Jinjoo: A Tale Ended

A Wizard's Tale Haven
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Unfortunately, no, this is not an update. 

But, please read if you have time. You're important to me.


It's a heavy announcement that I should've done a few months ago.


I regret to inform every dear readers to me that:


 I will no longer be updating all of my fanfic stories be it here on asianfanfics or twitter. 


I'm saying this with a heavy heart and a bit of relief.


I'm quitting fanfiction.


There are two reasons:


I would like to apologize for being carried away whenever I write, there were some explicit scenes included in my works that I didn't put much thought on to it that it can be actually rated as 'M' or ''. Due to this ignorance, I was called out in the most bothersome way. This ruined everything I established with being an author and as a mutual on twitter, I respected everyone for almost two years of using an account named @ephemiralpotato. Everyone who talked to me, I treated them as good people that I appreciate because of their efforts in messaging me. But with about what happened, some of those whom I trusted the most even shoved me into the fire even with my little outbursts. That was so disappointing but we have to move on.


First, I would like to apologize for every single explicit scene included in my fanfic. 


Prior to calling myself as ignorant, all this time I thought  would contain vulgar words and that's something I've been trying to avoid because I know my audiences, (sorry for not being smart enough, I was too carefree to think that what I'm doing wasn't wrong). 


Some of them are surely underage and Yujin and Minjoo are not in the 'right' age to even give justification to the type of stories I write which contains parts tackling about sensitive social issues or even by simply making a fluff out of it, that's why I never did even try, the farthest I could go was putting 'curses' on my fics and giving implied 'scenes,' without using vulgar words.


Again, I never intended to show it that way. But as an author who wrote those stories, I am taking full responsibility for it by taking down all my stories be it 'explicit' or not to stop the chaos happening around especially on twitter. 


I also apologize for all of my tweets, I can't help but stand up for myself at least, I can never be at peace knowing that all of my hard work in writing my stories will all end up as being called ualizing 'minors' and as 'sick ' just because all things posted on a certain thread were pertaining to all my 'offenses'. Those parts were just 30% of 100.



Because of last night's issue, this has helped me conclude my second reason.


In the middle of 2019, I started to rarely update my fictions, this was due to the hectic schedule that work has given to me. Every day that I don't update, I feel like I'm losing my connection with my dear readers. 


Whenever I see people asking me to update, I can't help but feel happy and sad. 


Happy because there are people

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1762 streak #1
Chapter 11: oh interesting, the text messages... is it foreshadowing something???
1762 streak #2
Chapter 11: slowly reading my way through but the start already has me hooked!!!!
future_mrs_liu #3
Chapter 11: I love this story! Finally something with a happy ending lol. Just kidding. At least there’s still that classic suspense. But thanks for the update author. Fighting!
you're really back now 😭

I hope you're doing good ep-nim.
j1njoo #6
Rich22 #7
Chapter 11: welcome back autor
Daeng_Daeng #8
Chapter 11: HELLO EP nim 😭😭 I just finished reading "Heartstrings" (which I read again and again and again) last 2 days and you don't know how much I miss u and your stories here 😭 BUT THANK YOU. I will read this when I get back home. And Hope u are fine, happy and healthy these years too
snsdsoshigg #9
Chapter 8: oh my god???? i didn't know there's a sequel for waiting game?
notghster #10
Chapter 10: I was just wondering, was this, perhaps, inspired by "Rec Create's Exes Play a Lie Detector Drinking Game"?