
Loose Pages

Title: Yunnie

Pairing(s): YunJae

Rating: PG 13/15

Genre: Fluff, romance,

Length: One-shot

Summary: He had only seen the cruelty of the world then that smile came.





“Are you going to die?”

“I hope so… all that I know is that I don’t want to keep living.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t make them understand and it’s so hard…”

“You’re okay, so, I guess it’s fine like this.”

“I’m going to get you help.”

“Okay…” it was something said just to make the small creature go. After all, there weren’t too many things a small cat could do to help him and he didn’t want him to see him die.

When he decided to help the cat and fight the three dogs trying to attack the little animal, for a moment he imagined he was going to be rewarded with a bone or maybe a piece of bread. What he got instead was a beating. Maybe the humans thought that he was attacking the cat too or maybe they just wanted to hurt him, some humans were like that.

He felt a gentle touch and thought that his hour had come so he closed his eyes waiting for death to take him away.

The next thing he knew was that he was in a strange place, his head foggy and there were straps holding him to a table preventing him from moving, he was too weak like moving anyway. He closed his eyes again.

During all the time he was unconscious, he dreamed. Humans use to think that dogs don’t dream but they do usually with nice things, specially their masters, he didn’t have a master though. Still he dreamed about a gentle touch, a gentle voice telling him he was going to make it, a voice telling him to be strong, a face he could barely distinguish in his fogged state.


One day he finally woke completely although there were still straps around his body. The first thing he saw by opening his eyes was the face of his saviour smiling widely at him.

“You made it, buddy. I told you, you were going to do it,” the human caressed his head gently and he tried to that hand with his dry tongue to express his gratitude, the human chuckled and kissed his head. He wouldn’t have cared at that moment if death came for him because life had shown him its gentle side if only for an instant.

When he was strong enough he was put inside of a cage wearing a cone and he cried and barked and howled his misery during all the first day. He even scratched the door till he hurt his paws and he was scolded by the man in the white coat. His body still hurt but he wanted to be free so he ended curled up over himself letting sadness overtaking him but everything changed when his saviour came to see him, he caressed his fur gently avoiding touching the bandages and he talked to him telling him he had to be calm.

People use to think dogs can’t understand unless they’re trained but sometimes it’s just that the humans don’t know how to talk to them to make them comprehend, his saviour knew how to talk to him so he behaved and the man in the white coat didn’t have to scold him again.

Days passed and the cone was removed and he was allowed to leave the cage some minutes during the day to walk with the girl in the green clothes. He made friends except for the Akita who was too cocky for his liking; animals too, have strong personalities.

His saviour went to see him almost every day and he was always happy to see him and he his face and waged his tail to greet him every time. The laughter from his saviour was the best reward for him.

He was scared thinking on the day he was going to leave that place. He was going to end on the streets again for sure to be cold and hungry or suffer for the scorching heat still being hungry, the worse part it was that he wasn’t going to see his saviour again nor he wasn’t going to be able to see his smile again. It had happened before, when he was still just a few months old puppy, he was taken from the streets by a nice couple together with other stray dogs and cats. They were taken to a place where all of them went under surgery and later taken to a shelter. One day all of them were taken to a park and put on adoption so all of them got a family that day, all except him. He waited hopeful but no one picked him up, he was too big, too ordinary and too not cute despite the cute ribbon the woman from the shelter put on his neck. He didn’t know if at the end of the day he was left alone in the park because they forgot about him or if the the humans didn’t want to keep taking care of him. He waited at the same place for someone to come back for him until he couldn't keep going with the few food he found around, he waited until the ribbon got dirty and fell down but no one came so he left and later he learned that he was never going to have puppies and he thought it was better that way, a stray dog suffers too much on the streets.

He feared his fate; He didn't want to go through the pain of believe he was loved and then be abandoned again. He knew that the chances of getting a home for a big, rough, mongrel dog like him were very low. He wasn't a puppy, he was five years old already, he was considered old and people rarely adopt an old dog like him.

Finally, the day came. He was taken out of the cage and the cage was cleaned up but no one put him inside again. He was wearing one of the leashes from the place waiting for something to happen, his heart racing uncontrollably and whimpers escaping from his mouth.

“Why are you crying, big boy?” the voice of his saviour brought him peace again and he barked and jumped and wagged his tail in contentment standing on two legs to be able to his saviour’s face. That was his first day as the dog of Kim Jaejoong.




