( T_T)\(^-^ ) [TEN & TY POV]


Ten tossed and his bed, listening to his cat, Rin, shift in her sleep, staring at the ticking light blue clock. Ever since what happened last night, there was no way he could face school with ease. Like, they sat at the same lunch table, and seat partners for a whole period. On top of that, they have to work on a project, which they couldn’t even continue with, due to the picture incident. He could at least eat on the rooftop like he normally did, but would be killed by his own parents if he skipped history class. Ten could have just said he was sick, but unless he was dying from a disease. He was left with nothing. 

Was he the only one to know about it, or were there other people too. I mean there were rumors that his parents just died from a car crash or something. Others saying they were part of the mafia, and many just thought he was an orphan, but that didn’t explain how rich he was. One person even thought he killed his own parents and took all their money, but knowing his true parents made a lot of sense. Not only are they idols, but also gay, which is not taken lightly here in Korea.

After the way Taeyong exploded at Ten. He didn’t know how Taeyong would act around him. Would he hate him forever, or be able to understand that Ten would not tell anyone about his parents. There was only one way to know.




Ten entered the cafeteria, panicking in the inside. He had no lunch, but apple juice, just in case Taeyong still hated his guts, causing Ten to puke. It was something he was not proud of, but nervous tensions make him nauseous. 

The flash back happened. Taeyong’s eyes went wide, shock spread across that beautiful face. Stuttering was the first thing to travel out his mouth, followed by a loud smack of the snacks making contact with the hardwood flooring. Neither one flinched. It all happened so fast, but also like time slowed down. The shouted words spoken made Ten’s fight or flight instinct ignite. He grabbed the navy blue bookbag and ran out of the house, leaving supplies which Ten later found out. Tears blurred his vision, causing him to trip and skid his knee. He hated that day.

The skid on his knee, now full on display, covered by a Hello Kitty band-ade. He was wearing his ‘I’m depressed, don’t talk to me’ outfit, a full on black attire. Taeil, that one really nice kid in 5th period English, told him to sit at the table, or else he would have his beat. That scared Ten. So, he listened. He saw everyone there looking back, but he didn’t make eye contact with any of them. Just sat down next to Johnny. 

Being the protective person he his, Johnny wrapped an arm around Ten and allowed him to lean against his shoulder. “What’s wrong, Ten? Did something happen?”


“Hey, Ten!” Little eight year old Ten whipped around to his best friend Sicheng. He ran towards him, seeing a stuffed bear being hugged by Sicheng’s tiny arms. He hands the bear over to Ten, “Give it to Taeyong…he looks lonely.” And being the kind child he was, Ten grabbed the bear and headed towards Taeyong, who was sitting at the swings by himself. “Taeyong, have this!” Ten places the bear into Taeyong’s tiny hands. “My name is Ten, and yours is Taeyong. They both start with the same letter!!” Taeyong looked at Ten for the first time. Little Ten felt butterflies in his stomach, but too young to understand. That look sparked something in him though. Taeyong’s dark brown eyes looking through his long eyelashes. “Thanks, Ten.” 


It was the same look Ten got before he rushed out of the cafeteria. He heard the boys at the table shout at him to come back, but he couldn’t. There was no way he could. He ran towards the nearest bathroom and into a stall. He heard the bathroom door open and a knock against the stall. “Ten.”

He threw up at the sound of the voice. “Ten, are you okay?” Obviously he wasn’t, and the person in the bathroom realized it, so after the throw up fest, Ten unlocked the door, to see Taeyong. “You’re fine now. Good.” And out went Taeyong.




He wasn’t fine. No way was he in any shape or form. Ten thought, just maybe, Taeyong would have forgiven him and just forget about what happened. He didn’t tell anyone, because he knew Taeyong didn’t want a single soul to know. But he guesses Taeyong thinks otherwise. 

