Wake Me Up

Red is the Devil's Color

The paramedics couldn't have picked a better time to bust in, with Jeongyeon's bleeding shoulder and Mina's unconsciousness the race against the clock had already begun long before. 

"Take her, take her. Make sure she's going to be alright." Jeongyeon said her hands and voice trembling, taking them away in separate gurneys to their respective ambulances. 

Momo interviewed Jihyo, being the only witness to the shooting. 

"So how come you were here before us? The elevator was broken and we didn't exactly see you by the stairs." Momo said her pen scribbling away on her notepad. 

"Well detective, we have two emergency exits here at my hotel, and a service elevator. I was informed by my security team when they saw the woman pull out a gun so I rushed to the service elevator after I have already left you detectives." Jihyo said calmly as if there wasn't an attempted homicide happen at her hotel.

Momo took note of that, but before she could ask some more she noticed the blood stain on Jihyo's dress. "Why are you all bloody?" 

Jihyo looked down on her dress and rolled her eyes. "It must've been from when I stood too close to Detective Yoo. Don't worry about it detective, I'm alright." She smiled. 

Momo still jotted down on her notepad, taking in the accounts as to Jihyo saw the shooting happen. 

"....I was actually late, I heard two gun shots as I opened the door. The shooter was simply too preoccupied to have noticed me entering. I walked over to Detective Myoui and gave her the sleeves of my dress to keep on her wound because she was bleeding out too fast." Jihyo recounted. 

Momo closed her notebook and thanked Jihyo for the interview, "Thank you Miss Park, we'll have to cordon off the lounge and pool area for the time being. After we process the crime scene we'll eventually clear everything and we'll have someone check up with you for the security footage you mentioned. Thank you." She smiled and left to process the scene. 

Jihyo looked back at her lounge and pool, Mina's blood pool still wet, it's metallic scent drifting to her senses. Mina's hooded eyes trained directly at her seeing her horns and all. 

She shook off the look on Mina's face during the moments she saw her in her half state focusing on the detectives running about her floor to process the crime scene, she knows what she needs to be done.

As soon as the ambulance came to a halt and Mina was transferred to an operating room, the doctors wasted no time, an intravenous line hooked up to Mina's right arm for blood, while fluids were hooked up on her left, and tube going down to provide her air. 

Mina's shoulder wound was sutured closing both ends of the holes, she'll be sling buddies with Jeongyeon for weeks. Once the doctors were able to close her up there they opened a section of her abdomen, the second bullet lodging itself inside her, luckily for Mina it didn't hit anything major or shatter inside her. A miracle nonetheless. 

She made it out of surgery with no hitch, her vitals looked good, she was stable. Heavily sedated, Mina was then transferred to the intensive care unit where a guard was posted on her door. 

Eight days later....

Jeongyeon was glad to have her wound patched up, the sling and she needs to take at least two weeks off to heal before she got back to the force, she worried about Mina a lot in her down time, when they both got off the table they were fine. But twelve hours post-op Mina's vitals were all over the place, and she was seizing despite the heavy influence of the sedative, her muscles kept twitching and often times Jeongyeon would notice a brand new bruise. 

Of course she asked the doctor about it the moment she was allowed to visit, but after a few careful checks, there wasn't any internal bleed, or anything for that matter. The doctor gave Mina some intravenous blood thinners hoping that the bruises will go away. And they did, but they kept coming back. 

Jeongyeon stayed all day and night sometimes, if Momo, Sana and Dahyun, or Tzuyu and Chae were to busy, or if they don't protest that Jeongyeon go home and sleep, she was shot too and she was supposed to be recovering. At least that's what everyone says. 

So when the third day Jeongyeon was visiting she was surprised to see Jihyo by Mina's bed side. 

"Mina, look I got you flowers, you hate them but you still think they're--" Her sentence was cut off by the sudden sight of Jihyo. "I-- Hello Ms. Park."

"Hello, detective." Jihyo nodded curtly. 

"What brings you here?" Jeongyeon inquired, placing the flowers inside the vase by Mina's bedside table. 

