of them looks like they are rookies, either. Their visuals have Minjoo’s full approval—they are pretty and charismatic enough to be compared with girl groups she often sees on music shows—back when she’s a big fan of idol groups.


It’s odd that Minjoo doesn’t feel an ounce of familiarity with their name. To say that they just showed up from nowhere doesn’t fit—because this kind of cheering from people around her can only mean that they’ve been around for more than some measly months. They are enthusiastic, but it’s controlled well. They seem to be familiar with these girls, too.


Watching through their intro, Minjoo has to admit it: they are good. So good that the thought of leaving doesn’t even cross her mind. Their synchronized dancing, their bright and sweet vocals—are enough to render Minjoo silent, for her to stay rooted on her spot, not even moving her gaze somewhere else. Heck—she doesn’t even dare to blink; thinking it would be such a waste to not watch the performance fully.


She’s glad she decided to act impulsively today.



The intro and the first song finally come to their end, with an ending pose that definitely does scream cool and girl-crush. Minjoo makes sure she gives a loud cheer of appreciation and a standing ovation.


The members crowd on the front part of the stage before they collectively say their greeting as they bow. The introduction session starts with the one standing in the middle, which Minjoo thinks, is the leader. Minjoo only catches several of their names before her attention suddenly refocuses entirely on the leader’s urging the maknae to introduce herself. The venue rumbles, filled with cheering as the said maknae steps forward and introduces herself.


Suddenly, Minjoo can’t hear anything else. Her cute greeting and brief speech of returning after so long, she tuned them out. But she definitely catches the blonde-haired maknae’s name—


Honda Hitomi.


She can’t even remember the others’ names, now. They are merely extras in Minjoo’s vision. They are pretty up close, but somehow this girl called Honda Hitomi suddenly occupies her mind once her eyes lay upon her. Her existence itself is on an entirely different level.


Hitomi swipes her gaze from one corner to the other corner of the concert hall, her smile is wide and shows genuine happiness. She etches the face of each of those attending this mini-concert of theirs in her mind, determined to make sure to remember them should they ever attend any of their event in the future.


Then her gaze falls upon Minjoo, who still has her gaze bore into her— slightly open, her expression shows nothing but pure interest.


Hitomi feels heat crawling up her neck, a light blush decorating her cheeks. Luckily, her slight fluster is covered by the bright spotlight on top of her. It’ll cause a problem if she is caught staring, mesmerized by one of her fans.


But she can’t deny it. It’s as if the time immediately stopped the moment her eyes meet Minjoo’s own. Minjoo stands not too far from the stage, her behavior slightly differs from the other fans and looks awkward most of the time. She sticks out like a sore thumb, and as a performer, Hitomi should feel a slight annoyance knowing that there’s someone who doesn’t truly want to be here.


But still...


‘It’s the first time I meet her,’ she thinks, ‘but I can’t take my eyes off her’. It does feel like it’s the first time Hitomi lays her eyes on Minjoo, but there’s a sense of familiarity once she takes in her whole appearance.


Her beautiful brown irises and that gentle curve of her smile Minjoo give her the moment their eyes met earlier looks so familiar it baffles Hitomi. Almost like she often sees her face before. But maybe it’s because she’s coincidentally seen a person or people with similar facial structure and met them often?


Or maybe, Hitomi does know her. A long time ago. Once upon a time. She can’t shake off the feeling of familiarity, so it’s not just a coincidence. Maybe they used to be friends? Or did they know each other from another lifetime? Possibly.


But she’s a fan now. And it seems like it’s her first time there, because she has never seen Minjoo before on other events before this.


What Hitomi doesn’t know is, Minjoo feels a sense of familiarity too. She knew her. She has seen her before—a long time ago. When Honda Hitomi wasn’t Honda Hitomi.


And no, she is positive she’s not mistaking her as someone else. Those beautiful and adorable cheeks—her hopes and dreams—are definitely Hong Dahee’s most treasured asset. Hong Dahee, the cute cheerleader Minjoo only knows through her friend's stories. The same cheerleader her friend used to have a one-sided crush on. It’s impossible for Minjoo to forget about her, especially when she always makes sure to poke fun of Nako back then.


The event continues. Both Hitomi and Minjoo decided to take this curious sense of familiarity off their mind, choosing to focus their attention on the concert as a performer and one of the audiences, respectively.


