A Man Who Hasn’t Been the One of Your Dreams 2/2

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Days have passed and still, the words of their friend are stuck in Yunho's head, specially those Yeol told him when they were alone with their other friends on the dance floor.

But he's in love and only the idea of having to leave Jaejoong's side pains him to no end.

"Yunho!" Jaejoong enters the kitchen where Yunho just finished serving the food. "I'm so happy! I got to sign for the exhibition of the painter I told you. Mr. Nakamura will show his paintings in our gallery! It sounds so formal, that's why Yuuki asked me to call him by his name. He's so fun, and talented and I could stay talking with him for hours... we went to eat to celebrate, the guys of the gallery couldn't go so it was just the two of us. I have to call Chun and tell him, I'm so excited..." he makes a pause and looks at the food, "oh, sorry... I already ate so I won't be eating with you today either. Eat well, see you tomorrow."

Jaejoong disappears through the door and doesn't hear Yunho's answer.

The man just sits alone in the kitchen table and tries to force himself to eat the food that seems totally tasteless now. He thinks on his friend's words and has a lump in the throat. It's not the first time he has left alone with the food these days. Jaejoong had been really busy having dinner with his colleagues. Yunho still, waited for him everyday. Now he feels stupid. 'One day he'll appear telling you how wonderful is the person he met.' He pushes his plate aside losing his appetite instantly. 'Get out of there, my friend, have the dignified exit I didn't take.'

The next days he doesn't bother on going home early and Jaejoong doesn't mention anything about it which for sure means that he's been tagging along with his friends for dinner, that's what he wants to believe at least because he knows deep inside that the surest thing is that Jaejoong has been going out with the painter. He can hear them chatting sometimes, when Jaejoong doesn't close his bedroom's door totally and he wishes he could speak Japanese as well as Jaejoong instead of just the business chat he learned for his work so he could know what is that so funny and fascinating about Yuuki. He drowns himself in work, he doesn't want to think.

Yeol and him have been talking almost every night or early in the morning and he updates her about his situation with his housemate. One day he found out about hers and Changmin's relationship when he was the one picking up the phone a Sunday morning. He's happy for them, they have had their share of ty relationships and it was time they get to be with someone worthy. He wishes for the best between them.

One Friday night around midnight after arriving to the house and going upstairs immediately, Yunho goes in his bedroom and changes his clothes. Tomorrow early he's going to meet with Yeol for breakfast. She arrived to the city for work and maybe she's going to take a semi permanent position here that has Changmin beaming these days, they have been traveling to meet up a lot.

"Yunho?" Jaejoong enters hesitating, "I didn't know you arrived. I bought dinner. Do you wanna eat?"

"I'm tired, besides, I already had dinner with a friend." He doesn't turn around and continues buttoning his pajama shirt.

"A friend? From work?"

"No, it's someone I met in a bar. He's a nice guy," he lies, because in fact, he bought an hamburger in his way home and haven't been drinking since the encounter with his friends.

"Oh... okay." Jaejoong hesitates again before going closer and wrapping his arms around Yunho's waist and resting his head on his back. "I've missed you."

It would be so easy, Yunho thinks, so easy to turn around and kiss him and caress him and everything he's craving to do but after, he'll be left alone again with an enormous gap in his soul feeling empty.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep," he says gently untangling the embrace just when Jaejoong's phone starts to ring in other room, "you should go to sleep too or to talk with your painter... your friend I mean."

Jaejoong leaves without further hesitation and Yunho gets under the covers trying his best to ignore the laughter of Jaejoong while talking with 'his friend' through the half closed door.




"Seriously I thought he'd have more stamina but-" she interrupts her speech midway seeing the grinning face of her friend, "we went to the gym earlier, I'm talking about Changmin and the gym," she says embarrassed.

"You sure?" Yunho says teasingly, "that's why he didn't come?"

"Yeah, that's why."

They continue eating breakfast making occasional comments about their jobs and their future plans, that’s how they end talking about Jaejoong and Yunho again.

“Did you meet this guy already?”

"Do you think that meet the person Jaejoong spends almost all his time with could make me any good?" Yunho says smiling bitterly. "The other day he met his family. When he was back, he was all 'Yuuki's mom this... his brother that... his dog this...' it's so depressing."

Yeol squeezes her friend's hand. "I'm sorry."

"The other night he even had a dinner with Yuuki and his pompous artists friends... Yeol... he didn't even want to greet my mom through the phone..."