Jaejoong’s house was enormous, at least for the dog; it had two floors and a large yard and a garden where he could go to play and run while his master Jaejoong was at school, he made friends with the dog from the neighboring house, a mixed-jindo called Tzu. He was allowed to be in the living room a couple of hours a day even when he was inside the house much more than that and he was supposed to sleep outside but his master used to sneak him in his bedroom at night and he slept on his bed. During the mornings, he accompanied Jaejoong’s mom at the kitchen and looked attentive when she wrote on her laptop for her popular cooking and home-hacks blog. During weekends he sat on the carpet next to Jaejoong’s dad to watch television wagging his tail every time the man talked to him commenting whatever he was watching. He loved Jaejoong’s parents but he loved Jaejoong the most. His favorite moments were when they could spend time together whether if it was going for a walk, playing in the garden or simply staying close to him while his master did his homework. He was happy.

One day, Jaejoong came with a new collar for him together with an identification tag where it could be read “Yunnie” and Jaejoong’s information behind. The dog was ecstatic, it was the final proof that he really had a master now, that he belonged to a family.

That day, Jaejoong combed Yunnie’s shaggy black and brown hair and put on him the new collar with a matching leash and they went out for a walk.

“I want you to meet someone special. I hope you like him and you get along.”

Yunnie wagged enthusiastically his tail as all answer, whoever his master wanted him to know had to be great.


The boy smelled nice, like a kind person and he knew right away where to scratch behind his ears to make him happy. Yunnie liked him. They were waiting for his master to come out from the supermarket where he was buying some things his mom asked him in a call. The new boy was tall and gentle with big hands and Yunnie liked him scratching his snout gently. He could understand why the boy was special for his master. They went to play and run to a nearer park and Yunnie was happy and exhausted when they went back home.



“I met someone special for my master today,” it was the first thing he said to his dog friend Tzu when they saw each other, “he smells nice and he likes me too.”

“You met your master’s special person?”

“He said he’s special.”

“You have to watch out, my master’s daughter was going out with a bad guy. I bit his when he hurt her and made her cry.”

“Is the boy I met today that kind of special for my master, like mom and dad?” that was the way Yunnie identified Jaejoong’s parents because that was how his master called them.

“You need to pay attention to what he says about him and you’ll find out but if you like him that’s good.”

Yunnie kept thinking on what his friend told him, he didn’t know if his master having a special person was something good or not but he had something totally clear, he wanted his master to be happy.

Jaejoong talked a lot about the boy. Yunnie learned that he loved his smile and his hands and the shape of his face. He used to brag about how smart and wise the boy was and how he got to be loved by everyone but… there was a but or maybe many buts.

Sometimes Jaejoong used to be really frustrated thanks to the boy and one day he was so sad that they spent all the afternoon at his bed and mom and dad didn’t say anything about Yunnie being inside when he shouldn’t and he was all the time thinking why he couldn’t be the only one his master loved, he wasn’t going to hurt him like never ever. Another day Jaejoong was angry and spent their entire walk to the park cursing someone who was too clingy and calling the special boy an ‘idiot’.

The worst day was when Jaejoong came back from school fuming and cursing to someone that Yunnie didn’t know. He was so angry that he threw his phone to his desk when the boy called him and then he lay on his bed and Yunnie climbed up next to him and ended his tears. When his master fell asleep, the dog stayed awake thinking in how wonderful it’d be if his master could love him only him and mom and dad, because they wasn’t going to betray him nor hurt him, nor making him angry and of course never ever he’d make his master cry.

Yunnie didn’t like when his master was sad or nervous or anxious or angry and the boy had the power of making him like that. Maybe he wasn’t that nice as he thought at first but… sometimes mom used to make dad like that and dad made mom like that too… was it like that how human love worked? He needed to talk with the boy.




“Mom and dad went to visit Grandma and Grandpa,” Yunnie said to his friend Tzu, “my master said the boy is coming today. Should I bite him?”

“Not yet.”

“But my master cried from anger or sadness because of him.”

“Pay attention to their conversation, then warn the boy if they fight, then bite him if you notice he's bad.”

“Okay,” Yunnie said wagging his tail and running in circles because his master was calling him to get inside to eat.

