
Royal Summer Love



Chanyeol’s desk was covered in maps scribbled with red ink, books on law held open with heavy paperweights and the many letters he had exchanged with Prince Sehun over the past year. He had to make sure they weren’t overlooking anything they had already agreed on for the treaty.

He had been supposed to go hunting with the Prince and other nobles today, but the trip had been cancelled due to the bad weather. Rain had been pouring all day, making Chanyeol want to stay under his bed covers. He would have loved to search for Prince Baekhyun and have a cup of hot tea with him, but that would probably get him new colorful insults. Even so, he couldn’t help but fantasize how wonderful it would be to put his arms around the omega and use his body heat to stay cozy in the bad weather.

He should have been angry at Baekhyun. However, it was clear his hatred didn’t come from nothing. Chanyeol wanted to get to the bottom of it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.


“Your highness, Prince Baekhyun has sent you a gift.”

Well, never in a million years he would have expected that. Was the gift poison, perhaps? “Come in,” he said.

His servant entered the room a put a simple, polished wooden box on the table in front of him. There was also a folded note. “Who gave this to you?” he asked.

“One of the Prince’s servants, accompanied by his highness himself, your highness.”

Intrigued, Chanyeol took a look at the note.

Prince Chanyeol,

My brother insists I must apologize to you, apparently I should be grateful you did not request to have me punished. I cannot fathom why you would in the first place, since I did nothing that night but be cornered and touched against my will by a stranger in my own home.

In any case:

I am sorry.

Here is a peace offering from me, and I hope there will be no more misunderstandings.


Chanyeol glanced at the box a bit worriedly. Who knew what concept of ‘peace offering’ Baekhyun had? Taking a deep breath and ready to find anything inside, he lifted the cover. There were six pink rice cakes inside, one of them bitten. Another note was attached to the inner side of the box’s cover.

I had your servant choose one and ate half in front of her, rest assured I am not attempting to poison you.

-Prince Baekhyun

“Is it true you chose one for him?”

“Yes, your highness.”

Chanyeol chuckled. “Alright, you may go.”

Bora bowed and exited the room. Smiling, Chanyeol stared fondly at the half eaten rice cake. Baekhyun’s messages weren’t nice, and he was only doing this because his brother told him to, but his gesture felt like a caress after his vicious words the day before.

He closed the box, saving the cakes for later, and went back to work. He had put away Baekhyun’s note randomly on the desk, and when he glanced that way, he realized it was on top of one of the letters from Prince Sehun.

His smile disappeared, replaced by a frown.

He grabbed the letter and Baekhyun’s note, and held the two one besides the other. He checked letter by letter, noticing the little quirks everyone had when writing. Baekhyun’s calligraphy was neat and beautiful, not overly ornamented. His Ts were crossed with a swirly line. The calligraphy was the exact same.

The letter and the note had been written by the same person. Either Prince Sehun was pretending to be his brother right now, or Prince Baekhyun had spent a year discussing politics with him while pretending to be the alpha Crown Prince.

Despite his cold demeanor, Prince Sehun was extremely polite and well mannered. He would have never written the rude note disregarding Chanyeol’s good intentions and the unfairness of having been taken to the dungeons for trying to help.

But the other option was even worse. 

Chanyeol jumped to his feet. “Guards! Find Prince Baekhyun right now, I must go see him at once!”




Prince Baekhyun was busy having some kind of staff meeting, the details of which didn’t interest Chanyeol in the least. He demanded he finished it right away, and the prince had no choice but to comply. It was one thing to reject Chanyeol’s kindness or romantic advances, and another to dismiss him when he was demanding an urgent meeting outside his chambers.

However, he wasn’t allowed into the prince’s rooms. Baekhyun came outside, glared daggers at him and said he would speak to him at the common drawing room. Once there, he sat on a gold carved sofa, crossed his legs and regarded Chanyeol defiantly. The drawing room was cozy, with many couches, low tables and a massive rug with intricate designs.

Chanyeol sat on the couch in front of his, and pulled the notes and the letter out of his sleeve. He showed Baekhyun the notes first. “Did you write this?”

“Yes,” the prince replied. “Did the rice cakes offend you, as well? Do you want another apology?”

“Are you sure this wasn’t Prince Sehun?”

“Completely. Can we get to the point?”

Chanyeol unfolded the letter then. He could see Baekhyun’s shoulders tense when he realized what it was. “Did you also write this?”

Baekhyun arched his brows and feigned disinterest. “What is it? A love letter? In that case, no.”

“No. It’s one of the letters I received from the Crown Prince, when we began negotiating the peace treaty. It’s the same calligraphy.”

“My brother and I were taught by the same teacher, of course our calligraphies are alike.”

