Demon Wrath

The Dunkler Fluch


The last remaining members who were still there was Heechul, Hangeng, Siwon, Suho and Leeteuk. They had been staying up all night just to gather more stuff for the case. They were too focused on their task when…


Something went flying above their head and land on a couch. All eyes went wide from the sudden intrusion.

“Is that a door?” said Siwon.

Leeteuk search the culprit who had kicked the expensive door away with eyes red. He found Kangin look much more furious than him, panting harshly as if the demon had ran a hundred miles.

“Why would you do that to my door!” said Leeteuk angrily.

Kangin strode off towards him with a pair of dead eye. He stopped right in front of Leeteuk and pull the frowned man away from the others. Feeling threatened by demon pulling away his leader, Siwon jump in front of Kangin with a gun.

“That’s not gonna effect me in the slightest.” said Kangin stoics.

Siwon was caught off guard when Kangin pull him too. By now the two flugels only look into each other eyes and resigned to their fates, feeling less threatened when Kangin loosened up the grip a little.

They arrive in front of Leeteuk’s house that were left wide open, more likely it doesn’t even own a door anymore.

“What happen…” muttered Leeteuk, walking inside the house and was greeted by a mess.

“Yesung gone…”

The two flugel went wide eyes again. Jdging from the mess that had been done inside his house, he assume that what Kangin trying to say by Yesung was gone was in the bad way.

“Where were you when this happen?” Kangin ask slowly, he facing the leader with eyes darkened. “Answer me!” unknown to him he had grab the leader’s shirt and lift him mid air.

“Hey! Calm down! Have you search his apartment or cafe?” said Siwon, taking Leeteuk away from the fumed demon.

“I did! I told you we need to watch over him! He was in danger and now he’s gone!” Kangin shouts, not caring how he had raised his voice and scares the other.

“Kangin ah… we are so sorry… there’s an attack at the west council yesterday. We have been onto the case for over night now… we were distracted by that and I never come home after we got here. I’m sorry.” said Leeteuk, feeling guilty for Kangin.

“I know we shouldn’t take the bracelet off. At least he can’t step out even by force…” said Kangin.

Leeteuk pat the demon softly, channeling his strength for the demon loss.

“Siwon ah, I want you to check the security camera that I put in this house. And check every gate's camera too.” said Leeteuk.

Siwon went out and leave them alone while Leeteuk try to calm the demon down.

“He must been crying right now… he’s not that strong to fight for himself…” Kangin mumbled under his breath, looking lost thinking about his only family.

“Hey, you can’t say that. What if he had save himself from bad thng that happen here? You said it yourself this is the first time you met him again after six years right. Who knows he might have getting stronger and survived  by himself. You can't let yourself down now. He need you after this.” said Leeteuk softly.

The leader was right. He had went on with the negativity without thinking the possibility of Yesung saving himself. He look into the older eyes and smiles softly.

“You were right. I need to search for him without giving up. I got carried away just now. I’m sorry, Leeteuk hyung.”

Leeteuk only smile warmly to the demon. Radiating the softness of the infamous flugel vibe.

‘No wonder you guys were called an angel.’ thought Kangin sheepishly.


“This is…” 

Siwon just finish retrieve the copy of every camera that had caught the suspicious activity that happen yesterday when they were gone. Frantically he bring up the laptop to Leeteuk’s office.

After showing the footage to the members, they had urge all members to have a meeting right away.


The beautiful man was just finishing cleaning up the counter and ready to open up the cafe on behalf of his boss. Sighing as he reminded by the soft smiles Yesung give him every time they met in the first hour.

“Hyung… when will you come back.” said Jaejong.

“Tsk, stop pouting and open up the cafe now.” mock Junsu with a grin.

Jaejong ignore the younger spat. He was about to turn the cafe sign up when two wesens who he had known as the council members walk through the door.

“Jaejong ssi. We need you to come to the council now.” said the taller one.