"Detective Hirai came by the hotel and mentioned that Detective Myoui was having a hard time to recover. So I thought I drop by and see her, as well as give you this." Jihyo handed over a flash drive. "That contains security footage of the day Songjoo has checked in to the hotel up until the time of the shooting." 

"Thank you, I'll personally see to it that Dahyun gets this." Jeongyeon nodded. 

"So how is she?" Jihyo asked. "Detective Hirai told me of seizures and bruises?" 

Jeongyeon explained everything, from the seizures to the fluke bruises, and Mina crashing that one time all of them was there. 

Mina could definitely feel her abdomen hurt, but her eyes were too heavy to open them, she traced her hand to where the pain was coming from and she doubled back in pain. 

The pain spread from her abdomen to her shoulders, to her head, searing pain coursed through her as she tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't she could see light behind her eyelids, a burning light so bright. She still tried to open her eyes, when a shrill shriek came from no where, the sounds of gun shots and suddenly her eyes are open just a crack. Fire, red hot fire on her skin, her pitch black eyes staring right at Mina. She couldn't move, her stomach still exploding in pain. Jihyo she thought, and everything was black again. 

Mina's monitors were flashing again, her heartbeat slowly decreasing, the monitor beeped. 

Jeongyeon ran to get the doctor while Jihyo stayed to guard Mina. 

Jihyo can hear Jeongyeon frantically shouting to get someone in Mina's room, Jihyo placed a hand on Mina's forehead, a fever tearing through her, as her bandages get soaked in blood due to her body writhing, she placed her hand over the wound. 

Jihyo noticed Mina's eyes open, wide and looking at her directly. She tried to call her but to no avail. Her eyes shut again before the doctor came in with the crash cart. 

Finally they got Mina to stabilize again, her bandage soaked in blood her stitches opened again.

Jeongyeon sighed, she hoped Mina would finally be stable once and for all. She worried about her a lot. 

"Detective Yoo. Get some rest, I can watch her for you." Jihyo said, settling down on the chair next to Mina's bed. 

Jeongyeon didn't have the heart to agree, but seeing how Jihyo handled the situation earlier when Jihyo was crashing she felt weirdly at ease with leaving Mina in her care. 

"Alright, I'll inform Momo, because she said she'd drop by later." Jeongyeon said. 

They spent a lot of talking, about Mina, how they met and the cases they solved and before and just like that it has been an hour that they've been talking. 

"I have to go, Jihyo are you sure you'll be okay watching Mina until Momo gets here?" Jeongyeon asked yet again. 

"Yes detective, I'm okay, I brought some knitting materials and some pocket books." Jihyo said settling down grabbing her knitting supplies. 

Jeongyeon shouldered her bag and waved Jihyo goodbye. 

As soon as the door closed Jihyo stood up and locked the door and closed the curtains. Looking around to make sure no one is around. 

Jihyo took out the pocket knife in her pocket, slicing her palm and drawing a pentagram on the floor, her lips moving but no sound coming out at all, when she opened her eyes it was black, her lips were still moving the chanting getting louder and louder. 

When she was done another person was in the room. 

Jihyo smiled, "Hello Soeon, or should I say, Astarte." 

"How did you know it was me your grace?" Soeon asked, her feet dangerously close to the edge of the circle. 

"Careful, you know what'll happen if you go beyond the line miss." Jihyo warned, grabbing her knitting needles and thread. "But to answer your question: it was the bruising. You always had a thing for blood, I guess that comes into territory when you hang around with blood guzzlers, and you're the only one that does that." She rolled her eyes. 

Soeon laughed, "You know me too well Jihyo. Tell me does your father know you're here?"

That struck a nerve, Jihyo glared at her but with her eyes all out it was hard to tell if it really was a glare. 

"I would have you know that he does know I am here and it is my choice to have come here." She sternly replied. 

"Your sister then." Soeon said smirking. 

Jihyo flew from her chair to the edge of the pentagram, her knitting needle at Soeon's throat. "Leave her out of this, and don't you dare or I will cut you and your vessel limb from limb. Here and in hell." 

Soeon tried to avert Jihyo's eyes. "Calm down, I'm just messing with you. But I'd be fun to have your sister around." Soeon grinned. 

