Poker face? I barely know her face.

IZ*ONE: The Global Girl Group
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Hyewon quietly went with the two men who escorted her out of the dorms. She was trained enough to know that these two were highly trained soldiers and not civilians going through their mandatory enlistment. Their postures were sturdy and they seemed alert. Although their grips on her shoulders were firm, they were gentle enough that it did not hurt. The two soldiers tried their best to be inconspicuous with their plain clothes, but Hyewon could see the outline of their gun holsters and knives under their jackets. They crossed the street and entered a building not far away from the event centre where the show was filmed. After scanning her with a metal detector, she was led by the two guys to a dimly lit room with no windows; in one of the walls is a huge mirror that Hyewon knows to be a one-way mirror. In the middle of the room was a table with three metal chairs placed around it. She was asked to sit in one of the chairs, and she obliged because she had no choice anyway. The room was a familiar sight to her because she has been in the opposite side of the one-way mirror before.

It was an interrogation room.

After she got herself seated, the two plainclothes officers told her to wait and left the room. Although she was not in handcuffs, she knew that that she was in a similar position as a regular suspect. She just did not know who took her in and why. The two officers leaving the room gave her time to collect her thoughts about what was happening. There was only one reason for her to be called to an interrogation room like this: the two Japanese trainees who Gaeun and Seungyoun had fought were already discovered by the authorities. Given that the military was involved and not the police, Hyewon surmised that the two trainees who attacked them were not ordinary idols. There must have been a reason why they were attacked and she hadn't thought about it until now. She was busy worrying about her comrades and thinking of a way to keep Eunbi talking at the convenience store.

One thing was for certain: there are spies among the Japanese trainees out to get her and Gaeun.

She did not know if Gaeun was aware that their mission had been discovered. She was not even sure about how much the South knew about their plan, if they really did, but she cannot discount the fact that they were attacked and now she is going to be questioned by the South Korean government. For now, she decided to play along and hope the authorities reveal their cards to their unsuspecting idol trainee suspect. All she had to do was play dumb and hope that whoever walked through that door would slip up.

The door opened and revealed someone she did not expect.

She had only seen his face from file photos that she got from briefings about their counterparts in the South Korean military and it was one of the photos that caught her eye because she has not seen a general scarier than him.

General Kwon Chaehyun.

He was one of the more recent general appointees but having heard about his contributions in the intelligence battle between the North and South Korean forces and the reports of those who were captured, Hyewon would not want to cross paths with him. Why would he be here if this was just for a simple assault case of two Japanese idols? His presence was enough to answer Hyewon's question about how much the South Korean government was involved with the Japanese espionage mission. She watched as the general remove his cap and sit on the chair in the opposite side of the table. He had more gray hair compared to his file photo and his facial features were more defined, but his aura was just as menacing.

"Trainee Kang Hyewon, I'm Chaehyun and I'm here to ask you some questions," The general looked at her with an intimidating gaze that affected Hyewon even after years of interrogation training.

"W-what is it about, Sir?" She thought it would be better to stutter to keep the trainee facade she was going for, but the general was too scary that she knew it was not a facade anymore.

"Two Japanese trainees were assaulted at the nearby park earlier today at three in the afternoon. There were witnesses who saw you near the park around that time. What were you doing at the park?"

"I went out for my daily walk around to destress from practice, and then at around three I went to a convenience store near the train station."

"Which convenience store?"

"The GS25 in Seonmungyo."

The general scrunched his eyebrows in response, "So you are telling me that you were at the convenience store at the side opposite the park's forest area at around three in the afternoon."

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you know if anyone can confirm your whereabouts?"

"You can ask the store owner or you can check the security cameras."

"It's funny because someone saw you around the park's forest at the same time as the incident. How can you be in two places at the same time, Kang Hyewon?"

"I do not like what you are implying, Sir," Hyewon replied back with the same tenacity as the general's questions.

"My witness is quite reliable."

"She might have been mistaken."

"Then you would not mind waiting here until we send people out to confirm your alibi, right?"

"I think that would be an infringement of my rights, Sir," Hyewon challenged the general again, which was met by an icy glare. She already had all the information she needed. They did not know about Gaeun

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Dino39 #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update
Chapter 6: yasss it updated thank you
Dino39 #3
Chapter 5: It's really interesting. Thank you for writing this. I am looking forward to the next chapters
Chapter 2: this is cool and interesting asf
1762 streak #5
Chapter 5: lol hyewon! what are you going to do??
Chapter 5: Theyre already on to Hyewon , wonder how she’s gonna handle this
Chapter 5: wow you updated omg as expected nice work as always :D
Chapter 1: i was strolling down on my subscribtions and i saw this fic again :^)
Chapter 4: omg you updated $(_(_(__(_(_(&(& thanks for the ud
1762 streak #10
Chapter 4: thank you for the update! seems like things are about to get interesting!