"Yunho, you can't really blame him, the same as I couldn't really blame my -friend, at least not at first."

"I know," Yunho sighs fighting the tears threatening to fall, "but what can I do? I wish I could prevent myself of feeling like this but... is it really that hard to fall for someone that could love me back?"

"I guess some of us learn about it the difficult way." She smiles reassuringly, "but you are strong, you'll be fine even when you may think that your life is crumbling down. Remember you used to talk about having kids? Maybe there's a lovely woman in your future or a nice new guy." They keep eating silently for a while.

"I rejected him again last night..."

"You want to avoid 'The blow up doll' thing or..."

"Blow up doll?"

"You know I used to think that sometimes after spending time with her, the bastard ended and I was the only stupid available, so when I began to feel like a blow up doll, I used to refuse, sadly not always I had enough willpower to reject his advances... he was good on it after all," she says laughing with her friend.

"Did you ever try to talk with him about your feelings, Yeol?"

"No, I didn't. And I should have done it, even when I knew his answer beforehand. At least I would-"

"...End the agony of waiting sooner?"

"Yeah, kind of. Do you wanna talk with Jaejoong to clarify your status, to talk about your feelings?"

"Yes, I think I must do it, the sooner, the better."

"Even when maybe you know his answer already?"

"Even when I know my heart is going to shatter..."




He asked him on Wednesday. Jaejoong had been late again at the house and Yunho couldn't bring himself to respond the hug he gave him with the same effusion because he could smell Yuuki's cologne impregnated on his clothes. He could see the hurt in Jaejoong's eyes for his rejection. Then he asked him about having a dinner date on Friday but Jaejoong choose Saturday smiling brightly because he had something important on Friday. That remark hurt Yunho as it was clear he would never be as important as everything else for Jaejoong, he pretended to be fine nonetheless and prepared everything to ask The question this night.

Once again he was stood up. It's the same restaurant as in his birthday, the same table, the same waiter pitying him, the same pain, no, this is worse than any other time because he knows wery well, sitting alone in that place, he knows the answer to the question he didn't have the chance to ask.

He didn't bother to try to contact the other because everything is very clear now, he pays and leaves the place where this time only waited forty minutes which doesn't make any difference because it doesn't matter how much he had waited for Jaejoong, he'll never be as important for him as Jaejoong is for him.

He takes a taxi as he chose not to drive because he was planning on drown his sorrows in alcohol, that shows how tiny his hopes were. He calls Heechul and asks him if he could spend the night at his place and his friend tells him he's welcomed at his and Tae's shared apartment for all the time he needs. He even offers him to go to a bar and introduce him to some nice guys that could make the perfect match for him. Maybe later, he thinks, in a week or two or one hundred when he can't feel this pain anymore.

He stays outside the house for long moments observing the place covered by the shadows of the night drying his wetted eyes the best he can.

He walks in the house watching carefully every corner, every little cranny that he once thought were part of his home, his and Jaejoong's home.

When he's caressing the backrest of the couch they'd spent so much time, he hears the rushed footsteps of Jaejoong coming down the stairs.

"Yunho!" He says breathing heavily, "I had work and-"

Yunho looks at him for a moment, he's specially handsome this night, maybe because he was with the painter earlier.


"I didn't forget, I swear. It's just that-"

"You had important things to do, I know."

"Don't say it as if you weren't important for me. I-"

"Jaejoong... we need to talk."

"Okay, but I’m sure I won't like it."

"I talked with Mr. Park. You know our renting contract ends next month. He said he wants to sell the house. He's going to take the furniture he rented us the house with and is willing to reduce the price. My friend Yeon works in a bank, she can help you to get a credit. You should take the chance, this is the house of your dreams after all."

"I should? What about us?"

"Jaejoong, we almost don't see each other lately. You have left me waiting again today and it was the last time. I'm done with this. We have to end this..." Yunho says moving his hand to signaling both. "I'm leaving tonight and I won't come back. I'll just take some things and return for the rest of my belongings later. I-"

"You want to end?" Jaejoong searches for Yunho's eyes that just at this moment is able to look at his eyes.

"At this point, I think it's the best we can do." He ignores the look of incredulity on the other's eyes and tries to go pass him to reach the stairs behind Jaejoong.

Jaejoong stops him by the arm. "You don't have to go." He lets go of his arm and faces him calmly. "If you wanna end everything then I agree, but I'll be the one leaving. I don't have interest on staying here. I'll call my mom, I'm sure she'll be happy on having me at home again even if it's just temporary."