Few performances and short breaks later, it’s finally the bonding session between the group and their fans. Usually, it’s filled with TMI and interactions between members, with their fans reacting or suggesting what should they do as they play around. It’s not much of an interaction, but it’s enough fanservice.


But today, the MC announces that today is a special day, other than it’s Hitomi’s return to the public after a while. Almost everyone in the audience has their jaws hung open as the MC announced what kind of bonding session it is.


Who wouldn’t be surprised? The fanservice they are offering this time is a lapdance. By your idol—attractive, extremely beautiful women with a great physique, idols. Minjoo would be throwing her hands up to the Heavens if she isn’t so restrained on her spot right now.


Minjoo has met weirdos. She had hands-on experience with them. Someone giving her lapdance? Her giving lapdance to her friends? Check—Minjoo experienced it already. Albeit jokingly, it’s still a lapdance experience. She didn’t, doesn’t, really mind receiving any when the one giving her is attractive enough for her taste.


And the girls are definitely, definitely attractive for her. But it’s—too much, because they are going to do it on the stage, where there are hundreds of pairs of eyes watching them. It’s too much of fanservice—it’s crazy and absolutely creepy. Is this even a thing? Or was the MC joking?


Turns out, the MC wasn’t joking. The girls all have anxious but determined expressions on their faces. The MC explained that they all have prepared a song for their ‘solo’ performance. Following that explanation, he also adds that the ‘lucky fans’ have a certain sticker attached to their ticket.


Minjoo frowns. She immediately rummages her bag, trying to find the ticket that she remembered was asked by the staff earlier on the gate. She remembers the staff attached a peach-colored sticker on it. When she asked why, the said staff only shrugged and told Minjoo that it was their job to do so. Minjoo speculates that they were hiding something, but didn't dare to speak her mind back then.


Minjoo’s heart pounds rapidly against her ribcage. It’s only a speculation—but then it turns out that she is one of the ‘lucky fans’.


Let’s stop and think. Lapdance, with one of the members. Limited to a few, and a unique sticker on the entrance ticket. If her guess is right, then the color of the sticker is a sign—of who will become each of the lucky fans’ partners.


And after observing their performances and how they dressed with the concert reaching its end, of course Minjoo is able to put two and two together and finds out who is paired with her.


Honda Hitomi.


It drives her crazy. Who would have thought? Certainly not Minjoo—she didn’t even dare to think about the possibility. Of course, she wants to escape this situation; because first of all, she’s shy. Being the center of unwanted attention is embarrassing. Second of all, this group’s fanatic fans will definitely kill her. Then third of all, Minjoo simply can’t—because it’s Honda Hitomi out of all people.


Staring at her from a distance is enough to make her feel breathless, and now they want Hitomi to give a lapdance to her? Minjoo is positive she’s going to melt into a puddle, later.


Her mind skids into a halt at the MC’s request for the lucky fans to get on the stage. She gulps as she watches the other lucky fans, already climbing up the stairs on the sides of the stage. There are more women rather than men. Some are still teenagers, presumably around high-school age, but most are around Minjoo’s age and older. Quite a variety, but somehow none of them seems to have a similar awkward, troubled, half-excited expression like what Minjoo is having.


“Could they have planned this?” Crosses Minjoo’s mind as her eyes continue to analyze their perfectly calm expressions before she makes her way to the stairs. “A Prank? For the members?”


The thought of a cruel prank for the member quickly dissipates as her eyes fall to Hitomi, who is looking at her groupmates’ expression. Her jaw slightly hangs open and her expression shows anxiety, but her eyes showing something akin to betrayal and disappointment.


“…Is this a prank for Hitomi?”


Minjoo glances down, blinking at the ticket as she takes another final step, onto the stage. She doesn’t approach Dahee—ah, Honda Hitomi—as they are instructed to wait on the other side of the stage before their turn. Still, Minjoo tries to catch Hitomi’s attention, wanting to let the idol know that her partner is here, and she will make sure that she won't make Hitomi grow uncomfortable with her.


Though, Hitomi doesn’t give any response—still caught up with her also analyzing her groupmates’ partner. When she finishes, she lets out a sharp exhale, her nostrils flaring and palms clenched into tight fists on her sides.


If it’s true that this is a prank for Hitomi, then it’s not a funny one. Minjoo hides her sigh by rubbing her nose, suddenly feeling very tired. Finding someone who looks familiar is a nice feeling to have, but Minjoo sincerely wishes that they don’t reunite like this.


