Jinjoo: Vlog0105

A Wizard's Tale Haven
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Yujin sat in one of the chairs. She was inside a room where most of its walls were white. She glanced at her left, there stood the production staff preparing for everything before the shoot starts. She could feel a cold drop of sweat rolling from her temples, she gulped. 


"Are you ready, Yujin? She's going in.." said one of the staffs. Yujin looked at her friend standing at the back, Yena nodded in assurance and even cheered her. She looked at the camera and checked if she was looking good. 


After a short comfort, she was back to feeling the beat of her heart once she heard the door closed. She glanced up to see a familiar person she was expecting. 

"Hi, sorry for being late," newcomer bowed to each staff as she flashed a smile.


"No problem, Minju, go ahead, Yujin's ready,"


Hearing the name, Minju looked at the person who's already looking at her since she got inside the studio. 




Yujin was left with no choice but to smile in response to that soft look Minju's giving her.




"Okay, let me know if you guys are ready," said the director.


Yujin found herself in the same position, except that now Minju's sitting in front of her. They were facing each other, not escaping the reality that they had to observe each other's faces for the next 30 minutes.

This made Yujin doubt if her decision to agree on this was right. She never wanted to meet her ex-girlfriend this way, Minju was even prettier, but it was a school project for her best friend and she was left with no choice but to nod to Yena's countless begging.


"We will be asking you a few questions so just be ready," 


"In my queue, start introducing yourselves first,"



"Hi, I'm Ahn Yujin, 24, I work as a barista," Yujin paused for a moment and glanced on the floor, "Kim Minju's ex," then she smiled.


"Hello, I'm Kim Minju, 25, I work as a designer, Ahn Yujin's ex," Minju looked at Yujin shortly after mentioning her name.


Yujin felt the awkward atmosphere, she was starting to doubt on why she agreed to this short vlog about exes. She didn't expect to feel her heart running from her seat.


She knew that the questions were upcoming, and whatever those questions are, will simply poke the past that she hadn't completely forgotten yet.


Host: We will be asking you a few questions, five, to be exact. Let's start!

Host: So, how does it feel to be sitting in front of each other right now?


Minju chuckled and Yujin goes along with it, they heard the host ask Minju first.


"It's been a year since the last time I saw Yujin, and honestly, we exchanged a few messages to talk about Geegee, our pet, so it doesn't feel like Yujin was away," said Minju, she softly showed a smile and glanced at Yujin briefly. 


The host then looked at Yujin and waited. The host looked at her with a sign that it's her turn to answer.


"I...I was just happy to see her again, I guess?" Yujin failed miserably, the nervous chuckle and the sweat didn't help her to save herself.


Minju chuckled and the other staff too, Yena on the other hand, smiled awkwardly, knowing that Yujin might not have started her answers strongly than she expected. 


Host: Can you tell me the biggest attraction you've had with each other?


"Oh, this doesn't feel like we're exes now, aren't we?" said Minju faking a surprise as she laughed. 


"Well, Yujin is..." Minju looked at Yujin, for quite a time and the latter just can't look back. She fidgeted and gulped.


"She never fails to amaze me in a lot of things. She does her best to achieve things she thought she couldn't, she'd usually encourage you even if all else fails, Yujin's there, reaching her hand to help you." After a while, Minju removed her gaze towards her ex. She laughed at herself jokingly.


Yujin can't deny the fact she feels like tearing up, almost forgetting she was being filmed. Suddenly all her what-ifs came rushing down to her heart and mind, finally feeling the same pain again after a year.


On the other hand, Minju felt like she wanted to slap herself for a moment.  It wasn't supposed to feel like she was refreshing the moments, but it comes out uncontrollable. 


While waiting for Yujin to answer, this makes her go walk on the memory lane. It was true, what she had all said.


She won't forget the moment when she was having a bad day, having an aching ankle on her first day of school didn't help her, but then, she saw a hand reaching for her to stand up.


"Are you okay?" she nodded as a reply.

"I'm Yujin by the way, gotta go, take care next time okay..uhh?"

"Minju, you can call me Minju," 

"Well then, Minju, see you around,"


Minju smiled at the memory and right then she heard Yujin answering the second question.


"Minju was heaven-sent," The people in the studio started to subtly tease based on Yujin's first line answer.


"I was very lost before and she found me on my weakest point in life," Yujin looked at the floor, not forgetting to check the camera as well from time to time.


"I believe that moment I met Minju was also the same time I'm experiencing my first biggest downfall, but when we started dating everything fell into place," Yujin smiled. She suddenly caught a camera flash and made her go back to a certain memory back in their time.


Ahn Yujin walked as fast as she could, she looked at her watch and knew she'd be late at any moment for the presentation. But she thought, maybe it's just one of those bad days in her life, except that she can't miss her presentation because her scholarship was on the verge of being revoked. 

She suddenly saw the door to the room, before she could briskly take a step, she saw someone tripped and she can't seem to ignore the fact that she saw it. She quickly extended her hand and smiled at the girl on the floor. For a moment, she met the latter's eyes and she can't help but feel relieved helping her.

But that didn't stop there, Yujin felt like they were predestined for she keeps on running onto Minju for quite a time until she dared to ask her on a first date.