While walking to 7th period study hall, he was pulled into a closet. “Let me go!!” A hand was placed over his mouth. “It’s okay, Ten. It’s just me, Johnny.” Ten relaxed, now knowing it was him.

“So, you know?” He understood what Johnny was talking about. “Yeah, but how do you know?” He let out a low laugh. “I’ve known him for years. And I mean YEARS. He learned to trust me and know I wouldn’t tell anyone, so he told me. Everyone in our circle knows. Except Hansol. We’ve known Taeyong for a while and he gave in, and told us. Yuta was actually the first to know.”

Ten didn’t understand. “Well, then why was he so angry when I found out?” Johnny stayed silent for a while, because of passing footsteps. “It’s wasn’t anger. He was just shocked, and that’s the way he reacts. Also, you guys haven’t known each other long. That’s probably why he didn't want you to know yet. But who knows, maybe he will forget about it. I mean you are also gay, and I’ve known you ever too. You wouldn’t have said anything.” Johnny does know him too well. “And I didn’t. Please tell Taeyong that. Anywho, I need to get to study hall or Mr. Jung will kill me.” Even in the dimly lit closet, Ten could see Johnny’s smile. “Go, go, I just wanted to let you know some things.”




Ten reached for the door, his hands shaking. He had a feeling that this class was not going to go well. Ten made his way to his desk without looking up from the ground. Why did Mr. Chae need to rearrange the seating chart?

Ten sat down and saw Taeyong’s hand picking up his pencil, writing something, but he did not dare look up to face the other.

He blamed himself for this entire mess. If he just didn’t go through Taeyong’s stuff, everything would have not fallen apart.

“Psst,” said someone beside him, leaning over. Ten turned in his chair and saw Yuta? What was he doing here? “Meet me in the bathroom,” and out walked Yuta, right before Mr. Chae walked in. 

Ten got up out of his chair, almost slamming it back into the desk just so Taeyong could look up at him, and marched his way to the front, to ask to use the restroom.



Walking into the bathroom, Ten sees a man with sunglasses and a black mask—definitely Yuta—staring into the mirror sink, mummering quiet words.

“Creepy,” was the first thing to come out of Ten’s mouth. Yuta looked back and took off his sunglasses. “Hey, I don’t wanna be found out if we get in trouble. Anyways, listen to me since this needs to be quick.” Ten was pushed into the big stall at the end of the bathroom. Yuta locks the stall and then turns around to Ten.

“I’ve been where you have been.” Yuta lowered his mask. “Back in 3rd grade, when I lived in Japan, since I was born there, Taeyong went to my school for a short period of time. We were best friends, but when I found out about his parents, he was forced to leave Japan and return back to Korea. His parents bought out my parents, so we wouldn’t tell anyone.” Yuta looked down onto the ground. “My parents then moved to Korea for job reasons, and by the luck of chance, I was transferred to Taeyong’s school.” He let out a big sigh, something he probably was holding in for a long time. “He wasn’t very accepting at first—completely ignoring me, moved away whenever I got close like I was a disease, and going to enough to ask the teacher to switch seats in Chemistry class. It was not fun, but until we were forced to study together, that’s when we had a long talk, and he gave in.”

Yuta took his soft hands into his own. “I just hope Taeyong won’t do the same to you. We’ve talked about your guys’ relationship, and he really enjoys being around you. I just don’t want this one thing to ruin everything you both had.” He finally let go and looked at his watch. “Make sure to keep pushing him. If you give up now, then it will fall apart. I’m sure we both know you don’t want that.” He opened the stall and pushed the restroom door open, but stood there for a second. “Hope everything goes well, Ten. Bye.”




“Hey,” Jaehyun said, making Taeyong look up from his book. “Maybe you should let this thing with Ten go.” He seemed to always tell Taeyong what to do. “No,” Taeyong replied, closing his book. “Taeyong...the project is due soon and you haven’t made any progress since the incident, plus it’s gone on for too long,” Jaehyun sighed and hopped off the bed to join the pink-haired boy on the ground. “I haven’t seen Johnny in forever, you need to help your man out.”

