Fight Club

Four Ways
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"Remember guys, what happens in fight club stays in fight club," Jennie joked.


"I doubt it'll come to that," Chaeyoung replied.


I shrugged. "You never know."


"Let's get this show on the road," The tall blonde spoke softly, grinning at Jennie and I as we turned the corner. Before Chaeyoung could say anything else, an all-too-familiar voice interrupted her. 


"What the hell are you two doing here?"


We turned around to find Nancy standing there, cocky as ever with her gang of ty friends trailing behind her. Pictures of her and Lisa together flooded my mind, and not good ones. Bruises suddenly sparked with pain, bruises that still hadn't gone away. The colour drained from my face and my breathing escalated. I could tell Chaeyoung sensed the change in me as her grip on my arm tightened. 


"We're here for Y/N," Chaeyoung said sharply, mustering up the immense all the repulsion in her to spark her words with malice, "Not that it's any of your business."


Nancy scowled, "I don't remember inviting you here."


"And I don't remember inviting your gang of idiots either," I retorted. 


"Make them leave, Y/N. This is between you and me," Nancy scowled again. Didn't anybody tell her that her face will stick that way if the wind changes? 


"Well, it certainly doesn't look like it." Jennie sneered, gesturing towards Nancy's friends, "And trust me, I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here. Just looking at your face makes me wanna go take a shower."


"Lisa didn't seem to think that, right Y/N?" Nancy said, smirking at me before narrowing her eyes at Jennie, "I think you should leave before you do something that gets you hurt, Kim. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be happy if your behaviour made its way around the country club." 


"You don't know squat, ." Jennie spat.


Nancy shoved Jennie, raising her arms in a challenge.


"I don't know squat?" she said, looking smug, "Try me. You're nothing but a little lap dog begging for your master's attention. Do you really think Y/N actually loves you all? She's obviously stringing you all along."


"One of you put a muzzle on her before I make her regret her existence," The brunette told the girls who were standing behind the cheerleader. 


"Excuse me," Chaeyoung interjected before Nancy could reply. "Can we just get to the point please, I don't want to be late to Biology."


Nancy smiled, "What were we talking about?" She paused for a second, pretending to think and obviously trying pissing me off even more. "Oh, yeah, we were talking about how Lisa didn't want a loser like you as a soulmate so she went looking for something better." 


Lord, please give me the strength not to whack a . 


"What exactly was the point of you asking me to come here, Nancy?" I asked, obviously no one was gaining anything from this tedious conversation.


The hoe in question walked forward, her split ends swaying behind her. She extended her hand out, pointing at me, "I want you to stay away from Lisa."


Trick with the split-ends say what? 


I laughed out loud, Chaeyoung losing her grip on me as I did. "What makes you think I want anything to do with Lisa anymore?" I stepped forward, ready to give her the reality check she so desperately needed. "And what makes you think Lisa would actually want to be with you? If she wanted you she wouldn't be hitting up my phone 24/7 begging me to forgive her."


Fires of fury and hatred were smouldering in her small narrowed eyes as she processed what I had just said to her. 


Time to hit the final nail in the coffin. 


"You were a mistake, Nancy. Nothing more, nothing less." 


"You !" The scream tore through me like a shard of glass. I had no time to react as Nancy barrelled forward, flinging her arms out onto my shoulders and pushing me. 


"Don't ing touch her," Jennie growled, shoving her back twice as hard. Nancy staggered and somehow managed to stay on her feet, though it wasn't without extreme struggle.

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SUPER SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I'm back, kinda, ish, maybe, a little bit. A nice lil filler chapter for ya to get me back into the groove. Only one substantive chapter left after this. Might do an epilogue - always wanted to do an epilogue.


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I hope you finish the story author-nim
Fire_trek 350 streak #2
Chapter 40: I just found this story and read it in one day I’m glad you came back! Talk about a legendary return! Brilliant work author nim!
I havent checked this website for a while now and came across your update when I suddenly remembered its existence. A pleasant surprise!
1198 streak #4
Chapter 40: Now what was this ending 🤣
jjjiminiep #5
Chapter 40: What the hell?!?!?! OMG Ur back!!!!!!!
Blink___ #6
Chapter 39: Actualizarrrrr
Chapter 39: wicked cliffhanger

Btw, this fic ends with the prom, right
Chapter 29: lol Blackpink members bribing with Red Velvet tickets
Chapter 2: wow so this is what winning the lottery feels like XD
AriaLoveLisaBp #10
Chapter 39: UPDATE!!!