By the Riverside

home is you

I decided to move it here instead of separating it, hehe


“You sure you’re going to use this bike?”


Hitomi halts on her steps, frowning as she turns toward Sakura who is carefully inspecting the gears of her bicycle. Her older sister isn’t an expert about bicycles—heck, she can’t even ride one! But Hitomi has to admit, after getting lasik treatment, Sakura has significantly better eyesight than her and thus she might have spotted things that shouldn’t be there on her bicycle.


“Yes,” says Hitomi with conviction. “Besides, my school is close. I’m sure nothing will happen, unnie.”


“Are you sure?” asks Sakura again. “I can always drive you to school and we can buy a better bike after I got my paycheck. You don't need to put up with this ancient thing.”


Hitomi hopes Sakura misses how her cheeks seem to heat up and redden. She waves her hands frantically, hoping Sakura would be too distracted by her flurry of hands to point out her suddenly red face. “T-that won’t be necessary! This still looks fine, unnie; you don’t need to worry about anything.”


Defeated, Sakura expels a sigh. Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to notice how flustered Hitomi is being. “Alright fine. Call me if anything happens, got it?”


The smile Hitomi beams her way before she pedals away is supposed to be reassuring, but Sakura can only deepen her frown, completely unassured.


“What is this feeling? I feel something is wrong...”




Like what Sakura advised last night, when Hitomi expressed her desire to ride a bike to school instead of walking as usual, Hitomi rides her bike gently and carefully. Aside from the fact that Hitomi is naturally a careful person, the state her bicycle is in adds to the fact that she needs to pedal slowly and gently.


It’s an old bike, or ancient, as her parents like to put it. Still looks good and well-maintained, but it’s a little too fragile compared to other bicycles. Maybe because it’s rarely used; neither of her family members is fond of cycling, including Hitomi herself.


But hey, Hitomi has her own reason why she picks up the interest in cycling so suddenly.


“Ah, Tomi!”


Hitomi can’t stop herself from smiling as she turns; the sight of a beautiful girl with long, ebony locks and a wide grin rolling into view with her equally beautiful-looking bicycle.


“Minjoo!” She fondly greets back, stopping momentarily until Minjoo stops right beside her. “You’re late today.”


“What do you mean? I’m always on time,” Minjoo grins back, halting completely, and leans on one side. Her eyes sparkle in wonder as they settle to Hitomi’s red-colored bicycle. “I never thought you’d bring a bicycle now, out of all times.”


Hitomi’s face immediately turns red. She rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, all while trying to ignore the rapid thumps against her ribcage. “I—I just realized that I have a bike and I’ve never really ridden one after entering high school.”


She doesn’t know what Minjoo is thinking, but Hitomi feels sudden pride when Minjoo nods and looks extremely pleased with her decision to ride a bicycle to school like her. “I’m glad you decide to do it! Now I won’t feel too awkward riding alone with you three walking beside me!”


Hitomi scratches her cheek shyly. “Yeah… walking is a bit tiring too so…”


“Oy oy, what are we, a bicycle club?”


Both Minjoo and Hitomi turn around at the familiar voice, each with a different expression on their faces. While Minjoo is beaming the voice owner a sunny smile, Hitomi is still torn between smiling or scowling. It leads to a strange expression that takes Yuri—the voice owner—aback.


Yuri pedals closer, a smug smirk on her lips as she stops only a little behind Hitomi and Minjoo. “Joining the bicycle club, Tomi?”


“I could say the same thing as you,” Hitomi silkily replies, arching an eyebrow up at Yuri’s taunting tone. “What’s the occasion for you?”


“Nothing,” Yuri says loudly, almost too hurriedly; her eyes straying away from Hitomi towards the figure sitting behind her. Hitomi could barely see the stranger with Yuri’s body blocking the way. “I never realized you’re good with bikes. I thought you couldn’t ride a bike like your sister.”


Hitomi’s nostrils flared in anger. “Excuse me? I’m not my sister.” She leans back, her scowl disappears once she realizes that the passenger sitting right behind Yuri isn’t a stranger, after all. “Wait, Nako?”


