( T_T)\(^-^ ) [TY POV]


Taeyong got used to “having no parents.” He did but was not allowed to share who they were for..reasons. Well, the obvious reasons were the both of his parents were celebrities, and gay. Taeyong was adopted by both Minho and Taemin, but after taking such a big move in their relationship, they decided it was best for no one to know about Taeyong.

That’s where the first mistake happened.


Walking into the history classroom, knowing it would be another slow day, Taeyong rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat down in his chair. He hated History class, but their teacher just oh so loved it that they always had projects. Projects, projects, projects. That’s all the teacher wanted to do. Of course, there were testes and such, but the teacher thought “projects are a way to bond with your classmates over history.” Bond over history, my .

While thinking of the devil, Mr. Chae walked into the classroom with his usual outfit. Just a regular button-up shirt and black jeans, which for some reason the school allowed. “Good morning class! I have seen that you took a gander at the assignment written on the board. Another project!!” Everyone groaned out of annoyance.

“Yes, yes, let it all out, “Mr. Chae waved his hands while talking. “But to spice things up, I will assign partners.” The teacher looked around. “Really? No comments? Seems you all accepted your fate.” Mr. Chae pulled out some papers from his folder and tapped them against the desk. “Well come up to the front and see who your lucky partner is!”

The students started getting out of their seats with the chairs squeaking as the push them into the desks. Taeyong got up and did the following. He didn’t care for assigned partners since he didn’t have very close friends in this class, but it still made him a bit anxious knowing who the person he will do the project with. He looked down at the small white paper and went down the list of names until he found “Lee Taeyong.” Looking at the name next to his, he got a little jump.

“Hello, partner!!” Taeyong turned around to his friend, Ten, with a wide smile spread across his face. They weren’t that close, but they still knew each other and were in the same friend group. Taeyong rubbed the back of his nape, “Oh, hey..” he replied with a slight smile. “Glad to have you as my partner. I never had anyone else to do the projects with and normally went with the other person who didn’t have a partner, so I’m glad we have each other.” Taeyong nodded and went back to his seat.

“Now that you all found your partners, meet me after class to see your topic,” Mr. Chae placed the papers back into his folder. “Now let’s gets started with class.”


After the class was finished, Ten ran up to Taeyong and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go get our topic!” Ten pulled Taeyong to Mr. Chae’s desk and asked for the topic. “You guys get to do the project on the earthquake and tsunami of Tōhoku, March 11, 2011. Wish you guys luck!!” Both of them bowed to their teacher and left the classroom. Ten turned to face Taeyong. “We should plan when to go to each other’s houses and work on the assignment.” Taeyong agreed. “We could switch every other day or something like that.” Ten smiled brightly, “Yeah I would like switching. Well, we should get started at least by tomorrow, you know how Mr. Chae is with deadlines.” Taeyong started walking to his locker, “Sounds fine with me. Oh wait, let me get your phone number quick, then we can decide what time tomorrow and who’s house.”

Ten and Taeyong exchanged numbers and called it a day. They both walked out of the school building and said their goodbyes. Taeyong started along his normal route to his house until he heard footsteps behind him. “WAIT, TAEYONG!!” He stopped and waited for Ten to catch up to him. “You dropped your jacket. It fell from your opened backpack,” Ten held up his plain black jacket and was panting from running. “Oh, thanks.” Taeyong took the jacket and zipped up his backpack. “Now let’s officially see each other tomorrow.” Taeyong chuckled a bit, “See ya, Ten.” Ten waved back and slowly back up, “See you later, Taeyong.”


Taeyong remembers the first time someone found out about his parents. It was 3rd grade, and a certain picture fell out of Taeyong’s backpack.

”Taeyong, why is Taemin and Minho from SHINee kissing you?” an at the time friend of his asked. Taeyong turned around with wide eyes like he just saw a dead body. He snatched back the photo. "Give that back! Don't tell anyone, Yuta!" Taeyong ran home, back to his parents and told them the news. He had to leave that school immediately and bought out Yuta's parents to not tell a soul.

That day, Taeyong lost a friend, and he never wants that to happen again


Taeyong was walking to Ten's house with him by his side. "I'm glad Mr. Chae let us use some time in class to work on the project," Ten glanced over at Taeyong. He looked back at Ten, who was wearing a rather different outfit. He had on tight black jeans, with a maroon buttoned shirt, but two buttons opened enough to show his collarbone. 

Taeyong nods and sees Ten stop in front of him. "Welcome to mi casa!!" Ten showed off his big smile once again. Taeyong chuckled a bit and followed him to the front door.

