2 Neko Ni Naritai

Neko Ni Naritai
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When Eunbi suggested having a honeymoon at her family’s ryokan in Kagoshima, Sakura was a bit stunned. Eunbi always dreams of a sunny hot place for their honeymoon either maybe in Phuket or Bali and when she had a change of heart to even propose Kagoshima, Sakura was a bit of worried that they might not fully enjoy their honeymoon. Who wants to spend their honeymoon with family right? Honeymoon is always about the couple. Eunbi’s reasoning was simple. She wanted to spend more time with Sakura’s extended relatives especially her grandma since she’s absent from their wedding. Her grandma never fond of flying and prefer to stay on the land most of the time and when Eunbi told her reasoning, Sakura knew she wouldn’t say no to her.


“Kkura-ya, we need to save more money for the apartment deposit. We need to be more careful with our spending,” Eunbi reminded her of their financial planning to own a two-bedroom apartment in a nicer neighborhood, an upgrade from their one-bedroom apartment.

“I vow to reduce my spending for games to be only one-fifth out of my salary instead of one-third,” Sakura’s grin turning to a scared, sheepish smile when Eunbi glared at her.


“But unnie, you spent a lot on makeup. You have too many accessories too. See, all your fingers are wearing rings and not just our wedding ring,” Sakura’s pouted back.


“Sakura do you know why women love jewellery since time immemorial? It’s not because we love blings blings shiny things, but because women can’t possess any wealth at all. So, if women got divorced, the only option to get hard cold cash faster, its to pawn the jewellery. I’m buying this not only for me but it’s for us,” Eunbi lectured Sakura with one breath even though there’s a lisp whenever Eunbi pronounced S letter and Sakura found it to be cute but she tried hard to focus on a more pressing matter.


Sakura wants to sulk, probably far away from Eunbi, but their apartment is too small now as it got cramped with all the wedding gifts and Sakura is thankful for the generosity of her wedding guests, but it takes too much space. Eunbi is right, they should move into a bigger apartment now especially when they plan to have kids in two years.


Out of nowhere, Eunbi’s phone is ringing and Sakura passed the phone to Eunbi glancing at the caller id. It's an unknown caller. Sakura just shrugged and continue to pack her luggage as their flight to Japan will be tomorrow, and she doesn’t want to miss anything or Eunbi will start to nag her again.


“Hello, yes, this is Eunbi. Who? Oh, Sian-ah, it's ok, it's ok, you can talk to me,” Eunbi stopped at what she’s doing and plopped on the bed staring at Sakura’s back who sitting down near to their closet. Eunbi swears she can see Sakura’s cat ear tingling trying to eavesdrop into her phone conversation.


“Its ok Sian-ah, I understand. Hahaha, yes, we’re going for honeymoon tomorrow.” Eunbi laughed at Sian’s joke (as assumed by Sakura) and worse Eunbi’s ears turning red which means one thing: Eunbi is blushing as a result of Sian’s joke.


Sakura tried to pretend she needs to take her socks in their drawer opposite of the closet near to their bed and stole a glance at Eunbi who’s too engrossed in her phone conversation with Sian. When Eunbi realized Sakura’s movement she just smiled at Sakura while Sakura only mouthed ‘socks’ and shrugged returning to her messy luggage.


Sakura knows who Sian is. She is an ex-girlfriend of Eunbi and possibly Eunbi’s first lover though Eunbi never confirms or rejected the notion. Eunbi invited Sian to their wedding after Eunbi asked Sakura about the idea and Sakura just nodded weakly trying to convince herself that the past is the past and whatever happened between the two will not affect the future of theirs.


“I know Sian, its been so long since I’ve seen you. We should catch up with each other. Sure, I’ll bring my wife, Sakura too,” Eunbi looked around and just realized that Sakura disappeared.


“Yah, don’t joke on that. We’re not ready yet for a baby. Sakura and I are planning,” Eunbi’s eyes roamed around the apartment looking for Sakura but she’s nowhere to be found. Eunbi tried to check if Sakura is in the bathroom but when she pushed the door, she can only see Sakura’s clothes scattered on the floor and Sakucat is hiding in the bathtub.


“Sian, I need to go. I have an emergency.” Eunbi is trying to approach Sakucat but Sakucat looked pissed at her.


“No, that’s not the code word for , Sian. I really need to go now. Yeah, bye, thanks for calling,” Eunbi tried to hang up as soon as she can while Sakucat took the chance and leaped toward the bathroom door to escape.


“, Sakura, wait, don’t hide,” Eunbi ran tried to catch Sakucat.


From far, Maruchan is now looking at the situation and assessing whether she should join the duo or ignore it. After pondering for a little less than a second, Maruchan thought it’s best to sleep inside of Sakura’s unfinished luggage.




That’s a rare meow coming from Sakucat. Maruchan can sense that Sakucat is in distress and run to Sakucat who’s currently sitting on top of their two feet cat tree looking down at Eunbi who’s trying to appease Sakucat.


“Meow,” Maruchan told Sakucat that she’s coming and jumped towards Sakucat and Eunbi is startled with the sudden appearance of Maruchan.

