[ YulSic ]Bittersweet Vacation



“What I hate about having a vacation is that,

 No matter how much you wanted to stay, in the end you’ll have to leave”





With my two younger sisters, Yoona and Seohyun, and my brother, my mom treated us to visit some place, and one of that is her friends place, Mrs. J.


Four in the morning, I massaged my head as I leaned back on the bench on the arrival area of the airport while waiting for my mother’s friend who will pick us up. The trip was really long, I really feel sick at the moment. When I thought that I could finally rest when they come I was wrong because when we got into their house, it’s almost 6 o’clock. Then the moment we got outside the car, they told us to be ready at 7 because we’ll go to some Island. Well I’m not expecting that I could have a long rest since it was a vacation but I never thought that it’s going to be this tiring.


Mrs. J told us to bring our things, and we can stay in her sister’s place, Mrs. V whose house is just 5 meters away from her, since it’s bigger than her house, and we’ll be more comfortable.


We followed Mrs. V on her way to their house, then finally we reached it.  The door was locked, so she called someone who’s probably inside their house


“Jessi!” Mrs. V called as she knocks the door “Jessica!”


Then we heard the door opening, I was tired as hell, probably all of us, as we all looked at the door, a girl opened it. I couldn’t help but chuckled when I saw that Jessica girl, not because she was funny but because she was only wearing a towel, I guess she came from bathroom to open the door, her expression was priceless when she saw us there. She immediately stepped back, then gone. When we entered their house, she was nowhere to be seen.


When we entered the guest room we quickly organize our things that we’ll bring to island since we’re going to stay there for 2 days and 1 night. I finished packing first so I got down to change clothes, then I saw that Jessica girl again. She’s still wearing her towel as she goes up to their room.


After I change my clothes, I went outside the bathroom, then saw someone sitting at the couch on the living room, “Good morning…” I greeted while walking fast


I quickly put my dirty clothes on my luggage, as I took the backpack that I’m going to use for the Island trip.


When I got down I saw the girl again, I said “Thanks,” as I direct to the door, then called my siblings “Let’s go… they’re waiting for us”


“She’s coming with us” Yoona said pointing to the girl who was sitting on the living room


9 A.M


“WOW!” was the only thing that I could say when I saw the Island, it was beautiful.


Since we’re all tired my brother built the tent and as soon as he finished, we all lied down and sleep.


1 P.M


“Happy birthday to you~~Happy birthday to you~~~”, The sound of people singing woke me up, then I just realized that it’s Mrs. J’s mothers birthday, I quickly get up with my siblings.


While we’re eating I saw this Jessica girl, she was wearing a long sleeve, but at the top, so we could particularly see her swimsuit inside


4 PM


My siblings already at the water, playing, while me sitting at the front of our tent


“Aren’t you going to go swim?” Mrs. J asked me

“Just waiting for the sun to comes down”


5 P.M


I finally went to the water, and I guess, 15 min. after I got down, I asked my siblings to play volleyball…


Then while we’re playing,, Tiffany and Hyoyeon, Jessica’s cousin, and Krystal, Jessica’s sister, and to my shocked, Jessica took of her sleeves, so particularly, she was only on her swimsuit but she’s wearing a short…


“Let’s play!” Tiffany said


Then we all nodded, so it’s 4 on 4…


I’m not trying to boast or anything but I can say that me, Seohyun and Oppa can play well, so I guess it’s an advantage of us…


I thought when they said let’s play, they can really play but they can’t, not even a little. Normally I would be piss for having a game like that. You know they can’t even hit the ball back, they can’t even serve well, but what’s funny is, I find it really funny.


7 P.M


We decided to stop since we couldn’t see the ball clearly, then we all went to sea, as we get down, we haven’t had a conversation since we came here, so I guess that game really help us a lot, while on the water, it was awkward but at least we had a conversation, like how old are you, you know the basic things…


The next morning we went home, after bringing our things to Mrs. V’s house, we went to Mrs. J’s house, Mrs. J asked her daughter Tiff, Jess and Krystal to tour us on their city.


I don’t know, I feel like something is, I don’t really know, when Jessica came, she was wearing a jersey from volleyball, she couldn’t be a player so I guess she’s a muse, she can’t play but, she got the looks, but that’s not what I’m talking when I said I feel like something, I don’t know… the thing is I was also wearing my green volleyball uniform, yes, I’m a volleyball player.


Then after our little tour we went to Jessica’s house, you know, chat a little. Tiffany was the one responsible for the drinks so she went to the kitchen to make something, while Jessica went upstairs, and when she got down, she changed her clothes, but to my surprise again, she wore a green one, so it’s like we’re having a couple shirt, and don’t forget that she sat beside me.



The next morning, all of us went to spring and it’s our last day there, since I came here all I wanted to do was leave, until today. We all had a good time, finally talked to each other as if we weren’t strangers, play at each other as if we’ve been long time friends.


We we’re playing at the water at the time, my sister Yoona took a bottle of 2 liters of soft drinks, then filled it with water, so when you throw it on the water, it won’t float.


My sister threw it in front of me, and it happens that Jessica and I we’re both standing together, but do girls really hold someone’s hand when they’re playing excitedly because she just did it with me, she just unconsciously held my hand while her other hand is pointing to where the bottle was.


I was hesitating if I should go or not, not because I can’t take it but the thing is, I like the feeling of holding her hand but at the end I chose to jumped at the water and let go of her.



That night… 7 P.M


We all went to restaurant, I think we’re almost 20 so one table wouldn’t be enough.  While everyone was seating I waited at the back, I don’t really mind where I sit, so I let them choose the spot they like.