The first thing Yunnie realized when he went from the backyard to the kitchen was that the boy was already there and that he had left a soft pet crate in the living room. He got closer to the boy and left him scratch him behind his ears, the dog closed his eyes pleased sitting and moving one of his legs together with his tail. Yunnie remembered he had a mission so he got up and went to his plate but he was still watching the boy from time to time.

Jaejoong served some food he took off from the microwave for him and the boy.

They were talking while eating and Yunnie realized another thing then for the tone of the boy’s voice and the way he looked at his master, maybe his master was still unaware from the little details from the other but it was obvious for the dog.

“The guys told me you complained we don’t hang out anymore,” Jaejoong said when they were already finishing eating.

“It’s true; you spend all your free time with your new furry friend and never had time for me anymore…”

“That’s stupid.” Jaejoong said huffing annoyed, “don’t tell me that you’re jealous of Yunnie now. I thought you liked him.”

“I do like him but…” the boy looked at the dog and the animal returned the same curious glance, “you even called him ‘Yunnie’,” the boy mumbled almost inaudibly and Jaejoong stood up with the plates walking to the sink.

“I like to say I spend all day with Yunnie... Are you going to comply about that again?” Jaejoong said when he was facing the sink and Yunnie saw him smirking and the dog tilted his head, “I don’t call you like that since we were twelve.”

Come on boy, Yunnie thought, you had to get that, it was obvious.

“Thirteen…” the boy said pouting sadly, “I still call you Jaejoongie…”

“That’s because you want to.”

“If you don’t want to I’ll stop then.”


Yunnie saw his master blushing and that he was trying to hide his face. The dog couldn’t help but keep tilting his head trying to understand but it seemed like he was better on that than the boy who still didn't get it, maybe he was a little of an idiot for those things like his master said. Of course it was obvious for the dog that the boy liked his master a lot but he wasn't going to think that his master was a little of an idiot too like never ever.

"It's easy for you because all animals love you instantly, it's like you could read their minds or something but you know they don't like me that’s why Yunnie is different," Jaejoong said looking at the boy, "Yunnie is special… many people doesn’t like me either."

Wait, the dog thought, there were animals who didn't like my master? I'm gonna fight them when I find them. He noticed his master was sad so he went to him and his hand to comfort him.

“People who can’t see how awesome you are aren’t worthy at all.”

“They don’t like me…”

“But I like you, I really do.”

The boy held Jaejoong’s hands between his and smiled noticing he touched not only Jaejoong’s wet hands but Yunnie’s spit too. His master chuckled and Yunnie wagged his tail.

The dog took his chance when his master turned around again to stand in too feet putting his paws on the boy’s chest to look into his eyes like mom did when she talked seriously with dad. “I’m going to trust you to make my master happy because you’re his special person. Please, don’t hurt him or I’m going to hurt you. My master says you have a nice so I don’t wanna bite you but if you hurt him I’m gonna do it…” Yunnie didn’t know if the boy understood but he hoped he did, he was about to lower his legs but the boy held them up. “I’m going to always treasure him.”

The dog eyed the boy warily and he felt he was sincere, he didn’t know if the boy had understood what he was trying to tell him or if he had a special ability to sense what he was feeling like his master said, the animal only knew that he could trust the boy because his master was his special person too.

The boy went to the living room to pick up the soft crate and came back to the kitchen.

“Look, this is my cat,” he said and looked smiling at Jaejoong who made him put the crate on a chair. “I wanted to adopt a dog but I ended with this little friend. He spends a lot of time sleeping.”

While his master and the boy kept talking, Yunnie got closer to the crate; it was open and inside there was a ball of fur he recognized as the cat whose life he saved facing the three dogs, he almost died after but Yunnie knew it wasn’t the cat fault,

“I’m glad you didn’t die.”

“I thought you had a family.”

“I didn’t. But this boy is nice, I like him” The little cat stretched his body and stood up still inside the crate. “The humans who hurt you came back the next day and I thought they wanted to treat me something yummy but they captured me, tied my legs and tortured me.”

“That’s awful…” Yunnie said horrified whimpering drawing the attention from his master and the boy. They checked on the dog and the creature inside the crate.

The boy took the cat in his arms and the cat purred, he handed it to Jaejoong who took it on his lap. Yunnie got closer and sniffed the cat wagging his tail.

“He had cigarette burns on his back, cuts on his paws, and his hair was ripped out on the sides when he was taken to the shelter. He was almost completely recovered when I adopted him three weeks ago.”

