[ WenRene X JoyGi ] You and Me



                                                                                                    [ YOU AND ME ]



It’s Seungwan and Joohyun.


Even though it’s not stated or there’s no official label, everyone around them knows that it’s Seungwan and Joohyun. Seungwan and Joohyun know that, their family knows that, close friends know that.


But there are things that happen that way out of control.


Four of them have been planning their trip to Rome for months now, everything is in place their just waiting for the day itself. But things really do happen unexpectedly; Joohyun and Seulgi had to cancel since they had an emergency at work and that they cannot leave.


“I don’t want to go.” Seungwan said looking Joohyun “I prefer staying here with you.”


Joohyun smile “It’s such a waste if you don’t go and besides you’ll be with Joy.”




“See you after the trip, take a lot pictures for me and Seulgi since we cannot go.” Joohyun said “And please, enjoy.”




“It’s just five days.” Joohyun said smiling “You’ll be here with me before you know it and then we can go on a trip just the two of us. Just you and me.”



But when Joy and Wendy came back after five days, Irene’s you and me has long been forgotten.


It’s Seungwan and Joohyun before the trip but when they came back, it became Seungwan and Sooyoung.


Seungwan and Joohyun disappeared and lost on those five days.



Sooyoung became Seungwan’s go-to person to everything. Whether it’ll be lunch, ears to listen when she whines about her job, the first person she will tell on every good news, everything.


In five days, Sooyoung replaced Joohyun in Seungwan’s life.


And it became crystal clear that Seungwan and Joohyun no more when Sooyoung and Seungwan announced to everyone that they are officially girlfriends.




“Don’t say it Sooyoung.” Seungwan said “I don’t care what everyone thinks.”




“We love each other and everyone will see that and they will understand us, Joohyun will understand us.” Seungwan said as hold Sooyoung’s hand “And if they can’t, they can go themselves.”


Though everybody congratulates them on the good news, everybody questions it too. It was Seungwan and Joohyun all along how did it become Seungwan and Sooyoung.


A question that Joohyun has been asking herself too as she cries herself to sleep.





“Do you remember what I told you right before I asked you to be my girlfriend?” Seungwan asked as she looked at Sooyoung


Sooyoung smile “’Let’s do it right’, you said, then you asked me formally and I said yes and we become official. I could never forget.”


Seungwan smile at the memory “Me too. It’s like riding a roller coaster but it was a good kind of ride.”


Sooyoung nodded in agreement “It felt so right, at that moment everything felt so right.”


“But not anymore,” Seungwan said



“Seungwan!” A man running up to Seungwan called


Seungwan took everything in her to not roll her eyes at him


“Can I you something real quick?”


“What is it?”


“Joohyun and I are going to dinner tomorrow and I really, really wanted to make it perfect and since you are her best friend”


Best friend?


A word that used to describe Seungwan and Joohyun, it was, they were. But not anymore, not ever since Joohyun had starting avoiding her, ignoring her and then before Seungwan knew it they become a stranger who knows a little too something at each other.


But he doesn’t have to know that. So Seungwan asked “And?”


“Does she have favorites, allergies that I should know about?”


“No, she’s good with anything.” Seungwan answered.


He didn’t need to know that Joohyun prefers to eat cream sauce rather than tomato sauce or that Joohyun cannot each chicken. He doesn’t need to know that. No one has to know what Joohyun likes and doesn’t like beside her, only she can knows those things.




“No, not anymore.” Sooyoung agreed.








“You know Kang Seulgi, right?”


Sooyoung frowns hearing Seulgi’s name into this woman’s lips “Yeah, she’s a friend.”


“Would it be okay if I asked her contact number and—“


“I hate to break it to you but you’re not her type.”




“Why didn’t you tell me?” Seungwan asked.



It was raining that day, instead of calling Seungwan that she didn’t bring her umbrella and that Sooyoung needs her to pick her up and drive her home, Sooyoung reached out her hand to the rain as she let a memory of Seulgi plays in her mind.


“Sooyoung-ah!” Seulgi said running to her in the middle of the rain under the umbrella.


“What are you doing here?”


“You don’t like bringing an umbrella so I figured you’d be stuck here since it’s raining.” Seulgi answered as she throws her arm on Joy’s shoulder, pulling her closer protectively “Let’s go.”



“The same reason why you didn’t tell me too.” Sooyoung replied.