One table is full, so they set another table, each of us choose a chair. I choose to sit at the corner, while looking at my camera, when someone sits in front of me, when I looked up I saw Jessica. I was trying to shrug all of the feelings that maybe she like me, and she just had to sit in front of me. I mean she could seat on a table one, or seat anywhere since not all of it is not occupied, but seriously, in front of me.


Then that night, since it’s our last night, we bought some wines. We’re at Jessica’s house, 4 of us, with Jessica, Krystal and Hyoyeon, we chatted while drinking and when we finished everything, we’ve decided to rest since it’s already 1 in the morning and we have early flight the next morning.


After cleaning, we said our goodnight’s to each other. While everyone was making their way upstairs, I went to the bathroom, and to my surprised someone pulled me into the corner of the house, it was already dark, since they turned off all the lights, I could recognize her, it’s Jessica and she was hugging me, and as if it was the normal thing to do, I hugged her back, tightly, we stayed like that, without saying anything then she broke the hug.


“You should rest now, you have early flight tomorrow” Jessica said, then she left me and went upstairs.


I sighed, what the hell was that, what the hell happened. Lot of questions just keeps running on my mind but I was able to walk upstairs, and went to the guest room where I find my siblings soundly sleeping.


I lied down to the bed, turn off the lights but couldn’t sleep still thinking what just happen. Then I saw her walked past on the window at their guest room, its way to their rooftop. I felt that I need to follow her and that’s what I did. It’s also dark in there, but I was able to see her, she was at the corner looking at far away,


“Can’t sleep?” I asked while taking a step slowly towards her


I saw her stiffed for a moment, maybe from surprised but she was able to say something “What are you doing here?” she asked not looking at me


I didn’t answer, as I finally reached and stood behind her


I don’t know, I have no idea, where I’d get the strength, but things just happen. I hugged her from behind “Its cold out here”


I was expecting a scream, or anything but nothing, she just stood there silently.

“Now I’m regretting sleeping as soon as we came on that island” I said


I felt her smile “You should, you just slept all day”


“So, are you looking at me all day?” I asked, grinning

“Why you never talk to me that day?” she asked not answering my question

“And what would I say?” I asked back

“You could ask, why I kept looking at you”

I chuckled “You should have talk to me first”

“And what would I say?”

“You could tell me why you keep looking at me that day” I answered smiling


She chuckled.


“And why are you wearing things like that?” I asked

“Like what?” she asked

“You don’t know?” I asked in disbelief “Do you have any idea how all of men that day keep looking at you?”

“You never looked at me, but you had time to look at those people who’s looking at me. I’m feeling hurt” She said playfully


I smiled as I leaned my chin on her shoulder “There’s something I wanted to do now”


“What?” she asked


I pulled back as I turned her to face me. “Let’s dance.”


“Dance? As in now?” she asked smiling

I nodded as I extended my hand to her “Shall we?”


She smiled as she took my hand, I grabbed her waist, while she wrapped her arms on my waist.


“Hmmm-hmmmm---hmmmmm”, I starts to hum as we both took a step to dance

“Sweet…” she said smiling


We were dancing, when I stopped my movement as I looked at her…


“What?” she asked, looking at me


I took her hand as I hold it tightly “There’s something I wanted to tell you, but I can’t because I know that if I do we will end up hurting each other and I don’t want that to happen. Tomorrow when I leave, all I wanted to remember is, you and I… we are happy…”


“Then don’t say it, if it’s going to hurt both of us… hurt you… don’t say it…”


We both know that it's not going to work, we both lived at two side of the earth.


I smiled at her as I cupped her face, leaned and kissed her forehead, then just like what I did at the spring, I let go first, I let go and left without turning back.



The next morning, all of us were in front of Mrs. J’s house bidding our goodbyes to everyone. Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Krystal, Mrs. V, Mrs. J was there except for one person, Jessica.


“I think I forgot something, is it okay if I look at it?” I asked


Mrs. J nodded “Just be faster”


I nodded as I went to Mrs. V’s house, I run upstairs, as I slowly took a step towards her room

I was going to knock, when I heard her from behind “You forgot something?”


I turned and nodded “You.”


“I can’t leave without seeing you.” I said


She smiled at me as we both run to each other, hugged each other tightly.


“I have to go now” I said as I pulled back


She nodded “I won’t see you out”


I smiled as I turned, I was going to took a step when I heard her again…


“You have to come back here” she said


I froze, I don’t know what words I should say


“That’s a punishment if you miss me” She said… “So don’t you dare miss me, Kwon Yuri”


I smiled as I took a step without turning back.



“Come back here again” Mrs. V said


We just smiled.


Then all of us went inside the car, as the engine starts. I know this is it, I’m leaving.


As I looked at the back, I unconsciously smiled then took my phone.


“Why did you call?” she asked

“Why did you answer?” I asked back


“Thanks for seeing me out” I said


“Until next time…” I said

“Hmmm… until next time” she said

“Please be well, Sica-ah”


The end.


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Chapter 9: I've read this many times, but I always cry until my eyes are swollen 😭
Chapter 3: thank god 😭💙💖
Soneisa #3
Chapter 6: This is so sad 😭 I cant 🤧
Chapter 9: 😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Aww my heart :(
Chapter 9: im crying at work and its all on you T.T
even after the SJF, wenrene author still going for angst i can't believe y'all T.T
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Chapter 9: No 😭
114 streak #8
Chapter 3: akala ko angst my goodness 😭 buti nalang hindi 🙈
Chapter 3: re reading this once again 💙💗
Chapter 8: At least Seungwan do everything to get back Joohyun and they are together in the end.