
Who really are you?
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It had been 3 hours. 3 senseless hours after Minju had known.  

In those 3 hours, she did nothing but ponder upon herself.
1 hour was sent on good time of grieving for a disorder she hadn't known.

The next hour was spent doing nothing but trying to calm herself with the help of her friends - the real ones- that somewhat gathered as Haseul kindly asked the nurse to do so.

And the next was about listening to everything Haseul explained, with the nurse on stand by.

Haseul is now a doctor in the same hospital, but she was out on a leave for Minju, so she have this kind of authority inside the hospital.

Besides, it's already pretty late and this nurse here insisted to stay. Kahei was shooting daggers the time she was already inside but everyone else was so caught up to notice.

"When? When did it started?" Minju asked with puffed eyes and shaky voice.

Heejin, as the closest friend she have, answered it for her, eyes full of sincere apology and sympathy - which Minju doesn't need.

"During college-"

"That long? And no one even told me a thing?!" Minju isn't mad at her friends, no. 

She's mad at herself for not knowing it sooner. She's a ing med student. Even though she doesn't know everything, it's still a given fact that she at least knew the difference between what's normal in her brain and what's not.

But yeah, her friends are the only people who knew, and they should have had at least told her.

"How can we? When you're too busy and caught up in your own little world of hallucinations?" Sooyoung was the one who answered that. She might have snapped after hours of trying to remain calm.

Minju understood and her mind unconsciously drifted back to a certain red eyed patient- is she even red eyed?

"Stop. Just stop thinking about them. Those people you're mentioning aren't real. The first time we heard them was a sign, but we don't want to say it yet. We knew you grew.....attached." 

Hyunjin answered this time, eyes apologetic but hands gripped on Heejin tightly states the fact that she's a bit frustrated at the accident.

She outright hurted her friends.

"I-i'm sorry. For everything I-I did. I wasn't on my r-right mind.

I-uh-I am cr-crazy-"


That was a close and finite stress. Haseul emphasized it in a way that no one else in their group of friends would dare say otherwise.

" aren't crazy. You are never crazy." Haseul placed a hand on top of her shaking hands and Minju looked at the older with tears hanging on her eyelashes.

She saw Kahei sigh and did the same. Resting her hand on top of Haseul's.

"Your unnie's right. It was never your decision to be in your situation right now." 

"But I caused you guys enough harm and trouble. I-I should have known. I should have known!" 

They knew she's right and so they let Minju cry. They let her  wipe her tears fall into massive droplets. And no matter how uncanny the situation is, they were still soft. And they were hurt seeing how it affected Minju.

This is the exact same reason why they don't want her to know. Minju's probably the kindest person they have ever had the pleasure of meeting and she takes matters to herself that even sometimes, they don't have any control with.

It's horryifing. How this turned out to be. But Minju is strong. They know she is, that's why when she wiped her tears aggressivley before taking a deep breath, they weren't that surprised at all.

"Tell me, everything. Please." Haseul smiled at her affectionately before slowly patting her head. 

Kahei looked at her fiancé and sighed. Not in a negative way. She just hate seeing how the tears formed into Haseul's eyes and so did hers. And so did everyone else's after Minju offered them the kindest smile they saw from her in a while.

"I wanna be back to you guys."


Minju insisted that everyone share EVERYTHING. From the first moment of the symptoms down into the 'accidents' that happened.

She demanded EVERYONE to share their own experiences with the 'disoriented' self as well so that she'll know things and hear what probably would wake her up.

"I was with Hyejoo that time, you seemed pretty distracted sitting on your own in the cafeteria. It was during Haseul-unnie and the others' field trip." Go Won started.

"That was sophomore year, right? I remember not going because I feel dizzy." Minju smiled nostalgically at the event. 

"Yes, you just got better from a fever. You were absent for a week and you cursed at the chemistry class so you were thrown out in the detention even before you could say hello to your exam papers." Hyejoo continued this time. Typical Hyejoo, always remembering the embarrassing ones.
Minju paused for a bit. 

"Kim Chaewon....." She mumbled quietly. Kahei, which is beside her held her hand and Minju looked at her.

"It's fine but don't think about her too much upon yourself. Share it. Let us hear what you've got to say as well. It might help." 

Kahei's korean sure improved a lot and Minju was yet again reminded by the amount of time she wasted to not acknowledge that.

Still, she nodded and looked back to her other friends, who were now looking a

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Chandra_won #1
I know I'm late. I just want to say I love this fic so much
Chapter 18: I've read this multiple times already but still loves this story sm. Definitely my most fav ff ever, this is so good!!!
Rikkuu #3
Chapter 18: I read all and tbh i didnt understand anything hahaha but thank you for the final summary hehe it was a interesting read
rvancs #4
Chapter 18: this is cool
1752 streak #5
Chapter 18: Wow! Thank you for the explanations of everything!!!
1752 streak #6
Chapter 16: One word- rollercoaster, what a ride this story has been!!
bluejin #7
Chapter 18: ohhh now i understand lol HAHAHA thanks for the clarification!
Chapter 18: Idk but I think I need a sequel lmao XD Still craving for jinjoo here thou ...
bluejin #9
Chapter 17: yea i really am confused by the previous chapter lol.. good to know it wasn’t the end? hahahha