Chapter 8: The Clock Stop



Lia wakes up to an empty bed, she searches for her phone and sees that it is almost 8am. Lia gets up from the bet and she saw that her lover is sitting at the balcony with her laptop on.



Lia leans down and kisses Ryujin on the cheek and she joins her on the couch. Ryujin wraps her arm around Lia and pulls her closer. “What are you working on?”

“A journal to remember this whole week.” Replied Ryujin with a smile full of love when she looks at her lover.

“Why do you want to keep a journal?” Lia asked and then it hits her, today is their last day together before they go back to Seoul. Lia tightens her arms around Ryujin’s waist and she buries her face deeper into the crook of Ryujin’s neck.

“What’s wrong?”

“Let’s just stay here forever.”

“You made a promise with Yeji, so you have to keep your promise. I hate those who can’t keep the promise they made.” Said Ryujin softly.

Lia was silent, she hates this feeling. She feels like if they go back to Seoul, she will loses Ryujin. Ryujin knows what worries Lia, after the meeting with the dreamcatchers, both of them live in a constant nightmare and the fear of loosing each other. Ryujin knows their fate, in order for the dreamcatchers to be freed from their curses, either one of them have to die and Ryujin is willing to die for the dreamcatchers and for Lia. She knows what is going to happen as soon as they go back to Seoul. Ryujin takes a deep breath and she looks down to Lia who lying comfortably in her arms.



“If we are born again in another timeline, do you think we will find each other again?”

“Why are you saying this? You’ll be back for me right? After the contract done?”

Ryujin only smile at her lover and she dismisses her questions and stares at the blue sky. Her arms pulls Lia closer and she plants a kiss on top of Lia’s head. “Let’s go out for a walk shall we?”


Dreamcatcher’s Fortune Teller Store

Jiu is anxious, because the day is getting nearer. She tries to keep her nerves down by gulping down a few shots of alcoholic drink but her mind betray her as she cannot shakes of the vision that she saw in her dream. A soft knock can be heard and Jiu hurriedly hides her drinks and permitted the person to enter her chamber.

Yoohyeon peek her head in and she saw the distress look in the oldest member of the dreamcatcher. “Unnie, you okay?” she asked.

“Oh Yoohyeon, it’s you…what do you want?”

“Oh…Sua unnie made some food, so I just want to check if you want to join us? She called it the last supper, because it might be our last meal together.” laughed Yoohyeon, but the laughter slowly dies down when Yoohyeon saw the blank expression in Jiu’s eyes.

Yoohyeon clears and she makes her way into the leader’s room. She sits next to the leader and she helds Jiu’s hand “Unnie…there’s something that you did not tell us…right?”

Jiu fakes a smile and she shakes her head “No, there’s nothing, I’m just sad.”

“Why are you sad?”

Jiu takes a deep breath and she turns to look Yoohyeon in the eyes, she genlty moves Yoohyeon hair away from her face. “When the history repeat itself, we will be gone from this world and we will be born again, and all of our memories will be wiped…I am sad that I am not going to see this pretty face again.” said Jiu.

Yoohyeon blushed and she bashfully pushes Jiu’s hand away “Yah! Unnie! Stop being so cheesy!”

Jiu laughs at Yoohyeon’s reaction and when the laughter dies down and the mood turn serious again, Jiu pulls Yoohyeon to a hug. The younger members squirm as she tries to free herself, but she gives in and let Jiu hugs her.

“Unnie, you’re being weird.”

“Let me just be weird for today.”


Hwang Residency

Yeji was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. She gets up when she heard someone knocked on her door. It was her mother, Tiffany.


“Yeji, can we talk?” Tiffany asked her only daughter.

After what happened when they met with the Choi, Yeji had been distant herself from her parents. She even went to the extend of spending less time at her home and spend time with Chaeryoung and sometimes even to the extend she stay over at her friend’s house.

“What is it?” replied Yeji coldly.

Tiffany sits at the edge of her daughter’s bed “Yeji, I don’t like this attitude of yours. After we came back from the Choi’s house, you’ve been acting up. I did not raised you to be disrespectful to your parents.”

“If you didn’t betray the trust of the Shin family, maybe I won’t be acting up like this.” replied Yeji sarcastically.

“Yeji…your father and I explained to you. We need to back up of the Choi’s family if we want to survive in this world.”

“In what world mom?”

“Yeji, me and your father tried so hard to save our family, we tried so hard to give you everything that you needed. I know you won’t be able to survive out there without all these money. We just want the best for you.”

“Then you should ask uncle Taemin for help and not…betraying them like this!” Yeji retaliates.

“Honey, you won’t understand.”

“Don’t understand what mom? That you and dad chose money over friendship? You rather sell off your friends for money? That you rather sell off your daughter for money?!”

After Yeji finishes her sentences, she felt a sting on her face. Tiffany slapped her, and she look terrified when she saw the tears in her daughter’s eyes.

Tiffany trembles and she tries to hold her daughter’s face but Yeji ward off her hands and she jumps out of the bed. She takes her jacket with her but Tiffany tries to beg her daughter to stay and she profusely apologize to her.

“Honey, mom is sorry, please forgive mommy…”

Yeji bumped to her father on the hallway, she hurriedly get up and dash out from the house, leaving her father dumbfounded. Yuri intends to ignore his daughter’s antic until he saw his wife coming running after their daughter in tears. He stops Tiffany on her tracks and ask her what is going on.

