Chapter 1: First Tick


Shin Ryujin and Hwang Yeji were the top girls in JYP high, everyone wanted to be friends with them and every girl in the school fancy them. They are the ace and the pride of JYP high. Shin Ryujin and Hwang Yeji had been friends since they were toddler. Their parents are friends and Yeji treated Ryujin like her younger sister. Yeji is the only child in her family and her parents pampered her so much, and her parents thanked the Shin family for allowing their house Ryujin and Yuna to be friended Yeji, hence Yeji doesn’t feel lonely as the only child.

Ryujin despite being a young younger than Yeji got into the same grade as Yeji because Ryujin is a bright student with IQ over 140, the school offer Ryujin to go directly to their prestigious university but Ryujin refuses. Ryujin wanted to be beside Yeji because Yeji might be good in sports but she is bad in studying. Their bond was more than just a friend, they are practically sisters, and no one can break that bond.


JYP High

“I hate studying…argh…” Yeji whined and she rested her chin on her desk.

“And you think I like studying?” Ryujin replied sarcastically.

“Well at least you have the brain of Einstein…” said Yeji while rolling her eyes at Ryujin “The school even offer you a recommendation letter to skip the entrance exam and enter JYP university but you refuse…”

“What you’re gonna do if I’m not here to help you?” Ryujin rolled her eyes back at Yeji.

Yeji sighs and she turns her head away to look at the blue sky outside “I still got Yuna and Chaeryeong.” She answered.

Shin Yuna is Ryujin’s younger sister, and she is currently in her senior year in her middle school. Yuna and Ryujin were 2 years apart, the two sisters are like cat and dog, they always quarrel but they love each other. However, Yuna likes to stick to Yeji because Yeji adores her so much and it makes Ryujin furious something because Yeji being the protective sister toward Yuna and Yuna rather listen to Yeji than to her. Lee Chaeryeong is Ryujin first friend aside from Yeji. Chaeryeong was her classmate and they still maintain their friendship even though Ryujin gets upgraded to a higher grade.

“Yuna is still in middle school and Chaeryeong can’t help you with your study, it’s too advance for her.” replied Ryujin with a sigh and she rolls her paper to make a paper baton and hit Yeji’s head with it.

“Let’s do this Yeji-ah! I don’t have much time left! I gotta go to my part time work later!” Ryujin scolded her friends.

“I don’t understand, Ryujin. Your family is filthy rich and yet you still wanna go out and work part time? It even goes against our school rules!”

“I like to go against the rules.” Ryujin replied with a smirk and she received a frown from Yeji.

“Yes my parents are rich, but they never pamper me with money, if I want money then I need to work for it~” said Ryujin.

“Hmm…whatever you say Ryujin, just be careful not to get caught by the school authorities.”


“Unnie!!!” Yuna comes running toward her older sister “Let’s go home together!” she said.

Despite being 2 years younger than Ryujin, Yuna is too tall for her age, at the age of 15 she’s already at 170cm tall and it makes Ryujin felt threatened as her older sister, for Ryujin only stand at 164cm.

“I can’t Yuna, Yeji will walk you home, I gotta go to my work~” said Ryujin and she pinched her sister’s cheek.

Yuna pouted and she turned to Yeji “Jin unnie never had time for me!”

Yeji grins and she patted Yuna’s head “Yeji unnie is here for you!” she said happily and they stuck out their tongue at Ryujin.

Ryujin squinted her eyes at them and frown “Whatever, I’m going~ see you at home Yuna.”


“Oh! Chaeryeong!”

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go!”

Ryujin and Chaeryeong were not only ex classmate but they are work mate too. Ryujin was surprised when she saw Chaeryeong at the music store that she had her part time work. Chaeryeong reason to work part time after school is because she wanted to follow her older sister footstep in becoming an idol, but her parents were against the idea, so she secretly raising her own fund to become an idol. If her parents can’t pay for her training fees, then she will pay it herself.

