Knock Knock

Red is the Devil's Color

Jihyo's surprise didn't wear off until a few moments where the woman in front of her was waving her hand to Jihyo's face.

She spoke again this time in local language.

"Hello." She simply said awkward smile and twitching fingers and all.

Jihyo swallowed hard. "W-what can I do for you?" She mentally berates herself for being a stuttering mess. And she hasn't ever been this way. Well not if you count the day she first became vocal about her Dad being right.

"Oh. I'm sorry I thought you were the person I was looking for turns out I had the wrong door." Nayeon said, bowing and walking away.

That stunned and confused Jihyo even more.


Days after the sleepover at the hotel, everyone was back in the swing of things.

Mina and Jeongyeon were mainly on call for duty at the department since they still needed time to fully recover from their injuries, still she can't shake the feeling when Jihyo opened the door to the strange woman.

She has used her many nights at home looking up any potential language it may have been. And thinking of any possible thing to translate what the woman said.

Sighing Mina took a long sip of her tea, scrolling past the new messages and the most recent message got her on her feet, grabbing her jacket and walking out the flat in a hurry.



The blood dripping and the lifeless body of the victim hanging in the aerial yoga silks hanging from the ceiling was the first thing Mina saw when she entered the room.

The lights flashed and Momo was already processing the scene.

"Get me up to speed, Mo." Mina said her gloves already on trying to avoid walking on the blood drips on the floor.

"Vic is the owner and trainer in this here private gymt with her brother who's also a trainer here. Brother and sister combo Taehyun Lee and Samwoo Lee. Processed most of the scene but we have someone special to process." Momo said grimly. 

Mina was redirected into the opposite room. A makeshift holding site for the people that were gonna be processed.

"Mina?" The voice came from the woman sitting down at the far end of the room.

"Jeongyeon? What are you doing here?" Mina asked setting down her kit next to her, noticing Jeongyeon's bloody clothes and hands.

"I want to tell you but Sana wanted me to tell it to a detective first. But let me cut it down for you." Jeongyeon sighed. "Been working out here a week after I got the all clear to go back to work and you were still in the hospital. Met Taehyun when I jogged past here, she was hosting a clinic for rehab. I signed up and before I know it I was going here thrice a week for the clinic."

Mina nodded, her camera shutter going off Jeongyeon's hands and clothes in the view as Mina clicked and shot away.

"Went to class today since it was Yoga week and Taehyun promised aerial silks. Got very excited bout it because it's gonna be like flying." Jeongyeon said showing her palms to the camera. "Everyone was waiting for Taehyun to open the door because she always likes to greet everyone before the class starts. I guess it was her way of checking up on us." Jeongyeon said.

"Okay Jeongyeonnie, you know the drill I would need your clothes." Mina said.

"Say no more." Jeongyeon said pulling the fitted shirt she was wearing over her head.

"Then what happened?" Mina said placing the shirt in a paper bag.

"Well it was thirty minutes late and it wasn't like Taehyun to start class late, so I told the receptionist to page her but she wasn't answering. The door was locked so I got worried. Called in her brother but he was a no show, so I got the receptionist to open up the doors for us and then we saw her, I ran in to check her pulse but with that many blood lost she's a goner." Jeongyeon sighed finishing putting on a brand new set of clothes.

"Well, Sana would want to hear everything. Momo will take you back to PD, I'll see what happened here, send everything to Chaeng. Hopefully whoever did this left something behind." Mina said shutting her kit and slinging her camera around her neck. "Looks like I'll be working this one without you Jeongyonnie.

Mina started taking pictures of the scene, most of the evidences were already collected by Momo but she wanted to work on the blood. She pressed the record button on her voice recorder.

"Victim is female, late twenties, fitness instructor. Primary location located west of gym, owned and operated by the victim Taehyun Lee and brother Samwoo Lee. Blood pool suggest that the victim suffered significant blood loss, spattering of blood consistent with sharp force injury or blunt force trauma." Mina paused capturing photos and surveying more of her surroundings.

"Directional blood drops suggest that the weapon was carried out of the room. No visible signs of blood out of the door leading to the hallway.." Mina said shining a light out to the hall.