Tiffany tries to explain but all of her words jumbled up and Yuri could not understand a thing. Yuri tries to calm his wife and ask her to explain what happened. He wipes her tears away and hold her in his arm as he tries to calm her down.

“I slapped Yeji…I hurt our baby…”

“Why? Why did you slapped her?” Yuri perplexed by Tiffany’s confession. He knows how much his wife love their daughter, so when she said she slapped Yeji, Yuri finds it hard to believe.

“I…I don’t know…I just could not hold in my emotion when Yeji said that we betrayed the Shin family…I…”

Yuri gets what Tiffany tried to said, he knows how sensitive Tiffany is when it comes to the family status quo. He knows that his wife could not accept the fact that her family is filling for bankruptcy. He knows how his wife hated that when the older generation of the family said that a woman could not lead the family when she takes over her father place as the chairperson for their family business. He knows she feels like she had failed her family when their business fell apart, and he knows how big is his wife ego when she refuses to get help from their long-time ally, the Shin family.

“I just want her to understand…I am doing this for her…for her future…I don’t mind going down to bankruptcy, at least she can live in a happier environment than we are.” sobs Tiffany in her husband’s embrace.

“She’s still too young to understand Fany. She will understand the sacrifice that we made for her when she is mature enough.”

“How can I make her understand that the only way to save this family from living in the street is by cooperating with the Choi?”

Yuri feels bad that he could not help to ease the pain of his wife. Yuri and Tiffany were force to get married when Tiffany’s then boyfriend dumped her. Yuri who had been in love with Tiffany for the longest time decided to marry her and he even decided to disregard his own family name and married into Tiffany’s family. He loves his wife and daughter so much that he is willing to go to the extent of betraying his best friend, Taemin.

There is a reason why Tiffany did not want to ask for the Shin’s family help anymore. The Shin and the Hwang had been trade partner for over hundreds of years. When Tiffany took over the Hwang family businesses, she wanted a revolution for her family businesses. She announced the departure from the HwangShin alliances and Taemin at that time who was surprised that Tiffany wanted to end the partnership between the two families, but he was not against it, as long as the Hwang promised to maintain the alliances with the Shin as two powerful companies in Korea.

When the Hwang business slowly deteriorate after their departure from the HwangShin Alliance. Tiffany’s ego is too big for her to admit her mistake and she continues to borrow money from every sources, until she had no sources left but to beg for the Shin or the Choi for help. Tiffany was ashamed to ask for Taemin and Naeun’s help, she decided to get help from the Choi. Tiffany decided to use the money to pay off their debt and slowly build their fallen empire so that the Hwang family can stand on par with the Shin and the Choi. That was her plan, but she did not expect that the Choi would offer a union between the two families. She very well know that the union is one way the Choi wanted to destroy the Shin family. When the alliance between the Hwang and the Shin is broken off, the Shin will be losing their power in the industries.


Lia’s Shop

Yeji did not know why she ended up standing in front of the shop. She stares inside and she saw the silhouette inside the shop. She tries her luck to enter the shop and she was surprised that the door is not lock.

“Yeji unnie?”

“Yuna? What are you doing here?” Yeji was surprised to see Yuna in the shop.

“Oh! I was helping Chaeryeong unnie with the shop, since Lia unnie and Jin unnie are on honeymoon.”


Yuna noticed the sadness in Yeji’s tone. She put down the vinyls that she was arranging and wipes her hands on her apron before turning to Yeji “Unnie, are you okay?”


“You look lost.” said Yuna in concern tone.

Yeji fakes a smile and she crouches down to pick up the vinyl that Yuna had put down. “I’m okay! Can I help you with these?” She asked the younger girl.

“Chearyoung unnie is out at the moment, I could need a help around the store!”

“Then I’ll help you.”

“But there is no pay~”

“I’ll do it for free~” said Yeji with a huge grin on her face.


Lia was busy packing up all of their stuff. Ryujin had been gone after breakfast, she said she needed to go out and buy something, and since Lia had not pack her staff, she decided to stay behind and pack. She heard the hotel room door being open and she smiles when she saw the face of her lover walks in.

“What did you buy?” she asked her lover.

Ryujin grins sheepishly as she steps into their room. She takes off her shoes and runs toward Lia to hug her from behind.

“What is it?

“I love you…” said Ryujin.

Lia can feel her face is getting redder at Ryujin’s sudden expression of feeling “I love you too, what’s with the sudden expression?” Replied Lia.

“Close your eyes.” Said Ryujin.


“Just close it.”

Lia listened well and she closes her eyes. At the same time, she purses her lips, thinking that Ryujin might want to kiss her. Ryujin laughs at Lia and gently pinch both of Lia’s cheeks, which ended with the older girl whining.

Ryujin claims the older girl’s mouth to shut her whining. When Ryujin feels that Lia’s body began to relax she pulls Lia closer to her embrace and she deepened the kiss. Lia feels like her body is melting into Ryujin’s arms. Her heartbeat is racing and her body is weak against Ryujin’s embrace

Ryujin uses the moment to take out a velvet box from her pocket and she struggles to open the box. She quickly takes out the content and with Lia distracted with their kisses and she puts on the necklace on Lia. Lia broke the kiss when she felt a cold metal pressed against her cleavage. She looks down and saw the necklace, it was a silver ring engraved with their names.