As for Ryujin, the reason why she worked part time isn’t because of money, her parents taught her that money is hard to earn but they didn’t neglect her, they gave her more than enough pocket money every week and Ryujin doesn’t have to work part time to get more money. She worked part time there because of one girl that she accidentally met.


Flashback to two months ago

Ryujin was strolling along the street to find some gift for Yuna because she accidentally broke Yuna’s favourite music box when they were having a fight a few days ago. Yuna refused to talk to Ryujin because Ryujin didn’t want to admit that it was her fault. She felt bad when her parents actually scolded Yuna for something that she didn’t do. It was indeed Ryujin’s fault that the music box got broken in the first place. Ryujin was trying to teased Yuna but ended up dropping the music box.

Ryujin strolled the street to search while praying that she can find a music store or antique store that can help her to fix the broken music box or the at least a store that sell the same music box. Luck wasn’t on her side, when one of the antique shop she went to told her that the music box was custom made and there’s only 10 of them in the world were made. Ryujin asked if the shop owner can fix it for her.

“Young girl, I suggest you to go to the music store at the end of this road, it’s an old music store but I believe the owner had one same as yours, I ever saw it, but I don’t know if it’s on sale. You can try your luck there.”

Ryujin sighed and she thanked the store owner and made her way out. She looked up to the sky and it looked like it’s going to rain soon. She fished for her umbrella inside her school back but couldn’t find it.

“Damn! I must have forgot it in my locker!” she cursed. She looked up again and prayed that it won’t rain until she reaches the store at the end of the road. She dashed to the baby blue store that located at the end of the road, but half way through the rain start to fall and she cursed. She couldn’t make it, as the rain started to fall and soon it was raining cat and dog. Ryujin wanted to stop but the shop was just a few steps away so she continued to run.

She finally reached the shop but she was soaked from head to toe. The coldness made it worse for her. She can’t stop trembling, she saw the closed sign on the music store and she cursed even louder than the thunder.

“What the hell! I ran all the way here and it’s closed?!! It’s only 7pm and it’s closed?!” Ryujin yelled while punching the shop wall. She stopped when she heard the bell rings and a brunette peek her head out from the store to look at Ryujin. Ryujin locked eyes with her and they both blinked a few times before the brunette gasped.



“Oh my god! You’re all soaked! Come inside!” Chaeryeong opened the door for her and Ryujin didn’t even hesitate but to go inside.

“What are you doing out there in the rain?” Chaeryeong asked as she search for some clean towel for Ryujin to dry off.

“What are you doing here in this music shop?” Ryujin asked back without answering Chaeryeong question.

“I work here.” Chaeryeong answered.

“You what?” Ryujin stopped.

“Part timer, I’ll explained later, let’s get you dry first, and please don’t touch all the merchandise! I’ll have to pay for it if you get it wet, just stay where you are, I’ll get you something to wear!” said Chaeryeong and she vanished to the store room to search for something that Ryujin can wear.

Ryujin looks around the store and she spotted the same music box as the one that Yuna owned. She makes her way there but stopped when she heard Chaeryeong scream at her “I told you don’t move!”

“Sorry…” she apologized and grinned at Chaeryeong.

“Here take this uniform and change your wet school uniform.” Said Chearyeong.

“Can I really wear this? This is your work uniform.”

“Or you rather get sick while wearing your wet school uniform?” Chaeryeong mocked.

Ryujin nodded while pouting her lips “Touché Chaeryeong, I’ll go change, where’s the toilet?”

“Over there on your left.”

Ryujin went to the toilet to get change and Chaeryeong took her back to the store at the back and took out all of Ryujin books out to dry it near the heater. She the heater and put the bags near it. Chearyeong went to check on Ryujin and seeing that Ryujin came out still wearing her wet school skirt. Chaeryeong went to get her school back and fish out her PJ’s pants and lent it to Ryujin.

“Take off your skirt.” Chaeryeong instruct Ryujin and Ryujin faked a gasp.

“Wow Chaeryeong you’re so bold!”