The smallest one of their group scowls at the teasing smile creeping up Hitomi’s and Minjoo’s lips. Neither of the two missed how Nako is seemingly clinging to the back of Yuri’s uniform almost like a lifeline—with a face as red as a ripe tomato, to add.


Minjoo loudly gasps, sounding scandalized and smug at the same time. “Don’t tell me—“


“Not a word,” Yuri warns, also growing red in embarrassment. “We’ll explain later.”


“Of course,” sings Minjoo jovially, winking. She laughs as Yuri scowls. “But I’d expect you to treat us later while you tell the tale.”


Nako immediately snarls at her, gripping tighter at Yuri’s shirt. “No deal.”


Hitomi takes the cue from Minjoo. “Yuri and Nako sitting—"


“Alright fine,” Yuri growls at the laughing two. They both are lucky Nako isn’t in a murderous mood this early of the day or they both would only become names after Yuri and Nako are finished with them. “Can’t we just go? We’re still early but I really want to stop by the cafeteria first before class.”


The other two nod their heads, seemingly thinking that it’s a good idea. As usual, Minjoo rides slightly ahead, occasionally turning around to chat with the other three about school-related activities. Hitomi follows close behind her, on her right side; while Yuri follows on her left side with Nako as her passenger, significantly slower compared to her friends.




It’s been a whole week since Hitomi and Yuri started to ride a bike to school. Nako isn’t too interested in riding her own bike as Yuri keeps showing up on her doorstep to offer the passenger seat for her. Of course, they trade place, but Yuri highly prefers the feeling of being hugged from behind and so Nako is often subjected to sit on the passenger seat more often.


“Now that you guys don’t walk; can we go to that karaoke place I’ve been telling you guys about?”


Yuri and Nako exchange a look. Hitomi guesses that if one of them goes then the other will follows. It’s funny; because it used to be Hitomi and Nako and Minjoo and Yuri. Hitomi won’t say that the change is unpleasant because it really isn’t—as it’s a welcome change, even downright pleasant knowing that feelings are just as unexpected as she knows. She never thought Yuri would fall for Nako and vice versa.


But then again, Hitomi never thought she would fall for Minjoo, either.


“I can go,” Hitomi chimes in, smiling when Minjoo beams a smile at her. “I don’t think I’ll sing but maybe I can just be a back-up vocal or something.”


“If Hitomi is going then I’ll go too,” Nako resolves loudly. She spares a glance to Yuri, whose eyes immediately brighten. The sparkle on her eyes worried Hitomi, as it hints mischief. “What do you say?”


Then as if on cue, Yuri begins as if in pain. She dramatically leans on her bike. “For some reason, my legs are killing me.” Yuri points at her feet. “I'm strong enough to ride alone but I'm not sure if I could carry Nako with me. Nako-ya do you mind if you hitch on Hitomi or Minjoo instead?”


“I sure don’t mind.”


“What is this?” Hitomi arches an eyebrow up as she immediately stops herself from getting on top of her bike. She narrows her eyes in Yuri’s and Nako’s direction. “You two sound like you’re planning something.”


“We don’t,” Yuri tries to assure, but fails miserably with a chuckle bubbling up .


“You certainly are—you can trade place, what the hell!”


When Hitomi decides to tell Nako that she finds herself falling for their tallest one in their group, Hitomi has prepared herself from any of Nako’s upcoming teasing about her crush. For the past few months, Nako has done a great job of being low-key about it, and only by Yuri’s sharp intuition leads to her finding out about Hitomi’s hopeless love life.


Now, Hitomi sincerely wished that Yuri isn’t gifted with a sharp intuition. Because if Nako is great at being low-key, then Yuri is the opposite.


And with how extremely close they are being as of late (as they are now officially dating, no less), it doesn’t come as a surprise that Yuri’s high-key teasing is rubbing on Nako.


“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Nako replies blithely. “So... any of you are willing?”


Instead of answering with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, Hitomi only narrows her eyes at Nako. “You are suspicious,” she says.


