She shouldn't believe everything || thankyoupristin

Who really are you?
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||CH10 isn't real, CH11 is||


Minju thought another drama will happen again. Looking back to what happened this day, she's so done and exhausted.

When she saw Yujin's red eyes glaring into Chaewon's brown orbs, she expected for another head-aching drama again.

But to her surprise, Yujin only looked at her before offering a smile.

Now, she almost shoved that into Chaewon's face.

Cause anyone dangerous couldn't smile that innocently and bashfully pretty.

'God Minju, you don't have to think of that.'

The point is, Yujin didn't reacted that bad like how she did on the morning. Maybe she was scared of Chaewon's glare (which is impossible considering how she's on levels higher than the intern starting with her red eyes) but she just calmly smiled before wishing her a good sleep before going inside her room.

Chaewon was grateful Yujin didn't make any scene though cause just like Minju, she is as prettily exhausted.

She observed everyone's actions but it's still enough.

Minju was now on tucked on her bed, the girl in the lower bunk asleep. But she isn't.

Her body's so tired but her mind keeps on running and buzzing with thoughts because of everything that happened this day.

'Minju-ah, can you see us?'

'Minju-ah, please.'

Is started so faint that Minju can almost not hear it. But as time goes by, the voices seems to be clearer and clearer.

'Minmin-ah, please come back.'

Minju sat up straight as she clasped both of her ears. Those voices are definitely not her own thoughts. They are different people's voices.

'Are there ghosts in here?' Minju asked herself as she looked around the dark room, sweating profusely.

She tamed her labored breaths as she tucked herself back into the bed, not wanting to wake Chaewon up.

'Just sleep, Minju-ah.'

She convinced herself as she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come in her way.


The light is shining so bright on her. It's probably morning. Minju sat before yawning, before looking for the usual sweets beside her bed, only to remember that she prepared nothing last night.

Hissing, she rubbed her eyes before stretching. Looking at the alarm clock on her bedside table, the clock shows her that it's still 5. Still early for their shift.

Wanting to eat something sweet, she attempted to go down her bed when she realized it's isn't the ward's bunk one.

It's a single bed. With frog printed blanket.

This is surely not the ward's bed and surely, no Chaewon was around.

Minju started panicking, she doesn't even know where she is. She furrowed her brows before standing up and noticing everything changed.

She's on her frog pyjamas (a thing she only do in her house back in Seoul), the room way bigger than the wards and her photos everywhere (?)

Okay, now this is confusing.

This looks like her room. But why is she here?

Curious and still confused, she went outside to look for Eunbi and the others cause maybe they were sent home for a short break for god knows what and she was still so sleepy that she didn't noticed?

But there's no way she rode the bus without waking up. Gwangju isn't that near from Seoul at all.

She went outside and indeed, she's on her own house. The familiar halls.

"Yujin." The name slipped at her tongue after she remembered the ward.

'Are the other interns home too?'

'What did exactly happen?'

'Did we got dropped?'

Several thoughts were running on her mind but nothing seems to make sense at all.

Not until she heard the door open before closing shut, revealing a dark-haired pale skinned girl with grocery bags on her sides.

She immediately dropped it after seeing Minju though.

Minju furrowed her brows as she tried remembering why Heejin was in here again.

"Oh, Heejin-ah, why are you suddenly here?"

Heejin's eyes were glossy. She looked like she'll cry soon and with the grocery bags forgotten on the floor, she ran into Minju before hugging her tight.

The younger girl, still confused, just hugged back. She heard sniffles and made her even more alreted than ever.

"Hey, Heejin-ah, why are you crying? Did you missed me that much?" Minju tried lifting up the mood only for Heejin to nod her head before completely pulling away.

"We all missed you."

Now, Minju smiled smugly before rushing to grab the grocery bags, hoping to find some chocolate ice creams that she surely needed as of the moment.

She didn't even noticed Heejin fondly looking at her.

"By the way Heejin-ah. Who brought me here last night? Is it Eunbi unnie or Chaeyeon unnie?" Minju asked while still rummaging through the bags.

Only to be met with silence. Agonizing ones.

Noticing the sudden ambiance, she looked back at Heejin, only to see her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Who are Eunbi and Chaeyeon?"

Minju gasped and jolted right up after such dream. It was scary, like almost a nightmare.

She looked for her phone to look what time is it, onky to realize that it's still 5:30.

"Minju-ah, you fine?" She heard Chaewon's soft voice calling her from below the bunk.

She's probably preparing for their forced first shift already.

Minju calmed herself first before answering the girl with a timid 'yes'

She then went down and started preparing for the shift.

She still can't believe that they'll actually start working today. They're still unexperienced and completely oblivious and as good interns as they are (uhm) they wanted to give only the best service for their patients.

A day of lecture gave them a little to no scarce of information.

Remembering this made Minju groan, which diverted her roommate's attention from the mirror into her moving figure.

"Just calm down. I am sure there are reasons behind this."

Minju peeked through her shoulder before nodding, not finding any right words to reply the statement with.

They, she and Chaewon, are almost....civil.

They act like nothing happened but something did.