“Ryujin this is?”

“Since you can’t wear it on your finger might as well wear it as necklace. When the time comes, I promised you, I will propose to you…”


“Lia…I am happy that I fell in love with you, and I am happy that we both felt the same way too. The only things that made me feel sad is, it seems like we were born to the wrong family. I promise, after this lifetime, we will never being born into the family that hated each other.”

Lia did not like the way that Ryujin speaks, it is as if that she is going to be gone. Lia holds Ryujin on her shoulder and look straight into the latter’s eyes “Ryujin-ah…I don’t like your tone.”

Ryujin dismisses Lia’s words and she pulls the older girl into a hug, she rested her chin on Lia’s shoulder. Lia wraps her arms around Ryujin’s shoulder, as she is worried for the younger girl’s attitude. Lia wants to ignore the feelings that she is feeling because she wants to spend the last day with Ryujin with a happy memories, she does not want her feelings to ruin their moment.


Flashback to when Ryujin met Jiu

“I can’t break the curse Ryujin…it’s not about us being reborn again and again and watches you and Julia relive the same situation and consequences. The only way to break the curse is for one of you to die and the other one to live. Romeo and Juliet indeed was a romantic story from the history, but they were never mean to be together. That is why we were punish by the authorization, because it was our mistake for making you two fell in love when you were not mean to be. As the leader of the dreamcatchers, it is my responsibility to amend my mistake. I was going to fix the situation but when I saw how much Romeo and Juliet loved each other, I can bring myself to undo what we have done.”

Ryujin was silent, and Jiu could not bring herself to stare into the girl’s eyes. However, Jiu notice that the light had left Ryujin’s eyes. Her glare were empty.

“If I die…will it fix the situation?”


“If…you can undo the curse…then that means everything will go back to normal and you can go back to being angel…am I right?”



“I can undo the curse, only if one of you die…however dreamcatchers cannot go back to being the celestial being any longer. As we were banished from the heaven, we can only be reborn as human…I cannot undo the curse yet, because I don’t want the girls to be mad at me for lying to them, by giving them fake hopes to ascend back to heaven if we can unite Romeo and Juliet…”

“So you rather to watch me and Lia suffer continuously just so that you can stay like this?”

What Ryujin said pierce through Jiu’s heart like a lance. She did not want Romeo and Juliet to suffer the same fate repeatedly, but she does not want her sisters to be disappoint by her.

“Ryujin…just so you know, if I break the curse, the link between you and Lia will be broken and even if you’re reborn again to this world somewhere in the future, I cannot guarantee that you and Lia will meet again…are you willing to do it? As I have said, when I saw how much you are in love with Lia, I cannot bring myself to break the curse. I can continue to lie to my girls, but I cannot see two heart who are so much in love with each other be separated.”

Ryujin gets up from the couch and she headed toward the door. Jiu takes the sign as Ryujin does not agree to break the curse, and Jiu was going to sigh in relieve but what Ryujin did next shock her.

“Break the curse... You and the others had suffer enough.”

“But what about you and Lia?!”

“Juliet had suffered enough, by seeing me dead and then kill herself. She deserves to be happy too.”

“Ryujin, if you die…you know that the chances of you and Lia not be able to be together again…the bond between the star crossed lover will be broken and your fates are not going to intertwine again.”

The silence was deafening, Jiu can hear her own blood flowing in her body due to the silence in the air. Ryujin slowly turns and she smiles at Jiu and she said, “it’s okay, I got to fall in love with her for 7 lifetimes now. I regret nothing, as long as Lia does not have to go through with repetition of falling in love with me and watching me die before she takes her own life. Just promise me one thing before you break the curse…promise me that she will live her life to the fullest in this lifetime, even without me by her side.”

Jiu could not stop her tears from streaming down. She did not expect Ryujin to be so selfless and that she is willing to dies for the sake of everyone. Jiu wipes her tears and she gets up to bow to Ryujin.

“Let this be the secret between us Jiu-unnie…”


“Don’t tell anyone, not even your members about my decision.”


“I know if you tell anyone, Lia will eventually finds out. So…please keep it between us, I don’t care what you are going to tell the girls but…don’t tell them this was my decision.”

Jiu nods “You have my words Shin Ryujin.”

End of Flashback


Jiu watches as her members happily joke around at the dining table and each of them enjoying the food that Sua had made from them. She watches them with tears in her eyes. She felt bad that she had to lie again and again to her members but she made a promise with Ryujin. What she had told her members were the partial truth. Except for the fact that only Ryujin is going to die.


Shin Household

“Omma~~ we’re home!”

Naeun comes out to greet her daughter and Lia “Hey honey welcome back! How is your ‘honemoon’?”

Both of the teenagers blushes when Ryujin’s mother teased them. “Omma!” Ryujin whines.

Naeun pats Ryujin on the head and she pulls both of the girl to a hug “Glad that you two enjoyed your vacation, now go and take bath, I’ll prepare something for you two to eat. You can just put your luggage there, I will ask the maid to take them to your room later.”

“No, it’s okay mom, I can take it to my room. Where’s Yuna?”

“Oh, since it’s school break, she said she wanted to help out at Lia’s shop so I allow her to help your friend Chaeryeong to run the shop.”