“Shin Ryujin, I’mma smack your head if you’re keep on playing around!” Chaeryeong threatened Ryujin and Ryujin laughed. She took the pants and thanked Chaeryeong.

“Gave me your clothes, I’ll put them near the heater to dry it.” Said Chearyeong and Ryujin handed her the wet clothes. Chearyeong proceed to take Ryujin’s wet clothes to the store room.

Ryujin finished changes her skirt and she came out but was surprised when the store entrance store opened and a black haired girl came in. The time seems to have slowed down and all her focus was on that girl.

“I’m sorry! I know was supposed to stop by at 6 Chaeryeong ah! But I got carried away with other thing and I forgot the time! Man! It’s was raining cat and dog outside! Luckily I had my umbrella with me!” the girl looked down when she didn’t hear any replied from Chaeryeong and she saw a short haired girl looked up at her.

Ryujin was captivated by the girl’s beauty and she couldn’t close when the girl gaze at her.

“Hello…” the girl greeted her with her eye smile and it made Ryujin’s heart stopped.

“Lia unnie!” Chaeryeong greeted.

“Oh! Chaeryeong! Sorry I’m late!”

“Oh it’s okay! There isn’t much customer anyway!” Chaeryeong replied.

Lia smiles and then she turned to Ryujin “This is?” she asked Chaeryeong while pointing at Ryujin.

“Oh! Lia unnie, this is my schoolmate, Shin Ryujin! Ugh, I’m sorry that I had to put her in our shop uniform, she was soaking wet, so I let her in. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, hi Ryujin, I’m Julia, but you can call me Lia.” Lia introduced herself and held out her hand for a handshake.

Ryujin was still star struck by the girl’s beauty received a nudge from her friend and she quickly clears and shake Lia’s hand “I’m Ryujin…nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too Ryujin.” Lia smiled at her.

“Ryujinie, Lia is this shop owner.” Said Chaeryeong.

“Oh…I thought she was our age, she looks so young.” Said Ryujin.

Lia giggled and lightly smack Ryujin on the arm “I’m flattered.”

Ryujin couldn’t help but to grinned from ear to ear when Lia touched her and Chearyeong silently judging her friend from the side.

“She’s a year older than us Ryujin.”

“Oh…but you said she’s the owner?”

“Oh, I inherited this store from my grandma, she passed away a year ago and since then I’ve been taking care of this store.” Lia explained.

“Oh…I’m sorry that I asked.” Ryujin apologized.

“It’s nothing.” Lia smiled at Ryujin “You can stay here until the rain is gone. Do you want to drink something? Tea or coffee? I can make some.”

“Oh, it’s okay! I’ll just stay at that corner and wait for the rain to pass.” Ryujin politely declined.

Lia nodded and she carried her bags and a few books upstairs.

“Do you need my help Lia unnie?” Chaeryeong.

“It’s okay Chaeryeong ah, you just play with your friend, I’ll come down in a while.”

Chaeryeong turn to Ryujin and a sly smile creep up on her face when she noticed how Ryujin was smitten by Lia. The short blue haired girl eye trailed to the direction that Lia had gone.

“You had a crush on her ain’t cha?” Chaeryeong teased.

“Whhhat? Nnno! What makes you think that?!” Ryujin quickly denied.

“Pffftt…Shin Ryujin, you’re maybe the smartest student in school but you’re not smart in hiding your expression. I can read you like a book.” Said Chaeryeong with a smirk.

“I don’t have a crush on her, I just think she’s beautiful…”

“So you think I’m beautiful?”

Ryujin jumped when Lia suddenly appear beside her. “Please don’t do that!”

Lia giggled at Ryujin’s reaction and she walked away to go to the counter. Lia noticed the broken music box on the counter and she turned to face Chaeryeong and Ryujin “Did a customer left this here?”

