
Royal Summer Love



Prince Baekhyun was more accepting of Chanyeol’s company after the incident in the gardens. He even asked a couple times how his arm was. It had healed perfectly under the care of Baekhyun's phycisian. Not wanting to take too many liberties, the alpha still gave the Prince his space, and interacted with him only during meals he happened to join, or offered to help him with his training, which he seemed to appreciate.

Even when he claimed he didn’t want to see him dead anymore, Baekhyun was still very reserved. He talked to Chanyeol about their cultures and the differences between them, about history, economy and even fiction, since they had many books they had read in common. However, he said nothing very personal about himself. He never shared anecdotes about his family, his childhood or even his likes and dislikes.

But Chanyeol had figured out a lot of his likes and dislikes anyway. He knew he loved reading, he spent many hours in the library, and he could barely hide his delight when Chanyeol gifted him new books. He also enjoyed gardening, the alpha had found him once carefully planting a small shrub, and the servants had a separate storage for the Prince’s personal gardening tools. Chanyeol couldn't wait to gift him a bonsai tree.

He didn’t particularly like training, which Chanyeol learned because he had seen him kick a standing quiver after only fifteen minutes of archery class. He was also never cheerful when he won in sword combat against Chanyeol, and usually simply ordered him to pick up the sword and go again. He probably trained only because he saw it as something necessary, Chanyeol concluded, which made him very curious. Omegas traded their beauty and appealing fragility for protection, they usually wouldn’t pick up a sword themselves.

He liked sweets, Chanyeol noticed he would take generous amounts of dessert and even take some back to his chambers after dinner. He adored his family, which was clear in the way he smiled at them, his eyes shining with love and admiration. He went on rides with Sehun, and walks around the city with his mother.

With every day that passed, and every little detail he learned about Baekhyun, he fell for him harder.




It had taken a lot of convincing to get Baekhyun to come with Chanyeol to Mount Schnéi, home of the famous Azul hot springs. The hot springs were one of the few positive things everyone in Sejon knew Valkea’s capital had. There were all sorts of tales and superstitions about the mysterious hot water and its properties, and some merchants even sold random water claiming it came from Azul.

Prince Sehun had offered to organize a trip, of course, but Chanyeol didn’t want to go with a crowd of officials and nobles, and it would have been awkward with the Crown Prince only. He much preferred the company of his younger blond brother, who was very skeptical of Chanyeol’s intentions.

“There will be guards, if I you do anything inappropriate they’ll arrest you immediately,” Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol knew that, of course. No one would expect a couple of princes to go to the mountains without escorts. He then reminded Baekhyun he had saved his life from a tree and was keeping secrets for him, all out the goodness of his heart.

Baekhyun scoffed at that, but accepted. “I’ll come, but if you dream of seeing me with less clothing, you’ll be disappointed.”

The two rode into the forest on their horse’s backs, side by side. The Captain of the prince’s guard, Yifan, was following, alongside Jongin, who claimed he wasn’t going to leave his Prince alone in the mountains with two Valkeans. The two alpha Captains had a glaring contest before heading out. Chanyeol ignored them, Yifan and Jongin weren’t the only ones with the same attitude. It would take a long time for the people to understand they were allies now. Chanyeol had an idea to speed up the process, (un)fortunately it involved a certain stubborn omega.

They arrived to Azul at midday. The day was gray, as usual, but the breeze was bearable, it barely made the trees around them flicker. The hot springs’ water looked ordinary to Chanyeol, it was clear and very blue. The only giveaway was the steam coming out of it. He couldn’t believe the water could actually be warm in this weather, until he sat on the rocky edge and submerged his hand in it. He looked up at Baekhyun, who was standing beside him, with a marveled expression.

“Yes, it really is hot, it’s not a Valkean conspiracy,” Baekhyun said flatly.

Chanyeol chuckled. “This is incredible.” He proceeded to take off his boots and submerged his feet in the water with a sigh. “Are you just going to stand there?” he asked Baekhyun, who was very still, like he wasn’t sure of what he should do.

“At least sit with me,” he said softly, patting the rock beside him. Jongin and Yifan had gone somewhere with the horses. They were probably within earshot, ready to come running if they heard any loud noise, but for now the two had privacy.

Baekhyun sighed and sat cross legged beside him. He looked a bit out of place, sitting on a rock in his luxurious clothes (Chanyeol guessed he looked the same, since he was still wearing Valkean’s heavy jackets and trousers).

“Do you come here a lot?” Chanyeol asked.

“I used to, when I was little. I swam and played with Sehun,” Baekhyun replied, his eyes on the water.

“That’s the first time you tell me something about your childhood.”

“Is it?”

“Yes. I’d like to see it as progress.”

“Progress.” Baekhyun met his gaze. Chanyeol was breathless for a moment, not used to having him this close yet. “And what would the goal be, exactly?”

