Don't doubt it, unnie! (MiNayeon)



I don't know why every time I see that alluring sticky smile of Mina in front of me, I want to kiss her?

And why am I even thinking about kissing a girl?

With girl?

God, the very question is terrifying!

I mean, I'm a girl myself, the oldest among them, and I'm thinking about kissing my girlfriend from the same group.

If I think about it more, then I actually have to think about guys, about falling in love and dating guys.

But for some reason, every time I want to imagine my future betrothed, I see Miyu Mina in front of my eyes?

Strange, very, very strange.

And I don’t know who I would like to talk to about this topic?

But I really need to discuss this topic, and the sooner the better.

Otherwise, I'll just explode and take a rash step, break our "special" friendship MiNayeon.

This "step" was constantly playing to me in my dreams, rewriting the scripts, but ending with the same thing - a kiss on Mina's lips.


In the last week before our return with the official English single "The Feels", I began to notice that our "bunny" began to retire more than usual. There were times when the membert wants to be alone, to think about everything “with herself,” there is nothing to be surprised at. It happened so often with everyone, but not with Nayeon-unnie. No, my friend was always with Momo, sometimes with Momo and Sana, never alone.

- I don't like to be lonely - that's all that unnie answered my question when I got curious. - I need a person next to me, I think so easier. In addition, this person will be able to listen to me and give the necessary advice at the moment when I need it.

Therefore, we have often seen NaMo and NaMoSa together.

We are used to it.

That is why it was so unusual to see Nayeon-unnie alone all week.

I decided to find out the reason for the solitude.

My unnie can be stubborn when she wants to, and I'm sure she will deny.

If I don’t find out myself, then I’ll call a council with all the members, and we can definitely get Nayeon-unnie to talk.


"Nabongie, is something bothering you?" Not wasting time, when there was a free minute between the shooting of the video scenes, asked JiHyo. Her voice was not the voice of a leader, it was soft and worried about her best friend. As well as a kind, hopeful look, as well as the palm that lay on the hand of an older friend. Everything indicated that she could be trusted.

"Yes" Nayeon did not deny, snuggling closer to the warmth of her friend. “These thoughts are eating me up, I can't think of anything else,” she complained, leaning her head on JiHyo's shoulder. JiHyo's left palm gently brushed over her head without stopping her movement.

"Will you share, unnie? You know that you can discuss everything with me, ”she reminded again, knowing full well that unnie had known about this a long time ago.

“I know, Hyo, but not that question,” Nayeon said sadly, fully accepting the affection and love from her friend. “I’m afraid to say my thoughts out loud, because then it will turn out to be so real and so wrong. I am afraid that I will ruin everything and you will stop communicating with me. I am afraid that you will all turn your back on me - she admitted without going into details, but with laconic hints, JiHyo realized that restless thoughts are related to feelings.

JiHyo studied Nayeon for a long time, she caught everything on the fly, sometimes it was more guesswork, but after discussing them with Jungyeon, they were convinced of them.

“We'll take either side of you, Nayeon-unnie. We have gone through a lot, and so that you do not bother, we will accept and figure it out all together. You just have to get up the courage and tell me everything. First to me, then to Jungyeon, then to the rest of the girls. Do you remember your own words at the beginning of our career as a group: No secrets.

"Thank you, Hyo, I promise, when I'm ready, you will be the first to know" Nayeon smiled sadly, wanted to add something, but she was invited to shoot her frame in the video.

"I'm coming! It's time to work, JiHyo! Let's talk later" a cheerful smile appeared on the lips, a mask that hides the real Nayeon. The mask hid all sadness, all anxiety from prying eyes. In front of them was pro Nayeon again, not Nabong.

Who are you in love with, Nabongie?

Who bothers your tender heart?

I want to help you, and I will help you, with or without your permission.

I just have to figure out who this guy is.

What if he turns out to be her?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Nabong remains Nabong.

Then I have to find out his or her name anyway, to help unnie with her problem.


This is not a guy, exactly. I can safely say that the one to worry about all week Nayeon-unnie is not a guy. After all, about all the guys who like or liked unnie, I know, I can list them by name. No, not a guy. Then there is one thing left, girl. Nayeon-unnie often falls in love with girls from other groups, and then talks for hours about how she has the courage to come up and ask them for a phone number for further friendship.