Taeyong looked over at Jaehyun, “First off, it’s been a week. Second, I won’t make up with Ten just so you can be with your little crush.” Jaehyun knew that he would say that, just be the way he was looking at him. “I’ve seen the way you were acting around Ten. The way you looked at him. I’m not an idiot Taeyong. I know you too well.” Taeyong scoffed. “You think I like him, after such a thing he did? He invaded my privacy. I cannot like such a person.” 

Jaehyun gave up, knowing how stern Taeyong can be. “I was just saying what I saw. And maybe it was an accident. He was maybe just looking around your room and saw it. You never hide it well anyway.” Jaehyun pushed himself off the ground and walked over to his bedside table. “It’s right here. On display for everyone. If I was Ten, of course, I would take a look at your room. I think this whole thing is your fault, not gonna lie.” Jaehyun placed the birthday photo back on his table. “I’m thirsty, I’ll be right back.” 




Okay, so maybe Jaehyun was right, but that didn’t mean Taeyong would forgive Ten so easily. He has done that too many times with people and ended up being hurt in the end. 

He wouldn’t have talked to Ten for the next couple of days, if it wasn’t for Jaehyun forcing him, with the encouragement of everyone else at the table. They bugged him ever since Ten rushed out of the cafeteria and into the bathrooms, and in Yuta’s words, “messed up everything since the beginning.” 

Jaehyun and Taeyong were now at the doors leading to the rooftop where Ten ate lunch. They both decided this would be the best time since no one else but Johnny, Ten, Taeyong, and Jaehyun would be up there. No one ever comes to the rooftop other than the janitors cleaning during winter and fall.  “Just go out there, ask to talk to Ten and then apologize,” Jaehyun nearly pushing him out the door was pleading.

“I just told you I wouldn’t apologize that easily. I should just not address it at all.” Jaehyun gave him his famous death glare.“That would make everything worse! If I have to Taeyong, I will throw you all the way over there, so do it yourself.”

Taeyong gave up at the mini-argument and sighed. His dark brown hair swiftly moving as he pushed it back in anxiety. He opened the big metal doors wide and heard laughter stop as soon they entered. Taeyong first saw Johnny, him being to the right of Ten, and then his eyes met Ten’s. It’s not like they haven’t seen each other over the past week, but they never have met gazes which brought a weird feeling after not seeing his eyes in so long.

Time must have slowed down because the walk towards Ten was painful. The rooftop’s atmosphere became heavy— Ten standing at the sight of Taeyong, Johnny grasping Ten’s hand to pull him back down, and Taeyong’s footsteps in the quiet area mixing in with the crow of birds. They were sitting quite far from the doors, causing the tension to rise. 

Taeyong finally made it towards the two boys after what felt like hours. He stopped right in front of them, feeling the glares from both.

“I need to talk to Ten please, Johnny.” He could see the hesitation in Johnny’s movements, his denim jacket ruffling as he crosses his arms. Even though Johnny has always been close to Taeyong, they both knew Ten was more important than him. Johnny stood up, and towered over Taeyong.

“Please, don’t do anything stupid, Taeyong,” and with that Johnny leaned down to Ten. “Come to me if anything bad happens,” Johnny whispered into Ten’s ear, not quite enough that Taeyong couldn’t hear. And with that, Johnny left, walking to Jaehyun he supposed.

“What causes you to be here, Taeyong,” Ten said with a quiet voice.

Well Taeyong himself didn’t even know. It may have been himself missing the presence of Ten, or Jaehyun forcing him, but either cause, he couldn’t handle the awkwardness between the two. Okay, Taeyong, just say something.

“Our project is due in a week. We should finish it soon.” Nice job Taeyong.. 