“You allow her? What if she fall sick again?”

“Yuna is sick?” Lia chirped in.

“Yuna is not well, she has very weak antibody, so my mom and dad are very protective when it comes to Yuna.”

Naeun puts her hands on her waist and frowns at Ryujin “Now, who is being the overprotective one? Don’t worry about Yuna, she has improve a lot over the years. She is fine, I’ve went to Lia’s shop and see the working condition, props to you Lia because your shop is very well maintained and is very clean.”

“Well, umm I have to thanks Ryujin and Chaeryeong for that.” Said Lia.


SHIN Corporate

Taemin had his eyes glued to the computer monitor. He brows almost touches as he view the yearly report, he sighs as he watches the line keep on declining. A soft knock divert his focus from the computer “Come in.” He said.

“Mr. Shin, Mr. Hwang is here to see you.”

“Yul hyung?”


“Let him in.”

Taemin tidy up his appearance as he anticipates his friend’s visit. He smiles when he saw Yuri walks into his office. He gets up from his desks and he exchanges hugs with his best friend.

“How are you hyung?” He asked the tanned and tall older guy.

“I’m good.” Yuri replied with a faint smile. Taemin invites him to sit and Taemin ordered his secretary to prepare some coffee for the guest, but Yuri rejected.

“I won’t be here for long, there’s no need for coffee.” Said Yuri.

“Oh…okay…You can go out now Jane.” Taemin orders his secretary to leave his office. Once his secretary is out of sight, Taemin turns to Yuri “So Hyung, what bring you here?”

Yuri takes a deep breath and he speaks out what he wanted to say, “The Hwang is going to cut ties with the Shin, I am here to terminate the alliances between our companies.”

Taemin was speechless but he had expecting this thing to happen eventually. Taemin takes a deep breath and he lean back to rest his back on the chair. He crossed his legs and stares at Yuri, he had never seen the tanned older man look so nervous before. Not even when he got married to Tiffany and at the birth of their daughter.

“I accept the termination.” Replied Taemin and it makes Yuri perplexed, he had not expected the great fashion king to agree to his proposal.


“Hyung, you came in asking for termination between our families ties, and why are you looking so confuse now?”

“You’re not going to ask me the reason why?”

Taemin scoffs at Yuri’s reaction “Hyung, do you think I’m stupid?”


“I knew all along the financial crisis that your company is facing, and I knew you and Tiffany noona had been secretly meeting with the Choi family. Yeji also told me everything.”


Taemon glare at Yuri when Yuri mentioned Yeji’s name “Yeji is innocent, I don’t want you to scold that child. She came to us, because she was in dilemma. You know I treat Yeji like my own daughter and we all love her. If I am in her shoes’ I probably will do what she did. Let me makes things clear here hyung. I agree to cut the ties between our families because I do not want our daughters to suffer, especially Yeji.”

“Won’t the fact that you agreed to cut our ties going to hurt our daughters more?” asked Yuri.

“At least Yeji does not have to think bad about her parents betraying us. Oh, and another thing hyung…our daughters love the same girl…”


“They both love Choi Jisu…”


“Hyunjin-ah, can you help me get that pail over there?”

Hyunjin take the blue pail and hands it to his mother. “Here you go mom.”

Hyunjin and her mother came to visit his father grave and clean it. Hyunjin hates coming to the cemetery, it reminds him of the time when they buried his father. He keeps asking why did they have to buried his father but no one answered him.

After his father death, Hyunjin and his mother were being kick around like a volleyball when none of the Hwang family wanted to accept them in. Hyunjin remembers when Tiffany Hwang, his father’s older sister, said that he is not worthy to be call a Hwang and he is not allow to claim his rights as the only sole male heir to the family. He remembers forever the disgusted look in his grandparents eyes when his mom beg the Hwang to let them live with the Hwang.

Hyunjin hated his family name throughout his childhood, but his mother made him rethink his decision in disregard his father family name and take on his mother’s family name.

“Jin-ah, you are the only male heir the Hwang have. Even though your cousin Yeji is now the main heir to the family, but I believe if you are able to prove yourself worthy of the name, they will accept us again. I don’t want your father died in vain without reclaim his own rights. You are the only option I have to avenge your father’s death.”

Hyunjin snaps out of his thoughts when he heard his mother calling for him “Yes mom?”

“Come here, let’s give your respect to your father before we go.” said Yeeun to her son.

Hyunjin gets up from the bench and walks to his father’s tombstone. He bows three time to his father’s tomb and then he whispers “I will get back what is ours, dad.”

Hyunjin holds the gun that he hides in his coat. The psychotic smiles on his face changes when he hears his mother call for him.

“I’m coming mom!” he shouts back when his mother asks him to join her.


Ryujin and Lia reach Lia’s shop. Ryujin can see from the shop window, Yeji and Yuna playing around with each other. A sudden sadness filled Ryujin’s heart. She then turns to Lia who is smiling while watching Yeji and Yuna through the shop’s window. Lia who noticed that Ryujin is looking at her. She turns to face Ryujin and smiles at her lover. Ryujin’s heart skip a beat at Lia’s smiles, she loves Lia’s eyes smile so much that she would trade the whole world for that smile.

