Feeling response (MiHyun AU)


autor: Based on the anime "Citrus" 

I learn from my parent that I will have a new mother and a new half-sister, who is also a couple of months small than I am. What a surprise! How to react to this? I decided to postpone the answer to later, and now to do the main thing, I will meet with the teacher in the backyard of the school. He is so annoying, tired of his harassment, but she is to blame herself, she decided to at least somehow rebel against the words of her grandfather:

“After graduation, you will marry a young man of my choice. He is a worthy heir to his father. We have already arranged a wedding.”

Wedding? In 17 years? What a wedding at 17? I chose a husband for me, and I could not even refuse, because I myself am the heir of the director of the school Miyu, where I am studying now.

Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself! Hello, I am the future heir of the Miyu clan - Miyu Mina - nice to meet you! I am 17 years old, two senior class, and president of the school council. By right, inheritance takes a place in the director's watercress, while my grandfather is away on business. Until that day, the school had order and discipline.

I say “until this day”, referring to exactly the day when the meeting with the teacher was to take place. We met, as promised, and he immediately began to climb to kiss. How disgusting, but I overpowered myself and kissed him. I hugged her by the neck, he pressed him close to me, my eyes rolled up, and I saw a girl with a mane of blond hair. She shyly covered her eyes, which were staring at me. Her ears flushed so cool, I wanted to laugh, but was busy with a kiss. She noticed that I was looking at her direct, quickly ran away.

Later, she found out her name is DaHyun, and she is my half-sister.

Sister and what? We need to give her a lesson for peeping. The punishment will happen tonight when we go to bed (we were settled in one room)

“You are both girls, you need to find your tongue.”

Thanks for the advice "new mother."

She took a shower first; I was waiting for her in the room, pretending to shift my things in the closet, to free up space for her things. She came out all so fresh, a bright smile shone on her face, I already thought that I would not do anything to her; I simply would not pay attention. However, the new sister decided to spoil my already not very good mood, she began to talk about the "kiss".

- Is it possible for the president of the school council to behave this way? Alternatively, did I catch you? Was that your first kiss? You know, the kiss should be by mutual agreement, but what I saw...

Her words made me angry, something turned upside down in me, and I seemed to look at myself from the side.

So I go up to her, to the bed where she sits and wipes her hair ...

... stop by her, she looks at me blankly ...

... bowing forward, pressing my body against her, forcibly lowering her to the bed ...

... I press my lips to her lips...

... closing my own eyes, kiss her lips ...

And I, the one who does not feel anything at the moment, calmly lets her lips go, rises and steps aside, my voice is so cold that I, looking at myself from the side, shivers, throws words of one who does not believe in what is happening :

“That's what a kiss is.”

My cheek does not feel pain from a slap in the face; I do not feel anything at all. I calmly go to the bathroom, put myself in order, then I go back to the room, turn off the light, and silently close my eyes. I have nothing more to say to my new sister DaHyun.


Morning. My eyes do not believe what is happening. How can I explain my situation? Why am I clinging tightly to my sister’s back? Why my face buried in golden hair? Why are my lips smiling? I need to get up quickly so that DaHyun doesn’t...

As my thoughts chased the right answer, DaHyun stirred in her sleep. It was like an electric shock; I quickly jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. For some reason my heart was beating abnormally. In addition, my cheeks burn, and that smile became even wider.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I understand why my right cheek was burning - from the evening blow of DaHyun. I deserve it, I admit. So that the bruise does not stand out so much, I apply makeup, one layer after another; I look again at my reflection. It seems to be nothing; it seems to be not visible.

I go out of the bathroom and encounter the guarded look of my new sister. She sat on a made-up bed with disheveled hair and sleepy eyes.

She was so sweet, sweet, sweet, and sweet ... sweet...

My thoughts continued to repeat one word while I walked past her, going to school.

“So that’s your answer, yes, Mina?” Okay, if you decided so, then it will be so. I'll pretend that no kiss happened.

“Yes, there was nothing, you just dreamed about it. Get ready for school, you cannot be late,” I said as coldly as possible.