The alpha smiled jovially and shrugged. “Getting along. We can’t ask out subjects to be friends if we can’t stand each other, can we?”

Baekhyun didn't reply for a moment. They listened to the flutter of the leaves in the trees, and the birds singing and flapping their wings close by. Chanyeol was content, simply being here with him.

“You really aren’t what I expected,” the Prince confessed suddenly.

“What did you expect?”

“A savage. An average Sejonian.”

Chanyeol chuckled. “Do you know that everything you say about my country is always rude and offensive? I barely can believe you proposed peace.”

Baekhyun arched his brows. “So you aren’t savages? Your people burned Valkeans alive and laughed, raided and destroyed villages that had surrendered because they were ‘tainted’-”

“Valkea used omegas and children as shields more than once, because we don’t kill omegas and children. Your people always used dirty tactics-”

“Dirty tactics to spare as many lives as possible.” Baekhyun glanced away, and continued before Chanyeol could argue. “I don’t agree with the violence of either side, if I did I’d be in favor of war, and I’m not, but the fact is that you’re the first Sejonian that I find honorable. Besides, you came here mistrusting us, so don’t pretend to be a saint.”

Chanyeol smirked. “So you think I’m honorable.”

The omega rolled his eyes. “And annoying.”

Chanyeol stayed silent for a moment. The knowledge that Baekhyun was beginning to trust him warmed his heart. “I think you’re very unique as well.”

“Interesting way to put it.”

“I mean it in the best way. You’re brilliant, you’re strong, you’re blunt. I never thought I would admire qualities like this in an omega. I think you’re wonderful,” he said, with as much honesty as he could muster.

Baekhyun didn’t look convinced. “You say it like it’s a good thing, but I have to hide the things I’m good at, and I’m absolutely horrible at everything that would be appropriate for me, so I end up being seen as a useless brat. I don’t know how to care for an alpha and be submissive.”

“Anyone who thinks you’re a useless brat is blind.”

Baekhyun his lips nervously. “Thank you,” he said, blushing.




Chanyeol was sneezing every few minutes by the time they arrived back to the castle. Against Baekhyun’s advice, he had bathed in the hot springs. The Prince had warned him the sudden change of climate wouldn’t be good for him, and they hadn’t taken enough towels to completely dry himself, so he would probably get sick. Apparently he had been right, and was now giving Chanyeol ‘I told you so’ looks. The alpha was too happy to care.

“Get another bath, inside. I’ll order the kitchens to make soup for you, I don’t want anyone to say the Prince of Sejon is sick because of me,” Baekhyun said as they dismounted the horses and handed the reins over to the servants.

“Are you sure ‘you don’t know how to care for an alpha’?” Chanyeol said, and he could clearly see Baekhyun’s wish to slap him.

“I won’t answer that.”

And he started to leave, without even saying goodbye.

Chanyeol followed, quickly catching up with his longer legs. “Would you like to come to the market with me this weekend? I was told it was very lively. We can take Jongin and your Captain to chaperone again.”

Baekhyun came to a halt. “Why don’t you stop pretending you want to be my friend?” he whispered.

“I do want to be your friend.”

“No. You give me gifts and ask me to spend time together. You say you think I’m intelligent, and yet you expect me not to realize I’m being courted?”

“One can wish for two things.”

“You don’t want to marry me, Prince Chanyeol. You really don’t. You’re wasting your time.”

“Why? Is it because you’d never marry someone from Sejon?”

Baekhyun's eyes were cold and unreadable. “No. There are things about me you don’t know. You don’t want an omega like me, and if I let this go on, you’ll blame me in the long run.”

“Blame you? For what? Prince Baekhyun, haven’t I proven to you I’m not like all the other alphas who courted you before? Please, just tell me.”

The blond merely shook his head and, once again, walked away from him. Chanyeol sighed. He wanted to run after him, insist. Just when he thought things were getting better, he felt like Baekhyun slipped through his fingers like sand.




The peace negotiations got more heated with the topic of prisoners of war. Each country held at least a couple hundred prisoners from the other side, some high ranking officers in the military. Chanyeol wanted to simply exchange them, let all return to their nations regardless of their crimes, but Sehun argued that letting some of them walk free would be an unforgivable insult, especially those who were accused of crimes that went way beyond what war entailed.

After a month and a half of arguing almost every day, Chanyeol was beginning to grow tired, and his patience thin. He wasn’t used to that much continuous discussing and thinking. Besides, he hadn’t seen Prince Baekhyun in two weeks, and as shallow as he knew it was, simply looking at him improved his mood, even when he scurried away, not wishing to be bothered.