Jaejoong goes upstairs and Yunho doesn't have any strength to retort or follow him. He waits in the same spot, remembering all the beautiful moments they shared in this house. It'll be impossible stay for him. He climbs the stairs slowly and after rushes to his bedroom to put in a bag some clothes. He goes out carrying his bag stopping in front of Jaejoong's bedroom and can't resist the urge to see him one more time, one last time, so he opens the door widely startling Jaejoong that just finished talking by the phone.

Jaejoong stands up and hides his face a moment to show himself totally composed. Of course it seems he's forgotten that he's wearing make-up and the eyeliner has smeared with the obvious traces of his tears.

"My mom says that I'm welcomed. Her boyfriend agrees too..." he says trying to act nonchalantly, till he sees the bag Yunho is holding and then he breaks. "Yunho... I don't want to break up..."

"Break up?" Yunho mumbles confused.

"I know that I'm a disaster," Jaejoong says as tears falls freely down his cheeks, "I never remember the important dates or when we have to meet. But I can change that, I'm going to get some or many of those apps that help you to remember things and another specially to help me to remember your birthday and our anniversary and all the important dates... and I'm only going to eat with you at nights and I'll do my best to control my fear of your family realizing how inadequate I am for you so I can meet them not being afraid of their disapproval... and I'll try to control my jealousy when I see your friends being too close to you... I don't like it when they're overly touchy... Yunho, I'll improve. I know I'm not a romantic person but I wanted to tell you that I loved the roses even when I like lillies better and I felt awful because I had nothing for us. I won't talk with Yuuki that much anymore. I know you don't like it and I won't try to make you jealous anymore even when I love how passionate you are when you're jealous... I'll only talk with him trough the gallery, it doesn't matter how funny is video chatting with him, his wife and his kids... I... I want to keep being able to proudly say 'oh yeah, he's my boyfriend' every time someone sees you waiting for me or coming to meet me or when I'm showing off our pictures... I..."

Jaejoong stops and only his hiccups can be heard for a while. Yunho looks at him attentively.

"You look like a racoon..."

"Yunho, I... I love you... I love you, please, don't give up on us... I-"

Before he can realize it he's being embraced tightly and his lips are crushed against Yunho's lips and he feels it has been ages since the last time they have been like that.

"I love you Jaejoong, I really do..."

Soon, they are on the bed desperately getting rid of their clothes and kissing endlessly only making pauses to regain their breaths and confess their mutual love.

It's like seeing Jaejoong right there with him for the first time. Knowing that he feels the same gives a different light to everything and he takes his time to worship the other, to kiss him and caressing him and pleasure him and everything is so wonderful that he's afraid he's only dreaming but the love bites Jaejoong leaves on him and the light scratches the short nails mark over his skin when they together are enough to prove him that it's very real.




The morning comes and Jaejoong is still snuggling between his arms snoring softly. Yunho touches his face lightly before kissing his forehead and getting out the bed earning a groan of protest from the still sleeping man.

Yunho comes back with a tray with breakfast finding a very awake Jaejoong sitting on the bed.

"Hey, baby."

Jaejoong looks at him and smiles extending his arm to him. "I'm sorry I fell asleep after the second time but this is my bedroom so, where would I go anyway if I had wanted to leave?... I know you don't like cuddling but I-"

"Who says I don't?" Yunho puts the tray on the bedside table and gets in the bed resting his back at the headboard. Jaejoong happily accommodates his form between his legs leaning his back on Yunho's clothed chest.

"I thought it was like that. After our first time I left because I didn’t wanted you to see me with my morning face and because my sister used to say I snore and droll… I don’t, do I?” the worry reflected on those eyes makes Yunho chuckle. “Then you didn’t tell me anything so I was afraid I misunderstood and we weren’t together for real and it was only but then you kissed me the next morning and well, I knew we were a real couple then.”

Jaejoong makes a pause to drink his glass of milk and Yunho hits himself mentally. His friends are going to make fun of him for a long time maybe forever, just like Heechul when he called him earlier; the good part is that they're going to be happy for him too.

"You never tried to hold me after we made love and you seemed like you were waiting for me to go, so I restrained myself on being cuddly and gave you spac-" he can't end the sentence as his lips are reclaimed for a kiss.

"I'm sorry. The truth is that I love to be like this too."

“I have to show you what I prepared for you on Friday, remember, the important thing I had to do?” Jaejoong says smiling brightly rubbing his eyes. “Oh gosh, I still must look like a raccoon.” Jaejoong says suddenly horrified trying to get up.