The MC explains the rules with a broad smile and gestures that show that he really is scheming something.


“Now that everyone has understood the rules, the first one will be our youngest, Honda Hitomi!”


“Hitomi-sshi’s partner, the one with peach-colored sticker, please stand closer to Hitomi-sshi.”


She does as she is told: separates from the lucky fans’ lineup and steps forward, then walks over to Hitomi.


They exchanged glances. Minjoo feels her heart is about to burst—after seeing that look of both recognition and hope in her eyes in replacement of the previous look of shame and despair she had.


Minjoo gives her a smile, hoping it will at least put her mind a little easier. It works, because Hitomi inclines her head forward, then beams at her with an equally encouraging smile. They barely realize that Hitomi's groupmates all watch the brief interaction before the MC gives a brief interview for Minjoo, who easily catches everyone's attention with her ethereal beauty that she is mistaken as a celebrity.


The group's leader in particular, seemingly watches with hawk eyes at the look on Hitomi's face, her eyes slightly narrowing at how the maknae's eyes light up adorably as Minjoo steps back, positioning herself right next to Hitomi.


As they wait for the staff to prepare the seat, Minjoo whispers to Hitomi, “I’m sorry for asking, but may I ask what kind of song will you play?”


Hitomi, who has spent the last few minutes trying to get her mind back on track, is understandably surprised by the unexpected question. “Why? You only need to… sit back and enjoy…”


“But that won’t be fun,” Minjoo replies with a knowing smile. “I know that look in your eyes earlier, Hitomi-sshi. They are playing a prank on you or something, so how about we prank them back? Instead of you, I'll be the one giving lapdance, Dahee-sshi.”


Hitomi’s eyes quickly widen at the call of her name. “How did you—” she about to say, but thinks better of it with a rapid blinking of her eyes and a shake of her head “—nevermind, but Minjoo-sshi? it’ll be a waste of my practice if I didn’t give you one.”


“What do you propose, then?”


“How about we change in the middle?”


“Sounds good,” agrees Minjoo, “what’s your song?”


“Senorita,” Hitomi says, right on time before the staff tells her that they are ready. Minjoo is quickly escorted to the seat, where she will be given a lapdance as per agreement.


Hitomi tries to fight the frown on her face as her mind strays away from the stage, and into the time where Minjoo called her by her Korean name. She never disclosed that she has another legal name that she uses when she was studying in Busan, years ago. That means Minjoo does know her back then, and that also means Hitomi isn’t imagining that she has a sense of familiarity with the tall beauty.


She approaches Minjoo with careful steps as the music starts to play. Both of them miss the moment how the MC is about to say something as if wanting to stop them, but the leader seems to stop him from saying anything.


Minjoo’s hands are tucked between the backrest and her back, as per instruction earlier. She only needs to stay still and enjoy the rare and crazy fanservice given by the idol.


Hitomi starts simple, with a little smirk on her lips and alluring eyes as the music progresses into a more sultry tone. She trails her hand over Minjoo’s shoulders from her back, then gently wraps her arms around her neck from behind, with her hips swaying seductively with the beats. Minjoo shivers, gulping. She wonders what goes through her mind, what kind of expression she is currently wearing for her to produce such an effect on her.


She is spared from her curiosity as the idol gently guides her jaw with her finger to look at her side, facing Hitomi. Minjoo's breath hitches, her eyes widening and cheeks flushing. She swallows hard, trying her best to control her mind.


Hitomi keeps her smirk plastered on her lips as she continues her dance, now moving forward to prop herself on top of Minjoo’s lap. Minjoo almost let out a small squeal at their sudden proximity, almost leaning forward as Hitomi seductively trails her finger from her shoulder then to the slant of her jaw. Minjoo barely realizes that the action causes an uproar on the audience, but it’s more out of jealousy and excitement rather than distaste.


Hitomi stares right into her eyes, locking her gaze that Minjoo despairingly is forced to look into her fierce eyes instead of other things. She focuses on Hitomi’s fiery eyes instead—and finally notices how her pupils seem to falter every now and then, with her façade cracking every so often. Through those, Minjoo finally notices that Hitomi is holding back her emotions—her anger, disappointment, shame.


She can sympathize. She is a professional herself, and no matter how hard it is, she can never be seen angry in front of her patients. Like Hitomi, she needs to control her emotion as much as possible.


