Neko Ni Naritai

Neko Ni Naritai
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Sakura doesn’t know how to tell Eunbi actually. They live together as long as she remembers but she managed to hide it well. In two months, she’s going to be Mrs Miyawaki-Kwon yet she still hasn’t tell Eunbi. She managed to hide it well even though there’s some slip up that Eunbi might noticed yet Eunbi is dense especially if it involves animals. Could it be Eunbi realized it before she supposed to tell her? Maybe she noticed it but confused or the best assumption Eunbi might not believe what happened in front of her and ignored it. Sakura feels that she should inform Eunbi tonight. It’s now or never. Honesty is the best policy especially when you’re going to get married. One shouldn’t hide any secret from their spouse. She hoped Eunbi will take the news well or there might not be any wedding at all. But does it go to that extent? She loves Eunbi so much but it’s not easy to tell people that she can transform into a cat. They’re not living in the Harry Potter world where animal transformation is a school subject.


Sakura’s family is one of the oldest family in Japan. Her family owns ryokan that is 700 years old and still running the same ryokan and developed a chain of ryokan throughout Japan. She suspected the reason her family survived for this long is because of the curse.


Every member in her family will turn into animals when they feel extreme emotion. The oral tale that been passed down from each generation was how the ancestor of Miyawaki cheated a disguised kami-sama that was a patron to their ryokan. The kami-sama didn’t take it well and cursed their bloodlines to transform to be animals when their emotion runs high. Luckily it’s not like Fruit Basket or the bloodlines will cease as soon as their ancestors tried to procreate.


Because of this slight inconvenience, their family has been trained to keep their emotions at bay especially in a very stressed situation. The kami-sama apparently didn’t specify which animal they will transform. Most of them will transform into cats as the kami-sama is a cat spirit however they are some cases where the transformation is quite huge such as elephant and it happened to Sakura’s great-great-great grandfather. As the family been adapted to the curse, they had found a method to check which animal will the new offspring turned to by looking at their birthmark. For Sakura it was elephant on her arm where she occasionally will show to her friends during school days and called it as one of her talent. Her parents even went to fly to Thailand to learn how to care for elephant if Sakura might change to elephant even though the transformation only happened after they hit puberty. To their surprise and relief, Sakura turned to a cat but with large ears after she was overly excited winning the lottery ticket to meet her idol-san in a fan sign meeting.


When her parents called Sakura when she was 15 years old after a week her puberty sign showed she thought they are going to have about the normal flowers and bee’s discussion. Imagine how shocked she was after her parents told about the curse knowing that she can transform to an animal if she’s overly excited, stressed or scared. She was scared that she might transform into elephant (she can’t fit in their apartment) and prayed hard to kami-sama to make her to turn into a cat and the kami-sama granted her diligent prayer.


Her phone ringing disturbed her thoughts and Sakura smiled after seeing the id caller.

“Kkura-ya, what do you want to eat tonight?” Eunbi’s voice is a bit rushed and there’s some announcement in the background indicating that she’s in the train.

“Yukhoe, is it okay?” Sakura’s voice is a bit uncertain.

“But we just eat yukhoe yesterday and the day before. Aren’t you tired of yukhoe?” Eunbi whined.

Sakura laughed and just shaking her head to no one particular while simultaneously packing her briefcase to leave the office.

“Unnie, I’ll buy you macaron and you’ll buy me yukhoe. Okay?”

“Fine, where are you now? Still in the office?”

“Yeah, I’m heading out now. See you at home, bye. I love you. Don’t sleep in the train or you’ll miss the station again,” Sakura teased and giggling imagining Eunbi’s pout.

“I won’t, I’m not a baby. I got to go now, since the train is going to the tunnel. Bye, I love you,” the line went static and click can be heard afterwards.

Sakura shoved her phone into her jeans and whispered to herself.

“But you’re my Eun-baby.”




It takes almost an hour before she reached her home. Sakura can’t stop contemplating her decision. She is scared and stressed but she must control her emotions, or she might transformed into a cat in the middle of packed train. She shuddered to the thought and trying to steady her breathing.