“Zhoumi hyung! Where’s your manner? I’m sorry Jaejong ssi. But we need you to help us with something.” said Henry politely.

“And why would I do that. I don’t like the council.” said Jaejong arrogantly. “I had a bad experience with them.”

“Such as joining the rebellion?” There’s a hint of mockery in Zhoumi speech.

The beautiful vampire smirking as he leaned on the counter top.

“Hey, I’m hurt. It’s been 3 years since I left that hell. I never been involved in any protest when I was in that group. So don’t come arrest me for something that I didn’t do.” said Jaejong.

“Jaejong hyung… please. We desperate. Fifteen people died yesterday. They had attacked the west council. We need you to identify the suspect. Please?” said Henry, eyes gleaming with sadness.

Jaejong hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

“I’m done with that world. Now if you excuse me, I have a cafe to open.” said him as he walk pass them.

Junsu who knows the older past only smiles timidly to Henry. He can’t forced the older to help them, not after he know well how hard headed the older can be.

Henry turn his feets around, facing Jaejong with a hesitated face. Jaejong who knows the smaller had something else to say stop his task.

“What?” said him coldly.

“Yesung hyung might be in danger..” muttered Henry softly but it didn’t goes unheard by the manager.

“What! Why didn’t you say so! Junsu, you come with me! Yunho ah, you take care of the shop for a while!” shouts Jaejong, pulling Henry right away.

“That was so easy…” chuckled Zhoumi.


Siwon, Kangin and Leeteuk were inspecting footages inside Siwon’s office, not wanting to leak more information after they had found a spy in their building. The others slowly had gathered in the meeting room while waiting for the three taking their time.

Few minutes ago, the three of them were still in the middle of inspection when Heechul storming inside the room with someone in his hand. He had thrown the guy who believe to be one of the security guard.

“What is this?” Leeteuk ask confusedly.

“A spy. He work for the rebellion. He had been the leaking Yesung whereabouts to them for the past few days. i was walking in front of the guard room when I accidentally eavesdropping his call. Did something happen to Yesung?” said Heechul.

“I know we had a spy among us but I didn’t know it could my worker. Yesung gone.” said Leeteuk coldly.

He walk towards the man who turn pale with the leader darkened expression. Leeteuk crouched down, staring at the shuddering man coldly.

“Why did you betray us?”

The man gulping, feeling threatened by the cold tone.

“Answer him!” shouts Heechul, kicking the man rib once.

“I’m sorry… I was threatened by them… they had my family… they told me to keep reporting them about the guy that live with you… I’m sorry, please don’t kill me…” the man begin to sob after confessing his guts.

Leeteuk sighing. He took a pity to the man.

“Was it only you? No one else involve?” 

The man nod frantically, not wanting to lie anymore.

“Take him away. Put him in a cell until we can get any evidence about his family kidnapping. I trust you for now but if I found out that you dare lie to me, I let Heechul had fun with you.” said Leeteuk coldly.

Heechul smirking as he pull away the man to Shindong special cell.

“You won’t like my kind of fun” Heechul whisper in the man ears, earning a yelp from the guard.

Back to the inspection, they finally retrieve the last footage from hidden camera.

“See this, It’s seems like Yesung hyung talk to someone but there’s no phone in his hand nor anyone around him.” said Siwon.

“That’s weird. It was as if he was indeed talking to someone… and he know where to go to avoid the attack too.” said Kangin, scratching his chin curiously.

“Now we need to wait for Henry and Zhoumi to come back with their results.” said Leeteuk, walking away towards the meeting room, leaving the confused look in Kangin’s face.


The members were dead silent. No one speak a thing when in the middle of the meeting, Jaejong walk in alongside with Henry, looking fumed.

The manager took one of the front chair, facing the members with intimidating look.

“So where’s Yesung?” said him with hand crossed on his chest.