“Zero!” Seungwan snapped her head to the woman running as she calls her dogs who was running excitedly.


Like an instinct, Seungwan move in front of Sooyoung shielding her from the dog as if it’ll kill her.


“Oh, she’s cute…” Sooyoung said smiling as she picks up the dog.


Seungwan stared at Sooyoung as realization hits her, it was Joohyun who’s afraid of animals, not Sooyoung who loves dogs to death.


She’s with Sooyoung but her conscious is all about Joohyun. She’s with Sooyoung but all she thinks and remembers is Joohyun.




“We are stupid.”


“No we’re not.” Sooyoung said “We were just both in denial and couldn’t accept the fact that after fighting so hard to be with each other that no one else matter only to end up realizing that our heart beats for the people we hurt the most.”



“It’s supposed to be you and me Seungwan, you and me.” Joohyun said in pain “How did it become you and her?”


“I don’t know Joohyun.” Seungwan answered “All I know is I love her.”




“I think you’re done for the night.” Seulgi said as she took another bottle of beer from Sooyoung’s hand “Why don’t we go home so you can res—“


“Stop telling me what to do Seulgi.” Sooyoung said as she took the bottle from Seulgi’s hand forcefully “You’re not Seungwan so stop acting like her.”




“Do you think they will forgive us? Believe us? Accept us?”


“I don’t know… and honestly I won’t even be surprised if they didn’t.” Sooyoung said “We ed them up so hard that it would only take a miracle for us to be with them.”


“Then we will make and wait for that miracle no matter how long, no matter how hard the road to find it.”  Seungwan said “And so my journey begins.”


“What do you mean?”


“Joohyun is leaving for California.... and it might be for good.”


“What? How did you know? Who told you? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Sooyoung asked worriedly


“She called me last week and I’ve never heard her drunk the way she was when she called me, I bet she won’t even remember even calling me.” Seungwan replied



“I-I’m going to C-Canada… I will live there h-happily even without you I w-will be happy.”




“Y-you’re a-asking me why?” Joohyun laughs in disbelief “A-are you crazyyy? Because it suffocates me breathing the same air as you.”




“In two weeks.” Joohyun answered “Two weeks, I will finally be able to go far away from you.”


“Do you really have to go?”


“I –I have to.” Joohyun answered “B-because everything around here reminds me of you and its hurting me so much I wanted to just die every ing time.”


 “And her leaving would make that miracle slip away from me and I cannot do that. I cannot let her take a step away from me because when she does, I might not be able to keep up”





“I am not going to stop you from leaving because I know that you’re doing it for yourself but it doesn’t mean that I like this.” Seulgi sighed as she looked at her friend worriedly, and then pulled her into a hug “I am going to miss you.”


Joohyun smile as she caresses Seulgi’s back “I’ll miss you too.” She said then went to Jennie.


“At least visit us okay.” Jennie said then went to hug her


“Or you can visit me.” Joohyun said grinning


“I’ll think about it.” Jennie said jokingly as she pulled from her “I’ll miss you.”


“Come and give your wonderful dongsaeng a hug.” Yeri said


Joohyun chuckles “What no remarks? I’m looking forward to it.”


Yeri scoff playfully “I’ll give it to you once you come back.”


Joohyun smiles as she hugged her “God, I’ll miss all of you”, she said as she went to hug all of them together.


“Take care of yourself, okay?” Seulgi said


Joohyun nodded, and then pulled from the hugged “You guys should go, or we’ll just end up hugging each other a lot and I’ll miss my flight.”


“Oh, you notice? That’s kind of our plan.” Jennie said


Joohyun chuckles “Go!” then her phone rings. “Mom.” She said, as the three nodded.


“See you later then” Yeri said


Joohyun smiles softly “See you later.” As the three finally bid their goodbyes, Joohyun smiles as tears starts forming on the corner of her eyes as their figure fades.


She looks upwards to stop the tears from falling, and then she took her phone and called back her mom.


“Mom, I’ll be fine.” Joohyun said “I heard the weather is great too.”


“No, don’t cry, you’ll make me cry too.” Joohyun said biting her lower lip to stop herself from crying “Now you understand why I don’t want you to see me off at the airport.” She said playfully


“I’ll visit as soon as I can and as much as I can but I’m pretty sure you’ll beat me to it.” Joohyun chuckles “You’ll be in California before I knew it.”