Mina re-swabbed all of the surfaces that has blood, she was sure that Momo got all the swabs but she wanted to make sure and be as thorough as possible, she was about to leave when she noticed the handle of the adjacent room.


Business has been good for Chateau Annie, event after event has been happening there and Jihyo couldn't be any more busier than ever, but still she couldn't shake the face of the woman that came knocking on her hotel door. Her face might have been of a young woman, but her eyes holds more truth like she has been alive for centuries, not to mention the language that she was speaking, the language of angels; ancient and lost. And not many of them knows them and yet here was a woman clearly pretending to be human.

Jihyo sighed, her nerves are acting up again even after days of the incident. She needs to get away for a little while. she needs to go on a run, she picked up her office phone and her assistant answered.

"Yes Miss Park?" Her assistant's voice piercing through the receiver.

"Yeri, cancel all my meetings and appointments today. And tell Mister Young I won't be able to attend his daughter's ceremony. Send him my regards and have the team send him a gift basket with the wine he likes." Jihyo said, swiveling her chair to face the skyline behind her.

"Does this have anything to do with the lady that asked you?" Yeri asked, her voice serious.

"Yeri, just do as I say. I don't have time to play twenty questions with you right now and I've been losing focus as it is." Jihyo sighed. "This angel might have been keeping tabs on us. Why would she be here anyways?"

"No one could think of such a possibility." Yeri scoffed, her tone on the sarcastic side and Jihyo took notice.

"Say it again and I'll personally send you to hell. And not to that sweet, sweet place you call purgatory. The damned stays damned and you just might be one of them. I'll punish you myself if I have to Mazzan." She growled.


Tzuyu closed up her suture kit, the body of a beautiful woman yet again laid on her slab, sometimes she thinks that being the youngest medical examiner is all just a big joke. But then again she took comfort of being able to help the people that lays on her slab. 

Mina came knocking on the door and was granted permission to enter, one thing Tzuyu never liked was being disturbed while she performs the autopsies. But it was Mina and she was finished so she let her in.

"Hey Tzu." Mina said grimly. "Any luck in finding our cause of death?"

Tzuyu nodded. "COD suggests blunt force trauma, significant force exerted to bash her skull in, multiple bruises to her forearms suggest that she put up a fight. She also had a fractured jaw which meant she was struck to the face and then to the head." Tzuyu said, picking up her report. "Liver temp was reported and recorded at eighty-four degrees she's been dead for more or less eight hours by the time Momo saw her."

Mina nodded, "Pretty gory death for a zen instructor, question is who wanted her dead?"


Momo happened to be passing by the lab when Chaeyoung called her in. "Got your tox report, and DNA analysis. Got some help from Dahyun, finally some use for her in the lab. I wonder why Sana doesn't want her here her eyes and nose are a miracle to this Earth. Did you know she saw something odd in the tox report just by sniffing the aerial silk you brought in?" Chaeyoung rambled.

"Chaengie, chaengie." Momo placed a finger to Chaeyoung's lips, "The results of tox and DNA? You were saying you found something?"

Chaeyoung nodded. "I actually found some flunitrazepam in her system, she was knocked out. Before she was killed. I also ran the fingerprints you sent over, the blood was solely from out victim, although the silks tell us a different story. I found three DNA contributors, one obviously our victim and two unknown males."

Momo hummed. "Tzuyu didn't mention any ual activity from the victim, no collected either, when I interviewed the receptionist the said that the silks were delivered to the gym as a new installment for the class."

"Well the I found was only on the silk we found our dear old victim in. Talk about nasty but yeah. There was an unknown print on both hooks of the silks. I ran them through the DNA system and I got nothing." Chaeyoung said putting down her clipboard.

"Well Mina would wanna hear this so I'll head on over to Sana, let me know if you have anything. I'll check up n Dahyun too. I really wish we have Jeong working this case with us." Momo said walking away from Chaeyoung's door.


"Hey. You got a minute?" Mina peeked through Sana's door.

"You got something for me?" Sana said, her glasses perched on her nose reading a report.