She holds the urge to comfort the idol, as she knows that the maknae is doing a great job of acting like she is seducing her with her lapdance.


They exchanged another meaningful glance. Hitomi nods. Minjoo nods back knowingly. In a split second, it’s Hitomi who is sitting on the chair, with Minjoo dancing her own rendition of the song Hitomi chose. Both notice the dumbfounded look the staff and Hitomi’s group members sported, and the excited roar of the audience at Minjoo’s skillful dance.


Hitomi pretends to cough, hiding a satisfied grin behind her fist as Minjoo dances seductively right in front of her. She sees that Minjoo also has a similar grin on her face, but the look in her eyes is a little more dangerous than what she prepares herself for.


Rather than a look that reminds her of a fox, the overall expression Minjoo has, reminds her of a wolf ready to pounce on its prey. There is darkness in her eyes, almost like primal lust—something that Hitomi isn't a stranger of with her profession as an idol. She feels the hair on her nape stands as shivers racked her spine, at the same time she feels heat starting to pool on both her cheeks and her lower abdomen.


The pooling heat soon increases, changing to become a raging fire as Minjoo lowers her body, with her hands lightly ghosting over her thighs with a seductive sway of her hips before completely withdrawing herself and ending the session. By the end of the song, Hitomi is as sweaty as Minjoo, with her heart rapidly hammering against her ribcage.


The audience roars in applause as Minjoo helps a shaky Hitomi to stand. They look both satisfied and fascinated that Hitomi still has that dumbfounded look on her face, and willingly stands right beside Minjoo as the MC tells them to take a position near him.


At once, the stage is adorned with glittering confetti, with the rest of the idol group members suddenly singing happy birthday for the youngest of the group. The fans quickly catch on, and soon everyone in the venue is singing ‘happy birthday’ for Hitomi.


Hitomi finally breaks into both tears and laughter—with of course herself leaning against Minjoo for support, as she is the closest one. The crowd roars as Minjoo rubs her hands over her shoulder, comforting her. The prank to welcome Hitomi back is a success, although there is an unexpected twist of it in the form of Minjoo.


“Actually, we were supposed to stop Hitomi-sshi from giving any lapdance to Minjoo-sshi,” the MC admits once the cheering ceased. “But they seem to know each other that we’re interested in the development.”


“Do you know each other?” the Leader asks quickly following the MC's revelation, already eyeing Minjoo with a look that reminds Minjoo of protective fathers' gaze.


“We are acquaintances from our youth,” Minjoo answers her honestly as she rubs her nape, looking understandably awkward with all of the attention on her. She's used to having attention on hers because of seminars she needs to attend as a speaker, but in front of this many people? It's too much. “We didn’t really know each other back then, I just know her.” She fights off the grin threatening to crawl up to her lips as the memories of her teasing Nako pop out in her mind. She wonders if Hitomi knows Nako.


“Darn! A missed opportunity!” The other member jokingly remarks. They share a laugh after that, with them swiftly moving on to the main event of Hitomi’s surprise. They take a photo together to commemorate, with Hitomi in the middle, with Minjoo right by her side.


Right before they are escorted to return to their places as the event comes to an end, Minjoo and Hitomi happen to find each other eyes. A smile curves out on their respective lips as they bow to each other, with Minjoo being the first to turn her back, but also quick to look back again, beaming a look that is mirrored on Hitomi's eyes. Both of them have a similar twinkle in their eyes—


A fleeting hope that they will meet again.

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1762 streak #1
Chapter 8: wow! so god! just finished reading this collection!!
xxdrakezz #2
Chapter 5: "The moon is beautiful tonight" Awwww
Chapter 3: This is so flufffyy! But what's the redacted part?
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 3: Softttttt
Okay sis, you got me into Mintomi again
Chapter 3: My mintomi heart.. ^_^
nzmSONE #7
Chapter 2: Ohhh wow did not expect that... But I really enjoy this chapter.. Got me smiling at the part minju wants to make sure hitomi is her ><
nzmSONE #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is so cute... I just can't get enough of this ><
Mintomi always scream for fluff hahaha
Chapter 1: Hahaha must be in that relaxing zone to not write .
Is it the end for writing s now ssam~~? (^_-) (jk)
This was quite relaxing though considering the situation right now. Relaxing amd fluffy stories are a must nowadays.
Mizone #10
Chapter 1: Coward lmao jk good one cheeky