“Okay, I’ll miss you both. I love you.” She said then hung up.


She blew out a breath. “California here I com—“



“Bae Joohyun”


“Stop it.” Joohyun uttered to herself


Pain rose, Joohyun quickly shoved any thoughts of Seungwan back into the box labeled "do not think about,"


“She’s on the other side of the world with Sooyoung happily so you get your head straight and for once listen to what your mouth is saying and just forget your damn feeling for her and you can start by stopping imagining her voice bec—“




Joohyun held her breath. As she slowly turns slowly and there Seungwan was. Standing beautifully the way she’s always been in Joohyun’s eyes.


“W-What are you doing here?” Joohyun managed to ask after composing herself


“I-I wanted to see you.” Seungwan replied “Can we talk?”


Joohyun frowns “Talk? Seriously? Right now? I have a catch to flight and I don’t have the time for that talk and there’s nothing left to talk about.”


This is the final boarding call for passenger Bae Joohyun. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately 15 minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Bae Joohyun Thank you.      


“As I’ve said, I have a flight to catch.” She said and immediately turns to walk but Seungwan was fast to grab her by the wrist before she could fully walked away.


“W-wait.” Seungwan said looking at Joohyun’s back, hand on her wrist.


Joohyun shut her eyes at the sudden contact, it’s been so long since she had felt Seungwan’s touch. It’s been so long and yet it still holds the power over her.


She mustered all the courage she has as she turns to Seungwan “I to—“





One word.


One word and Joohyun could feel every courage and strength she built just to make this step away from her crumbling down right before her eyes.


One word and Joohyun seems like to forget everything why she’s leaving in the first place.


One ing word from Seungwan and she’s back to zero.



“You don’t have to leave. Stay here with your parents, stay here with everyone, you don’t have to g—“


“Who put you up to this? Was it my parents? Who the hell even told you that I’m leaving today? Who was it? Jennie? Yeri?”


“They didn’t. No on—“


“It doesn’t matter. Did you think that you coming in here telling me not to go, I’ll just nod my head and go home? We’ll you’re wrong. So whatever speeches you have, take it because it will not change anything.”


Seungwan fell silent.


To say that Joohyun wasn’t hurt by Seungwan’s silence could never be more wrong, clearly she was. Even if she had told her not to say anything, still she should’ve have said something it’s not like Joohyun will stop her. In her heart, it doesn’t matter what Seungwan have to say, Joohyun only needs to hear her voice longer even for the last time and Seungwan couldn’t even give that to her.


So for one last time, she looked at the face of the only woman she gave her heart to.


In the end, even if her mind had already accepted the fact that she can never be the girl who’d hold Seungwan’s heart, even in the moment of goodbye, her heart still wishes that she could be that girl.


“Goodbye, Seungwan”


“Joohyun…” Seungwan uttered, eyes begging.


Joohyun looked away, she knew that just by looking at her eyes, Seungwan can make her do anything without saying a word. “You can’t do this to me Seungwan.” Almost pleading “You can’t just be there all my life, putting me on pedestal and then disappear in an instant leaving me questioning everything why and then comes right again back after I finally accepted all the things that I’ve been keeping on refusing ever since you left and that there are things that just happens.” She said as she looks at Seungwan body trembling, voice cracking “You can’t just come here and shake me up like this.”


“I’m sorry.”


“Then you shouldn’t have come here.” Joohyun said “You knew for sure that I would falter if I see you that I will hesitate if I hear your voice and that I will stop my world from turning if you ask me to.” Her eyes tearing up “You knew exactly what would happen if you appear in front me and you still did. You’re so unfair and selfish.”

“I know that I am…” Seungwan nodded eyes tearing up “But I had to… I had to because if I don’t, I will lose you and I can’t lose you Joohyun, I can’t.”


“You already lost me, we both lost each other already Seungwan.” Joohyun said, her eyes reflecting pain “We lost each other for a long time now and we both know that, you knew that the moment you tell me you love her.”




“And if you’re going to tell me that we can bring back the ‘us’ from before and that we can be friends again I’m telling you now that we can’t. I can’t.” Joohyun said as she looks down “I can’t go back there anymore, I can’t be your friend anymore because I don’t want to be just your friend not before, especially not now.”


“Listen, I—“


“You should go.” Joohyun cut her off “I’m sure Sooyoung wouldn’t be happy when she finds out that you come here.”