“There is still plenty of time before the start of the lesson,” DaHyun dismissed, still getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. “You cannot wait for me I know the way.”

“15 minutes, DaHyun, 15 minutes. I won’t wait any longer. If you don’t get ready by this time, I’ll drag you to school in what you will be wearing,” I warned sternly, leaving the room and going to the kitchen, where my new “mother” cooked breakfast. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mina. Does my obnoxious girl cause you problems? She asked good-naturedly, putting food on the kitchen table.”

“It's okay. Alternatively, everything will be fine. Thanks for the breakfast.”



School break.

School board.

Work, study and work.

Everything must kept tight, just as my grandfather once ruled school. I did so until a golden-haired hurricane named DaHyun burst into my (grandfather's) office and leaned on me, squeezing between itself and the table of my grandfather.

"I cannot go on! I can’t think of anything else, like that kiss! What have you done to me?"

"A kiss? About the one, you dreamed about. Did you dream that you kiss me? Fu, you turn out to be a ert," I grimaced, trying to move away from her body. Honestly, I felt stuffy and it seemed to me that there was little air in the office. "Let go!"

“Only when my dream comes true,” she whispered viciously, drawing her face closer to me. “That was my first kiss, damn thing,” she whispered, barely audible, before glaring at my lips. That kiss, repeated, the same fierce and reckless, the same, and yet not the same. Her lips gradually became sweet, I wanted to continue, but until my heart let me down, I broke free.

- What are you doing?! I was indignant, wiping the back of my hand with my lips.

- I return what you took yesterday. Now everything, we are even, Mina - no longer adding a word, my sister left the office, leaving me in frustrated feelings. The ice in my heart cracked, and the first ray of the sun penetrated there.

“That doesn't matter.” We are even, as DaHyun said. We just compensated our anger in this form against each other. First me, then DaHyun. All. Now you can try to become sisters.


I tried. We began to talk more often. Interesting topics found for conversation. She showed me new places in a city that I had never been to. Most often passed by. We began to get along with each other. My heart gradually melted under the rays of golden hair and a radiant smile.

Father’s arrival almost ruined everything. I almost became that cold and heartless witch again, but DaHyun’s kind words, “you are not alone, I am with you”, did not allow me to return to my past.

That night, I cried, and was not shy about my tears. DaHyun hugged me, and I myself drawn to be closer to her. I wanted to soak her warmth. That kiss was salty, slightly bitter in taste, but we let it happen.

That night, I decided for myself that I would let my soul go towards the soul of DaHyun. I trust her.


I trusted and trampled my soul again cruelly and unfairly. I didn’t expect that the DaHyun kiss from San I had spied so badly could hurt me. By chance, everything turned out; DaHyun did not even notice my presence, all her attention was absorb by that girl who so impudently made her way to school today.

Sana, she noticed me, looked into my eyes for a long time, and then she triumphantly smiled, leaned over and kissed DaHyun on the lips.


On the lips.

She hugged her neck.

Snuggled up.

DaHyun hugged back.

DaHyun kissed.



On the lips.

Yes, what's wrong with me?! Why am I standing and just looking at this disgusting scene? I don't care who DaHyun kisses. On the lips of someone he kisses, DaHyun ... Yes, I don't care. Absolutely. Does not matter!

It was painful. It is terribly painful. It was like a knife in my heart, sharp, ruthless. He penetrated deep into my heart, hurting me, making me cry.

I turned away.


Although, my legs, with great difficulty, took that step, for some reason I really wanted to stay, hail DaHyun, so she noticed me. When she noticed me, I pretended just to come. In addition, did not see that kiss. DaHyun would smile at me, shine with happiness, run away from San, and we would go home together. In addition, at home, we would go to bed, again I would plunge into the warmth of her hands, and my heart and my soul would bounce back.

If I only came later...

Returned home. It is empty and dark. The new mother at work will be late today.

Tonight we are alone.

DaHyun and me.

This was the case before, I was not worried, because it was going its course, and I was warm and comfortable.