But again, now Nayeon-unnie does not have such a passion, I did not notice any admiration towards the new bands.

So, there is only one conclusion, Nayeon-unnie has feelings for the girl with whom she has been friends for a long time.

Try to find out from unnie? I know the pressure points to get any member talking, but with unnie I won't do that. No, it won't work here, not now. Now she needs to make sure that I will always be with her, regardless of who she is in love with.

To begin with, I'll just go up to her, sit down next to her, and keep quiet together.

Knowing my friend, I know that the silence will not last long.

Please, unnie, trust me, tell me the whole truth.

I just need to know the name, and then I will help you achieve what you want.


"I would like to tell you, but there is a lump in my throat and honestly ... it's scary to talk about this ..." after 20 minutes of silence, Nayeon was the first to surrender, hugging Momo by the waist, putting her forehead in the groove between the forearm and neck.

"You fell in love with a girl, that's why it's so hard to say, right?" Suggested Momo, immediately feeling how the body of her older friend is straining under her arms. "There is nothing shameful here, unnie. There are no boundaries in love. Love doesn't choose who to love,"gently combing through a strand of Nayeon's dark brown hair, Momo said. "You often repeated these words to me when I confessed that I was in love with Heechul-oppa. If you have forgotten them, I remind you."

"Thank you, Momorin" relaxing, plunging even more into Momo's loving embrace, Nayeon paused again, then added: "I am tormented by one question, the answers to it are given by a dream, from which I wake up all in sweat and can no longer sleep at all. Me, me ... when I see this girl ... or rather, when I see a smile ... I want to" - the end of the sentence came out quite quiet, but Momo was able to hear: - "kiss her on the lips."

Momo blushed as she imagined the scene. Not the kissing scene itself, but how Nayeon confesses to that stranger, seeing an uncertain unnie in front of him with doubt in his eyes. And then a refusal is possible, not everyone accepts and understands the choice of love. Momo's heart ached from injustice to the stranger who refused her friend.

How can you not love a girl like Nayeon-unnie?

"Momorin, do not wind yourself up, do not imagine what is not. I will never confess to her, I will just try to heal from these unnecessary feelings."

"Feelings are always important, unnie", Momo disagreed with her, hugging her older friend tighter to her, now the body was completely sitting on Momo's lap, protected from all troubles. " Why do you say that? Is it really the one you are in love with the girl I know? I know her and I am friends with her, yes" - she suddenly guessed, amazedly meeting the frightened look of Nayeon. "She's ours ..."

"Momorin, please don't finish ... just not now ... please." Tears, held back for a week, burst out, Nayeon burst into tears, burying her face in the offered comfort. “Please make me forget. I want to get rid of these stupid thoughts, I want ... I need ...

"Shh, hush, hush, unnie, I am silent ..." - gently shaking her older friend in her arms, entrusted her to Momo, scrolling in the minds of all the members from whom unnie had recently moved away. The only one who came to mind was Mina.

So Minari, right?

Oh, my Nayeon-unnie, you shouldn't be afraid to open up to Mina, because she ...

Oops, it's not my secret to share, even with my own thoughts.

I made a pinky vow.

But, I can tell about this Sana, she also knows the secret of Mina.

We must help Nayeon-unnie find courage.


I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, excuse me unnie, but it happened. It's just that your voices are very well heard in my room. It was necessary to make sure that no one but you was at home. No, no, I don't blame you, unnie. I just now know the reason for your loneliness, Nayeon-unnie.

I myself went through such questions.

They also tortured me, did not let me sleep, drove me into the darkness of doubt and despair.

If not for you, Nayeon-unnie, not for your words about “ believe in your friends, Dubu, believe in our love for you, ” I would never have dared to take a step and would not be so happy now.

Instead of going out the door and joining you in the living room, I take out my notebook, tear out a piece of paper, and carefully jot down my thoughts for you.

I hope you will read and my words will support you.


“Nayeon-unnie, I'm sorry, I witnessed your dialogue with Momo by chance.

I heard everything.

Do you remember two months ago I approached you with such a secret?

Do you remember the words you said to me then?

I remember them verbatim, as if they were spoken yesterday:

"I'm with you, like all the girls too. If you don't work out, your friendship will last forever. You just need to free yourself, otherwise it will only get worse."