“I’m home,” Sakura announced and entered into hallway.

“Unnie, are you home?” Sakura put the macarons on the dining table and walked into their bedroom. She can hear Eunbi’s singing in the shower.

She took off her clothes and Eunbi done with her shower still in her towel closing the bathroom door and walked to her.

“Kkura-ya,” Eunbi hugged Sakura tightly and started to smell Sakura.

“I’m sweating. I don’t smell good unnie.”

“I don’t care, I missed you Kkura-ya,” Eunbi’s always the expressive one among the pair.

“I missed you too unnie,” while Sakura is always calm and steady despite the whirlwind emotion inside her brain.

“I need to shower now unnie,” Sakura chuckled and pecked Eunbi’s lip.

Eunbi sighed and a bit dramatic with longing eyes looking at Sakura’s back walking towards the bathroom. She walked to their closet and chose to wear a bunny pyjama.




“Are you okay KKura-ya? You don’t talk much today. Is it wedding jittery?” Eunbi looked at her with concern.

“No, I’m just tired. The project deadline is in two weeks. I still haven’t finished the codes yet.”


Sakura didn’t care much about the project. In fact, she’s almost done coding the tools. Coding is always about reuse the code and honestly it didn’t take much to complete the project. Plus, she still has two weeks before the deadline. The project is not the thought that bothering her. It’s about the curse. She called her parents right after she agreed to Eunbi’s proposal. Her father advised her to tell Eunbi as soon as she can. But to Sakura, it’s not easy. Even her bestfriends, Chaeyeon and Hyewon didn’t know about it. Aside from her family, only Yena knew that she can shift to a cat. It was an accident as they shared a room in the university. Yena is a loud person and always have the energy that is too much to handle by Sakura. Sakura was so stressed with her exam when she realized that her shared room was bigger than usual. Yena who was talking with her reacted with wide eyes that look like in the anime. Yena kept trying to hold her cat form and Sakura kept running in the cramped room. When Sakura decided to stay on top of their closet, it was the moment she shifted back to her human form. Luckily, she snatched a blanket from the closet faster before there’s another unneeded incident.

“Holy , you, you, oh my god, a cat, oh my god,” Yena still can’t complete a coherent sentence even after Sakura’s now standing in front of her with a blanket covering her body.

“Yena, please don’t tell anyone,” Sakura begged her. She was ready to give Yena everything as long as her secret is safe.

“You, you, oh my god, I cant believe it,” Yena is too shocked to react.

“I know, I know, it’s a long story. But promised me, you wont tell anyone including Yuri,” Sakura pleaded to her again with her pitiful round eyes that resembled a bit like in cat character.

“How come you can change to a cat? You, a human being, to a cat. A ing orange tabby cat,” Yena looked to Sakura in a bewildered expression.

“Are you a magic

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Chapter 5: ohh nice back story, will the curse get lifted up?
violentsushi #2
Chapter 5: i wonder if this is foreshadowing and this mean that the curse will play a bigger role in this story. :)
1761 streak #3
Chapter 5: ah so thats how the curse came to be
Chapter 4: This is so lovely. I can't express much how I love the semi-flirting Sakucat when they're in Korea who tried telling Eunbi that she want Yukhoe. Gosh, I think I'm in love with this. Can't wait for the lesson with Obasama
Chapter 4: I love this!
Its so cute and fluffly
Chapter 1: Hahahhaha, this is too cute! I have to take a break a few times as I can't stop grinning while reading (to the point my mouth almost being numb).

Kudos to you. Such amazing story!
1761 streak #7
Chapter 4: just too cute!!! glad eunbi is getting along with anna and obasama!!!
Chapter 4: I wish I’m not a cockroach for my animal form. Being a scorpion or nine-tailed fox is my wish.
But cockroach is fascinating too. I can become a pig when I fly~
Chapter 3: so obasama is really a dragon????
1761 streak #10
Chapter 3: Hahaha this was cute! Don’t mess with obasama!!!