Everything For You

on opposite ends
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The thought came to her one day, spontaneously and out of the blue, as she was lounging near the dark soiled banks of the Great Lake. She had visited Gringotts just a few days before seventh year started when she was out shopping with Bona for books and other school materials at Diagon Alley. She managed to convert all the muggle money she saved up these past years into galleons, one of the three wizard currencies. 


Gringotts resembled a museum or even a five-star hotel more than it did a bank. The high ceilings and arched windows and marbled-tiled floors all felt so grand and luxurious that Jisoo momentarily felt small and insignificant in the vastness of it all, so out of place from all the intricate decor. She was only reminded that it was indeed a bank when she saw the rows and rows of accounts and bankers, all goblins, punching up numbers and sorting through files and counting coins and examining jewelries under magnifying glasses.  


Jisoo sat up and looked to her right, where Taehyung was lying down with his eyes half-closed in tranquil bliss. Beside him, he had a bag of puking pastilles for his next unfortunate victim. He looked up at her when he felt her eyes bore into him and she smiled. "I think I want to work at Gringotts."


"Gringotts," Professor McGonagall repeated, looking at Jisoo with narrowed eyes. The next day, she had a sort of career guidance meeting with a teacher. It was called as such back in the muggle world, where students would sit down with teachers who reviewed their grades and they would decide together on what were the best career paths and job opportunities to take once the student graduates.


They were doing exactly that and McGonagall doesn't at all look the least bit pleased with Jisoo's first choice of a job. "Why on earth would you want to work with Goblins, Ms. Kim? Some of the wizards working there are there because they have no choice, it's one of the lesser wizard-friendly working environments." 


Jisoo winced slightly at the professor's words. She wondered what was wrong with working with them, with goblins, aside that they were fickle creatures. Jisoo had learned through her History classes that they weren't all that bad to wizards who learned how to respect their kind and Jisoo thinks she could do that. "I just have a thing for numbers. I mean, I passed Arithmancy with an O in OWLs and I'm already preparing for the NEWTs for it. I know I need to have Outstandings in both OWLs and NEWTs to be apply to apply for it, so I'm aware that I have to study hard." 


All the seventh years would be going through this guidance meeting in preparation for taking the NEWTs, before they all decide the course of their life as witches and wizards in the real world beyond the walls of Hogwarts. The NEWTs were similar to the OWLs, they were exams as well but the NEWTs had a higher value of importance; passing them was critical because it heavily determined their future career. And if Jisoo intended to keep living the magical, wizarding world then she had to get a proper job with a good pay. 


McGonagall examines the thin piece of parchment in her hands, it contained all of Jisoo's grades ever since her first year. "The qualifications have changed to be able to apply in Gringotts, you're qualified enough to get hired right after graduation." 


"Really?" Her ears perked up and she could feel herself beaming. 


"Yes, but I don't think it's the most suitable job for you." 


Jisoo instantly deflates at the professor's sharp words. She never beats around the bush. "Why not, professor?"


McGonagall places the parchment down and points a long, thin finger along the inked lines. "Looking at your grades and remarks from your professors, you possess all the qualities of a good Auror." 


"An Auror?" her nose scrunches up at the thought. Her? An Auror? She's not bold enough for that, nor is she willing to risk her life countless of times just to capture rogue wizards. That might be Bona's cup of coffee: the thing that excites and energizes her the most just by the thought of it. But it wasn't Jisoo's. "What makes you say that, professor?"


"You're an excellent spell caster and you have good instincts. Professor Flitwick says you're his best student in Charms. And your professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts is always thoroughly impressed by your memory as well as your knowledge in spells. He says you and Mr. Kim Taehyung make quite a pair during classes and that you're the two top students in your year." McGonagall always had a stern face, reading to chide and scold any misbehaving student but in front of the most well-behaved student to ever grace Hogwarts, she smiles in earnest.


"Oh," Jisoo's face flushes a deep shade of red. "They - they really said that?"


"They did, Ms. Kim. Your Arithmancy professor though," McGonagall's smile wavers and her light tone is gone. "He says you've been falling behind recently, you're not doing as well as before." 


