Twenty-Four: The Battle of the Fallen

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“Just watch as I kill her,” He chuckled.




Luci then moves his sword to Wonyoung’s way, the sharp edge of the blade approaching the younger girl. He chuckled darkly sending the sharp steel to the younger.




“No!!! I’m going to kill you!!!” Chaewon shouted in vain as the sword slowly approaching the unconscious Wonyoung.




The angel stopped in her tracks when the sword stopped mid-way and the sharp edge of the sword can slowly be seen with blood dripping at the floor. Luci was stunned by the sword not even stabbing Wonyoung but it already has blood.




“What?” Luci asked but his eyes widened.




He stabbed the sword deeper into Wonyoung’s way but the poisonous sword doesn’t reach the younger’s place. His eyes bulge out when Sakura’s face slowly appeared, he looked at the sword and the blood on it. Sakura’s the owner of the blood and the sword is stabbed on her body.




Luci looked at his daughter’s face as it turns pale from the deep stab from the sword. His eyes show pure astonishment and confusion because of the unforeseen happenings. The first time that his eyes can be seen with such emotion.




“No…..” Chaewon muttered the tears in her eyes came flooding when she met Sakura’s eyes.




“It’s okay…..I’m sorry, Chaewon-ah,” Her heart sank deeper when Sakura mouthed those words as she smiled at her before her she lost consciousness.




She stared at Wonyoung and Sakura’s body lying on the floor. They are all on the verge of being lifeless because of her. It’s her fault for doing this plan. It’s all her fault for being eaten by the anger – for being desperate to get justice for her parents.




It’s all her fault that the two important people in her life is in a life and death situation.




And Chaewon couldn’t do anything but cry in pain for being hopeless while staring at the lifeless Wonyoung and Sakura.




“No,” Luci’s hand trembles as he holds Sakura pale face. Call him whatever names you want, yes he is a devil but it was still his daughter. And no parents wouldn’t want to see their child dies. This wasn’t happening.



“You killed her!” Chaewon shouted angrily, the roots that are hugging her has loosened up making her fall weakly on the ground. As her body is still weak.



Luci shook her head as he tried to process everything.



Chaewon balled her fist, she couldn’t believe it too. She still has a lot of things to say to Sakura but how can she when the older is lying lifelessly on the ground beside the love of her life. She slowly went to Wonyoung and placed the younger on her lap – she still has a chance if Minjoo is here. She can save her.


She looked at Luci when he stands up, balling his fist and his aura darkens.



“I’m gonna kill all of you, I don’t have my daughter anymore. What’s the use of all this? Might as well kill all of you.” He spats angrily, “First, I’m gonna end Chaeyeon,” He hissed before leaving Chaewon and the two lifeless bodies as if nothing happened.



Chaewon then went towards the two, “What the hell,” Her eyes widened when Sakura’s face slowly fades away and it’s slowly turned into Hyewon’s. And now, everything started to sink into her. Hyewon can use spells to copy someone’s form – therefore, she copied Sakura and used her invisibility.



“No…” She muttered after meeting Hyewon’s drowsy eyes.



Hyewon chuckles, “What’s up, Chaewon-ah? Glad you’re still alive,” She teased but her voice is so weak, she even has trouble breathing.



“Ya,” Chaewon bites her lips to avoid her tears from falling, “Why did you do that?”



“Why not?” Hyewon mumbles, she coughed and drops of blood are coming from . She already knew what her ending is. But, should it end this way?



“You’re now in poison! We should find a cure, I mean – you know some spells, you can use it to yourself,” Chaewon rambles, tears flooding from her eyes. She doesn’t wanna lose anyone, not like this.



Hyewon groans, “You knew I can’t, Luci’s poison is powerful. I’m glad I was saved last time but I don’t think it can happen this time,” She chuckles, she doesn’t fear death but she fears that she hasn’t said goodbye to her friends properly, especially to Eunbi.



Chaewon can’t open . Because she knew, there’s no cure for this except if she begged for Luci’s help but she knew…he won’t give it.



A rush of footsteps coming in can be heard, Hyewon knew who it was. She smiled softly when Sakura’s face shows up – the short-haired girl is panting so hard. Looks like she hasn’t processed things as her eyes are dropped on the floor.