Sakucat now nestled into Maruchan who’s now looking at Eunbi curiously.


“Sakura, are you mad at me?”


Sakucat turned her back to Eunbi and gestured Maruchan to be aware of Eunbi.


“I’m sorry okay, I’m just talking to Sian. She apologized for not attending our wedding. She even asked me to bring you together when we meet up.”

Sakucat ears are still on the high alert but still refused to budge even when Eunbi attempted to hold her which Maruchan swatted Eunbi’s hand to protect Sakucat from being taken away.


“Alright, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry if you got hurt because of my ignorance. I’ll give you space for you to have the cat time okay. Don’t take too long or I will start to miss my human Sakura.”


Once Eunbi’s steps receded into their shared bedroom, Sakucat stretched and jumped down while catwalking into the bedroom to check on Eunbi.


Eunbi now is picking up Sakura’s clothes from the bathroom floor while Sakucat cleverly hiding between the bed and the drawer just looking at Eunbi from faraway. Sakucat’s eyes following Eunbi’s movement who now is folding Sakura’s clothes neatly into her messy luggage while unaware Sakucat is stalking her.


Eunbi managed to pack Sakura’s luggage less than half an hour before realizing that Sakucat had not transformed back to her human Sakura. Eunbi is worried if staying in the cat form too long will affect Sakura. Heck, they haven’t discussed yet if a visit to a vet needed if Sakura failed to transform into her human form.


Eunbi rushed to the living room to check on Sakucat but only Maruchan is there sprawled ungracefully on the cat tree. Eunbi is now near to the panic mode as she feared what if Sakura opened the window and jumped from their tenth-floor apartment which is impossible since the window is locked tightly and no cat can even open the window unless they grow a thumb. Eunbi tried to recall if she’s ever seen thumb on Sakucat until Sakucat now walked from their bedroom lazily to their sofa in the living room while tilted her head to Eunbi.


“You made me scared. I was scared if you suddenly escaped from the house.” Eunbi is relieved Sakura is alive and well in their apartment.

Sakucat just ignored Eunbi and continue to clean her fur.


“I’m going to cook, or you want to order yukhoe?”


The question caught Sakucat’s attention and immediately stopped her pretense to clean her fur. She tried to meow yukhoe but failed miserably as it sounded like a cat’s dying. Eunbi’s eyes bulging with panic surging at an alarming level. What if Sakura’s dying in her cat form?


Eunbi jumped at Sakucat on the sofa with a speed that can beat Usain Bolt. Sakucat is trapped under Eunbi while Eunbi’s hands tried to hold Sakucat with a tight grip to prevent Sakucat from running away again.


Sakucat’s ears appeared to relax when Eunbi hold her close sitting on the sofa while trying to check if there’s any injury on Sakucat. Eunbi started to pat Sakucat and Sakucat started to purr enjoying the Eunbi’s touch.


This is the first time Eunbi had patted Sakucat even though she had seen Sakucat a few times after Sakura’s confession. Each transformation doesn’t last more than an hour, with the average time only took around twenty to thirty minutes. But tonight it’s a bit different as Eunbi glanced at the clock hanging on the wall indicating its more than an hour passed since she found Sakucat in the bathtub.


Sakucat’s fur is really soft, almost silky-like but her ears are big, almost bunny-like. Sakucat now shifted to lay down on Eunbi’s lap while starting to knead Eunbi’s chest.


Eunbi looked at Sakucat weirdly thinking whether the kneading is the Sakucat hinted even though she never counted her as part of furries despite marrying to full-time human Sakura and part-time Sakucat.


“What are you doing Sakura?”Eunbi tried to stop Sakucat’s paws and stoop her head to kiss Sakucat’s nose.


Sakura now is a bit frustrated. She tried to spell yukhoe on Eunbi’s chest even though her misunderstood attempt was stopped by Eunbi, Sakura continued to use her paws to spell yukhoe on Eunbi’s paws now. How Sakura wished she has thumbs on her paws.


Eunbi giggled looking at Sakucat tri

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Chapter 5: ohh nice back story, will the curse get lifted up?
violentsushi #2
Chapter 5: i wonder if this is foreshadowing and this mean that the curse will play a bigger role in this story. :)
1762 streak #3
Chapter 5: ah so thats how the curse came to be
Chapter 4: This is so lovely. I can't express much how I love the semi-flirting Sakucat when they're in Korea who tried telling Eunbi that she want Yukhoe. Gosh, I think I'm in love with this. Can't wait for the lesson with Obasama
Chapter 4: I love this!
Its so cute and fluffly
Chapter 1: Hahahhaha, this is too cute! I have to take a break a few times as I can't stop grinning while reading (to the point my mouth almost being numb).

Kudos to you. Such amazing story!
1762 streak #7
Chapter 4: just too cute!!! glad eunbi is getting along with anna and obasama!!!
Chapter 4: I wish I’m not a cockroach for my animal form. Being a scorpion or nine-tailed fox is my wish.
But cockroach is fascinating too. I can become a pig when I fly~
Chapter 3: so obasama is really a dragon????
1762 streak #10
Chapter 3: Hahaha this was cute! Don’t mess with obasama!!!