Lia brushes away’s Ryujin’s bang and she cups Ryujin’s face “What’s wrong? You got a very serious expression just now.” Lia asked.

Ryujin shakes her head and she kisses Lia’s palm “Nothing. I just mesmerizing your beauty.”

“You and your cheeky line~ come on let’s go inside.” Lia smiles and she gently pinches Ryujin’s chubby cheeks.

The younger girl hold the older one’s hand as they walk abreast into the shop. The ring of the shop bells make Yuna almost jumped, because she knows she had put on the close sign on the door. Yuna turns to the entrance and her face lightened up when she saw her sister standing by the door. She drops all of the albums in her hand and she rushes to her older sister.


Yuna lunges toward Ryujin and hugs her. Ryujin loses her balance and both of them falls on the floor with Yuna on top of Ryujin unwilling to let her older sister go.


“Unnie I missed you!!”

“I know, I know, I missed you too, but you’re going to suffocate me!”

Yuna gets up from her sister and sheepishly smile at her sister then she turns to Lia and hugs the older girl too. However, unlike Ryujin who seems to be unwelcoming to Yuna’s hug, Lia actually enjoy the hug.

Lia and Yuna squishes their cheeks together, cooing over each other while Ryujin, and Yeji looks in disgust. At the moment of disgust, Yeji and Ryujin’s eyes met, Yeji smiles at her friend and she offers her hand to get Ryujin up.

“Enjoy your short getaway?” Yeji asked.

Ryujin faintly smile before look into Yeji’s eyes and said, “I brought back your wife, as I promised. Now it is your turn to keep your promise.”


Ryujin forces herself to laugh when she saw the painful look in Yeji’s eyes “Come on Yeddong, I was just joking.”

“It’s not funny, Ryuddaeng!”

Lia senses the tense between the two decided to steps in between them and pull their ears. The duo yelp in pain and both beg Lia to let them go. “I better don’t hear you both fight in my shop.” Warned Lia.

“Okay okay, we promise!”

Lia lets go of the duo ears and smile at them. “Now, since we’re having a little reunion here, why don’t we go upstairs to my room and have dinner together? It’s almost diner time~ Yuna, why don’t you come with me and we go buy the ingredients while Ryujin and Yeji here, set things up?” Lia suggested.

“Huh, but…I want to spend more…” Yuna pauses as she reads Lia’s facial expression and she immediately understand what Lia wanted to do. Lia wanted to give the two friends sometime to talk. “Yeah~ me and Lia unnie go buy the ingredients and Jin unnie can prepare the place with Yeji unnie~”

Lia hurriedly pulls Yuna with her. They exited the shop. Yuna turns to Lia and she gave the older girl a questioning look. Lia sighs and she pats the younger girl on the back “They need time to sort things out, it’s better if we are no in their ways.” Explained Lia. Yuna nodded, and they walk abreast to the nearest convenient stores.

In the shop, the two best fried did not exchange any words. Yeji followed Ryujin as they walk up to Lia’s room. The silence between them is deafening. Yeji tried to start a conversation but it dies down quickly, as Ryujin only replied in a few words.

“I can try to request for my parents to halt the wedding…” Said Yeji out of the blue but it did not amuse Ryujin at all.

“You don’t have to.” Replied Ryujin coldly.


Ryujin turns to Yeji and Yeji was relieve to see a sincere smile on Ryujin’s face. Ryujin puts down the towel on her hand as she was drying off the wet plate that she had just finish washing. Ryujin puts her hand on Yeji’s shoulder and pulls the latter into a hug. Yeji was confused with Ryujin’s attitude. Yeji tries to squirm but Ryujin’s hold was too strong. Yeji gives up in trying escaping and she returns the hug.

“Promise me you will always take care of her.”

“I promise…”

“Even after I am gone, promise me that you will cherish her and love her.”

After listened to Ryujin’s words, Yeji pushes her best friend away and she glare at her in disbelieve “Ryujin, what the hell are you saying?”

Ryujin ignores Yeji’s question and she pulls Yeji into another tight hug “You’re the only person that I can entrust Lia and Yuna to.”

“Ryu…” Before Yeji able to finish her sentences, Ryujin cuts her off.

“I’m going somewhere far, and I don’t know if I will return for Lia.”

“But you promised her you will be back for her once the contract finish right?”

This time, Ryujin was the one who pushes Yeji back, and she stares into her best friend’s eyes. Her eyes were soulless, but she keeps her smiles on.

“Yeddong…I have a feeling that I’m not be able to be there for Lia and Yuna for the rest of my life. If that moment ever happen…”

“That moment won’t happen.” Yeji cuts Ryujin off because she does not like their conversation.

Yeji holds Ryujin’s hands and she hold it tightly “You will be there for Lia and you will be there for Yuna, because I am not Shin Ryujin. They need Shin Ryujin, not Hwang Yeji. So you have to stop talking like you are going to die tomorrow! I don’t care! I am inviting you to my wedding this weekend! I don’t care if mom and dad going to disown me! You are coming to my ing wedding!”

Ryujin eyes went wide when she heard her friend dropped the F bomb. She smiles and she wipes away the tears that streaming down her friend’s cheeks. “Yeah, you’re right…they need Shin Ryujin.”