“She knows.”


Joohyun smile tearfully “Of course, she does. You wouldn’t even come here if she didn’t give you permission, right?”


“Will you please listen to me?” Seungwan asked “Just listen.”


“I’ve heard enough Seungwan, I don’t need to hear anything more.” Joohyun said


“Joohyun…” Seungwan called and was about to grab her but before Seungwan could reach her Joohyun managed to walk away without looking back


Seungwan take a step but Seungwan feels like in every step that she’s taking closer to Joohyun, Joohyun is taking ten steps ahead of her.


Seungwan knew that if she doesn’t stop Joohyun now, she will completely lose her.


She stop from walking, she stood still looking at Joohyun’s figure and with a clench fist she yells “Don’t you take one more step Bae Joohyun!”


Everyone around them stops as if they are all Bae Joohyun, everyone looking at Seungwan like she had lost her mind but she will if she loses Joohyun.


Everyone stares at Seungwan like she’s a woman on spotlight but she didn’t care. She only cares about her. She who stops from her tracks, she who can make Seungwan world stops.


Seungwan finally takes a step forward, then steps turns to runs, she runs towards Joohyun like her life depended on it.


She runs until she crashes her body onto Joohyun and wrapped her arms around her.


Joohyun felt her heart stops. Just like she feels like everything around them stops or even disappears and there’s only two of them existing at that moment.


She feels safe being locked in Seungwan’s arms, she always does. It felt so good and it felt so right like she belongs in her arms.


But she knows that those arms belong to someone else and that no matter how right it felt, it isn’t.



So with all the sanity inside her left, she grabbed Seungwan’s wrist that was place on her stomach like it belongs there. “Seungwan…” She whispered as she tried to get away from Seungwan’s hold but Seungwan hug her tighter as she leans her head on Joohyun’s back and whispered.


“Don’t you take one more step away from me Joohyun.”


In an instant, Joohyun had lost all her reasoning and let herself get lost on Seungwan’s being. She didn’t think anymore, she couldn’t anymore not when Seungwan is making her feel like she’s the most important person in the world. Joohyun shut her eyes letting herself believed that even for a moment Seungwan is hers.


But that moment immediately comes to an end when she heard a familiar voice screaming Seugwan’s name.


“Son Seungwan!”


Joohyun felt Seungwan’s arms loosen as they both turn where the voice is coming from and there is Seulgi walking towards them fuming with Jennie and Yeri following behind her.


“Seul, I can expla—“ A fist landed on her Seungwan’s jaw before she could finish what she’s going to say


“Seungwan!” Joohyun screamed as she went to check on Seungwan who stumble back from the force


Jennie and Yeri were quick to react and hold Seulgi down.


“What the Seungwan!” Seulgi screamed as she tries to get away from Yeri and Jennie “What the do you think you’re doing?!”


“I’m okay.” Seungwan assured Joohyun with a smile brushing the blood from a cut on her lip but clearly didn’t work because Joohyun horror expression didn’t fade.


“I can explain.” Seungwan said as she stands straight looking at Seulgi who’s still struggling to get away from Jennie and Yeri.


“ you and your explanation!” 


“Unnie, calm down.” Yeri said struggling to keep Seulgi down, thanking God that Jennie is there because there is no way she could stop Seulgi from beating the hell out of Seungwan.


“People are staring Seul.” Jennie added


“Why would I care, this clearly didn’t care about the people around her.” Seulgi said full of anger, eyes piercing Seungwan


“Seulgi…” Seungwan said as she took one step closer to Seulgi


“Don’t Seulgi me Seungwan, I will kill you.” Seulgi as she tried one hard push and successfully get away from Jennie and Yeri and was about to throw a punch again when Joohyun stand in front of Seungwan.


“Get out of the way Joohyun, I’ll beat some sense into her.” Seulgi said gritting her teeth.


“It wasn’t just her fault Seul, I let her so half of it was my fault too.”


“Please tell me you did not just defend her right now.” Seulgi said clenching her fist


“I’m no—“ Joohyun was cut off on her reply when Seungwan grabs her forearm softly and pulled her on the side, so she herself could face Seulgi.


“I know you’re angry an—“


“I’m ing furious Seungwan.”