"Yeah, Momo just came back from Dahyun. She processed the phone and we ran the victim's call logs and an hour before she was killed she got a phone call probably from who ever killed her." Mina sat down on the edge of Sana's desk.

"We got a name on this mystery caller?" Sana asked, taking off her glasses.

"We still need that warrant Sana-ya." She said tucking away a stray strand of hair behind Sana's ear. "Have you talked to Jeongyeon yet?"

Sana sighed, "She can't be on the case Minari. I believe that she was involved with the victim romantically."

Mina quirked an eyebrow obviously surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Well, apparently while you were in the hospital she was going out with our victim." Sana sighed. "This could be a complete conflict of interest and I won't risk Jeongyeon getting in trouble with internal affairs, I'm also confident that you and Momo working this case will turn up names and we can finally put the person who did this behind bars."

"Well as soon as we have that warrant I'll get you a name." Mina said getting up to leave Sana's office.

"Close the door on your way out, I'll get you that warrant." Sana said picking up her office phone.


Sweat was pouring down Jihyo's face, but she can't seem to stop running. Her head still cloudy with that voice trying to rack her memory on who that angel was and what she wanted with her.

She switch up the song on her phone again and blasted up the volume trying to drown her thoughts of the angel of the loud thumping bass in her ears.

Her lungs felt like it was going to explode, but she needed to run another lap in her opinion, but instead her mind is racing back to the face of the woman that knocked behind her hotel door. Frustrated, Jihyo grabbed her phone of her holster and dialed Yeri's number that was on speed dial.

The cheerful and peppy voice came at the end of Jihyo's receiver.

"Miss Park?" Yeri's voice curious for Jihyo's call when she has sent the brunette home early for cancelling all her meetings.

"Yeri, I need intel on every angel here on Earth, and I mean photos, angel names, vessel names, addresses. I need to know who that angel is and what she needs from me. No angel has ever set foot on Chateau Annie, except business from heaven." Jihyo angrily rambles quickening her pace towards the end of the park.

Jihyo rolled her eyes , thunder rumbling in the distance. Angels surely fight so hard they shake the heavens without their Father around, she fought hard to suppress a sneer, but she failed.

"Jihyo, are you sure about this? You know that we could lose a lot of leashed for this." Yeri said her tone growing more concerned.

"Yeri, you know damn well that if heaven is plotting something against my father then I have to put a stop to it. This concerns every demon including you. And if they think they can get rid of us then they have another thing coming." Jihyo said, smashing the end call button almost breaking her phone screen.


The warrant came as quick as Sana promised it would. And after that they wouldn't have any problems dealing with the phone company about call logs and names.

Mina sat in her in her office reviewing crime scene photos, re-reading the earlier reports, when Dahyun came knocking at her office door.

Mina motioned for her to come in.

"Hey." Dahyun sounded nervous, a tone Mina isn't used to. "I got the name of our mystery caller, you might wanna read this in Sana's office."

Mina took the folder containing the name of their possible suspect and left Dahyun in her office making way for Sana's.

Sana raised an eyebrow when Mina came barging in her office, "What's the matter Minari?"

"I have the name." Mina said tossing the folder on to Sana's desk. "Tell me who it is so we can arrest that son of a ."

Sana opened the folder and scanned through the details printed, and she couldn't contain her shock when she saw the name.

"Park Jihyo."Sana said in complete shock.

Mina's face mirrored Sana's shocked expression, "Jihyo? Like Jihyo that person we all are friends with? The one I told Jeongyeon and you, I think was bad news?"

"Mina, relax. I want to remain unbiased as possible. Just get her down here and talk to her." Sana said getting up from her chair and picking up her phone. "You need a warrant. Gear up and bring uniforms with you."

Mina parked her car in the basement of Chateau Annie with Jihyo's warrant in hand, five uniformed officers behind her. "Alright, we'll just ask her to come with us just nice and calm. If she doesn't we go cuff her and then we bring her to HQ."



The elevator ride to Jihyo's floor was awfully quiet, Mina's mind racing through all the possible things that can go and before she knows it the elevator doors open to Jihyo's private floor.