Host: So when was your last downfall?


"Was that included in those five questions?" asked Yujin, everyone in the studio chuckled including Minju but once they all calmed down, Yujin smiled sadly at her next line.


"Well, when I lost her, that's when I felt like my world crashed," 


Minju who was smiling slowly turned her reaction towards a clueless face. She felt as if she's going back to the night of the break up because of Yujin's sad smile, it was that same old face she was wearing that night.


There was an awkward silence in the room and Yujin felt that she just smiled and chuckled at how cheesy she answered. 


"Please go on!" she said, the host chuckled awkwardly and cleared his throat. 


Host: What's the most memorable day for you as a couple?


"Yujin can go first this time," said the Director, they all nodded and Yujin looked down again to remember her answer to the third question.


"The most memorable for me was when we took a picture right after our college graduation," 


"Ah, I remember that one," mumbled Minju.


Yujin heard Minju agreeing out of nowhere, and she smiled. 


"After college graduation, most people tend to feel lost in their paths, not knowing where to go, but we managed to help each other and we did. That was memorable because it wasn't just our diplomas that we're holding, but we got each other's back too, from there we established a stronger relationship, that day was warm," 


Once Yujin finished answering, Minju bit her lip, she seems to be hesitating about her answer, nonetheless, she encouraged herself to do so.


"It was when I got a promise ring from her," Minju was shy and they all can't stop themselves from smiling, it was like re-watching a history seeing former lovers in one place.


"Just in time with our second anniversary, like a fool, she knelt in front of me and gave a promise ring that she bought on her first salary," 


Host: Did you expect anything else?


"Not really," said Minju, Yujin looked at her with a neutral face, smiling when needed to. "Before I could think about something else Yujin already spat out a disclaimer that it's a promise ring," 

And they all laughed, feeling the humor on Minju's words.


"It was so memorable that it made me look forward to our future, at least that time, I know what I want to do,"


Yujin was breathing on her hands, it wasn't just cold, she was dead nervous about her anniversary date with Minju. She prepared a dinner table with roses and candles, a bouquet, and a huge teddy bear.

She knew that in a few minutes, Minju will be arriving, and as she assumed, not long after, she could hear the door creaking while she was hiding somewhere in their room.

"Yujin I'm hom-"

Minju was astonished by the view that welcomed her sight, she felt like it was a fairytale. She covered in shock as she appreciated the whole effort in front of her. Suddenly, there was a pair of snaking arms around her body from behind. 

"Do you like it?" asked Yujin as she softly kissed Minju's shoulder. 

"No words can describe it," 

"Happy anniversary," said Yujin as she faced Minju and gave the latter a quick peck. Minju couldn't even say any word. Then, she was dumbfounded to see Yujin kneeling in front of her.

"Don't worry, this isn't a marriage proposal yet," Said Yujin as she pulled a small box and opened it, offering it to her girlfriend, "But I would like to offer you a promise that can last a lifetime," 

"I know that we're just starting our lives and we're trying to build whatever we can with our potentials. Regardless of our differences, we can progress and meet halfway, Minju, that I promise you,"

Minju knew from that moment, there was a tear rolling from her eye. It made her anxiety about the future at ease. She had willingly lent her hand to Yujin as the latter placed the ring perfectly on her finger. 

"I hope you like it,"

"Stop thinking like you're not doing good,"

"I'm just afraid,"

"Nothing goes right with simply being afraid, Yujin," 


Almost getting immersed with her memory, Minju went back to reality after hearing the host thanking them and proceeding to the fourth question. However, the filming was suddenly paused for the Director called a five-minute toilet break. 


The exes stood and went to different corners of the studio, Yujin headed to Yena while Minju went to get a bottle of water.


"Are you okay?" It was Yena's abrupt question that made Yujin scoff.


"Of course I am," said Yujin. She glanced Minju for a second and went back to drinking on her water bottle.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced you both to go here, I'm so selfish," said Yena while blaming herself. 


"It's okay, you idiot, I won't be here if I'm not chill," 


"Why are you always so slow at picking it up, Yujin?" said Yena irritatingly. She sighed deeply and shook her head.


"Tell me, is there anything wrong? I thought I'm doing o

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1752 streak #1
Chapter 11: oh interesting, the text messages... is it foreshadowing something???
1752 streak #2
Chapter 11: slowly reading my way through but the start already has me hooked!!!!
future_mrs_liu #3
Chapter 11: I love this story! Finally something with a happy ending lol. Just kidding. At least there’s still that classic suspense. But thanks for the update author. Fighting!
you're really back now 😭

I hope you're doing good ep-nim.
j1njoo #6
Rich22 #7
Chapter 11: welcome back autor
Daeng_Daeng #8
Chapter 11: HELLO EP nim 😭😭 I just finished reading "Heartstrings" (which I read again and again and again) last 2 days and you don't know how much I miss u and your stories here 😭 BUT THANK YOU. I will read this when I get back home. And Hope u are fine, happy and healthy these years too
snsdsoshigg #9
Chapter 8: oh my god???? i didn't know there's a sequel for waiting game?
notghster #10
Chapter 10: I was just wondering, was this, perhaps, inspired by "Rec Create's Exes Play a Lie Detector Drinking Game"?