It's confusing so don't ask her why. But she realized that she's already okay and that she and Chaewon need to act civil for each other since they'll be working together.

At least they can act like they are friends for the patients' sake.

As minutes came by and it's already 6, Minju was done bathing and already took a quick breakfast.

Chaewon watched her the whole time, weirded out by how she's acting. She seemed more stiff and conflicted than usual.

"Is something wrong?" Chaewon asked through the silence. Minju looked up from the mirror into the older girl, just shaking her head.

She doesn't need Chaewon to know about her petty dream besides it's just a dream.


"It doesn't seem like it."

Minju gave up as she gave her attention fully into Chaewon.

"It's just a dream. It just felt so real. Maybe I just missed Heejin so much."

"Heejin?" Minju nodded.

Heejin is a very close friend. They were childhood friends along with Hyunjin and Chaewon. They attended the same school all throughout their chidlhood and only parted ways in college.

"Minju, sorry to ask you but, who is Heejin?"

Minju looked at Chaewon as if she had gone two headed. For pete's sake Chaewon grew up along with Heejin too.

But she looked sincerely confused and Minju was as confused.

"Heejin. Our Jeon Heejin. You both are on the same age along with Hyunjin remember? You basically live 3 blocks away from her."

Minju explained everything with voice of irritation. Why is Chaewon acting so weird?

"Minju-ah, I never knew a Heejin and a Hyunjin."

The younger girl was almost mad at this point. How can Chaewon not know their friends? Their BESTFRIENDS.

"Stop acting Chae. This isn't funny."

"Okay. Calm down first. Where do this Heejin and Hyunjin live? I mean the street they live."

Minju, still confused just laid off into the question.


"Minju, I live in Gangnam."

Now this is too much for a prank. Chaewon sounded so honest and at the years of being with her, she knew Chaewon is never good in lying.

"W-what? But- we- Heejin and I-"

'Who are Eunbi and Chaeyeon?'

"Minju-ah, are you okay?" Chaewon went into her side as Minju unconsciously started crying.

Is she going insane? She is sure Chaewon and Heejin knew each other. What is even happening?

"You know what, wait here. I'll go call Heejin."

Chaewon looked at her with furrowed brows before nodding.

"Anything that makes you feel better."

Minju then grabbed her phone and scrolled through her images first.

She scanned every folders ranging from 'high school memories' up into the 'squad' ones.

But Heejin and Hyunjin's pictures are nowhere to be found.

She also checked her contacts to call her friends, but their names aren't even there.

Only the interns' contacts are filled on it.

No call logs, no messages.

No trace.

Minju felt her knees weakening. This is too much to handle. Her head is pounding too much too.

"Where the heck did their contacts went? I-i am sure i-i have it."

Hee voice cracked as she helplessly sat into the cold floor, but this time, Chaewon's arms aren't there to hold her like usual. Instead, dark hues filled her senses and vision until she found herself on a deep sleep again.

"Minju, hey, are you awake?" She slowly opened her eyes and squinted it because of the light.

It shone brightly on her and as sleep induced human she is, it made her groan in the process.

"She's awake! She's awake!" The sudden noise made Minju open her eyes again and adjusted it.

The walls are white she noticed. Also, she's on a bed, not similar to the ward. Again.

"Is this some dream again? Am I lucid dreaming?' She muttered underneath the hoarse throat she have.

The girl, which Minju still couldn't properly see, grabbed something on the bedside table and Minju acknowledged it as water.

"She's really awake!"

Minju furrowed her brows as the noise keeps on getting louder as her senses comes back.

'What type of dream am I in?' She thought before forcing herself to sit down and succeeded after minutes of silently trying to.

"Where's Chaewon?" She asked the still hidden girl only to get shocked as she saw who it was.

"Hyunjin?" Upon hearing her name, the girl looked back at the now sitting Minju with round glossy eyes.

'Oh, first was Heejin and now Hyunjin's on my dream?'

"Minju-ah, you are back." The girl cradled her to her toned arms as she hugged her tightly.

Minju furrowed her brows before nodding and hugging the girl back.

This feels so real, so might as well take an advantage. She missed her friends too much.

Actually, it had been 13 of them ever since. Minju only did became friends with the other interns when they started working together and at her other circle, only Chaewon was known for the original 12 since they are their childhood friend.

Hyunjin pulled

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Chandra_won #1
I know I'm late. I just want to say I love this fic so much
Chapter 18: I've read this multiple times already but still loves this story sm. Definitely my most fav ff ever, this is so good!!!
Rikkuu #3
Chapter 18: I read all and tbh i didnt understand anything hahaha but thank you for the final summary hehe it was a interesting read
rvancs #4
Chapter 18: this is cool
1762 streak #5
Chapter 18: Wow! Thank you for the explanations of everything!!!
1762 streak #6
Chapter 16: One word- rollercoaster, what a ride this story has been!!
bluejin #7
Chapter 18: ohhh now i understand lol HAHAHA thanks for the clarification!
Chapter 18: Idk but I think I need a sequel lmao XD Still craving for jinjoo here thou ...
bluejin #9
Chapter 17: yea i really am confused by the previous chapter lol.. good to know it wasn’t the end? hahahha