“Oh that’s mine!” Ryujin approached Lia and takes it from her “Well it was mine but then I gave it to my little sister, but then we had a fight and I broke it, so I was wandering around this street hoping to find a shop that sell the same one as this, the antique shop owner said I can find it here. I saw that your shop has one, the one near that window?” Ryujin explained and she pointed at the music box by the window.

“I’m sorry but that’s not for sale.”

“I…I can pay for whatever the price is.”

“It’s not for sale…” Lia repeated her words.

Ryujin turned to Chaeryeong for help and Chaeryeong tried to negotiate with her boss “Lia unnie…Ryujin had a fight with her sister and she broke her music box, she just wanted to buy a new one to please her sister…I mean Yuna loved that music box, she can’t sleep without it, right Ryujin?”


“Look, I can’t sell you that music box, because that’s the last give my grandma gave me. I’ll fix yours, but I can’t sell mine.” Lia bargained.

“You…you can fix it?”

“I will try.”

“I’ll pay you whatever the price is, just help me fix it.”

End of flashback

Lia managed to fix the broken music box and Ryujin is happy with the result. When Ryujin asked for a price, Lia said it’s free. Thus Ryujin decided to work at the store as a part timer to repay Lia’s kindness in helping her to fix the music box.


“I don’t understand why your sister need to work part time when she got a whole lots of money.” Yeji complained to Yuna on their ride to Yuna’s home.

“Hmm, I don’t think unnie needs the money at all.” Said Yuna “But her moods got better~ I mean whenever she’s back from work, she’s always smiling and I can see her eyes beaming with happiness…” Yuna gasped and turned to Yeji abruptly “What if she and Chaeryeong unnie are in a secret relationship?!” Yuna concluded.

“Nonsense, Ryuddaeng definitely will tell us if she’s had a relationship right?”

Yuna wasn’t focus on what Yeji said as she happily fished for the last piece of the fries. Yeji smiles and she pinches Yuna’s cheek “Aigoo, Yuna-ah you’re so cute!”


“I wonder why Lia isn’t going to school…she supposed to be in her last year and yet she had to managed this shop.” Ryujin wonders, half way through cleaning the dust on the records.

“I never asked so much question about her personal life Ryujin-ah…all I know is she lived here, upstairs and she had a weird quirk sometimes, but it’s not that weird. She sometimes woke up late and will gone for the whole day only to turn up around 6pm. There aren’t much customer coming to this store, but the pay is good~ I am more curious how she gets income flows in to pay for the shop rent and my salary.” Chaeryeong explained and wonders at the same time.

Chaeryeong explanation makes Ryujin even intrigue by Lia’s personal life. It’s been 2 months now that she had been working for Lia, even though she refuses to get paid, she only planned to work for a month but she enjoyed it in the store. Chaeryeong was there and she enjoy having a chat with Lia, and Lia allowed Ryujin and Chaeryeong to listen to all the music record in the store. Mostly she stayed back for Lia. The mysterious aura that Lia gave made Ryujin wanted to be closer with her. She knows she likes that girl on the first sight she saw her, but she isn’t sure about her feelings whether it’s just a short term feelings or something that will develop more. She is certain that she is comfortable with Lia and she wanted to get closer to her.

Ryujin and Chaeryeong were surprised by a loud thud coming from upstairs. “Lia!” they both look at each other and immediately dropped all of their things and rushed to Lia’s room.

“Lia!” Ryujin opens the door and sees Lia lying on the floor. Ryujin rushes to Lia’s side and holds Lia in her arm, Ryujin sees that Lia didn’t response she panicked and she looked up to Chaeryeong “Ryeong-ah! Call 911! Fast!”

“Okay! What’s the number?!”

Ryujin couldn’t believe that Chaeryeong decided to make joke during a critical time like this, and she squinted her eyes at Chaeryeong also at the same time wanted to smack Chaeryeong so much. Ryujin feels Lia moves in her arms and she looks down and sees that Lia slowly opening her eyes.

“Lia! Are you okay?”