“Were the prisoners properly questioned and tried? Were they given a chance to defend themselves?” Chanyeol asked, massaging his temple. He knew he sounded disinterested, but his tone probably matched the Valkean standard. Beside him, Jongin looked just as tired.

“No. They were caught in the act, there was no need for that,” Kyungsoo said.

“So what you mean to say is that, within your prisoners, there are no soldiers who were simply doing their duty during war? Who are the witnesses of these crimes? Are you the witness? Did you capture all of them, Minister Do?” Jongin asked harshly.

Kyungsoo pursed his lips. “Of course not.”

They continued to argue, and Chanyeol simply listened. He honestly didn’t know what to say. His father had been adamant in ensuring the release of their people, and although he trusted Chanyeol’s judgment, he wouldn’t be happy if the prisoners didn’t return, since a couple of close friends of his were in that group. He suggested they went through the list of higher ranking officers who had been captured, to see which ones Valkeans actually had a problem with.

“General Kim Kijung was captured during the fall of Davek. It’s my understanding he had been in the castle for two days before the fort was reclaimed by your troops. He’s one of my father’s close friends, and he would greatly appreciate his release,” Chanyeol said.

“Absolutely not!” Sehun exclaimed with a growl, and Chanyeol flinched, all sleepiness leaving him.

“Why?” he asked, mostly shocked by the Crown Prince's reaction.

“His crimes are unspeakable. He must rot in prison,” Sehun said with finality, his gray eyes glowing with pure hatred. Kyungsoo, sitting beside him, was frowning and looked very tense. “If you insist, Prince Chanyeol, you better return to Sejon and prepare for war, because the release of that beast is the last thing I would allow.”

“We should call it a day,” Kyungsoo said before Chanyeol could reply, and then addressed him. Sehun had already stormed out. “Let us retire and have a nice dinner. Your highness, the kitchens have prepared the most delicious desserts with the strawberries we gathered at the orchard yesterday, you will be delighted.”

“Sure, sounds delightful,” Chanyeol said sarcastically. “Where’s Prince Baekhyun?” he asked suddenly, thinking it would be nice to discuss the prisoner issue with him. Surely he would know why Sehun hated General Kim Kijung so much.

“Oh, Prince Baekhyun is preparing to leave the palace. He will be visiting his cousins in Haeol for the rest of the summer.”

“What? He’s crossing the border? He’s going to the other side of the country-What?!”

Kyungsoo sighed. “Yes, your highness. Please, I beg you not to inconvenience him.”

“Are you two close?” Chanyeol asked, surprised.

“Of course. Prince Baekhyun is the reason I am a minister. He is my dearest friend, and I do know of your courting attempts. If you wish to marry a Valkean, I have plenty of options for you. I can guarantee at least a couple of them are blond, I am sure you will find them suitable to your tastes,” Kyungsoo said. He sounded like he truly wanted to be helpful.

“Do you think I want Prince Baekhyun because of his blond hair only?”

Kyungsoo bowed as an apology. "I am sure I can find the blond hair and blue eyes combination. I am completely serious, your highness, just say so and I will find a mate for you before this summer ends.”

Chanyeol sighed. “No, Kyungsoo, thanks.”

“As you wish.” Kyungsoo bowed once again and walked away. Chanyeol waited until he exited the room to march towards Baekhyun’s chambers.



I'm back to work so I can't update as quickly anymore, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Let me know what you think!

I love every single comment and I'd like to give especial thanks to: zareshki, kashycat, Staybluyed, sara_gg_xol, hopeandfaith and HeartlessRose just to name a few of you, you're the best!! :) ♥♥♥

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194 streak #1
Chapter 7: 👍
194 streak #2
Chapter 6: 🌹
194 streak #3
Chapter 1: 🥰
Chapter 3: Even though I know that you are probably not listening to comments on this old story, I have to get it out. Seems like Baek is filled with shock at what just happened, guilt at what he told the gardener, embarrassment that he valued his fallen father's gift over common courtesy, safety and care for his living mom, denial that he cares that Chanyeol got hurt and he still has yet to apologize and just frustration that he is letting his emotions bleed over into his pride when it comes to Chanyeol.

I really like this story.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! I remember this hairstyle and color!!!! He looked so beautiful and I still wonder just HOW TF they are gonna put a uniform on someone THAT beautiful and not want to hand him a toy gun, put him in the living room to play for the day and send him home every night!!! I don't understand how they could just make him a soldier!!!
qassaa #6
Chapter 7: Thank you for writing 💐, I really enjoyed reading this masterpiece.
Royal summer love is your second story that I would like to translate into Persian*_* your stories are beautiful, can I translate it into Persian?
Imamon #9
Chapter 7: I come back to this story a lot, especially while waiting for the sequel to be completed, it’s really beautiful and I’m very grateful the world has a gifted writer like you ^^~ take care of your health and thank youu
ateeztic #10