Unfortunately, Minjoo doesn’t share the same sentiments as Hitomi. She’s usually the one getting suspicious at her three friends, but today she’s too overjoyed that the said three friends finally agreed to hang out on that karaoke place she’s been dying to visit. They are acting suspicious, Minjoo agrees; but hey, as long as they still going to that karaoke.


“You can hitch on my bike, Nako-ya,” offers Minjoo with a smile so wide and expression so happy that the three of them feel warmth blooms in their chest—and with Nako and Yuri momentarily forgetting their plot. “Or do you prefer Hitomi’s bike instead?”


Hitomi decides she doesn’t like the expression on Nako’s face.


Clearing loudly that it drowns whatever answer Nako has formulated, Hitomi cuts in before Nako can finish saying anything. “If you don’t mind, Nako-chan, you can ride my bike. As in, ride it. I’m sure your short legs will appreciate the exercise.”


If Nako is offended, she clearly doesn’t show it. Her lips split to form a grin instead. A worryingly wide grin that promises something that Hitomi certainly doesn’t like.


“Then what about you?” She innocently asks. Hitomi would buy her innocent act if she doesn’t know any better. “I’m not sure this bike is strong enough to carry two people.”


. Hitomi swears in her mind. She glances at Minjoo who has her eyebrows raised high on her forehead, eagerly waiting for her answer. Hitomi just knows her face is red right now. Ah, . I don’t care anymore. “Minjoo... do you mind if I...?”


“Of course!” Minjoo answers readily. That sunny smile Minjoo is giving her certainly is dangerous for Hitomi’s heart. “Why would I mind? Hop in.”




“If I can’t talk tomorrow, it’s totally on you.”


And Hitomi wholly agrees with Yuri’s statement. If she lost her voice tomorrow, she’s going to fully blame Nako on that. After all, she never planned to sing TWICE’s song in a higher key than the original. Then again, if Hitomi and Yuri knew better then they wouldn’t have taken the bet. They thought that Minjoo refusing the bet was a cowardly move, but it’s proven that the oldest one of their group made a wise decision.


Nako doesn’t seem to be offended. She cheerfully throws herself to Yuri, side-hugging the taller girl with a big smile on her face. It annoys Hitomi greatly that Yuri’s scowl immediately softens as soon as Nako intertwines their fingers together.


How lucky, Hitomi thinks. She glances at Minjoo. I wonder if we can be like that?


Minjoo doesn’t seem to notice Hitomi’s longing eyes, apparently too preoccupied with her head tipped up and eyes focusing on the dark sky. Her eyebrows are furrowed, her gaze intense. It’s as if she’s thinking seriously about something. “It’s already so late, but tomorrow is weekend,” she suddenly says as she turns back to her friends.


“Kim Minjoo,” Nako begins, drawing out a long, tired sigh. “What are you hinting?”


Minjoo shrugs, turning away to fetch her bike. “The sky is clear. The moon is up. The weather is comfortable. I think it’s perfect for a night walk or a night ride by the riverside.”


“I think I’ll pass,” Yuri says, her smile apologetic. “I’m already beat. Nako?”


“Me too.” Nako nods. Hitomi sees no hidden intention behind their refusal. They look genuinely tired. “Hii-chan, you coming home or?”


Truthfully, Hitomi already feels exhausted. Belting out TWICE’s songs are no easy feat, even if she’s already gifted with a vocal cord that is comfortable with producing high-pitched sound. But Minjoo’s invitation to stroll around the riverside is tempting. She rarely has time to be alone with Minjoo, maybe Hitomi even dares to call it once in a blue moon.




Hitomi glances up to the sky.


“Let’s go.”


It’s blue moon.




The ride isn’t completely silent. They still talk a bit time to time, with Minjoo humming some songs Hitomi isn’t too familiar to most of the time. While Hitomi likes to keep her lane straight and her gaze focused on the road most of the time, Minjoo on the other hand is playful as she keeps swaying side to side following the rhythm of the song she is humming. Half of the time too, Minjoo has her gaze on Hitomi while she coaxes the younger to sing with her. Of course, Hitomi only entertains her for a bit before she decides to focus on the road instead.