Jisoo fidgets in her seat before letting out a sigh. "Well, the lessons have been quite difficult recently." She bites down her bottom lip and looks up at the professor. 


McGonagall sighs as well and rolls Jisoo's parchment up. "You know that it's not my decision to make, Ms. Kim." She firmly reminds her. "The final decision rests solely on you. But now that we've discussed your possible options for a career, I hope you will think about them carefully. You may now leave." 


Jisoo exits the office, feeling conflicted about the future that lies ahead of her but at least now, her decision has been narrowed down between two choices. She just has to make sure she ends up choosing the right one. 


The moment Bona returns from her career guidance meeting, she bounces on top of Jisoo's bed where the latter had been resting while waiting for her. Bona is ecstatic and Jisoo could see it in the way her eyes twinkled with pure happiness. Flitwick said she was good enough to be an Auror if she really wanted it and Jisoo is glad that her best friend is on the right path. She had always wanted to be an Auror. "Flitwick said I have to do even better this NEWTs to qualify as an Auror but anyway," she shakes her head, grinning from ear to ear. The thought of studying harder and more frequently than before doesn't seem to bother her. "I think my chances are looking good. How about you?"


Jisoo's shoulders slump and she lays back down on her bed, Bona stays seated up and looks almost regretful that she asked such a simple question. "I told McGonagall about Gringotts and she said she doesn't think it's the most suitable job for me." 


"What? Why not?" Bona sounded genuinely surprise. She didn't think the professor would refute Jisoo's wishes of working inside a bank when she was obviously the perfect person for the job. "You love calculations and numbers, I mean you're the only seventh year in Ravenclaw that's in an O-level Arithmancy class!" 


Jisoo smiles, feeling flattered that her friend complimented her like this but at the same time, she knows that's not exactly true. Yes she was the only seventh year Ravenclaw in an O-level Arithmancy class but now that she thinks about, does she really love calculations and numbers that much to make a career out of it? She liked the way Gringotts looked and she liked the way it felt while she was there, but like McGonagall had said, she's been falling behind Arithmancy lately so maybe her heart isn't really in the right place after all. 


"Well, she said I suit being an Auror more." Jisoo continues. 


"Oh my goodness, that's even better!" Bona squeals, grabbing Jisoo's arm and squeezing it tightly. Her eyes go wider in delight. "We can be part of the same team! Or even better, we can be a duo!" Her friend's laughter fills their room. 


Jisoo vaguely wonders how that would be: her and Bona fighting danger and dark wizards side by side. Wouldn't that be a sight to behold? "That would be something. But I still prefer being in Gringotts over being an Auror." 


Bona pushes Jisoo's arm away from her and makes a shocked face. "You'd rather be with goblins than be with me? Friendship over." 


Jisoo laughs, a light feeling overcoming her. Bona laughs as well, falling into the bed with her.  


Seventh year has been the busiest Jisoo's ever been so far. Aside from the usual prefect duties (to which Jisoo is still bummed that she wasn't Head Girl), she was busy studying for NEWTs. As much as she wanted to pass the exams with flying colors, this was also her last year in Hogwarts and she wanted to make every day of it count.


She spent sunny days with Taehyung

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072223. new update, chapter 29 is up!


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chickenwing_ac #2
Chapter 34: i am beyond shocked at the ending and so i glad i decided to check for any updates tdy 😭
1120 streak #4
Chapter 33: Bona don't leave Jisoo 😭😭😭
Bserius6 #5
Chapter 25: update please 😭😭😭
_petal_ #7
Chapter 32: Ahhhh....not Jungkook as well.
1120 streak #8
Chapter 32: Man I still can't believe Nayeon did that...Oh my I kinda knew it the moment Jungkook said he will go with her to the next horcrux that he will betray/leave her... And I think Hoseok or Jennie will free Tae...
_Vante #9
Chapter 31: I like the way this story is going but maybe that's because I am a er for angst and stuff. Keep up the good work and hoping to see the next chapters as quickly as possible.
1120 streak #10
Chapter 31: That's not fair Tae why only Jisoo have to swear? What about you? So if the dark lord controlled you and ordered you to kill her she won't be able to defend herself?