Chaeyoung's Chance

Four Ways
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Only thirty more minutes until lunch and the end of this mind-numbing class.      

I was bored out of my mind. I was stuck in advanced Spanish, going over irregular verbs. Even Jisoo, who was sat next to me, was doodling on her textbook instead of listening. And she’s meant to be a good student. 

It’s not my fault I can’t concentrate properly. It’s this stupid soulmate thing. 

I flung my arms across my desk, face shoved into my hands. I couldn’t stop thinking about what BamBam had said earlier. I’d obviously hurt Lisa yesterday but it’s not like I asked to be in this situation. Still, I couldn’t help feeling bad; no wonder her brother was pissed off with me. 

I’d made her cry for God’s sake. 

my life. 

“Can anyone tell me what the verb Pensar is in the tú form?” Ms Lee asked. 

I sighed as the teacher asked the question and again- no one knew the answer. I lazily raised my hand and looked down at the question the teacher was talking about. Seriously, how was that advanced Spanish?

Looks like I don’t even need to concentrate to know the answers. 

“Piensas,” I said, too lazy to actually write it down in my textbook.

"Muy bien, Señorita Kim!" Ms Lee called way too enthusiastically. I half-heartedly smiled at her and went back to spacing out, letting her repeated explanation about the verb stay as background in my mind. 

"Y/N," Jisoo said, voice lathered with concern as she interrupted my thoughts, "I heard about what happened with BamBam. Are you ok?”

I sighed, looking down my empty textbook and frowned. "I’m fine," I replied.

How had she found out so fast? There were hardly any people in the hallway at the time. 

"So, I take it Lisa didn’t react well," Jisoo said, "You know since her brother went full on ape mode on you.” 

I rolled my eyes. "I’d hardly call it ape mode, Jisoo. He nearly wet himself when Jennie intervened and pinned him against the lockers by his throat," I huffed, then moodily shut my unused textbook.

Jisoo’s lips parted in surprise. “Jennie saved you?” 

“Yep. You should’ve seen her Jisoo, it was so hot.” I stupidly replied without thinking and I knew I’d hurt her when I saw her wince. 

"Sorry," I

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SUPER SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I'm back, kinda, ish, maybe, a little bit. A nice lil filler chapter for ya to get me back into the groove. Only one substantive chapter left after this. Might do an epilogue - always wanted to do an epilogue.


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I hope you finish the story author-nim
Fire_trek 350 streak #2
Chapter 40: I just found this story and read it in one day I’m glad you came back! Talk about a legendary return! Brilliant work author nim!
I havent checked this website for a while now and came across your update when I suddenly remembered its existence. A pleasant surprise!
1198 streak #4
Chapter 40: Now what was this ending 🤣
jjjiminiep #5
Chapter 40: What the hell?!?!?! OMG Ur back!!!!!!!
Blink___ #6
Chapter 39: Actualizarrrrr
Chapter 39: wicked cliffhanger

Btw, this fic ends with the prom, right
Chapter 29: lol Blackpink members bribing with Red Velvet tickets
Chapter 2: wow so this is what winning the lottery feels like XD
AriaLoveLisaBp #10
Chapter 39: UPDATE!!!