The floor was relatively empty, the few rooms on the floor has the lights and doors closed, except for Jihyo's office door that was ajar.

Mina walked to the door and pushed it open, revealing Jihyo's back to her while she was changing. Mina cleared to alert Jihyo of her presence, and a scantily clad Jihyo turned around surprised to see Mina by her door.

"Mina!" Jihyo exclaimed, her fresh shirt covering er chest. "I-I didn't notice you were there. I thought the office was empty, I sent everyone home."

"I, uh. Sorry. I didn't mean to barge in like this. I'll give you a moment to change." Mina said closing the door.

"Oh, no. Please take a seat. I'll finish up." Jihyo said turning her back to Mina again and putting in on her shirt.

Mina tried to avoid looking at Jihyo's back; her toned back muscles and her slender shoulders, but what caught Mina's attention was turned to Jihyo's shoulder blades, the black spots on her back symmetrical in shape and placement. Mina marveled at Jihyo's odd birthmark.

Jihyo faced Mina again now fully dressed hair tied in a messy bun.

"Sorry again for barging in like that." Mina said.

Jihyo smiled, "No harm done. But what brings you here Mina? Anything I can help with?" she asked settling herself on the edge of her office table.

"Well I'm actually here to ask you to come to the HQ with me, well us." Mina said before getting cut off by Jihyo.

"Wait, wait. Us? Is Jeongyeon with you?" Jihyo asked, worry spread across her features.

Mina shook her head. "It's just routine questioning. Me and Sana just have a few questions and then we'll let you go."

Jihyo suddenly looked at Mina suspiciously.

"Or you think I did something that's why you're bring me down to your office. Is that it? Should I be talking to my lawyer?"

Mina sighed, "Jihyo please just come with me at HQ and then we'll see if you need your lawyer."

"And if I refuse?" Jihyo said, eyeing Mina from head to foot.

"Then I'd be force to slap some cuffs on you and have you escorted by the officers I'm with." Mina said trying to reason with Jihyo. Suddenly her doubts turned into concern for the woman she's facing.

"Fine, I will come with you and cooperate." She said picking up her phone making her way to the door. "I want to talk to my assistant after."

Mina nodded, standing up from her seat. "You can ride with the cops or you can ride with me. I promise I don't go beyond the speed limit and I have cup holders."

Jihyo smiled and walked out her office door.


Dahyun so lost in her digital world, tracking a killer wasn't her thing per se, being an old time hacker had its perks before. But ever since she was busted by Sana in a sting op she was offered a chance to live a new life again. Not behind bars.

Perhaps living the life of good is okay, but Dahyun isn't going back to her old ways. Not when she has something cares more about now than just making money.

Her thoughts were interrupted with Chaeyoung standing in front of her.

"I need you to look at this." Chaeyoung said, holding a sheet of paper. "This is the result of the I found on the silk sheets."

Dahyun carefully skimmed the name. "Samwoo Lee. Nice. It's always the brother isn't it?"

Chaeyoung smacked her arm. "Focus, now there was no match on the other male contributor. But I think I know how it got on there."


Mina took a deep breath, Sana was already waiting for her out of the interrogation room. She steadied herself once more. Unsure why is it that she was suddenly like this when she's done this a hundred times in the past. Alone, or with anyone with the team. Mina knew that this isn't how she should feel like going into questioning.

She looked at the glass in front of her, and Jihyo was clear as day. Her short wavy locks, in her plain but neat tee. She still looked amazing. ' Stop it Myoui. Objective. She's your friend but right now she can be a possible suspect in a homicide.'   She chides herself.

The door to the recording/listening room swung open as Sana walked in. "Well, this is the time to not trust her, Mina. Remember, we're doing our jobs; let's not let any personal biases affect the interrogation."

Mina has always been amazed how Sana can turn from a bubbly, sweet person to a strict, take-no-bull , serous, will probably kill you if you lie type of captain and leader. She nodded taking a deep breath before she steps out into the interrogation room.

"Detective Myoui, Captain Minatozaki." Jihyo nodded curtly.

"Jihyo." Sana greeted, her usual bubbly and playful tone replaced of a flat tone. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here."