A loud growl coming from Lia’s stomach, Ryujin and Chaeryeong frowned. Lia looks at them sheepishly and apologized “Sorry to worried you two, I haven’t eaten in 2 days.” Said Lia.

“Geez, please don’t make us worry! We thought you were going to die or something!!” Chaeryeong scolded her boss.

“Why didn’t you eat for 2 days?!” Ryujin scolds her too.

“I was busy with my blog.” Said Lia as she pointed at her laptop that’s on the coffee table in the living room.

Ryujin and Chaeryeong sigh and then they look at her angrily before Chaeryeong instruct Ryujin to carry Lia to the living room while she goes down to close the shop for a while so they can cook something for Lia. Ryujin carries Lia in bridal style when Chaeryeong went down to lock the shop and put on the close sign.

Lia enjoyed being carry by Ryujin, there’s something about Ryujin that makes Lia feel safe. Ryujin carefully put Lia down on the sofa and she helps Lia to clean up all the mess on the floor.

“How can you live like this.” Said Ryujin.

“I’m used to it.” Replied Lia weakly.

“Lia…don’t you have family members? Why are you living alone in this shabby place?” Ryujin asked.

“This shabby place is my comfort zone Ryujin. Here is where I find comfort and joy, in which I can’t find somewhere else.”

Ryujin was stricken by guilt as she felt like she asked too deep into Lia’s personal life and she apologized. Lia forgives her with her eyes smile that smitten Ryujin over and over again. Chaeryeong comes up to check on them and she went to Lia’s side to check on Lia’s temperature.

“You’re sure you’re only hungry?”



“Yes Chearyeong ah?”

“Can you see if there’s anything to cook in the kitchen?”

Ryujin goes to the kitchen and she opened the cabinet only to see can foods and then she opens the fridge hoping to find something to cook and there is nothing to cook, not even a snack inside the fridge. Only a few bottles of carbonated water and a box of expired chocolate.

“I don’t usually cook, most of the time I’ll just order a take out.” Said Lia because she knows Ryujin is going to question her once she opened the fridge.

“Take out are not healthy!” Chaeryeong scolded Lia.

“I know but it’s easy and quick.” Lia replied.

“I’ll go buy something to eat, you two wait here.” Said Ryujin and she proceed to walk to the stairs.

“Ryujinie, you can take the money at the counter to pay for the food!” Lia said to her but Ryujin shakes her head.

“Don’t worry, it’s on me.” said Ryujin and she goes down to exit the store to find something to eat.

“I can’t believe you hunger yourself just for your blog!” Chaeryeong scoffed at Lia.

Lia pouted apologetically at Chaeryeong and it made Chaeryeong sighs.


Ryujin spotted a food cart outside selling street food, she approached it.

“Hot tteobokki! Hot tteobokki!!” the vendor yells to attract some customer.

“Hi! Can I have 3 serving of those and some of these and also some of those kimbab?” Ryujin places her order.

“Sure young girl! All 3 serving ya?” the ahjumma tries to reaffirm the order.

“Yup all 3 pax serving, all take away.”

“Sure thing, that’ll be 12159-won young miss.”

Ryujin fishes out her money and hand to the vendor a 20000-won note, when she sees that the vendor is looking for change for her money Ryujin told her to keep the change.

“Oh, bless you my child!”

“It’s nothing ahjumma, you can keep it.”

“Bless you, child, bless you.”

Ryujin got her food ready and she thanked the vendor again and she crossed the road to return to the store but she almost dropped her food when a black Mercedes horned at her.



Yeji and Yuna who curious over what kind of job that Ryujin is doing so they decided to have a detour and visit Ryujin. Yuna happily hopped out of the car and hugs her sister.

“What are you doing here Yuna? I thought I told you to go home with Yeji? It’s almost 6! Mom will get worried!”

Yuna pouted when she received scolding from Ryujin. She wanted to spent more time with her sister but her sister rejected her. She missed the older sister that always play and talk to her. Ryujin now spend lesser time at home and with Yuna.