“He looks fine now,” Jaejoong said caressing the cat’s chin looking at the still visible scars on his back between the fur still too short.

“He is and is pretty friendly which is strange. The people from the shelter told me he was really unsociable, they thought no one was going to adopt him, he is small but he’s at least ten years old.” The boy caressed the cat’s head, “I don’t know why but he liked me so I took him home with me.”

“You’re nice; I liked you, that’s why I wanted to go with you.” The cat looks at the boy enjoying the petting.

Jaejoong makes the cat put a soft paw over Yunnie’s head. “Look Yunnie, you have a new friend.”

The dog sat down and barked happily in front of his master moving his tail vigorously in agreement. Yunnie approached the cat and his face making him meow.



Later, Yunnie was telling Tzu about his cat friend and about the boy and his master that looked really happy together.

When he got in the house again, he found the cat sleeping in his crate and his master ant the boy were sitting on the couch in the living room.

Yunnie kept looking at the humans curiously. They were chatting and laughing but suddenly they kissed.

It was a short and sweet touch and Jaejoong couldn’t help the big smile of his face mirroring the one in the boy’s face. The boy more daringly the second time took Jaejoong’s face between his hands and kissed him deeper.

“No, no, no,” Yunnie said climbing up the couch and getting between the two separating them, “mom and dad wouldn’t approve so many kisses, one is enough.”

Jaejoong chuckled amused hugging the dog.

“My dear namesake, could you please let me kiss my boyfriend?”

As the only answer, Yunnie the boy’s face. “Here, I’ll kiss you instead.”

Jaejoong laughed openly this time, “I think Yunnie wants to kiss you too, Yunho.”

Yunho laughed too trying to wipe his face hugging the dog and trying to kiss Jaejoong again behind the animal’s back.

“No!” Jaejoong said still laughing, “you’re covered with Yunnie’s spit.”

Both boys were laughing hard and all that the dog could understand was that his made them happy so he kept their faces in turns happily.

“By the way,” Yunho said holding Yunnie in place caressing his sides, “my cat’s name is ‘Joongie’,” he chuckled hearing Jaejoong huffing.

“Oh gosh… you’re so childish.”

“That’s why you like me.”

“Wrong,” he said laying Yunnie on his back and scratching his tummy. “I like you in spite of that.”

“But you like me as much as I like you.”

“Oh well… you’re right on that.” Jaejoong got closer to Yunho.

Yunnie sat up quickly putting his head between the two, “I said no more kissing today.”

Laughter filled the room once again.

His master was happy with the boy and so was Yunnie.





A/N This one was born as just a few lines story in a chat. I loved the idea and I needed to post it. It’s the second one I post with an animal’s perspective (◡≦), the first one was with YunJae as a pair of chinchillas for Jaeho Exchange; click here if you’d like to read it: “Amici e Rivali”

As always Thank you very much for subscribing, commenting and voting, thank you for reading it ^-^


I’ll update Killing Me Softly and Yuanfen next week (^▽^)

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I decided to mark it as complete because most of the stories are one shots. I'll keep adding more stories including some rated. Thank you for reading it ^-^


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 7: Thi fic was soooo cute 🥰. I feel all fuzzy inside.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 8: I git confused in the end.. anyway. JJ deserves to be without YH, there is no excuse for cheating, once trust is lost, there is not going back. I applaud YH.
Maribeth787 #3
Chapter 12: I loved it! They're in love and strong together, I hope they can have the children they want
Thank you!!!
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 12: Although now I’m going to be with the curiosity if JJ is pregnant or not. I’m so happy that YH loves JJ unconditionally. Great story development.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 11: I got scared that the story ended right there, i got happy when I read there is 2nd part.. it’s so good..
Chapter 12: really cute happy ending ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 12: Definitely enjoyed reading the second part as well... them showing their affections for each other even before they confessed it out loud and others recognising then immediately were fun. They both were perfect for each other. Anyway, I had fun and hope to see more of your short stories ^^
PS will take a look at your chaptered fics as well later!
jjbrownsugga #8
Chapter 12: That was a nice read. Thank you for sharing it with us and for the updates about your other stories.
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful story I loved every part of it and the ending too is too heart felt and I hope they can gave what they desire
Chapter 11: When will you update T.T