First Encounter

IZ*ONE: The Global Girl Group
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Miku lifted her pant leg to draw her reserve combat knife from her boot, "I guess our military mission will end early." She smirked as she took her position just behind Jurina, who also had a knife in her hand. The two of them did not expect to be in combat so soon; they were just out for a walk to let off some steam before heading back to practice, so the knives they had were just reserves. If worse comes to worst, they would have to run since they do not have their phones to call for backup.

They stealthily approached the source of the sound not wanting to alert the suspected spies of their presence. They could spot three silhouettes in the dark of night. Two of them were nodding their heads rhythmically to the third one who was talking really fast. Jurina and Miku did not know Korean enough to understand what was being said, but from the group's postures, they seemed to be really focused on what the speaker was saying. They were too focused on trying to listen in that they did not notice a small raccoon passing between them.

"What was that?" Miku hissed. The smaller Japanese girl stepped back in surprise, which caused her to step back onto a pile of dry twigs making a loud cracking sound.


"Let's hear it, Captain," Kaeun turned to the captain after she requested for help in her rapping. "Seungyoun and I will give you some pointers."

Hyewon took a deep breath and started rapping Lisa's rap verse in Boombayah. She could feel herself getting immersed in the music, which was just Kaeun and Seungyeon's muffled clapping to the beat of the song. She was aware that she was slurring some of the words especially the parts where there were english words mixed in. She could feel herself bopping her head to her raps until she got to the end.

"Rambo." Hyewon ends it by posing with a finger gun pointed upward over her shoulder, which she recently learned as a "girl crush" concept. "Well? How was it?"

The two sergeants stopped clapping and looked at each other with shocked faces. Hyewon felt she did well and she was hoping the facial expressions of the two officers agree with her thoughts.

"Captain, that was---"


Hyewon felt herself deflate after hearing her juniors' thoughts. "What was so bad about it?"

Seungyoun brushed his hair after rubbing his eyes in frustration, "It lacks charisma, captain. That's the main reason why not everyone can be rappers. You recited the verse like how you would say your officer number in interrogation."

Kaeun added on, "And your accent showed up after one line. How will you be able to hide---"

The three officers stopped talking when they heard a cracking sound from a bush nearby.

"Did you hear that?" Hyewon whispered, which was answered by nods from the other two. They looked around with their senses heightened for unwanted visitors. If anyone heard them, they were screwed.

"It might just be a wild animal, but it doesn't hurt to check," said Seungyoun. "You two should head back to the dorms while I look around to check the perimeter."

Kaeun and Hyewon nodded and headed out in opposite directions just in case someone was tailing them. They have not reached far when they heard a muffled scream from the woods. The two ran back to find Seungyeon in combat with two young women. They could see Seungyeon was doing his best to block the attacks from the two girls, but the two girls were holding their own. The assailants were trained and Hyewon could see that this was just not basic self-defense training.

These girls were trained operatives and they were probably hunting for them.

"Captain, I will help Seungyeon in fighting those two. We can handle this," Kaeun put her hood up and mask on as she gets ready to jump into the fight, but Hyewon grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"No, I will join you. What kind of captain runs away when her subordinates are fighting?"

"Captain, we have to make sure that at least one of us does not get compromised for this mission to succeed. I'm sure we'll win two on two against them, so go back now."

Hyewon understood the situation and replied, "Alright, take care. Make sure-- Sergeant watch out!" The captain saw one of the girls pull out their knife to launch a stealth attack on Seungyeon who was busy parrying the other girl's blows. Kaeun sprinted to the combat area but she knew there was no way she was going to reach there in time. That was until she saw a small object flying over her shoulder and hit one of the girl combatants on the leg.

"Go help him!" Hyewon shouted to Kaeun, who continued to sprint towards Seungyeon. She then wore her cap and mask and headed back quickly to the dorms. 


Sakura and Nako headed out to get some fresh air upon arriving back in Korea from a scheduled show in Japan. They found it unfair that the Korean members get to stay and train for the performances while they still have to honor commitments to the 48G shows in Japan. It was stressful, but the two aces were used to the pressure.

Nako asked, "Is Jurina still bitter about not making it to A class?"

"I'm sure she is, but we needed to spread our ranks out to check who the spies are. What would happen if we were all in A class and the spy is in the F class? It would be harder for us to track them down," replied Sakura. They headed to the nearby park, which was the perfect place to feel the fresh evening breeze. 

"Does she know that we talked to the producers to make it seem that way for the first audition?"

Sakura shook her head, "No. It was better for only a few people to know about the arrangements. Besides, we earned that re-evaluation A and she didn't. If anything, I thought you would be bitter since you were assigned to F class."

"No, it's alright since Miku was there as well. There weren't anyone overly suspicious there anyway because most of us our Japanese and the other Korean trainees there were bad. I doubt the North Koreans would send someone like that."

"What about that girl with an expressionless face?"

"Hyewon? Why are you asking about her?" asked Nako without turning towards the older Japanese girl, "She's one of the worse ones in terms of dancing. She seems to have taken a liking to Minami. She's adorable, that girl."

Seeing that they have reached the waterfront, Saku

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Dino39 #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update
Chapter 6: yasss it updated thank you
Dino39 #3
Chapter 5: It's really interesting. Thank you for writing this. I am looking forward to the next chapters
Chapter 2: this is cool and interesting asf
1753 streak #5
Chapter 5: lol hyewon! what are you going to do??
Chapter 5: Theyre already on to Hyewon , wonder how she’s gonna handle this
Chapter 5: wow you updated omg as expected nice work as always :D
Chapter 1: i was strolling down on my subscribtions and i saw this fic again :^)
Chapter 4: omg you updated $(_(_(__(_(_(&(& thanks for the ud
1753 streak #10
Chapter 4: thank you for the update! seems like things are about to get interesting!