Yeji sighs in relieved when she sees that Ryujin’s expression is back to normal. Yeji chuckles and starts to giggle which surprises Ryujin. Ryujin frowns and she pinches her friend’s cheek to check if her friend is okay.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

“Because you suddenly giggle, I thought you were losing your mind or something.” Ryujin explained.

“Yeah, I’m losing it over you.” Joked Yeji, she moves away from Ryujin and seated herself next to her friend. She rests her head on Ryujin’s shoulder and stare at the blank wall.

“I know that we both have the same taste on everything, and who would’ve thought that we would fall in love with the same girl. I promised Ryujin, I would not let anyone harm her. Even though the one that she loves is not me, but I will not love her less. You can count on me.”

Ryujin nods while listening to what Yeji said. The two best friend remain in that position until they heard Yuna and Lia’s laughter coming up the stairs. Lia opens the door and she smiles at the best friend softly when she sees that both of them had fallen asleep. Yeji on Ryujin’s shoulder and Ryujin on Yeji’s head.

Lia asks Yuna to slow down her volume and she suggests that the two of them to leave the duo like that because she scares to wake them up. Lia invites Yuna to the balcony to enjoy the cold breeze outside. Yuna excitedly nods, but she asked Lia if she could bring snacks along. Lia smiles sweetly at Yuna and said that Yuna is allow to bring anything that she wants to the balcony, and she tells Yuna to take the snack from her kitchen. Yuna runs off to Lia’s kitchen to grab herself some snack.

Lia slowly opens the balcony door, she carefully pushes the door, because she afraid that the creaking sound of the door will wake Ryujin and Yeji up. After spending a week with Ryujin, she knows that Ryujin is a light sleeper. A tiny sound could wake her up.

The memories of their short vacation filled Lia’s head and she could not stop blushing from the memories. The memories of their kisses and touches filled her mind. She tries to shakes it off and thankfully, Yuna approached her, so she was able to supresses the memories.

“The weather is sooo cold~~” whines Yuna.

Lia takes off her scarf and she offers it to Yuna to which Yuna gladly accept. Yuna scoots closer to Lia just so she could stay warms while watching the night sky.

“Wow, the sky over here is so beautiful! There is so much stars!”

“You’ve been helping for the past week and you did not realizes this?” Lia questioned Yuna.

“Chaeryeong unnie only allow me to stay until 6pm and then she will forces me to go home. However today, because Yeji unnie is around, I asked Chaeryeong unnie to focus on her dance practice and she does not need to come by~”

Lia notices the brightness in Yuna’s eyes as she talks about her day. There is no mistakes that Yuna is Ryujin’s sister. They have the same eyes. The brightness in their eyes are the same as well. Be able to talk like this with Yuna makes Lia misses her brother.

Lia silently looks up to the sky and in her heart, she wishes her brother well. “Junsu-ah, when the time comes, noona will see you, mommy and daddy again. For now, be a good kid and take care of mommy and daddy for me okay?”


Yeji awoke when her head falls off Ryujin’s shoulder and almost hit the floor. Yeji rubs her eyes as with her hand and she stretches herself. The room is dark, but there is a dim light coming from the room opposite her. She looks to her side and saw her best friend sound asleep. Yeji let out a gentle smile upon seeing her friend being vulnerable in her sleep. Yeji noticed the time and it was 3 am in the morning. She hissed as she realized she must have fallen asleep after talking to Ryujin.

Yeji slowly gets up because she is afraid that any rash movement will wake Ryujin up. She makes her way toward the dim light. She slowly pushes the door and the sight of Lia reading a book under the desk lamp makes her heart skip a beat. Yeji sees that Yuna is lying on her stomach on Lia’s bed.

“I noticed you.” Said Lia and it makes Yeji jumped.

“It’s 3 am, why are you still up?” Yeji asked her fiancée.

Lia chuckles and she takes off her glasses as she turns to face Yeji. “I can ask you the same question too.”

Yeji fidgeted near the door, and Lia noticed that. Lia gestures to Yeji to come in and sits on the bed. Yeji comes in and seated at the end of the bed.

“Why don’t you go get some sleep? We are going to get our wedding dress fitted tomorrow…”

The fact that her wedding is only a few days’ away makes Lia loses her smile. Yeji noticed the smile faded and she feels her heart sting a little bit.

“Why don’t we invite Ryujin to come with us too?”

“Won’t your family be there too?”

“Well I don’t care if they are there or not. I want Ryujin be there to see how beautiful you are in wedding dress…”

“What if she changes her mind and wanted to elope with me?” Lia joked.

Yeji was silent for a moment and then she looks up to Lia “I won’t stop her then.”

Lia sighs and she seated next to Yeji “You and I both know how Ryujin is…”

Yeji nods and reply, “I know how she is…but don’t worry, I know what I’ll do. Please go get some sleep, I don’t want my future wife to have baggy eye when she goes for her wedding dress fitting.”

Yeji gets up and she wanted to leave the room but she was stop by Lia. Lia went to her cupboard, takes out a comforter, and hand it to Yeji.

“For you and Ryujin, I don’t want you two to catch cold.”

Yeji smiles and she takes the comforter. She thanks Lia and then exited the room to join Ryujin on the living room.

Once Yeji was out of the room, Lia turns her attention back to the book on her hands. She sighs and she closes the book, put it back on the shelf. She was about to go to bed when the shining thing on her chest caught her attention. She stares at the ring that Ryujin gifted her. She brings the ring to her lips and kisses it. She lays down beside Yuna and hold the rings dearly to her heart before slowly falling asleep.