“Ya, Kang Hyewon,” Sakura hissed, running after her breathing, “Why did you leave me there? Thank goodness I killed all of them,” She scoffed.



“That’s great,” Hyewon replied as cheerful as she can.



But Sakura looked up because of Hyewon’s weak voice and her eyes instantly dropped to the injured Hyewon. Her heart dropped seeing her best friend’s condition, then she looked at Chaewon who’s also weak with a pale Wonyoung on her lap.



“What the fck happened?” She asked, quickly running to Hyewon as she held her best friend, “Ya, Kang Hyewon. What happened?” Confusion is all over Sakura’s face.



“She copied into your form when Luci was about to stab Wonyoung with this poisonous sword but Hyewon used her invisibility to blocked the sword and she was the one who got stabbed,” Chaewon explained but the pain in her voice and eyes is too much.



Sakura clicked her tongue but the watering in her eyes can be seen by the two of them. She also knew how this will end. Hyewon is stabbed in her heart with that poisonous sword. Yena and Hyewon barely survive it before. There’s a low chance that the latter can do it this time.



“Damn it, Hyewon,” Sakura hissed angrily but Hyewon just chuckled at her.



“You better go there and end this,” Hyewon grinned at her, she shut her eyes closed when the aching in her chest doubles, “Damn it,” She murmured.



“Finish this,” Hyewon added, looking intently at Sakura’s eyes, “I don’t want my life to be useless if Luci is still alive after this,”  



“The dagger that I gave to Eunbi-unnie is the fake one,” Chaewon reminded the older and the short-haired angel nodded her head at her – before giving her a soft pat that made her pout.



“I have to tell you something before you go,” Chaewon in and Sakura listened to every word that the younger tells her. She looked at the younger angel and nodded her head, taking notes of everything. Sakura will do it – to end this madness.



“Now, leave,” Hyewon said that made Sakura rolled her eyes, “And oh, if you see Eunbi, tell her not to come here,” She uttered.






“She can see me once Luci is dead,” Hyewon grinned, despite the pain she’s feeling. She knows the older will come to her because she needs her but not this time. They have other priorities.



Sakura balled her fist, she nodded her head before standing up.



“I’ll finish this, you better hold it in. I’ll call Minjoo and treat all of you,” Sakura muttered even if she knows it won’t even help Hyewon, “Promise us,”



Hyewon smiled, “Promise,”



Sakura gave them one last look before walking out of the room even if she doesn’t want to leave the three of them but she needs to help the others and end this madness.



“Eunbi would be mad at me,” Hyewon laughed bitterly, staring at the ceiling she can feel the tears falling from her eyes. Her heart aches but she knew anytime it would stop beating because of the poison, “It’s such a shame her face isn’t the last thing I will see before I die,” She chuckles as her breathing started to shortens.



“You won’t die, hold it in until we get a cure from Luci,” Chaewon can feel the lump in . She glanced at Wonyoung and her heartaches wreck her chest seeing the pale face of the younger as she held her cold hand.



“Nah, I knew this would come,” The older cackles despite the aching from her wound, “Maybe I’ll try to hold it in so I can say a proper goodbye to her. I can’t leave her like this,” Hyewon muttered even though she feels the rapid shorting of her breathing.



“That’s the only way I can die peacefully,” She said one last time before coughing blood, “She’d probably saw this in her precognition,” A lone tear excepts from Hyewon’s eyes as the image of smiling Eunbi entered her mind.



“Eunbi if you’re going to see me in your precognition in this kind of state, don’t come here. Don’t okay?” Hyewon balled her fist after feeling her heart dropped for a moment, “Kill Luci first, then you can come here. I’ll wait,” She said one last time before a shock of pain rushed in her body.



“One last thing…I like you, Eunbi.”



Looks like she can’t accompany Eunbi to her dandelion place anymore.






Sakura balled her fist as she made her way to the place where she thinks Luci is right now. She wanted to kill him but she doesn’t have the real dagger, maybe they can do what they did last time besides Luci almost got killed.



“Chaeyeon?” She mumbles as she halted on her step after seeing her lover inside the cage with Minjoo.



Sakura quickly hides in the corner before any of his father’s underlings saw her. The younger ones saw her but remain silent so the older angel can help them escape. After some minutes, it was only three underlings who are guarding them and Sakura quickly took the chance to attack them.