“Should we race?” Minjoo says suddenly as they are nearing the riverside park. The road is smoother and it’s better lit—there’s no better place to do a bike race this way.


Hitomi snorts. “And risk myself ruining Kkura unnie’s ancient bike? No thanks.”


“Figures,” the other girl dramatically laments, shaking her head. Her bike sways a little to the side, then dangerously veers to where Hitomi is. That nearly causes a heart attack. “Okay fine, I won’t pressure you for it. Should we just park our bike later and just walk along the riverside?”


“I don’t see anything wrong with that.” Hitomi nods with her eyes already eyeing an empty bicycle parking spot from the distance. She missed how Minjoo is eyeing her with such adoration on her eyes, and only manages to takes her eyes off Hitomi once her bike is already veering out of her control.




Hitomi eyes Minjoo’s hand, suspicious of the outstretched hand of the taller girl. She eyes her hand and Minjoo’s indifferent look back and forth, curious and suspicious when Minjoo seemingly grows restless with Hitomi’s lack of response.


As much as Hitomi wants to take her hand, Hitomi doesn’t think her heart could take that amount of flutter now. She has to prepare herself if she doesn’t want to accidentally blurt out that she actually thinks Minjoo more than a friend should.


She sees a flash of disappointment in Minjoo’s eyes as she withdraws her hand back after an awkward 5 seconds of silence. The well-lit park gives such a clear view of Minjoo’s slightly flushed face and a hint of distress on her pretty face.




Hitomi squeezes her hand as she looks slightly up to give the taller girl a shy smile. The night air is cold, but it’s comfortable; however, it feels comfortably warmer now that Hitomi can feel Minjoo’s body warmth with her standing so close beside her. Her heart is rapidly thumping now that she has her hand clasped around Minjoo’s long, slender fingers; wanting nothing more but to intertwine their fingers together and hoping Minjoo wouldn’t pull away.


Thankfully, Minjoo doesn’t. She flashes a shy grin as she slowly moves her hand until their fingers are interlacing together. Her cheeks are red, probably due to both the cold and embarrassment for being so close.


Sure, it’s not the first time for them standing so close with their hands joined—but it certainly is the first time for them to be in this situation without any Yuri or Nako as their company. While it’s not a new feeling, it certainly feels new. It’s not unpleasant, no—again, the change is welcomed and certainly is pleasant.


“Come on, I know a great spot,” Minjoo urges, tugging a little on their joined hand to prompt Hitomi to start walking. Hitomi nods with a bright, yet still shy, expression on her face. “Okay, lead the way,” she says, eyes sparkling.


They talk as they walk. About everything—that isn’t about them. About random trivia of the world, about the stars, the sky, the ocean, the fishes, whales—and any other things. It’s interesting; because just by that random talk and discussion, Hitomi knows about Minjoo a little bit more. How vast her knowledge is, her thinking process, and the innocence she possesses that Hitomi thinks is a wonder.


All of those combinations unknowingly make Hitomi fall deeper than Mariana Trench. A bit of exaggeration, but hey—it’s feelings; there is no universal truth about it.


The scent of water enters their senses as they walk even closer to the riverside. They both watch in amazement at the lights reflected on the surface of the water, how pretty they looked with the full moon hanging above them, offering a scenery neither of them regrets sacrificing their sleep over this.


“The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it, Tomi?”


Hitomi finds herself absent-mindedly nodding to Minjoo’s question, her eyes still transfixed at the sight before her. It’s a sight she never wants to forget for the rest of her life. “The moon is always pretty,” she says, breathlessly. “This is a great spot for sightseeing, Minjoo. Thank you for bringing me here.”


“I agree, the moon is always beautiful no matter what the time of the night.” In the corner of her eyes, she sees Minjoo shifting on her position, releasing her hand from Hitomi to lean against the lamp-decorated railings. Hitomi curiously turns to look at her, finding herself blushing when the corners of Minjoo’s lips are tugged upwards to form a handsome smile.


