The First Beginning

on opposite ends
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The scarlet steam train s through the rolling valleys and past the mountainous scenery of the countryside that Jisoo watched with mild fascination from the window of the carriage she currently shared with Bona, who was sleeping on the bench opposite to hers after explaining that she didn't get much sleep last night because it was her cousin's birthday party so Jisoo left her alone when she dozed off just a few minutes after the train began its journey back Hogwarts.


She had just returned from her very first prefect meeting with the other prefects plus the Head Boy and Head Girl for this year. It had been quite... interesting. Well, for the first part it was just them doing introductions and talking about the basics, laying out the core principles and duties of a good and functional prefect. But then it had taken an unexpected turn midway the discussion when Park Jinyoung and Im Jaebum's heated argument turned into a full on scuffle and Bae Joohyun was panicking, frantically telling Jisoo and the other prefects to look for Im Nayeon to help calm down his own brother. 


"That was something," Nakamoto Yuta, the other Ravenclaw prefect chosen alongside her to represent their year, said while he closed the carriage door behind his back. He looked down at Jisoo and a sort of awkward moment had passed between them while they stood in the hallway of the moving train. They've never really been close nor where they on regular speaking terms, Jisoo liked to keep to herself and to her books while Yuta was the famous star-studded chaser for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Two entirely different worlds.


Jisoo had looked up at him then and wondered why neither of them was making a move to leave. "I'll see you around?" It came out like a question. 


But Yuta had smiled and something in it had warmed her. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to working with you." Then Yuta, who's probably a foot taller than Jisoo, had patted her on the head before walking away in the other direction. 


Jisoo realizes she's frowning when her eyes focus on her reflection against the glass window. She shakes her head and glances at Bona, still sleeping. Jisoo likes sticking with Bona by the hip because they're one of the few muggle-borns in their year and because Bona had always been so kind and approachable during their first year and Jisoo kind of just tagged along. It's nice having someone to relate to, someone who she can trust and someone who understands what it's like to be ed into a whole new world that she never fathomed had existed before the Hogwarts letter had came. 


Speaking of Hogwarts, there's not a long way left to go before they reach the castle and Jisoo already has her robes on. She steps out of the carriage to go to the loo but when she does, she finds that her path is blocked by a very broad back. 


Jisoo clears . When the person turns around, a groan immediately escapes from her lips because of course it's him. 


"Hello there, love," Kim Taehyung looks back at her, grinning. There's a prominent dimple on the lower left corner of his mouth and his boxy grin is more cheeky than troublesome, more disarming than ever. 


Jisoo smiles back but in a sarcastic manner, a hand on her hip and her other hand motioning to the tight hallway space that he was blocking. "Let me through, please." She tells him.


"What's the magic word?" His face is leaning forward, hands tucked behind his back as he wiggles his eyebrows at her suggestively. His eyes move down to the glinting prefect badge pinned on her robes and he tilts his head to the side in curious wonder. "Oh? You're a prefect now?" Then he flashes her his signature smile and every atom in her body yells run!


Jisoo pushes him out of the way before his smile can blind her and not in a good way. "I already said please." She mumbles before stepping over his long legs. 


"Can't wait for you to catch me out of bed past curfew, my little raven!" He screams at her back as she's walking away from him. 


Jisoo merely rolls her eyes. 

Being a prefect was not at all what Jisoo had expected but she sees this a good thing. She thought she'd be busy and bombarded with prefect duties that she won't have ample time to study for the upcoming O.W.L.s or do other academic-related tasks. Turns out she was wrong.  


For one, they had very minimal duties and most of the time, they were barely even summoned for meetings by the Head Boy and Girl – Kim Seokjin and Bae Joohyun – or perhaps it was because of how they handled every situation flawlessly that the prefects weren't left with much stuff to do after, maybe just damage control like the time Seokjin broke out a scuffle in the courtyard and Jisoo was nearby, so he ordered her to take the wounded, a.k.a the ones who were unfortunate enough to be victims of a bat-boogey hex, to the infirmary.


The only exciting thing that happened for the next three months was probably when Jisoo walked in on Yuta in the prefect's bath because she accidentally turned left instead of right and turning left led you to the boy's washroom and Yuta just happened to be there alone, in the large tub filled with water that covered him from the chest down and Jisoo wanted to blame the steam in the room for the hot blush that tainted her cheeks a startling pink color. 


"I am so sorry." Jisoo had uttered for what felt like the nth time to Yuta. He just chuckled. Yuta stepped out a little later after getting dressed, thank Merlin. He was in his pajamas and he was looking down at her with a small smile despite what had happened. He tells her it's okay and that he's not bothered at all. He had patted her head before he left, reminding her that it wasn't a big deal, and Jisoo stopped apologizing. Really, she just stopped talking after that. 


She didn't realize the potential mess such a small mistake could make until morning came and Jisoo found herself being the target of numerous glares, mostly from girls, when she walked in the Great Hall accompanied by Bona to get breakfast. 


Bona was quick to react, she asked; "Why are all the girls staring at Jisoo like they want to throw the deadliest dark curse at her?" to the nearest Ravenclaw they sat next to. 


Apparently, there had been a rumor going around that Jisoo and Yuta hooked up last night in the prefect's bathroom because the both of them had come out at the same time and Jisoo looked so flush and red. Of course, that was the most ridiculous thing Jisoo had heard and she actually laughed. They didn't know that the reason Jisoo had waited for Yuta to come out before leaving was because she wanted to apologize properly, and she had looked flushed because of her mistake, because she had walked in on him in the bath. 


Jisoo had told Bona about it last night and she actually made Jisoo feel better as they laughed it off and moved on. But the rest of Hogwarts honestly believed that she was shagging the Ravenclaw chaser. 


"What's he like? Is it true he has a mole on his left cheek?" Jisoo had shooed away Minatozaki Sana after Potions when she came up to Jisoo, her face sickly sweet and mocking her. Jisoo had turned away and shrugged on the straps of her bag to avoid dealing with them. It wasn't just Sana though, a lot of other girls and even boys were shooting her crude looks all day and she just wished they'd stop. 


"His fanclub is probably angry at you now." Bona said during lunch while biting on her potatoes. "I can't believe he didn't walk up to you to talk about it after Charms."


Most Ravenclaw fifth years shared their Charms class together and Yuta and Jisoo had been in the same room, one oblivious to the whispering of the rest of their classmates behind his back and the other just wanting the class to end early so she could leave.

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072223. new update, chapter 29 is up!


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chickenwing_ac #2
Chapter 34: i am beyond shocked at the ending and so i glad i decided to check for any updates tdy 😭
1131 streak #4
Chapter 33: Bona don't leave Jisoo 😭😭😭
Bserius6 #5
Chapter 25: update please 😭😭😭
_petal_ #7
Chapter 32: Ahhhh....not Jungkook as well.
1131 streak #8
Chapter 32: Man I still can't believe Nayeon did that...Oh my I kinda knew it the moment Jungkook said he will go with her to the next horcrux that he will betray/leave her... And I think Hoseok or Jennie will free Tae...
_Vante #9
Chapter 31: I like the way this story is going but maybe that's because I am a er for angst and stuff. Keep up the good work and hoping to see the next chapters as quickly as possible.
1131 streak #10
Chapter 31: That's not fair Tae why only Jisoo have to swear? What about you? So if the dark lord controlled you and ordered you to kill her she won't be able to defend herself?