Relief To Trust

The Dunkler Fluch



A/N: Kim Kibum here is Sj’s. Not from Shinee.

“You kidding me, right?” said Yesung, shocked from the witch nonsense statement.

“Well, I can’t prove anything yet since I just found out about about it at the meeting. He was caught on the cctv. He was with the bad guys who came after you yesterday. And one of the leader said my brother burn off his wing by a white fire.” said Kibum.

“Wing? So It won’t grow back?”

“Maybe. I never burned a wing before. I only burn bad guys.” said Kibum casually. The older only shuddered from the bold statement.

“Wait, hold on a second. How he’s a witch? You told me that you got the half power and she died along the other half right? So where does he get it from?” said Yesung curiously.

“I don’t know. It’s impossible to inherit the power without inheriting the same genetic. We need to find out about that later. Come on, we will change your hiding location until I can send you home.” Kibum began to pack his stuff and went out from the building with Yesung tailing behind him.

While they were on the road, Yesung can’t stop glancing to the witch once in a while with anxiety. Worried began to eat him up from the inside.

“Stop staring at me. You hungry?” ask Kibum.

The older shake his head, feeling embarrassed after being caught staring by the younger.

“I’m sorry…” muttered Yesung softly.

“For what? I understand that you were too upset about the massacre so it can’t be help if you ‘accidentally’ kill my mom. I’ve already forgi---”

“No! It’s not about it! Well, I do feel sorry for your mom. But this is about your brother. I’m sorry, because of me you guys become like this. If I didn’t kill your mother, you guys won’t act this way…” said Yesung.

The younger realize the shaking and strain in the older voice. He stopping his car near a mini market, earning a confused look from the older.

“Let’s just forget about it. You hungry? I’ll get you something from the market.” said Kibum.

Yesung only nod. Wiping his tears off slowly. Before they went inside the market, Kibum making sure to fully cover Yesung with his hoodie just to be more careful with their surrounding.

After a few minutes of getting their own stuff, they meet each other again at the entrance. Kibum only chuckles as he saw the older stuff that full of coffee and breads.

“Is that it? You don’t eat much aren’t you?” Kibum chuckles, the sound of the younger laughing was too bizarre for Yesung. He almost ran away from the sudden brightness.

Kibum was loading the stuff into the car with the help of Yesung when someone accidentally bump into him.

“Sorry! I was in a rush” said the person.

Kibum’s face went white. He quickly pulls Yesung behind him while smiling to the person.

“It’s okay! You don’t have to worry.” said Kibum.

The person who saw the strained expression from Kibum caught on the person behind him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t take your boyfriend from you.” said the person with a chuckle. To his eyes, Kibum look like a possessive boyfriend who tried to hide his lover.

‘Kibum?’ thought Yesung, he became curious by the sudden act. He tried to look from the younger shoulder but stop himself when he felt the younger shivering a little bit.

“Yeah, Kinda. Well, we’ve got to go now.” Kibum push Yesung first before went to his own seat. Without waiting the person said anything, he drove away in quite speed.

“What was that Kibum ah?” ask Yesung.

Once he make sure they were on busy road again, Kibum sigh in relief.

“That’s the guy who trying to catch you.” said Kibum.

“What! That’s why you hide me? But does he know my face?”

“Of course he knows. This is the leader of the rebellion we talking about. Taemin might have shown them your picture before.”

Yesung went silent. Feeling threatened by the said person.

“It’s okay. He didn’t know me. I don’t think Taemin told them about me.”

They drove for few more minutes until they reach in a secluded looking neighbourhood.

“Eh? This is quite far from the council. Why?” said Yesung.

“Well. We’ve easily bump into that guy, might as well stay a little farther from the town. Just for a safety measure. We’ll be staying at my old house.”

 They arrived at the house. It was a two story house that quite crowded with bushes.

“No one live here?” Yesung ask.

Kibum shake his head, carrying their stuff to the house. Upon entering the house, Yesung as amazed by the decoration.

“This is nice. Thought it need some cleaning but it was well preserved.” said Yesung.

“Well my friend does clean it once in a while but lately I can’t get in touch with him. He’s a vampire too. I guess he’s more busy with his own stuff.”

That night, they settle in with Kibum fill in the older with the stuff Jaejong had told them. Trying to find the reason why Taemin had his power now and how to get rid of the rebellion.


“Still no trace of Yesung?” Leeteuk ask Kangin the next morning.

The demon shake his head. He was more calmer than before. It took him all night to look for Yesung but to no avail. Once he caught on the older scent, the trace soon wipe out by the heavy rain. One thing lead to another, he was left with quite exhausting body.

“Rest first. You look worst. Leave it to us, Jaejong had promise to come again today. I’ll call you if we have lead on Yesung or the rebellion.” said Leeteuk.

“Thanks hyung. Really… thanks.” Kangin muttered as sleep taking over him.

The older smiles softly before he went out from the house. It’s only took him one day to fix everything broken inside the house with the help of the members.

Chattering can be heard from the meeting room. The members soon piped down once they saw the leader.

“Thank you for coming Jaejong ssi. Did you have what we asking for?” said Leeteuk.

Jaejong walk to the leader with a flash drive. Once it was connected to the projector, they begin to analyze the content .

“So this is all of them?” said Siwon.