Jihyo pushed the needle to Soeon's throat nicking the skin and drawing blood. "What do you need her for?" Jihyo gestured to Mina. 

Soeon rolled her eyes. "Kinda an easy thing isn't it... I need a new vessel"

Jihyo chuckled. "What for? You're band of blood chuggers need a juice box?" 

Soeon backed to the wall. "We need someone from the inside your ." 

Jihyo retracted the needle. "Inside?"

"The police, Jihyo. You think I don't know about Songjoo, she was our brightest star yet." Soeon wiped the blood trickling down her neck. 

Jihyo wiped the blood on her dress, "Care to explain how was she your brightest star, before I dismember you in hell so a won't have to deal with you here because we both know that I can end you."

Soeon laughed. "Your grace, we don't want to endanger these poor souls here do we? Your dad would be proud but i don't know about our big sis, now I just need this little one weak enough so I can get Ixuh inside her, after that I'll be out of your hair.

Something in Jihyo snapped, her body started shaking and her skin glowing, "Do not touch her, I swear to my dad that if you don't release her from your bind." Her voice sounded layered and deep, she grabbed Soeon's throat painfully crushing it. "She's mine, she's my vessel, and if you continue to mess with her, I'll have to place some calls down below and you won't even live to see another sunrise much less the fires of hell."

Jihyo released her tight hold on Soeon's throat, her face returning to a normal one of a human's, the other heaving to catch her breath, clutching .

"Now tell me what you know about what you know about Ahn Songjoo and make it quick." Jihyo said. 

Soeon sat on the floor and sighed. "She started with us a year ago. She was a tough cookie, she used a ouija board to contact a Ka Dongmin, I was visiting through hell, then I heard her and I came through. She was fun, she provided a lot of blood for my people and a lot of souls for me. You know a little cat-fishing like the people say to day. So we got her, but she got sloppy and I saw her long before and realized that we need someone on the inside. So what now?" 

"Thank you, well then now I have to kill you." Jihyo said getting ready to strike. 

"Wait, wait!" Soeon yelled. "A deal! A deal! Let me make you a deal." 

Jihyo stopped, retracting the knitting needles dangerously close to Soeon's chest. "A deal? With the duchess of hell, keep talking and you might just die right here and there is no going back." 

"A vessel for a vessel." Soeon said. 

Jihyo laughed. "I ought to kill you right now, how about I don't kill you and you leave my vessel alone. How about that hmm?"

"Look I know you don't trust me to leave her alone. So, a vessel for a vessel. That is my offer." Soeon said crossing her arms.

Jihyo nodded. "You're absolutely right, I do not trust you enough to leave my vessel alone. So.." she paused and struck Soeon. "I'm really not sorry, I'll see you in hell though." She smiled sweetly as Soeon's eyes rolled to the back of her head while Jihyo mutters something watching the body before her burn and disintegrate.

Jihyo smiled again wiping the needles off the hem of her red dress. "Don't worry detective you won't be bothered by that leech again." She said making her way to the chair by Mina's bedside. "Now, how about a cute sweater for you, hmm?" 


Jihyo was already half way to knitting Mina a sweater when the door opened with Momo carrying a full grocery bag of food and drinks. 

"Oh, Jeongyeon mentioned that you'd be here." Momo smiled. "I brought some food and drinks. I don't know what you liked so I just got us some jokbal and some ramyun." She said setting down the bag by the table.

"Thank you detective." Jihyo smiled putting down her needles and thread. 

"You knit?" Momo asked.

"Yes, I find it relaxing. Running a hotel isn't exactly what I was trained in." Jihyo said.

"Mina knits too. She made us each a scarf for Christmas last year, all in our favorite colors. Dahyun our tech person got three scarves because she has three favorite colors." Momo said pouring drinks for both of them. "So, is she any better? Any attacks while you were alone?" 

Jihyo shook her head. "She just slept while I told her about the hotel and other stuff. It was quite uneventful." 

"Other than the fact that I found who ever was trying to posses her and killed them." Jihyo thought. 