“I removed your makeup with one of those tissues you have,” Yunho tightens his embrace, “you were sound asleep.”

“Oh well,” Jaejoong checks his reflection on one of the spoons of the tray nodding approvingly, “thank you, baby.”

Yunho answers the kiss he’s gratified with happily thinking how much he wished to do exactly this every morning, every moment they could have, because he knows that he could never grew tired of being with Jaejoong and enjoy every single moment spent with him.

“Are we going to sleep together from now on? I’d like to keep this room anyway, but only one bedroom, can we?”

“And we’re going to keep the house too, is that okay?” Yunho says nuzzling his lover that nods happily “I love you…”

“Yunho, that tickles,” Jaejoong giggles. “You’ll have to explain to my mom. She’s mad with you. By the way, she had to come yesterday. I told her where to find my spare key… maybe she came in,” Jaejoong laughs embarrassed.

“Oh my… you mean that she, perhaps-” Yunho is beet red, “if she heard us, I’ll have to explain a lot to her,” he kisses Jaejoong shoulder.

“I hope she didn’t hear us, otherwise, I won’t be able to face her in a while.” Jaejoong shrugs and laughs. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s always amazing but last night… last night I think that I even out. Why was it so different? Was it because we made up? After other fights we had, it was never like this…”

Yunho considers for a moment to tell him the truth, that he thought they weren’t actually a couple but seeing those eyes full of something he can define now as pure love, he knows he can’t do that, it’s enough with one of them feeling utterly stupid. If he were to tell that to Jaejoong, he probably would feel humiliated and very hurt too.

“Because it was the first time we said ‘I love you’ to each other.”

“Then I should have done it long time ago, in our first night, in our first date, the first time you stepped in the gallery… well, maybe not that soon,” they both chuckle. “I love you... and I want you.”

“I love you too and I never stop wanting you…”

“Let’s go to the shower, I feel all sticky.”

“Sorry, I could barely find the lube, I couldn’t grab a .” Yunho leaves a new mark on his lover’s skin eliciting a moan from him.

“I’m not complaining,” Jaejoong says turning around to leave his own mark on the other’s skin. “Just please, never ever talk about breaking up again… we can fix anything…”

“Never ever.” Yunho says and seals the ‘deal’ with a kiss. After, he follows Jaejoong that’s walking ahead to the bathroom in all his glory, he can’t help but to thank to whatever force that made them to join their destinies. Something this wonderful is never easy but everything is absolutely precious, even if his special someone is someone he never dreamt about.




A/N Thank you very much for reading it, susbring voting and thanks a lot for comment, I know my style is pretty simple and amateurish and I really appreciate you take the time to read and comment my stories . This story was inspired by Stefano’s song: “Un Hombre que No Ha Sido el de Tus Sueños” (A Man Who Hasn’t Been the One of Your Dreams), click on the name to watch the MV. The full translated lyrics are here: Eng Lyrics

Part of the lyrics says: Fatal, Informal, Irreverent… A Total Mess Almost A Madman… A raving lunatic, almost SincereI'm Even Worse but I Love You... A Man Who Hasn't Been the one of Your Dreams… But I love you… I love you… I love you

I like oblivious characters ^-^


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I decided to mark it as complete because most of the stories are one shots. I'll keep adding more stories including some rated. Thank you for reading it ^-^


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 7: Thi fic was soooo cute 🥰. I feel all fuzzy inside.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 8: I git confused in the end.. anyway. JJ deserves to be without YH, there is no excuse for cheating, once trust is lost, there is not going back. I applaud YH.
Maribeth787 #3
Chapter 12: I loved it! They're in love and strong together, I hope they can have the children they want
Thank you!!!
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 12: Although now I’m going to be with the curiosity if JJ is pregnant or not. I’m so happy that YH loves JJ unconditionally. Great story development.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 11: I got scared that the story ended right there, i got happy when I read there is 2nd part.. it’s so good..
Chapter 12: really cute happy ending ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 12: Definitely enjoyed reading the second part as well... them showing their affections for each other even before they confessed it out loud and others recognising then immediately were fun. They both were perfect for each other. Anyway, I had fun and hope to see more of your short stories ^^
PS will take a look at your chaptered fics as well later!
jjbrownsugga #8
Chapter 12: That was a nice read. Thank you for sharing it with us and for the updates about your other stories.
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful story I loved every part of it and the ending too is too heart felt and I hope they can gave what they desire
Chapter 11: When will you update T.T