Siwon scratching his nape, feeling awkward to tell the easily fumed vampire that they had lost him.

“He’s gone. But not with the bad guy. We don’t know where he went to.” said Kangin casually. He become more calm after watching the footage of Yesung missed the attack.


There’s a hole that came out of nowhere on the table in front of Jaejong. The members were taken aback by the sudden snap.

“Kekeke, you doing it too fast, they didn’t saw your punch!” Junsu laugh after looking at the priceless expression from the members.

Jaejjong had punch the table to release his anger in split second.

Henry who awing from the scene whisper to Kyuhyun who sat right next to him.

“When we were doing our disguise mission, the members said that he was known as the fastest vampire in the rebellion. No one saw his move before.” said Henry in amazement. Kyuhyun who interested by that only nod in agreement.

“So what now. You lost my baby and you think you can apologize to me?” said Jaejong, eyes glowing red.

Junsu sighed from Jaejong motherly act. He had known Yesung at the same time with Jaejong. He had experience the motherly act Jaejong had done to Yesung countless time.

“We didn’t call you here to apologize. And he’s not your baby. He’s my brat.”said Kangin in irritation.

The two had a staring contest, both annoyed by each other presence. To be truth Jaejong never told Yesung how he had fight with the demon almost every time they meet.

“Stop it. Jaejong ssi, we hope you can help us. Upon Henry and Zhoumi disguise mission, they heard that you had been one of the rebellion founder. You might know the five leader who had been a mystery to the members right?” said Leeteuk.

Jaejong softened his look for Leeteuk. Yesung had told him that Leeteuk treat him well. For him, it was enough to give a respect to the leader.

“Yeah. I know them. We call them the vip. Only the founder know how they look like and how they do their work. Me alongside with my own team work with them but after they had taking the worst turn, we left them.” said Jaejong.

“So are they in any of this picture?” said Siwon, placing the printed photo in front of Jaejong.

“Owh, interesting. I never saw the leader himself doing the job. This guys, the smaller one is the leader. We call him Jiyoung. And the taller one is Seunghyun, the genius planner. But I don’t know the other one. Might be one of the members. So why would they looking for Yesung? I know they were bunch of vampire but they couldn’t possibly know about Yesung hyung’s kin, right?” Jaejong look into the demon eyes, searching for an answer.

“There’s no way they would know that. Only the members know and we trust them. But that one guy who you can’t recognize seem more suspicious. He’s a strong one. By himself, he had turn the house upside down in a minutes. We need to find him to make sure they had something. Suho here’s believe he was the same guy that burn his wing.” said Kangin.

Jaejong took a sympathy for Suho. He start to make a list of the vip member for them.

Junsu who had been standing by his side crouched down to him and whisper something.

“We don’t have to list down our own group right?” 

“Your own group?” said Henry curiously before he cupped his own mouth after Jaejong and Junsu glare at him. His bat senses has acted up at the wrong time and catch the conversation clearly.

“Yes dear small peasant, our own group. Eavesdropping one more time, I cut your cute bat ears.”  Junsu threatening him angrily.

“Hey! Poor Henry!” Sungmin said in protest. He hug the younger who begin to tear up.

“We consist of five people too. Irony, we all work at Yesung hyung’s cafe except one person. He had to work at his uncle shop. Me ,Junsu, Yunho and Yoochun who just joining us at the cafe. Changmin our youngest one.” said Jaejong.

“Changmin!?” shouts Kyuhyun.

“Why? You know him?” said Junsu.

“Yes that bastard! He’s my childhood friend.He left me all alone and now I had to take care of the shop! He’s gone for months now to japan.” said Kyuhyun frustrated.

Junsu chuckled at the lycan reaction.

“Well he has family stuff to do. You had to forgive him.”

In midst of commotion, Jaejong finish listing the vip information for Leeteuk.

“So they all consist of vampire and werewolf?” said Leeteuk.