“Come on Ryujin, Yuna said you haven’t spent time with her and she misses you, and I’ve made a call to aunty and told her that Yuna is with me and we’re planning to go for dinner before going back.” Yeji tried to back Yuna up against her sister.

“I’m sorry Yuna, but you know if anything happens to you, mom and dad will kill me.” Ryujin apologized and she patted her sister on the head. Yuna’s pout turn to a huge grin after Ryujin apologized and her eyes grow bigger when she saw the food that Ryujin is holding.

“Unnie! Can I eat?! I’m hungry!”

“No! These are for my friends!” Ryujin slapped Yuna’s hand when Yuna reaches for the food. Yeji only shakes her head when she saw Ryujin being hard on Yuna. Yeji takes out some cash and goes to the vendor to buy some for Yuna.

“You don’t have to buy for her Yeji! I’ll share my portion with her!” Ryujin shouted across the road to Yeji.

“It’s okay! I’ll buy some to add on the food you’ve bought for your friends! Maybe we can eat together? The more the merrier right?” Yeji suggested.

Ryujin doesn’t know if it is okay to let her sister and best friend to meet with Lia and she doesn’t know if Lia is okay with strangers come crashing at her place, but there’s no way that she can say no now that they are here.

Yeji finished her buying and she crosses the road to reach Ryujin and Yuna. She hands the food to Yuna and Yuna happily thanked Yeji. Yeji turned to her driver and told him to wait for her in the car while she goes to have dinner with her friends. She even bought some food for her driver to eat while waiting for her.

“So this is the place that you work at huh?” Yeji examine the old music store. It feels antique even the exterior.

“Yup, we’re close for now and will resume business once we have our dinner. Let’s go inside, Chaeryeong and Lia must have waited for long.”


“She’s the owner.”


Yuna clings herself to her sister and they walk in together. Ryujin asked Yuna to let go of her arm so she can close the shop’s door. Yeji and Yuna looked around the store and they are amazed by how antique the shop look. Yuna squealed when she spotted the same music box as the one she owned near the window.

“Unnie! It’s the same one!” she said and she goes to pick it up but got scolded by Ryujin.

“Don’t touch it Hussey Shin! That belongs to the owner of this shop.”

Yuna cancel her intention of spinning the music box and silently stay there. Ryujin sighs and she heard Yeji laughed at her.


“Nothing, it’s funny how you act differently with Yuna than when you’re at school miss perfect.” Said Yeji.

“Not funny Yeddong, beside you need to be a little harsh on Yuna or else she’ll just riot against you. Come on guys, let’s go meet Chaeryeong and the owner.”

Ryujin leads them upstairs to meet with the others. Ryujin reaches the floor and Chaeryeong was happy to see her. Then Chaeryeong was surprised to see another two silhouette behind Ryujin.

“Sorry Ryeong-ah, I met them and I decided to invite them to join us is that okay? Lia are you okay if my friend and younger sister join us?”

“Unnie!!” Yuna squealed happily when she saw Chaeryeong and she pushes Ryujin aside to make way to Chaeryeong side.


“Hi Chaeryeong!” Yeji greeted the brunette and her jaw dropped when she saw Lia. Yeji can feel her heartbeat going louder and the time slow down when her eyes meet with Lia. She almost dropped the food that in her hand but she managed to cover up her reaction quickly.

“Yuna, Yeji, that’s Lia, the owner of this store.” Ryujin reluctantly introduce Lia to her best friend and sister.

“Oh! Which mean you’re Jin unnie’s boss then right?” Yuna asked energetically.

Lia smiles at Yuna and she couldn’t help but to pat Yuna on the head “Yup, I’m her boss~”

“Ha! At least there’s someone in this world that can boss Jin unnie around!” Yuna mocked her sister and she blow out her tongue to taunt Ryujin.

“Hussey Shin Yuna!” Ryujin raised her voices at Yuna and Yuna immediately hides behind Lia.

Lia laughs, Chaeryeong were scared that Lia is going to fire her for all the mess Ryujin causes, Ryujin was furious at Yuna for mocking her, and Yeji is still star struck by Lia.