Chaeyeon and Minjoo helped her with the other two underlings with their abilities that made it easy for them to defeat them. Sakura made her way to the cage and destroy it for the two to be set free.



“You’re okay,” Chaeyeon sighed softly and embrace her which the short-haired girl gladly returns.



“How did you two end up here? I was just about to ask Eunbi to get you,” Sakura uttered.



“Your father’s underlings kidnapped us. Yuri, Hiichan, and Nako are safe there in the mortal world,” Minjoo explains that made Sakura to clenched her jaw at the mention of her father.



“Okay, Minjoo follow that path and the stairs on the left go there. You will find Hyewon, Chaewon, and Wonyoung there. Please, heal them especially Hyewon,” Sakura said to the younger and Minjoo didn’t waste any time as she quickly headed in the direction where the older told her. It seems urgent so she better hurry up.



Chaeyeon looked at her, “What happened to Hyewon?” The moment she met eye-contact with Sakura and see those glassy eyes, she knew something is up. The bugging feeling is arising inside her chest.



“She’s not doing okay,” Sakura confessed, she can feel the lump on .



“She’ll be okay, Minjoo will save her,” Chaeyeon reassured, caressing her hand. The older smiled at her – but she knew it’s a small possibility to save Hyewon.



Sakura is about to talk but she felt a cold metal wrapped around her hands and when she looked, five of Luci’s underlings are behind her. Eyes widening when the manacle wrapped on both of her arms crossed behind her back.



“Chaeyeon!” She shouted when the younger was being strangled on her neck by her father.



Luci looked at her, “I thought you died. I’m thankful your alive, therefore I won’t let you go away anymore.”



Damn it! Sakura hissed, she could not escape because her hand is wrapped in a manacle behind her back. Her father is something else.



“Let me go,” She uttered intently.



Luci looked at her then chuckled, “Not gonna happen, I’ll kill her first so you wouldn’t have any reason to go back to that damn Elysium!” He spats angrily then releases the magical sword that he used for Hyewon earlier.



“Damn it! DON’T!!!” Sakura shouted and Luci stopped midway on stabbing Chaeyeon.



Luci grinned at her, “Why not?”



Sakura balled her fist, she stared at Chaeyeon who is shaking her head but she smiled at the younger before glaring at her father.



“Fine, I’ll do what you will say! Just don’t hurt any of them,” Sakura gritted her teeth.



Luci raised his brow before slowly loosening his grip on Chaeyeon’s neck.


“How can I trust that you’re saying the truth?” He asked, he gestured for his underlings to get out because he can handle her daughter alone.



“It’s Chaeyeon’s life at stake. How can I lie?” She replied.



That made Luci nods his head before he finally let go of Chaeyeon, he then went on Sakura and held her chin.


“You better make sure of that because I can kill her anytime,” Luci muttered.


Sakura blinks her eyes when Eunbi shows up beside Chaeyeon, it’s a good thing that they are behind Luci. She saw Eunbi nodded her head before using her teleportation to get Chaeyeon with her. She sighed in relief after they managed to escape without Luci noticing.



And when Luci turned around to look behind him to check Chaeyeon, he got nothing. He shrugged before looking back to his daughter but it made his blood boils when Sakura is nowhere to be found.



“That teleporting angel is getting on my nerves,”






“Chaeyeon-ah, are you okay?” Sakura asked once she saw the younger waiting for her with Yujin and Yena beside her.



“I’m fine, let’s get that manacle away from your hands,” Chaeyeon uttered but stopped when Sakura did it herself. She glared at the older but she just received a grin.




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JinjooParen #1
Chapter 24: Hyewon huhu
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Chapter 24: Hyewon huhu
JinjooParen #3
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Chapter 24: Why Hyewon die 🥺😢
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Chapter 24: Kwangbaeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Chapter 24: TT :(
Chapter 24: Whyyyy huhuhuhuhu :(((((
Chapter 24: MAPANAKEEEEEET ka Bosxz. 😭😭😭😭

Ps. Pero d ko napigilan matawa dun sa pagsusulk ni Jjae kasi d nya napalabas ung Wings nya nung Una. 😂 Sama mo pa ung comment nyang “What the heck? Is this sign of aging?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 😂😂😂😂