"Quite frankly I am." Jihyo said lacing her fingers together on the table.

"Well we identified your number in one of our cases." Sana said. "Where were you earlier between five to seven am?"

"I was early in our office, I had a drive around the neighborhood, I dropped by a coffee shop to grab a breakfast meal since I had a full day today." Jihyo shifted in her seat.

"Can anyone confirm that?" Mina added.

"I think the coffee shop has some security cams. I was at the office before six am. Read and responded to all my emails, and yes my assistant was there already she can confirm that." Jihyo continued.

"Well this is the victim. Do you know her?" Mina said laying a photo of Taehyun on Tzuyu's slab.

Jihyo swallowed hard. "Taehyun. Yeah I know her. I have no idea this happened to Taehyun." Lie. Jihyo definitely knew why Taehyun died, but she wasn't about to tell two cops that Taehyun's soul was already in bliss and that a reaper reported to her about Taehyun's passing. "You don't think I killed her do you?" Jihyo looked at Mina and then Sana.

"Jihyo, we also linked your bank statement and transactions to Taehyun, she's been wiring you money since last year." Mina said laying a stack of papers in front of Jihyo.

"I'm her client. Since I started running the hotel it wasn't much of an easy task to do, but nonetheless I love doing what I do. I met Taehyun before she put up shop with her brother, I loaned her some money to put up her business and she's been paying for it ever since, I didn't want her to pay it back because she was like a sister to me, but she insisted on paying, so I told her could just pay me half. I also hired her to be my full time personal trainer.

"So, you wouldn't mind giving us a sample of your DNA to compare the DNA we found at the crime scene?" Mina leaned on the table.

Not at all, Mina. I'd be happy to cooperate with you with anything that you need. That being said, my hotel, my office and staff, and my penthouse are for your perusal. If you'd like I'm available to start with the DNA sample, as I have nothing to hide and I want to be of help."

Mina and Sana exchanged looks, "Well Mina, we have her permission we just need warrants. I'll work on it as soon as possible. In the meantime you can take Jihyo's DNA. Have the Chaeyoung send the results to my office as soon as she gets it." Sana said standing up from her seat. "I'll let you know as soon as we have the warrants and when we're going to one of your properties."


Mina led Jihyo to a holding room and drew the blinds.

Jihyo was looking around. "You're not going to hurt me are you detective?"

Mina smiled weakly as she laid her DNA swab kit on the table near the seat. "Sana would have me arrested in a snap, so no need to worry about that."

"Alright so I'm just going to swab the inside of your cheek and then I'm going to need the clothes you're wearing right now so we can process them."

Jihyo nodded. "Well we should get started then."

Mina swabbed the inside of Jihyo's cheeks, Jihyo's intense gaze watching over Mina's every action.

"What's wrong?" Mina asked, closing up the swab and bagging it as evidence.

Jihyo hummed. "Nothing. I guess I figured you just didn't like me that's all." She said matter of factly. "I mean the first time I met you I swear I thought you saw the devil." Jihyo laughed.

Mina joined in the laughter, albeit she still has recurring nightmares about the coma and the shooting, she has the courage now to talk and laugh about it, when Jihyo's face turned pensive, not a single crease was even visible on her face.

"What if I am a devil, Mina?" Jihyo's tone almost hypnotic to Mina and as weird as it sounded, Mina was sure she heard layers of voices in Jihyo's voice, she suddenly feels nauseated and sick to her stomach.

But when Jihyo smiled and laughed like she was doing earlier, the nauseating feeling was gone as soon as it came.

"I'm kidding, Mina. I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Seeing as I'm a possible suspect in this after all aren't I?"

Mina didn't answer but she motioned for Jihyos clothes so she can bag them.

When Jihyo stood up to take her shirt off Mina saw the odd birthmark again, this time they looked as if it was burned into her skin instead if it looking like a birthmark.

"Jihyo.." Mina started, wanting to ask Jihyo the story of her birthmarks, but then decided to not ask. "I'll go ahead and stay by the door, you can hand your clothes to me on your way out. I got you some sweats and a tee to change into. I'll take you to Sana afterwards."

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
15 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.