“Calm down Ryujin, Yuna is just a kid.” Lia said to Ryujin and Ryujin immediately calm down which makes Yuna even more surprised that her sister listen to other people’s command.

“Wow you really are unnie’s boss! I’ve never seen unnie obey anyone before! Not even our parents!” said Yuna.

“Let’s eat guys~” Chaeryeong said as she tried to break the chaotic moment.

Yeji silently seated herself opposite Lia so she could observe the girl better. Ryujin made her way beside Lia and Yuna next to Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong and Ryujin helped to plated the food they’ve bought and Lia was happy that she gets to have a nice diner surrounded by merry people even though she just met with Yuna but she likes her already.

Yeji couldn’t help but to steal a few glances over at Lia, she was surprised when she found out that Lia and her were the same age. She wanted to ask which school Lia went to but she was stopped by Chaeryeong. Yeji found that Lia looks cute whenever she laughs or smile and Yeji also noticed the way Ryujin stared at Lia. It was full of affection, something that she won’t show even when she’s with Yuna.

After they’ve done with the dinner, Lia told Chaeryeong that they will close early today so she can spend more time with them. Lia allowed Yuna to play with her play station. Ryujin offered herself to clean up all their plates and Yeji volunteered to help Ryujin.


The two best friends wash the dishes in silent. It was Yeji that opened up first, breaking the silence “You never told me you had a beautiful boss. Is that why you wanted to work here?” Yeji teased Ryujin.

“What are you talking about? No~ of course not~ I mean Lia is beautiful and all, but she helped me fixed Yuna’s music box.” Replied Ryujin.

“Hmmm~” Yeji doubts Ryujin’s replied.

“That face, don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love at first sight on Lia?!”

“No!” Yeji denied “I mean it was the first time that I’ve seen someone like her.”

The two friends went silent again, both denied that they felt something when they look at Lia. They finished washes the dishes and Ryujin thanked Yeji for the help. They go to the living room and Yeji told Yuna that it’s time to go home. Yuna whines as she still wants to play with Lia but Ryujin’s glare made she whimpers and she obey her sister’s instruction. Yeji asked if Ryujin wants to join them to go back but Ryujin said she will go back after she finished cleaning the store.

“You can come whenever you want Yuna.” Lia said to the younger girls when she bid them goodbyes.

“How about me?” Yeji asked abruptly and she was surprised at her own words too.

“All are welcome.” Said Lia with her eyes smiles and Yeji feels her heart going out of control again. Yeji smiles and she waves goodbye when she enters the car with Yuna.

Ryujin silently watches the car drive away, her guts telling her that Yeji had fallen for Lia and jealousy feeling rose inside of her. She clenched her fist tightly until she felt a soft touch on her arm.

“You okay Ryujin?”

It was Lia who touches her and Lia’s touches managed to calm her raging heart, she turned to Lia and she nodded with a smile. Lia returns the smiles and she turns away to enter the store. Ryujin follows behind and she closes the door behind.

“You can go home early today girls.” Lia told the duo “Oh and I’m going somewhere tomorrow, so we’ll just close the store for one day.” Said Lia.

“Where are you going?” Ryujin and Chaeryeong asked in unison.


And again Ryujin was intrigued by Lia’s mysterious answers. “Will you be busy for a whole day tomorrow?” Ryujin asked.

“Eh? Are you trying to ask me out on a date Ryujinie?” Lia teased Ryujin and she enjoyed it whenever Ryujin’s ears get red.

“No! I mean Chaeryeong can join us too if she wants!” said Ryujin and she turns to Chaeryeong, trying to hide her blushing face.

Chaeryeong shakes her head violently “Oh no I can’t! I got a dance practice tomorrow since it’s Saturday! And Ryujin it was your shift on Saturday!!” Chaeryeong reminds Ryujin.

“Ah yes…I forgot that you have a dance practice every Saturday.”