So he was going to deny it. Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed. “Every letter is the same, not even twins would write so similarly. I suppose you won’t mind if I ask Prince Sehun to write something and compare.”

“No.” Baekhyun’s cheeks were reddening. “I did write them. He told me what to write.”

“You solved the tax issue yesterday without thinking twice, you even asked the Minister to check the math. You had to spend a long time on that solution.”

The omega, for once, didn’t know what to say. “I...”

“And you already knew the issue perfectly, almost like you had been eavesdropping.” Chanyeol said accusingly. He stood from the couch and stepped forward. “Why is it that you’re so interested in politics that aren’t your responsibility? Why is it that your brother cannot write his own letters?”

Baekhyun was cornered. “Fine! It was me! I have been corresponding with you.”

“Explain,” the alpha growled.

“My brother agreed with my ideas, and I’m better at explaining myself on paper and being convincing. Sehun spent most of his time at war the last few years, I spent that time reading. I’m not saying my brother is incapable, we have worked in this together,” Baekhyun explained quickly, with his eyes cast down. It was the most omega like behavior he had displayed during Chanyeol’s visit. He must have been desperate.

“I would never think of Prince Sehun as incapable,” Chanyeol said slowly, “but I don’t know what to think of you.”

“What difference does it make? My family, you and your father are on this- the treaty is yours now. I haven’t manipulated you in any way.”

“Why did you impersonate your brother then?”

“Would you have listened to my ideas if you had known I was a seventeen year old omega when I wrote the first proposal?”


Baekhyun sighed. “Well, that’s why.”

“Not without knowing you, no, but now I would,” Chanyeol added in a lower voice.

Baekhyun looked up with the slight surprise in his blue eyes he always had whenever the alpha did or said something he didn’t expect. Chanyeol liked seeing Baekhyun’s expectations of him be challenged.

“You will go ahead with the treaty then?”

“Of course. I’m holding here the proof of your trick, though.” Chanyeol put the letter back in his sleeve and held up the two notes. Baekhyun’s expression had darkened. “I could have you deposed. An omega impersonating an alpha, to fool a Crown Prince. It’s scandalous. If I add your behavior towards me to the case, I could have you shipped to me as a bed slave.”

The omega raised his chin. “I would like to see you try.”

Chanyeol ripped the two notes into small pieces and let them fall on the floor. Baekhyun was staring at him like he was out of his mind, visibly confused.

“What I mean is, be more careful with your schemes. I won’t mention this to anyone, but I would hate for someone worse to take advantage of your mistakes.”

And, leaving the ripped notes on the floor, Chanyeol turned around and left, a swirl of contradicting feelings in his heart. How dare an omega act like this? How was an omega even capable of doing this? If Chanyeol’s father ever presented his mate with a political problem, the most she would do would probably be to offer him a massage and advise him to think more carefully.

Maybe Jongin was right, and omegas were something else in Valkea.




The previous night's storm had done some serious wreckage to the palace's gardens. Small trees had been half pulled from the earth, exposing part of their roots. Branches had come crushing down, damaging smaller bushes. Chanyeol had to confess he hadn't been able to sleep with the constant thunder. He was a light sleeper, something needed when staying in a tent in enemy territory during war. The wind had howled so loudly, he was surprised most of the garden had survived at all.

Inspecting the damage alongside a group of servants and gardeners was Prince Baekhyun. He was standing in front of a large tree, planted just a few steps away from the stone path bordering the castle. A few of its massive branches reached the palace's walls, creating a sort of archway. One of the branches lay on the ground, blocking the path.

Baekhyun was scowling at the gardener.

"Your highness, I must insist for your safety," the man was saying. He was very tense, stuck in a half-bow pose as he spoke. Baekhyun had probably had him there for a while. Chanyeol felt sorry for him. "The branches fall within seconds. If Her Majesty walked through and a branch fell, she may not be able to avoid-"

"My mother isn't that old, she can move quickly. And she doesn't take leisurely walks when there's a storm. The tree stays here. You aren't allowed to touch it, and that's my final order."

"But your highness!” the gardener cried out in distress. “I promise I can plant a new tree just like this one, a few meters away from the castle. The roots are even damaging the pathway."

"This tree was planted by my father himself. Can you give me one that is the same? The King is dead," Baekhyun said as a fact, with no noticeable emotion in his voice.

There was a heavy silence. The gardener bowed even more. "Y-your highness..." he didn't seem to know what to say.

"Is there something you need?" Baekhyun asked, turning his head to look at Chanyeol. "New clothes?" he added.