“Huh?” Ten must have expected an apology because even though his eyes didn’t widen, Taeyong could see something along the lines of hurt or betrayal, but he didn’t argue. Instead he took a big breath, his olive bomber jacket with a black sweatshirt underneath rising up and down. “O-okay. We can just finish it at my house for the next week, if that’s fine with you,” Ten said with slight stutters. He stared at the ground, most likely not wanting to make eye contact with the elder.

“That’s fine. Oh yeah also-” Taeyong heistated, not wanting a bad response, but continued anyway. “It would be nice if you could sit back at our table. Everyone has been feeling down ever since you left.” That took a lot more strength than Taeyong had to say that.

Ten was about to speak, opening, but closing his mouth. Taeyong gets it though. Being ignored for a week, and then them inviting you back into their life, it’s a little much for Ten.

“I will think about it, but this isn’t a yes nor no.”

“Alright then, see you in History class.” 

Taeyong proceeded to walk towards the doors leading back downstairs and saw Jaehyun with Johnny talking.

“W-wait. Um..nevermind.”

Taeyong looked back and saw Ten just sit immediately back down on the dirty concrete floor, most likely covered in bird feces.

“It’s okay, Ten. You can tell me anything,” Taeyong said while walking back to Ten.

Ten looked up from his eyelashes, batting as he blinked. He didn’t want to make Ten scared, so he sat down next to him. 

“Are you still angry at me?”

There was only one answer to this question. “No, and I never was. I was just acting out of shock.”

Ten let out a long sigh he probably was holding in for awhile. “Thank you, for not getting angry. I was scared the entire time that you were!”

Taeyong chuckled, something he realized he did a lot, and ruffled Ten’s raven hair. “Lunch is almost done, I need to head back. I’ll see you later, Tennie.”

Ten’s face lit up at the pet name. “See you, Yongie.”

I’m sorry.

He stood up and walked back to the metal doors, seeing Jaehyun and Johnny talking.

“Everything is fine, Johnny. You don’t have to worry,” Taeyong said and pulled Jaehyun away from the tall man. 

“U-uh see you soon, Johnny!!” Jaehyun shouted while waving to him.




“What the heck, Taeyong. I was having a nice conversation with Johnny.” Jaehyun and Taeyong were at the library picking out books for their English essay. “Yeah, but I don’t need you in his pants right away. You gotta be cool. That’s something you aren’t.” Jaehyun took great offense to that, “Sure. Like ignoring someone for over a week just because you are a salty person and not even apologizing for being rude is ‘cool’.” Taeyong hit his shoulder for that reply. “Hey, don’t forget I’m the older one here.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah..whatever. Let’s just get these books and head out of here.” 




History class came sooner than Taeyong thought it would. He made his way to the empty desk. Ten wasn’t there yet, so it gave him enough time to calm down. After a minute, Taeyong heard laughing in the hallway. He looked out at saw Johnny and Ten talking to each other, and must have said goodbyes since Ten walked into the class afterwards. Taeyong and Johnny were close too, but Ten seemed to have a deeper relationship with him. 

Ten sat down next to Taeyong and gave a little hi. “Oh, hey.” The teacher walked in and class started. It was a usual boring history class, nothing was due except for the project and that reminded Taeyong that he would be at Ten’s house later that day. He hoped it would be awkward, since the rooftop in counter was not something he liked. They were uncomfortable with each other then, and still with him talking to Ten when he didn’t understand something, Ten was distant. It made Taeyong feel bad, but he couldn’t be angry because it is what he deserves for being such a jerk to Ten. He would have to apologize soon, but at the same time, Ten did invade his privacy.


Life really had to pull this on him now, and everyone knows life isn’t nice to you.

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Chapter 6: I am so looking forward to the next update! ?
Chapter 1: Ohh can't wait for 2min to enter in the story as well as wow nctSHINee storyyyyy........plz pdate fast ❣️❣️