Today, a cold enveloped me, penetrating my body with its icy spikes.

Moreover, this cold did not disappear when DaHyun returned home.


Dark, only one darkness surrounded me. DaHyun was sleeping next to her, that gentle light always emanated from her, which she always wanted to reach for. Her breath always warmed my neck. Heat always emanated from her hands, sometimes it became difficult for me to breathe.

I liked to touch, barely noticeable, her golden hair, which gently flowed over her bare shoulders. I loved to gently run a fingertip over her hand; I liked to watch how the small hairs on the skin were electrified from my touches.

Most of all, I loved when the moon's rays, breaking through the curtains, gently outlined the lines of her face, stopping for centuries, on her cheeks, on her alluring lips.

I liked to remember those two kisses that were tightly stuck in my subconscious.

I liked it then, but not now.

Now I can’t breathe for another reason. Painfully. It is very painful in the chest, tears welling up in my eyes. I want to cry when I look at her sleeping face. Now, cold comes from her hands, chilling cold. Her breath, like thousands of shards from broken glass, stared at my neck. Now I would like to be as far from her as possible. Do not see or hear her now.

I would get up and leave, in another room, but my naughty body, remained to lie next to her. I could not control my brain, which pressed me with frankness that I stung like a wasp:

- Stay with her. Let her heal your pain again. That kiss was a mistake you know it yourself. DaHyun even then admitted that you are indifferent to her. Sana, just the little sister she always about cared. Sana will never be you. Why don't you fall into despair and lock yourself in again.

- Grow up, Mina Miyu! Do not behave like a child whose toy has been take away. Tomorrow, you ask her how her day went. Only then will you suffer if you want to. Alternatively, you will fight for DaHyun's feelings. You decide, Mina Miyu!

I had insomnia. Thoughts prevailed over me, and, in the end, won. I surrendered to my thoughts. Having woken up first after a short sleep, she made decisions - to find out, analyze and win back, if necessary.


Sana did not hide what she needed from my sister. She clearly described the situation where I am superfluous. She even kissed me, as if through a kiss, taking away my sun from me.

- If you hesitate, you will be left alone, Mina. DaHyun, she is such an open and good-natured person, she easily driven by my tricks. She will not be able to resist for a long time. As in the past, when only her and we existed.

“Are you sure you will defeat me, Sana?”

“Easy. I wrote a message that I want to see DaHyun, now she will come here. In addition, as soon as she comes, you will forever disappear from her life. I know how to win DaHyun's heart back. Sorry, Mina, but you're a loser.”


She came.

Sana again led her away.

So easy, without even saying a few words, she simply nodded her head, pointed a finger towards the cafe, so simple. What did I do at that moment? I acted stupidly, stepped aside, hid behind a column, in the shade, and just looked at how my sister was leaving.

I didn’t stop. Did not hail DaHyun. Just let it go.

Stupid, stupid, stupid...

How stupid I am! All the same child, 17-year-old stupid child.

My firm decision swayed from the words of San. My uncertainty about DaHyun's feelings is back.

“They will deceive me again.” My heart will break again. I will be alone again.

Those tormenting words filled my brain again, I was drooping, I just wanted to run away.

However, I stayed.

Left to stand, wait.

I don’t know, maybe the sixth sense, intuition, but I waited.

What? No, whom?

Maybe DaHyun? Yes, her, the girl that changed my perception of the world. Sister that cheated on my heart.

I waited a long time.

Evening, the sun had long gone over the horizon, but I was waiting. I felt cold, cold and lonely.

No one was coming.

No one called.

Nevertheless, I…

“|Mina? Hey Mina! What are you doing here? Coming home after rehearsal, I could barely see you in this darkness, if the lantern did not shine in your direction, did not notice, and would pass by. Come on, let's go home. It's cold, and you're in a simple dress. Why are you looking at me like that? Hey! Are you okay? Hey, why are you, hey, are you crying? What happened? Why? Mina...”

“DaHyun shut up just… just hug me. Give me a hug. Oh, how warm I am ... How long have I been waiting for you...“

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