“Trust me,” Minjoo smiles as she side-glances at the girl beside her, “the view is nothing compared to what I’m seeing right now.”




Minjoo only smiles wider, her eyes never leaving Hitomi’s figure. It takes a moment before Hitomi finally gets what she is referring to. If it’s possible, her face flushes harder, resembling the redness of a ripe tomato more and more with each passing second.


“Minjoo,” she hisses, pouting. “Don’t tease me like that.”


“I’m telling you the truth,” Minjoo says sincerely.  “It got nothing on you and I mean it. You’re like the moon—beautiful, delicate, gentle, and lovely. But you’re prettier.”


“That applies to you, too.” Hitomi huffs. “Or—maybe more. Maybe you’re the sun.”


“If I were the sun,” Minjoo suddenly interjects, a scheming smirk in place, “and if you’re the moon—does that mean you can’t shine without me?”


It means to be a joke, Hitomi realizes it now. Minjoo is only jokingly flirting with her—maybe. She has done that plenty of times with others.


And well—it hurts. A part of her wishes that Minjoo is being sincere, that there’s a mutual feeling even if it’s just for a bit; but the larger part of her adamantly tells her that there is no way Minjoo shares the same feeling as hers. She gives compliments like candies and often flirts with others, after all.


As much as Hitomi wants to return the joking manner, she somehow can’t bring herself to do it.


“Yes,” she finds herself saying quietly, almost like murmuring under her breath. “I like you, after all.”


There’s a flash of realization in Minjoo’s eyes. Regret, wonder, and something else Hitomi doesn’t dare to identify, too. She pulls herself away from the railing, turning to face Hitomi with an unreadable expression on her face.


“Is that,” she hesitates, “true? That you like me?”


“You’re impossible to not like, Minjoo,” Hitomi tells her with a small smile. “But if you’re asking if I like like you then... yes. It’s true.”


Minjoo doesn’t immediately say anything. The silence is killing Hitomi, truthfully speaking. All of that constant reminder to keep her feelings at bay for naught—just because Minjoo is acting like her usual flirty self it breaks down her guards.


Not only she will lose her crush, but she will also lose her friend after this.


That’s the thing she never wants to happen.


Minjoo opens . Hitomi immediately steels herself for a regretful apology, a rejection, and that ‘you deserve someone better’ sentence she has heard over and over rolling out Minjoo’s mouth to her past suitors.


“I’m glad,” Minjoo says, sighing loudly. “I thought—I thought I was the one imagining things that you act differently around me.”








Minjoo laughs. She scratches her nape, eyes straying away from Hitomi’s horrified face, almost in a guilty way. “Well! Nevermind that! It’s already so late, let’s go back home?”


“Wait, what about your answer?”


Minjoo purses her lips with her eyes shining in a mischievous way. Without any prior warning, Minjoo leans closer to Hitomi, until she is close enough that Hitomi can feel her hot breath fanning against her rapidly reddening ear.


“Hitomi,” she whispers to her ear, “the moon is beautiful tonight.”

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1761 streak #1
Chapter 8: wow! so god! just finished reading this collection!!
xxdrakezz #2
Chapter 5: "The moon is beautiful tonight" Awwww
Chapter 3: This is so flufffyy! But what's the redacted part?
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 3: Softttttt
Okay sis, you got me into Mintomi again
Chapter 3: My mintomi heart.. ^_^
nzmSONE #7
Chapter 2: Ohhh wow did not expect that... But I really enjoy this chapter.. Got me smiling at the part minju wants to make sure hitomi is her ><
nzmSONE #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is so cute... I just can't get enough of this ><
Mintomi always scream for fluff hahaha
Chapter 1: Hahaha must be in that relaxing zone to not write .
Is it the end for writing s now ssam~~? (^_-) (jk)
This was quite relaxing though considering the situation right now. Relaxing amd fluffy stories are a must nowadays.
Mizone #10
Chapter 1: Coward lmao jk good one cheeky