“That’s why the rebellion happen. They want to bring back the dark ages where only two kin ruled this world. They willing to work for each other just to bring down the council. I think they might have something they need from Yesung hyung.” said Jaejong.

“It can't be for his blood. There’s might be something else.” said Kangin.


Yesung had woken up with aching limb. He had forced to fall asleep on the couch without preparing anything. He look around and saw a breakfast had been prepared for him.

“Tsk. Why bother to buy a breakfast for me if you want to kill me sooner or later?” said him but still munching on it.

After finishing his food, he walk around the room to kill his boredom. Something on the wall had caught his attention. A few photos of him in weird angles were plastered all over the wall.

“He really did looking for me this long.”

In his hand was a photo possibly dated back in the year 1920’s. then it’s hit him after dealing with the witch all this time.

“He’s… immortal too?”

Now he had realize the first time Kibum came to him in the dream, he had talk about the witch being the son of the last witch he killed. It’s never occur to him how they had survive for 300 years long, searching for him without stopping.

He began to look for something on the mountain of books on the floor.

‘Book of black magic… where is it. He had to use that to survive… he must have stole them from somewhere…’ thought him.




“It’s not there.”

Unknown to him he had been searching for the said book for hours and Kibum had already came back from the meeting.

“Eh? Em… what is---”

“Tsk, I can read you, dummy. Yes I use it. It’s necessary for me to live hundreds years.”

“Just to kill me…” muttered Yesung sadly.

Kibum sighed. He pull the smaller to the couch and sit next to him.

“I never wanted to kill you…”

“Pardon?” Yesung thought the witch playing jokes on him.

“Trust me. I do this for your own good. Mom knows what will happen to her when she received a notice for her arrival to the  witch council.” said Kibum, he turn to face Yesung who still had the ‘you kidding me’ look.

“Listen. Before the council forced her to go to your colony, she had transfer half of her power to me. But together with the power, she send me a message. She didn’t want me to take a revenge to the council or even to the human if something happen to her.”

“But… In the dream… you look so angry…” said Yesung timidly.

“Yes I am. Who wouldn’t. you know how it’s feel losing your loved one right? But after the news of her death come to us, I can’t help but to seek a justice for my mom. No one listen to me. So together with my brother, we took off to search for you.”

“Your brother?”

“Em… he’s.. a little bit different. He was closed to our mom. Unlike me, he never got the power and he was okay with it but after the death or our mom, he change. 360 degree. Literally a whole new person. After years of searching you, I was reminded by mom’s last message and regret dragging him along my journey. He was so full of hatred that he won’t listen to me. So instead of canceling the search, I stick with him so I can get to you first.”

Yesung saw the sincerity in the younger face. With heads hang low, he muttered his apologize to the younger. Regretting his act that had causing the siblings to suffer the same loss.

“No. I should apologize to you. And about the cursed I put on you? I had to do it. I know Taemin had been doing something by himself behind my back. He saw us at the cafe the other day and it’s proved that that he had been watching over me. So from now on, stop thinking me in the bad way.” said Kibum.

“Why are you telling me all this? I mean,I appreciate it so much…” said Yesung.

“At the meeting today, your friend from the cafe came. They look so worried. So I’m thinking of giving you back to them tomorrow. But we need to lure out Taemin first. He had been working with the rebellion now. I know he’s trying to catch you and fools the rebellion in thinking of getting me to work with them by using you as a bait. But I’m sure Taemin would kill you right away if they get you first.”

“He can’t kill me. I mean, only you can.” said Yesung mockingly.

Kibum chuckled before smirking to him.

“Well duh he can. He’s a white witch too.”



A/N: i told you Kibum not bad at all!!!! I didn't?  My bad hehe. People should know by now that I'm obsessed with Kim's brother so i won't do such a thing for uri Kibumie~~~ so how's the revelation ~~

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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401 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
401 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
401 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
401 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
401 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
401 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
401 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
401 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?