Tiffany is anxious, she cannot stop herself from pacing back and forth in front the fireplace. It is almost dawn but her husband and daughter are not home. She tried to call them but none of them picked up her phone. She was going to file missing person report but she knows that the police would not entertained her since her husband and daughter have not been gone for so long yet.

Tiffany stares at the clock and it shows half past 5 am. Tiffany sighs and she decided to sit down and try to calm herself down. At the moment her bum was about to touch the couch, she heard the door being open. She quickly gets up and rushes to the door. She was about to open the door when Yuri pushes the door open. The sight of her husband standing by the door ease the uneasiness on her chest. She rushes to hug her husband.

Yuri was surprised to see his wife still up. He returns the hugs Tiffany gave her, he knows she is worried, and he did not mean to make her worry.

“Where did you go? When I came back you were gone, Yeji is gone…If I waited for an hour more I think I would go to the police and file missing people report!” Tiffany rants to her husband.

“I’m sorry…”

“I called you, why you didn’t answer all of my calls? Where were you? Yul, you’re not having an affair right? right??” Tiffany asked in tears.

Yuri remained silent, what he did behind her back is far more serious crime than cheating on her. He does not know how he wants to explain to her wife about his meeting with Taemin.

The silence was deafening, Tiffany starts to overthinking. She hits her husband on the chest and slaps her husband continously. “You’re cheating on me?! After all we’ve been through??”

Yuri could not take the beating from his wife any longer. He grabs both of Tiffany’s wrists to stop her from hitting on him. The sharp glares on his eyes makes Tiffany whimpers in fear. It was the first time that she had seen this side of her husband.

“I met with Taemin.” He said calmly when he noticed that his wife is scare of him.

“You what?”

“I met with him…”

“You did not told her about our…”

“Yes I did. I told him everything.” Yuri cuts his wife off. He loosen the grab on his wife wrist when he feels that the resistant from his wife has weaken. “He agreed to terminate the alliances between Shin and Hwang…”

“Why didn’t you talk to me first? Why didn’t you discuss this with me first?! Remember that you married into the Hwang! You have no rights to make decision about the Hwang!!”

“If you care about this family you would not try to jeopardize everything by signing a contract with the Choi!!” Yuri retaliates, Tiffany is surprises by her husband tone.

“We care too much about making money that we neglected Yeji’s happiness! She got sick because you neglected her when she needed you the most! We were lucky that the doctor managed to save her. We were so blinded by money that we pit our daughter against her own bestfriend, a friend that she treated like her own sister. Ryujin loves Lia and Lia loves Ryujin, now we’re forcing our daugther to marry her own bestfriend lover…have you ever try to put your own self in Yeji’s place?” Yuri snapped at his wife. He had been patient enough to say yes to everything that his wife asked him to do but this time, he does not want to jeopardize his only daughter’s feeling.

“Everything that I did is for our family!” Tiffany fires back.

“No Fany-ah…you only care about your Hwang family and not our family. After I went to meet Taemin, I realized how despicable we are as parents. We put money before our daughter. We failed her so many times but she still smile for us. I am going to pull the wedding off.”

Tiffany grabs her husband by the sleeve, her eyes are red with anger. She pulls him closer so closen the gap between them “No one is going to pull off the wedding. If you intended to do so, then over my dead body first.”


Lia decided to close her shop for a day so she and the girls can go with her to try on her wedding gown. Ryujin was reluctant at first but Yeji and Yuna managed to persuade her to agree to go with them. Yeji told Ryujin that she can take bridal photo with Lia because her family will not be around. Actually, Yeji already had hers and Lia’s wedding dresses tailored, and she create a fake story about needed Lia to go try on her wedding gown because she wanted to give her best friend a chance to feels like a bride to be.


Chaeryeong and Yuna were having fun on trying all of the wedding dresses and they fantasize about their dream wedding, while Ryujin looked unamused at the side. Yeji joined Ryujin at the waiting area while Lia gets her wedding dress fit. Yeji nudged Ryujin when she saw her bestie looked bored.

“Don’t you want to go try on some wedding dress Ryuddaeng-ah?”

“You know I’m not the frilly girl type. So I’m going to stick to this suit.” Ryujin replied her best friend.

Yeji only sighed at her friend’s reply. She tried to persuade Ryujin to try on some wedding dress but Ryujin refuses and she chose to try on the wedding suit and she was lucky that she found the size to fit her small frame. Yeji and Ryujin sit crossed leg while waiting for Lia to get her wedding dress fit.

The sound of the curtain being pull makes Ryujin and Yeji turns their head. The scene of Lia stepping out in her wedding dress makes Ryujin’s jaw drop. Yeji had to close it for her.

“How do I look?” Lia asked.

“You…you look stunning…”

Lia shyly smiles and she tucks her hair behind. Yeji smiles softly when she saw the sparkles in her best friend’s eyes. She turns to look at Lia and for a moment, her heartache. Lia looks so beautiful but when Yeji thought about the fact that Lia’s heart belong to Ryujin, she feels like a knife slices her heart. Yeji then take out her phone and faked a phone call. She turned to Ryujin and told her that she had to go.