"Well that's good. I hope it's the road to getting her off the sedatives and have her recover awake. I miss Mina." Momo said offering Jihyo a drink. 


Mina felt relieved, the pain in her stomach instantly vanishing after suffering for a few horrible hours in her opinion but she's glad that the pain has passed. She still can't open her eyes but she could've sworn she heard people talking.

She immediately recognized Jeongyeon's voice talking to someone. She listened intently to what she heard was Jeongyeon and the woman talking about the cases her and Jeongyeon worked on together, but then it was time she learned that Jihyo the person that followed them out to their investigation and showed up at the shooting to try and save her. 

She heard the door close and it was quiet again. 

The next time she heard someone talking was Jihyo talking to someone, on the phone she guessed, but it sounded weird because it felt like the person was in the room with them. 

"Wait, wait!" the woman yelled. "A deal! A deal! Let me make you a deal." 

"A deal? With the duchess of hell, keep talking and you might just die right here and there is no going back." Jihyo replied.

"A vessel for a vessel." She said. 

Jihyo laughed. "I ought to kill you right now, how about I don't kill you and you leave my vessel alone. How about that hmm?"

And that was the last thing she heard as she felt her senses mute the outside world. 

The following three days was peaceful for all of them; Sana, Momo, Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung took turns with watching and keeping Mina company at the hospital and getting work done when they're at the station, building a case for the district attorney's office against Ahn Songjoo, and Jihyo visited when she can, sending new flowers and tons of food for Momo when she can't. 

Jihyo worked together with Jeongyeon and Momo, even though technically Jengyeon should still be on medical leave so the case building fell onto Momo's shoulders, but Jeongyeon refused to sit back and just watch Songjoo be free. 

"Hey Momo. New package from Jihyo." Jeongyeon said entering the door to Mina's room. "She explicitly mentioned to share to us what ever is in this gift basket." She said pointing at the note that has a big word SHARE on the note. 

"Okay fine, but if Mitang wakes up she gets all your shares." Momo pouted. 

"I'm onboard with that." Jeongyeon smiled walking towards Mina's side to look at her. "No changes?" 

Momo shook her head and sighed. "I told her if she wakes up now I'll buy her the game she wants on her console. Good news is the bruises are gone forever. Jihyo told me that the other day and I'm just glad."

Jeongyeon Momo's head with her left, while she held Mina's hand in her right. "She'll wake up soon Momo. Mina is a tough cookie, two bullets just slowed her down. But she'll always come back to us."

Momo nodded and wiped the forming tears in the corner of her eyes. 

Jeongyeon looking at her hand suddenly because she felt Mina squeezing her hand, her eyes still slightly hooded, but she's awake.

"Momo! Get the doctor!" Jeongyeon shouted and Momo scrambled to her feet and out the door.


The doctor removed the endotracheal tube down Mina's throat and she was back to breathing normally. 

"You shouldn't talk for a while, you've had the tube down there for almost two weeks and there could be severe sore throat, chest pain, difficulty in swallowing, and neck pain. So take it easy, you might get by with a pen and paper." The doctor said, looking directly at Mina and glancing at Jeongyeon. 

Momo accompanied the doctor out the door and said that she'll tell the others. 

Jeongyeon sat by Mina's bed relief palpable on her face. "Thank God you're now awake." Her eyes teary rubbing Mina's knuckles. "Momo promised to share whatever Jihyo sent us and well it's now just for you. Mina we missed you."

Mina's eyes went wide at the mention of Jihyo and Jeongyeon smiled. "Weird but we're sort of friends now. Especially her and Momo, I think they bonded over jokbal."

Momo opened the door, "I know Mina should be resting right now. But some people wants to see her." 

Sana, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu poured in. Carrying stems of flowers for Mina. Their cheers brought a smile to Mina's face. 

A knock came through the door and a head popped out. "Do you still have room for one?" 

"Jihyo come on in!" Momo gestured.

Mina's eyes are the size of saucers, squeezing Jeongyeon's hand hard, mouthing something to Jeongyeon.

"So how is our detective?" Jihyo asked, a wide smile spreading across her face.

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
15 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.