Chanyeol had given up wearing his own clothes today, it was too cold. Valkean clothes stuck to his arms and legs like when he wore armor, except he had no armor. It was strange, but he was warm. Baekhyun's eyes trailed his entire frame. Chanyeol was tall, his shoulders wide and his muscles well defined by constant exercise. He was a perfect example of what a healthy, strong alpha should be, and he wondered if a part of Baekhyun liked what he saw.

"Good morning, Prince Baekhyun,” he replied. “I only came to see the outcome of last night's storm. I've become attached to this garden, it's a pity it's been damaged."

"My father designed it," Baekhyun said softly, and then pursed his lips, like the words had escaped his mouth against his will.

"It's beautiful."

Baekhyun looked away. "This happens frequently, it'll be restored today. You don't need to worry about my garden.” He sounded possessive, like he wanted to get the whole garden away from the alpha now that he knew he had an interest in it.

"I won't, I see it's in capable hands." A smile spread on Chanyeol's lips.

The prince ignored the compliment and addressed the gardener again. "Clean the fallen branches, and leave the tree as is."

"Yes, your highness."

There was a cracking sound, and the three of them looked up. Then a massive branch came falling down.

Everything happened in a second. Chanyeol leaped onto Baekhyun to push him out of the way, and they fell on the damp grass together, Chanyeol on top. The branch crashed just beside them, and the alpha felt part of the ripped branch hit his shoulder, the impact lessened by the leaves and twigs.

Baekhyun was staring at him, wide eyed. The omega usually carried himself with so much confidence that he appeared taller than he was, but lying bellow him, Chanyeol realized just how much smaller he was. He could easily cover him with his body. The blond pushed him away with both hands on his chest, and Chanyeol stood. He offered Baekhyun a hand, the omega ignored it and got his feet on his own.

“Were you just waiting for a chance to be on top of me?” Baekhyun asked, brushing dirt off his jacket.

“I just can’t do anything right in your eyes, can I?” Chanyeol said in disbelief. “You could’ve died if that branch hit you in the head!”

Baekhyun opened his mouth to answer, but then his expression changed. “You’re bleeding,” he said.

Chanyeol put his hand on his shoulder, where he had felt the hit. His palm was red with blood when he looked at it. “It’s nothing.”

“Call a physician to Prince Chanyeol’s chamber!” Baekhyun ordered the gardener, who had been watching, apparently in shock at the fact he had almost lost one of his princes thanks to a tree.

“I said it’s nothing.”

“Don’t be proud now. The sap of that tree is poisonous, it won’t kill you, but it’ll give you a rash if you don’t get it treated.”

Chanyeol pressed his hand against the wound. It was itching now. “You want me dead, anyway, wouldn’t that be fun for you?” he said harshly.

“You saved me,” Baekhyun said. He sounded a mixture of surprised and grateful. “And you didn’t have to. You may be annoying, but I’m not heartless, of course I don’t want to see you suffer.”

“And what was your comment about me waiting to be on top of you about?”

“It was a joke. Don’t they have those in Sejon?”

Chanyeol stared at him, wondering if Prince Baekhyun had hit his head and lost his memories. “...Oh.”

Baekhyun cleared his throat. “Yes, I’ve been told I’m not very funny. Now I must go back to my duties, please see the physician. Excuse me.”



hello, I hope you had a nice day and here's a bit of progress between Chanbaek!

Thanks for your comments! :) I love that half of you are like "Baek is such a jerk" and half like "poor Baek must be traumatized" x) do keep letting me know what you think about him!

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195 streak #1
Chapter 7: 👍
195 streak #2
Chapter 6: 🌹
195 streak #3
Chapter 1: 🥰
Chapter 3: Even though I know that you are probably not listening to comments on this old story, I have to get it out. Seems like Baek is filled with shock at what just happened, guilt at what he told the gardener, embarrassment that he valued his fallen father's gift over common courtesy, safety and care for his living mom, denial that he cares that Chanyeol got hurt and he still has yet to apologize and just frustration that he is letting his emotions bleed over into his pride when it comes to Chanyeol.

I really like this story.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! I remember this hairstyle and color!!!! He looked so beautiful and I still wonder just HOW TF they are gonna put a uniform on someone THAT beautiful and not want to hand him a toy gun, put him in the living room to play for the day and send him home every night!!! I don't understand how they could just make him a soldier!!!
qassaa #6
Chapter 7: Thank you for writing 💐, I really enjoyed reading this masterpiece.
Royal summer love is your second story that I would like to translate into Persian*_* your stories are beautiful, can I translate it into Persian?
Imamon #9
Chapter 7: I come back to this story a lot, especially while waiting for the sequel to be completed, it’s really beautiful and I’m very grateful the world has a gifted writer like you ^^~ take care of your health and thank youu
ateeztic #10