“But what about our wedding photo session?” Lia asked.

“Oh…about that…err…how about Ryujin be in my stead?” Yeji replied.

Both Lia and Ryujin looked at Yeji in confusion.

“I mean, you take the photo with Lia, and I can just ask the photographer to photoshop my face on your body. The technology is so advance now, that should not be a problem.”

Yeji saw that both of them are not convince so she hurriedly takes her stuff “I really have to go, this call is important.” Yeji lied. Before Ryujin and Lia can say anything, Yeji rushes out.

Ryujin and Lia look at each other and then they were rush by the photographer to go get their picture taken.


Yeji went home because she feels guilty for running away from home. She does not want her mom to get worried about her. She noticed that there were hundreds of misscall coming from her parents when she turns on her phone. Yeji was greeted by the guard at the entrance of her house. She takes a deep breath before she steps inside.

Her hands tremble when she pulls on the knob her her house. The sound of something smashing caught Yeji’s attention and she rushes in to check on the sound. Her eyes widely opens at the sight. Her house is a mess, everything is broken and shattered. Her family photos that was hanging on the wall of the hallway was laying on the floor, broken. The first thing in Yeji’s mind is someone broke into her house and her mother is in danger.

Yeji rushes to the living room to search for her mother and she found her. Tiffany was sitting on the floor, with blood all over her hands. She was sobbing quietly.


Tiffany looks up and her eyes lit up when she saw her daughter. “Yeji!!”

“Mom what happened? Where’s dad?” Yeji squatted and she holds onto her mother. She was stricken by grief when she saw her mother state.

“What happened?” Yeji asked again.

Tiffany shakes her head and she looks into Yeji’s eyes. She holds her daughter tightly as if Yeji is going to vanished anytime soon.

“Yeji-ah…Please don’t leave mommy…promise me that you will stay beside mommy’s forever.”


Dreamcatcher Fortune Telling

“Yah!! Kim Yoohyeon!!” Sua yells across the room when the tall brunette proposely ignore her after she constantly request for her help with the boxes.

The Dreamcatcher girls decided they tidy up the place that they have called home for centuries before they leave behind their lives. Jiu sighs at the scene of Sua trying to throw a box to Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon ran and hid behind Jiu. The box that Sua throw hit Jiu on the face.

“Jiu-unnie!!” Gahyeon and Siyeon yell as they rushes to the oldest member side.

Dami and Handong who were in the different room came running upon hearing all the ruckus. Both only could sigh and proceed back to their task as the scene is normal scene that they faced everyday.

“Jiu are you okay? Yah you bastard Yoohyeon! Why did you hid behind Jiu?” Sua tries to put the blame on Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon gasps in disbelieve when it was Sua’s fault that Jiu got hit. Only if Sua did not throw the box, all of this won’t happen.

“Stop fighting you two. I’m okay.” Jiu tries to break the duo from scratching each other. It was a good thing that Jiu got hit by the flat surface of the box and not the corner or edge of the box. Jiu’s ears suddenly twitch, she looks around the room and saw the clock of destiny on the wall stop ticking.

Jiu rushes to the clock, she tries to shake it to make it tick again but to no avail. Jiu opens the clock and tries to move it pendulum but she could not move it at all.

“Jiu unnie?” Siyeon carefully calls out to the oldest member of the dreamcatcher. Jiu that they know is always compose and this is the first time she seen Jiu being so disoriented.

“…Ryujin and Lia…” Jiu whispers.


“Gahyeon! We need to teleport to Ryujin and Lia now!!”

“But unnie…why?”

“The clock stop ticking!” Jiu points to the dead clock.

The realization hits the other girls and Gahyeon immediately activates her teleporation gear.

To be continue…


A/N: I am so sorry for the sudden hiatus!! I know I have been inactive for like a few months. Work had been hectic and I could not find anytime to update my story! I will try to at least update once per month. I am so so sorry! Don’t worry I won’t make a sad ending~

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Chapter 9: Our great author has returned woohoo!!!!
Oh what is going on in this chapter and why did you almost kill off Lia. I almost flip the table when you did that but at least they are alive now but this situation is a bit not that nice. But i hope the devil explain herself and give jinlia a good ending. As for the dreamcatcher, i hope their father forgive them and bring them up to heaven after all this thing.
Cant wait for the next chapter with more explanation.
And please author, dont leave me hanging for too long. Hahaha jkjk, take as much time as you need. I will wait.
Chapter 9: The cup has been moveddd!! Welcome back authornimm
fiqachibi #3
what ever happened to this story...
binkkk #4
Chapter 8: authornim…?
u_ujiman #5
Chapter 8: Oh come on with this cliffhanger. :(
, he has a gun. Someone stop him!!!!
Lets just hope nothing bad happen to our girls.
Cant wait for the next chapter author.
soncelfeu #7
Chapter 8: so intense
Chapter 8: Bruhhhh
soncelfeu #9
Chapter 7: wow im so late, this is interesting, i wonder if this will continue and finish tho😭
cleofierayne 36 streak #10
Chapter 7: Mygoodness where did I wander all this time? Can't believe I let this story pass under my jinlia radar! 😭🤣 I'm glad I let my curiousity prevails hehehe

And authornim!wahh bravo🙌🙌 really like this the first time I read. Please let it be a sweet and happy ending! 🥺🥺🥺