“I know and I understand it but hear me out. Just hear me out.” Seungwan pleads


“What’s there to hear Seungwan, I’ve seen everything.” Seulgi said more calm this time “How could you do this? How could you do this to Joohyun and Sooyoung?”


“I love her, Seul.” Seungwan replied


Visible anger surged in Seulgi’s again “If you love Sooyoung, you—“


“I’m in love with Joohyun.” Seungwan said without hesitation


Joohyun felt herself stop breathing as she looks at Seungwan with her heart beating rapidly. ? Doubt crept into her as she stares at Seungwan, did she hear it wrong or Seungwan really said that she’s in love with her, is she so desperate for Seungwan to love her that she’s already hearing things?


Jennie and Yeri both gasp at what they just heard.


Seulgi’s expression darkens, the one they have never seen before “What did you just say?”


“I’m in love with Joohy—“ Seulgi had grabbed her by the collar forcefully


“The you’re in love with her!” Seulgi screamed at her face, hands trembling from anger


Joohyun, Yeri and Jennie gasps in surprise by Seulgi’s action as they move to pull Seulgi from Seungwan but before they could do so, Seulgi added “I didn’t kept my peace and held back so you can Sooyoung up like this.”




Pain and anger reflecting on Seulgi’s eyes as she loses her grip on Seungwan “I didn’t give Sooyoung up without a fight so you can say to my face that you’re in love with someone else.”


“I know and I’m sorry.” Seungwan can only say “I’m really sorry.”


“Does she know you’re in love with Joohyun?”


 “We ended things weeks ago but we didn’t end it just because I’m in love with Joohyun but because both of us are in love with someone else.” Seungwan said as smile tugs on her lips, as Seulgi’s eyes soften, glistening from tears when she realizes what Seungwan was pertaining.


Joohyun who’s been silent on the side unconsciously tears up as she stares at Seungwan.


Seungwan is in love with her.

And she wasn’t just hearing things.

Seungwan is in love with her.

And it’s not just some fantasy she made up in her mind.


Seungwan is in love with her the way she’s in love with her.


“Joy should be the one to tell you that but—“ Seulgi rushed out before Seungwan could finish her words.


Seungwan smiles as she looked at Seulgi’s figure running out of the place. “You don’t have to run Seul, she’ll be waiting for you this time no matter how long you take.”


When Seulgi disappear, Seungwan’s gaze landed on Yeri and Jennie who was smiling at her as they nod their head to Joohyun who seems like to lose it as tears run down her face.


Seungwan turn to her as she reached out her hand to her face and that seems to pull Joohyun back from her senses.


Seungwan smiles at her as she wipes her tears “I’m sorry for making you cry. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for making you wait and that I took a turn when I should’ve run to you straightly.” She said as she cupped Joohyun’s face and leaned her forehead to her.


“I’m sorry for being in love with you this whole time and only realizing it now. I’m really sorry that I’m late, Joohyun.” Seungwan said “Sorry, I was late.”


Joohyun shook her head softly “No, no you weren’t. You just caught me on time.”


Seungwan pulled back as she met Joohyun’s gaze “I did?”


Joohyun nodded “It took you a long time but you were just right on time.”


Seungwan’s tears falls down as she smiles at Joohyun “I love you, Joohyun.”


Joohyun smiles as she reached to wipe Seungwan’s tears this time “I love you too, Seungwan.”


“I love you.” Seungwan’s says again


Joohyun’s smile grew wider “I love you too.”


“I love you.” Seungwan repeats


Joohyun chuckles this time “I love y—“


Seungwan pulled her into a tight hug. “You don’t have to say it back every time I tell you I love you and that I just wanted you know that I love you.”


Seungwan closed her eyes as she hugs Joohyun tighter “I love you.”


Joohyun smiles as she hug Seungwan back “I love you too.”





The end.

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Chapter 9: I've read this many times, but I always cry until my eyes are swollen 😭
Chapter 3: thank god 😭💙💖
Soneisa #3
Chapter 6: This is so sad 😭 I cant 🤧
Chapter 9: 😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Aww my heart :(
Chapter 9: im crying at work and its all on you T.T
even after the SJF, wenrene author still going for angst i can't believe y'all T.T
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 9: No 😭
114 streak #8
Chapter 3: akala ko angst my goodness 😭 buti nalang hindi 🙈
Chapter 3: re reading this once again 💙💗
Chapter 8: At least Seungwan do everything to get back Joohyun and they are together in the end.