When Ten opened the door, Taeyong saw a normal house, but it didn't look bad at all. It was nicely decorated. "We can go to my room, just follow me." Taeyong went up the stairs with Ten and followed him into the bedroom. He took a gander and got a good look around. The entire room was painted white with posters and paintings on most walls. Fairylights were hung up and at the corner of the room had a light brown desk with polaroids above it, with a bed at the side.

"It's cute." Ten turned around. "Huh?" Oh , he said that out loud. Seems that he ignored the comment since Ten began to take out project papers. Taeyong followed the latter and took his papers out as well. "We can just sit on my bed. It's nice and comfortable." Ten began to sit down on the soft, velvet bedding, while Taeyong did the same. "The research we did in class is enough to at least start, so...let's get typing away!" 


After a few hours of typing and doing more research, Ten sighed. "I am hungry...are you as well?" Taeyong looked over at Ten, his eyelashes batting as he blinked. "Yeah, I am starving." Ten's eyes squinted as he began to smile. "That's perfect! But, my parents aren't home 'til another couple hours and I am not allowed to order food.." It was like the light bulb above Taeyong's head lit up. "Do you have enough food to cook something?" Ten began to laugh. "Yeah, like I can cook anything. I would burn down the house, it's best if we just starve." Taeyong chuckled. "I actually can cook, I was taught pretty young." Ten grabbed Taeyong's hands and grasped them. "You, sir, are a lifesaver."

Ten hopped off the bed and opened the door, "Let's get cooking, Mr. Lee!! Gotta beat me downstairs first!" They both ran out the door and down the steps, but Ten's clumsy self almost fell. Taeyong grabbed his waist just in time to save him. He held him close, and without realizing it, was breathing down Ten's neck. If Taeyong paid enough attention, he would have heard Ten's aggressive heartbeat, but being the naive person he is, didn't notice anything. "U-Uh...I am okay now." Taeyong apologized and let go of Ten, then proceeded to walk to the kitchen with him. When Taeyong looked at Ten, he saw his face flushed pink. Must have been from the slight panic, he told himself. 

Taeyong looked in the cabinets to figure out what to cook. He saw spaghetti noodles and marinara sauce, so he thought the best thing was to make spaghetti. "Does spaghetti sound go to you?" Ten looked over at Taeyong, his face no longer pink, "Yeah! That sounds good." Ten skipped over to Taeyong and placed an apron on him. While tying the knot, "You always need to wear one of these. Don't want your pretty clothing to become ruined," and sent a wink. Taeyong was a little flustered at that but forgot one big thing about Ten. He was a confident gay. Everyone in school knows that, and he was bullied for it, still is at times. IF only Korea could just be a bit more excepting, Ten wouldn't be treated the way he is, and just maybe his parents wouldn't have to hide him. 


Ten took out plates and cups and set them on the dining table. "This smells delicious, Taeyong. Hey, I should create a nickname for you!" Taeyong turned around with a confused look. "Nickname?" Ten smiled, "Yeah! I give all my friends nicknames, and we are getting closer each day, so it's about time I give you one. Just let me think a bit. I want your name to be special." Taeyong sent his usual chuckle. "Think of it while I place our food on the plates."

Taeyong went over to the dining table a gave a bit of spaghetti to both of them but saved enough for Ten's parents. "I got it!!" Taeyong looked at Ten while washing the dishes, "Yongie!" Ten grabbed some water and poured it into each cup. "Yongie? I mean I am not against it, but why Yongie?" Ten walked over to Taeyong and started drying the dishes he washed. "Well, because 'yong' is the last part of your name, and I added the 'ie' because that's how I see you. A little cut'ie'." They both finished the dishes. "Now come on, Yongie. We need to eat before the food gets cold." 

They sat next to each other and began to dig into the food. "Wow, Yongie. This is amazing! It's a classic spaghetti dish, but it has a 'Yongie' taste to it." Taeyong didn't decide to respond but continued eating instead. Maybe I should give him a nickname too. "Tennie." Ten looked up from his plate. "Huh?" Taeyong focused his gaze on Ten. "Tennie has a nice ring to it. Sounds a bit like Yongie, but we could have matching nicknames." A bright smile was placed on Ten's face. "I love it."

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Chapter 6: I am so looking forward to the next update! ?
Chapter 1: Ohh can't wait for 2min to enter in the story as well as wow nctSHINee storyyyyy........plz pdate fast ❣️❣️