“So you do still want to ask me out?” Lia asked Ryujin with the shoulder shrugged.

“I mean if you’re free. Don’t get me wrong Lia! I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to go out with me, I just think that there’s a lot of thing that I don’t know about you, I just want to know you better. I don’t want you to just be my boss, I want to become friend with you.”

“I’m busy in the morning but we can meet somewhere in the afternoon.” Lia replied with a smile.

“Great! Let’s meet in the afternoon then! What do you wanna do? We can go eat something nice, or go to watch some movie!”

“Sure…can I have your phone number then? So I can contact you after I’ve done my business in the morning.” Lia takes the first initiative to get Ryujin’s number and Ryujin gave her within second.

“I’ll call you~” Lia winked at Ryujin and she goes back to her room.

Ryujin couldn’t hide her smiling face and Chearyeong couldn’t help but to friend. Chaeryeong nudge Ryujin and “You do like her don’t you!”

“Yeah so what?” Ryujin replied.

“You do?”

“Yeah I do.”

“I mean like, like like like?”

“Yeah, like like like kind of like.”

The two friends were silent for a moment before Ryujin asks “Do you think Lia likes me too?”

“It’s hard to read that girl’s expression Ryujin. But if you really like her, good luck and it’s better if you resign too~ you know work place romance isn’t a good thingy, especially between boss and employees!”

“Hey! I just want to be friend with her and nothing more.” Said Ryujin to defend herself.

Chaeryeong smiles, and she hands Ryujin the broom “Start cleaning then before we can go home.”


“Yeji you’re home?”

“Yes mom!”

“Yeji ah, tomorrow morning we’re going to meet someone, so make sure you wake up early okay?”

“Okay mom!” Yeji shouted from her room.

She throws her back on the couch and then throw herself on to her fluffy bed, she couldn’t help but to smile when she thinks about Lia. She puts her hand on her chest to check on her heartbeat and it’s still beating wild.

“No no Yeji, clearly your best friend likes her too, you can’t interfere your best friend!” Yeji reminded herself but then there’s another voice that telling her that she should try to get close to Lia.

“I can’t…no Yeji you can’t…”

“What if Ryujin ditch you and got close to Lia?” the voice tells her.

“Ryujin wouldn’t do that. We took an oath that we’re gonna be friend till the they we died!” Yeji denying the fact that she actually ever thought that Ryujin will leave her one day.

Yeji gets up from her bed and shakes her head “Why am I talking to myself! I better go take a bath and go to sleep.” Said Yeji and she goes to her bathroom.

To Be Continue…

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Chapter 9: Our great author has returned woohoo!!!!
Oh what is going on in this chapter and why did you almost kill off Lia. I almost flip the table when you did that but at least they are alive now but this situation is a bit not that nice. But i hope the devil explain herself and give jinlia a good ending. As for the dreamcatcher, i hope their father forgive them and bring them up to heaven after all this thing.
Cant wait for the next chapter with more explanation.
And please author, dont leave me hanging for too long. Hahaha jkjk, take as much time as you need. I will wait.
Chapter 9: The cup has been moveddd!! Welcome back authornimm
fiqachibi #3
what ever happened to this story...
binkkk #4
Chapter 8: authornim…?
u_ujiman #5
Chapter 8: Oh come on with this cliffhanger. :(
, he has a gun. Someone stop him!!!!
Lets just hope nothing bad happen to our girls.
Cant wait for the next chapter author.
soncelfeu #7
Chapter 8: so intense
Chapter 8: Bruhhhh
soncelfeu #9
Chapter 7: wow im so late, this is interesting, i wonder if this will continue and finish tho😭
cleofierayne 26 streak #10
Chapter 7: Mygoodness where did I wander all this time? Can't believe I let this story pass under my jinlia radar! 😭🤣 I'm glad I let my curiousity prevails hehehe

And authornim!wahh bravo🙌🙌 really like this the first time I read. Please let it be a sweet and happy ending! 🥺🥺🥺