Twelve: Memories

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“Hey, why are you frowning again?” 
Sakura looked at the person but her eyes can only see the bright light on the girl’s face and it is hurting her eyes.

She caught her breathe when the she felt the soft hand of the girl on her forehead and she is trying to remove the frown on Sakura’s face.

“Oh, I thought you are already sleeping.” Sakura muttered but the unknown girl just takes a seat beside her as she watched the moon with Sakura.

 “You know, the first time I saw you, I said that I will never like you because I think that you took everything I have, when you came, all that I have suddenly I need to share to you. I started to hate you because of that―”

“Yeah, I know how much you hate me. And I am sorry for making you feel that way. I don’t have any intention to make you feel like that.” Sakura cuts off the girl.

“No, I am sorry for acting like an immature one, I should have acted a good princess but I never did.”

“You are a good princess.” Sakura said and that taken the girl aback.

“I know we started giving each other wrong impression and we keep on bickering, and I want to say sorry on how I acted the first time we met.” The girl said making Sakura to release a soft smile.

“It’s okay, I have fault too, I sometimes gets harsh to you.” Sakura shrugged.

 The girl only chuckles at her and both of them fell into silence while just staring at the moon and the starts that are shining above them.

“You really like the stars and moon, huh?” Sakura said after the long silence between the two of them.
“No, I love them. I always find the comfort while watching it.” The girl said and offers a genuine smile to Sakura, making the short haired girl feel a sudden rush and tugged on her chest that she never felt towards the girl before.
“And you? Why are you always watching the star?”

Sakura then looked at the girl, sighing heavily before answering her.

“I envy them.” She confessed.
“I envy how free they are and how less problematic they are, the only thing they need to do is to shines light to us. It’s so stupid but I always wish that I could be like them. No problems.” Sakura said, she looked at the girl when she holds Sakura’s hands and caress it softly.

“Saku-chan.” The girl suddenly said, causing Sakura to looked at her with so much confusion.

“Saku-chan?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m going to call you that from now on.” The girl said and Sakura can’t explain how her heart leaps from the sudden nickname.

“Do you know how to say that you like someone in a subtle way?” The girl suddenly asked and Sakura shook her head by then the girl smiled at her, Sakura knows she can’t see her face but she doesn’t understand why her heart is almost bursting from that smile.

“How?” She asked and the girl just stared at the bright moon, “The moon is so pretty, right?” The girl said softly and Sakura nodded her head.

“It is.” She muttered.
“It is very gorgeous.” The girl said and she then looked at the girl, but Sakura caught her breathing when the girl is staring at her with so much tenderness and fondness.

“The moon is so pretty, Saku-chan.” The girl said while staring at Sakura with so much emotions, intertwining both of their hands before smiling at her.



“Why I suddenly dream of that? It’s too blurred and there are unknown persons involved? Why suddenly?”
“And who is that girl that I am too engrossed in that dream? And it feels so nostalgic.”
“Who are you?”




Sakura broke up from her trance, from staring at the sky above while she is busy thinking of the girl just appeared on her dream, but she refused to believe that it is a dream. It might be a flashback because it feels so true and the nostalgic feelings she has while remembering that dream, she is sure that it is more than a dream.

She looked behind and she found Yujin walking towards her way wearing her toothy grin, as if she didn’t experience some pain from the past days. 

“Unnie?” She asked, frowning while helping Yujin to sit beside her on the grass. 
“Yeah, you should address someone older to you like that.” Yujin muttered, fixing her position before sighing while looking at the small river at their front.
“Where did you learn that?” Sakura asked, playing with the grass.
“From Minjoo-unnie.”  Yujin said and Sakura didn’t ask anymore, instead her mind started to wander from things again. And her younger sister noticed it, well, she knew Sakura, if something is bothering her, she will often daze off and her focus in not that tight because her mind is busy wandering.

“You are thinking of Chaeyeon-unnie, right?” Yujin said out of nowhere causing Sakura to looked at her with a confused expression. 

“Huh?” Sakura asked.

“You are wondering where she is now, or whether she is okay.” Yujin said, by then, she holds off her smile when she noticed from her peripheral vision that her older sister stiffens from her words.

Sakura sighed and for Yujin that is enough answer.

“Well, I am. After all, we need to protect her and that is our task.” Sakura shrugged, Yujin didn’t argue more even if she is thinking otherwise.

“I hope Hyewon is okay.” Sakura muttered before looking at Yujin.
“I can’t afford to lose anyone of you.” Sakura continues and Yujin caught her breathing when she recognized sadness from her sister’s eyes.

“I was so scared after seeing you and Yena injured in the restaurant, it took everything for me to control my emotions not to rule my head and also the fact that Hyewon is in Luci’s hand. I badly want to go there and save her but mother won’t allow me to go. From that, I swear to myself that I won’t let anything happen to all of you…because all of you are matters to me, you are all I have.” Sakura said and Yujin smiled hearing those words from the older, it was too rare for her to hear Sakura said those words, that’s why it feels so great finally hearing those words from her.