Jaejong nod and begin to explain what was the content for.

“This is all their profile and followers. Thought I can say the leader, Jiyong quite strong, we need to be more careful with this guy, Daesung. He was all smiley to you but once you let down your guard, you might lost your head. Very skilful with knife fight.”

Siwon printing the copy of every vip members information and pass it to the members.

Jaejong continue with the members. “Seungri, this kid. Quite handful. You don’t want to get on his bad side. We call him the joker. He will do everything to get you under his hypnotize and control you. So, take care of your eyes. Taeyang, the fighter. Not much but a very skilful hand combat vampire. And the two leader. Seunghyun and Jiyong. Both start the organization six years ago. They had come to me to join hand in ruining the council. I’m actually still vague about their own ability. They quite secretive between themselves.”

“So the followers were recruit through qualification? Quite brutal. A cage fight just to get into the group? Wait, how does Henry and Zhoumi got in easily?” said Donghae.

“Easily you said? I had to fight a small fry just to get into the place.” Zhoumi snapped. Henry only nod along with Zhoumi.

Donghae averting his look, not wanitng to get into a trouble with the vampire.

“So now, we need to plan the mission. We need to take down the rebellion no matter what. I’ll get more help from the main council later. For now, we’ll focusing on searching their weakness.” said Leeteuk.

A small hand wave in the air, trying to get the leader attention.

“Yes Wookie?” said Leeteuk.

“How about Yesung hyung? Did you found him yet?” said Ryeowook curiously.

The older look down to his hand. “No… Kangin had search him everywhere. But he did told me, yesung would call him if he was in danger. So for now, that can assured us for his safety.” 

“Poor him… I hope the bad guy won’t found him. Oh! Now I just realize, where’s Kibum?” said Ryeowook, eyes darting everywhere looking ofr the pale vampire.

“Now that you said it. He didn’t send me any notice of his absence.” said Siwon.

“You know. That guy quite suspicious. Yesterday I was sitting next to him and smell something on him. It was faint but he smells like Yesung hyung.” said Kyuhyun.

“He does? Maybe because they were close to each other.” said Hyukjae.

“Nah, it’s too familiar.” said Kyuhyun in protest.

“Don’t fight now. I’ll call him now.” said Leeteuk.

Few more dials, he manage to connect with the younger.



Leeteuk’s heart beating faster.

“Hello?” again the recipient call for him.


A loud bang came for the other side of the call. A faint shouts can be heard making him pull of the phone from his ear.

The others who heard the leader froze at the moment. Kyuhyun smugly mouthed to Hyukjae, ‘Told you’.

“Yesung ah! What happen? Why Kibum’s phone are with you?”

“No. I’m with him.” said the owner of the number

“Kibum? So you’re the one who kidnapped Yesung?” there’s a disappointment in the older tone.

“No! I’m not! I was trying to--”

“Bring back him here!” order the leader.

“Listen or I’ll kill him!” shouts Kibum annoyed.

“You can’t kill him! He’s….. you’re the white witch!” shouts Leeteuk again.

The shouting goes back and forth, earning a frowned look on the members face.

“Yes I am! But I’m not the one who attacking everyone! Just listen for now or I really hide him here forever.” sadi Kibum, a shout of protest from Yesung can be heard on the background. “Shut it!” said the witch.

“Okay, I’m listening.” Leeteuk finally give in to the younger.

“i know who the attacker and the white witch. Trust me, it was never me. I was on Yesung’s side all this time. He’s safe with me but not with you guys.” said Kibum.

“I won’t believe in you until I heard it from Yesung himself.” by now Leeteuk had turn the call to the speaker.

On the other side, Kibum had give the phone to Yesung without instructing him on what to talk, he knows the older had trust him by now.

“Hello hyung. This is Yesung. I’m safe. Kibum was the one who save me from getting caught by those guys.” said Yesung.

The older didn’t even realize he had hold his breathe. Hearing Yesung’s voice again had soothe out his doubt on the witch a little.

“What happen? How come you’re with Kibum now? Won’t you come back now?” said Leeteuk.

“I will but I need to solve this problem first. This is all happen because of me. But I need your help in taking down the rebellion.” said Yesung.

“What do you mean this is your fault? The rebels was the one who at fault now.” Leeteuk frown a little.

“Emm.. I wasn’t talking about the rebellion…” Yesung stop his mid sentence.

“We need to discuss this,hyung. But not at the council. Let set up place to meet. For now, I’ll take care of Yesung.” said Kibum after snatching the phone away.

A sigh can be heard from Leeteuk. “Okay, I trust you for now.”

The call ended. The crucial moment had left the members sighing in relief, knowing their friend was in the best condition and Kibum had not betray them in the slightest.

“So now what?” said Siwon.

“We’ll wait for Kangin to wake up and discuss this with him.” said Leeteuk.

“Won’t he be mad? Knowing that Yesung hyung was in the hand of a white witch? Can’t believe Yesung hyung was right about Kibum being the white witch.” said Sungmin while shaking his head in disbelief.

“But now we got two white witch…” said Ryeowook.

“That. We will think about it later.” said Leeteuk, continuing the meeting again. A tale tell headache began to make their way to the leader’s head.






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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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401 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
401 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
401 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
401 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
401 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
401 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
401 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
401 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?