I can already see how insecurity eats you up, you have grown thin from lack of sleep, you have become irritated.

Unnie, please, follow your own advice - free yourself.

I hope that the one to whom you voice your thoughts will reciprocate.

If not, you know where to find me.

We are one team, we are a family for each other. You are not alone.

Your little DaHyunie. "

They are all right.

Maybe I should go now?

I have always been confident in myself and now I will not let myself down.

Stop suffering, it's better to do everything at once.

It's time to act, I'm Nayeon.



In the last week, I've started to notice that my oldest friend is ignoring me. No, to ignore the wrong word, she just avoids me, does not stay with me longer than usual. And she pulls away every time I get very close to her or when our arms, shoulders, bodies are too close to each other.


Did I do something wrong?

No, not me, because if I had been Momo or Sana had already told me about it. They are always too protective when they touch Nayeon-unnie.

Although, what I mean, not only them, all of us, all 8 members are too protective when it comes to Nayeon-unnie.

Or is it still connected with me?

For some reason, I'm starting to get nervous.

No, neither Momo nor Sana let them slip.

I believe in our pinky promise.

Then why is Nayeon-unnie coming to me with such determination, muttering that “we need to talk” and dragging me into the next, empty room?

Why is she silent and looks at me with such a look as if she wants to kiss me?

Oh my stupid heart don't do the happy flip, it just can't be!

No, Nayeon-unnie does not feel romantic emotions about you.

It's just hard to believe ...

- Sorry, Minari, but I decided to become free - ambiguous words and my surprised squeak my lips meet the greedy lips of Nayeon.

My first kiss with a girl I have been in love with since the days of my trainee was not so tender and soft.

He was passionate, greedy, demanding.

He controlled, completely subdued me.

I don't mind, I'm ready to surrender to you.

When the first kiss ended and Nayeon-unnie looked at me in surprise, I just smiled happily, reached for my lips again with smeared red lipstick, kissing a second time.

"Let's be free together, Nayeon-unnie" - my words were interrupted by the third kiss and a happy laugh from her, I myself smiled in the kiss, hugging and hugging her tightly.

Is it all true?

Isn't this a dream that I constantly dreamed after that playful kiss on the corner of the mouth from Nayeon-unnie on the show?

Can I always kiss my old love like that now?

Please be merciful to me, please answer me yes.

"Yes, silly, I got the answer to my question and now you ... uh ... Mina, will you be my girlfriend?" Embarrassedly looking into my eyes, nervously scratching the back of her left hand (a nice habit), asked Nayeon, plucking up the courage after countless kisses.

"I have been yours for a long time, Nayeon-unnie" - I dared to admit, looking straight into the eyes of my older friend, no, my girlfriend. "Yes, silly girl, I will be your girlfriend. Now stop looking at my lips, come here - embarrassed by my bold words, I stretched out my arms, hugged my neck and closed my eyes in anticipation."

"You know, the whole week I was tormented by the question: what is it like to kiss you on the lips? It turns out that this is as magical as you are, Minari" looking at the girl with tenderness, whispered Nayeon, leaning forward and kissing her, enjoying the taste of the kiss.


Sometimes you just need to follow your own advice, then everything will be fine.

And if you forget about them, your best friends will always remind you.

"Nabongie, what are you thinking about?" Mina's soft, quiet voice whispered in my ear. "You are so focused on your thoughts that you completely forgot about me", the girl's beloved unnie pouted, pressing even closer to her side.

"My thoughts are always about you, Minari, I always think about you", kissing the corner of her lips, Nayeon said softly, straightening the blankets that had come down from Mina's shoulders.

“I know when you think of me, but not this time. So who were you thinking about? Should I be jealous?" She , kissing her on the cheek, thus making it clear to her girlfriend that everything was joking.

“You're right, this time I was thinking about what wonderful friends we have,” whispered Nayeon, nodding to the side where the rest of the gang was perched, looking at the TV screen, watching the plot of a romantic movie. - They helped me take this step towards you.

“They are the best,” Mina agreed, muffling her voice, adding nothing more, enjoying the hugs of her beloved and the movie.

Nayeon didn’t add anything to Mina’s words either, there was simply nothing to add, it’s already said.

They were in the bosom of their family, who at any moment would give them advice, a friendly shoulder, love and understanding.

Thank you for having me.

Thanks to you, I am so happy now!


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