Chapter 9

Take Me Home
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March 25th, 2019


I sat there staring at the flower shop in front of me. It was just how I remember it to be. This was before all the renovations and fancy additives that we were able to afford down the line. However, I think I much preferred the older version of it as I placed my hand on the handle of the shop to begin my day. The smell of flowers instantly hitting my senses as the hydrangeas and peonies that decorated the walls while adorned with vines came into my view. The smell of coffee also swirled around in the air as the closing chime of the door brought me back to reality.

Smiling, I made my way to the counter and leaned on the cold granite. "Dad!" I called out making the salt and peppered hair man turn around and smile at me. "Eunji!!" He mirrored making me smile as he placed down the cup he was drying. "What brings you here? You wanna work a free shift?" He teased making me giggle and shake my head. "No, dad." I answered watched his eye smile form with the smile wrinkles he had developed over the years.

I loved my dad. He was an amazing person. I don't think I ever had any ill feeling towards him. He was what I strived to be in terms of a person, I wanted to help people the way he did. That's why I wanted to be a family lawyer, but somehow down the line, I ended up being a divorce lawyer. I guess maybe because I was good at it. I'm sure if my dad knew he'd be disappointed in me though. It was always something that haunted me.

"Hey." I said to him softly as his slightly grayed over eyes landed in my gaze. "Do you still miss mom?" I asked him. I knew I did. I mean, I missed him. Even if he was here in front of me. It had taken me nearly a whole day of mental preparations to see him.


I sat in my living room and held onto the photo of my dad and I in front of the cafe. His nonchalant smile and messy gray hair. His signature style of a button up tucked into tan slacks that gave him that signature barista look. It melted my heart as I traced the photo with my finger. How long had it been since he'd been gone? Two years?

I sighed and laughed softly to myself. No, it hadn't been. It had been 1 year, 10 months, and 12 days. I think the most pathetic thing about me is that I was too exact. Who remembers these things? Who keeps track? I do apparently.


"Yes?" He smiled snapping me out of my thoughts and I forced a smile on my face. "Why does that sound like a question?" I asked him as he pretended to think before picking back up his glass and cleaning the spotless cup. "I miss her a lot. I do. But I don't think about it." He shrugged as I looked at him as he placed the glass into his perfect stack of cups.

I watched him in silence as he examined the small towers of glassware before turning around at me. Like he read my mind, he gave me a soft and sincere smile. "I don't think about it too much because I'll be sad." I looked at his face and the small smile on his lips read opposite to the glossy eyes he watched me with.

How do you stop thinking about it?

As I stared at my dad in awe, I could hear the chime of the doors going off as I turned around and watch Sehun slightly bow as he approached my dad and I. "Hello, sir." Sehun greeted as my dad smiled and shook his head. "Ah, so this is why my daughter comes on her day off." I watched as my dad teased Sehun who held back small bursts of laughter.

I sat there quietly as the two men joked back and forth. Sehun had always been good to my father and it was something I always appreciated. So smiling, I stood up from the stool I had somehow sat on. "Well, if you guys are finished, I would like to go on my date." I teased as the two men stopped and looked at me. I watched as a smile crept on to my dad's thin lips.

"Oh, a date?" He asked before turning to Sehun who smiled silently, "Where are you taking her? The library?" He joked as I scowled. However, it wasn't because I was offended, well maybe a little bit. It was more of the fact that even my dad thought I was crazy about school. I mean, shouldn't parents be happy their kids are like that?

So crossing my arms, I looked at Sehun who gave out a cheerful laugh, "No, we're going to some VR exhibit. The Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are out for everyone to try!" He said excitedly as I could see the confusion in my dad's eyes as he replied, "Oh. Cool." I laughed at his reaction. My dad may have been a little more in touch with the younger crowds but he still barely knew how to use tech, so Sehun's geeky ways were way out of his reach.

Therefore, as I loop my arm around Sehun's I waved goodbye to my dad who quickly snapped out of his trance and waved goodbye back, "Have fun!" Laughing, we exited the cafe and made out way to the exhibit. Today was a nice day. The sun was out with a nice small breeze that made this nice spring day joyful. So as I looked up at Sehun whose face was

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Reported someone on Wattapad for plagiarizing me and got their story taken down. But then they reported me for harassment and got my account taken down. So who really won? *I told them they’re a coward and that they were pathetic to try and argue that I was crazy


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Chapter 19: I am back to re read this. I hope everything is well for you authornim.
nhmuhammad #2
hello there, it’s been years- 4 years alrdy- but i am still waiting here for your story TTT I guess this story has become my comfort story/fanfic which explains why i keep on coming back for this :’( i hope that you are doing well ! Just wanna let you know that i will keep on waiting for you to update this story :)
Elyxion_exol_ #3
I hope you're doing well authornim ! I just wanted you to know that although, It's been years yet this story still remains closest to my heart. You are amazing and so are all your works.
Chapter 19: How I miss this story and i think love again and cry for love will suit this story. I hope life has been good to you authornim!
Chapter 19: please update T^T
thank you for the story!
Arailym2411 #7
Chapter 19: I am still waiting for the next chapter. Autjor please, pretty please, write next chapter😭🥺IT IS SO GOOD mai gash
parkcarla #8
Chapter 19: This story is soooo good!
I hope you're doing okay! Fighting!
Chapter 19: I feel messed up omg I want baekhyun for her now sehun just seems like a mistake 😭 anyways this is so good I found it late but that’s okay I hope ur doing okay tho
Chapter 19: Omg this story is so amazing. Hope you are doing fine and I hope you'll update the next chapter soon :)