“You won’t lose us.” 
Yujin and Sakura looked behind and they see Yena smiling at them while Chaewon is beside the girl, helping her because after all, Yena hasn’t fully healed yet. 

It’s been two weeks after the incident happen and Yena just woke up a week ago, the girl is still recovering from the injuries she gets after the fight with Luci.

“Great finally seeing you walking.” Sakura said to Yena, she helped her takes a seat beside her.
“I am getting annoyed staying inside the room, I need fresh air too. They wouldn’t stop babying me.” Yena scoffed making the three to chuckle at her complains.

But Yena’s face suddenly get serious and the rage on her eyes is visible, Sakura already knows why.

“We need to save Hyewon, I can’t just sit here knowing that she is in Luci’s grip.” Yena gritted her teeth.
“We will. But make sure to heal yourself quickly, so we can save her.” Sakura said and Yena nodded her head eagerly.

“Just hold on there, Hyewon. Wait for us.” Yena muttered and Sakura, Chaewon, Yujin are also thinking the same thing. Once Yena is fully healed, they will save Hyewon and get the two other fallen angels. 



“Why do we need to hide here?” Yuri asked Chaeyeon who is busy staring at the space on her bed.

“I don’t know. Does Minjoo knows something that we don’t?” Chaeyeon muttered while looking at the busy Minjoo rummaging around the closet.

After the incident two weeks ago, after they out, Chaeyeon realized that they are suddenly at the place that she is not familiar, Chaeyeon isn’t sure why Minjoo brought she and Yuri somewhere and the younger girl is so uptight to them, Minjoo wouldn’t let them to go outside and the girl has been acting so strange after that.

“Minjoo, I don’t know what is happening but I badly need to know why are we hiding here.” Chaeyeon finally said after she tried not to ask the younger girl but she can’t stay still anymore.

Minjoo looked at the two of them, her eyes are trembling so much, and Chaeyeon knows that the girl is maintaining her composure but she is getting afraid.

“Tell us, so we can help you.” Yuri said but Minjoo shook her head making the two to sighed in frustration. 

“Minjoo…tell us or else I am going to go out and look for Yujin, Yena, and Hyewon. I can’t just stay here in this big mansion, knowing that the three might be in danger.” Chaeyeon said firmly and after Minjoo heard that her eyes widen.

“Unnie, n-no, y-you can’t! It’s d-dangerous and r-risky!” Minjoo stuttered while shaking her head furiously, the nervousness is evident on her voice.

“Then tell us what the hell is happening.” Chaeyeon said, determined to know what is the reason why her best friend acting like this strange.

Minjoo sighed and she knows she really needs to tell them, but she doesn’t know and how to start without making them confuse and caught off guard.

“When we are at the basement, remember how the wall get destroyed?” Minjoo asked and the two nodded their head. “I don’t know who is it but, I am sure that one is ready to attack us.” Minjoo continued, the moment that the two of her friend out, which is caused by her, she can’t risk her friends getting involve by it that’s why she had to do that. 
“Why would they attack us? We don’t have any enemy, as far as I remember.” Yuri said.
“Those who went on the restaurant, they are not a normal person.” Minjoo started and she can see how Chaeyeon’s forehead creased while Yuri is waiting for her to continue.

“What do you mean not normal? Is it the same that are attacking me?” Chaeyeon asked and Minjoo sighed.
“I don’t know if you will believe me, but they are not a human…they are something else, a creature that harms people.” Minjoo said, making it more confusing for Chaeyeon.

“Minjoo, I don’t understand.” Yuri said making her bit her lips.

“Okay…they are demons.” Minjoo said in short word, making the two to look at her with surprise expression.

“And how can you say that?” Yuri asked.

“I’ve heard Yujin, Hyewon and Yena talking to each other at the restaurant while I was busy changing my clothes, I stumble upon Yena’s room. At first, I can’t understand what they are talking about but I catch up, I know it’s not good to eavesdrop but I can’t help myself as my curiosity increases to know more. And yeah, I have learned that those are demons and I also heard a name, Luci…ki

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JinjooParen #1
Chapter 24: Hyewon huhu
JinjooParen #2
Chapter 24: Hyewon huhu
JinjooParen #3
Chapter 24: I legit crieddddd
Sokheangkk #4
Chapter 24: Why Hyewon die 🥺😢
Chapter 24: Kangchan T_T
cleofierayne 36 streak #6
Chapter 24: Kwangbaeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 24: This story is so beautiful but why does hyewon needs to die huhu
1762 streak #8
Chapter 24: TT :(
Chapter 24: Whyyyy huhuhuhuhu :(((((
Chapter 24: MAPANAKEEEEEET ka Bosxz. 😭😭😭😭

Ps. Pero d ko napigilan matawa dun sa pagsusulk ni Jjae kasi d nya napalabas ung Wings nya nung Una. 😂 Sama mo pa ung comment nyang “What the heck? Is this sign of aging?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 😂😂😂😂