10, 9, 8

Red is the Devil's Color

An hour passed with her and Jeongyeon driving around the city in their car, with the case file on her lap showing the photo of the victim, and the contents of the case, slowly sipping her coffee not to spill even a drop on the papers in front of her.

“The vic is roughly on her early thirties, multiple gunshot wounds to the torso, all of which are close range, then about four rounds shot to her head.  I'd say it's over kill but I guess the killer really didn't want the girl alive." Jeongyeon said turning to the next corner

As she looked through the case file something struck her as odd, Mina had an eye for the things that were kinda throwing her off she has had that ever since she was a kid, but when ever she would notice these things it's like it would vanish before her eyes. Mina blinked again, she was sure there was a symbol she already saw sometime before on the victim's thigh, but when she looked again it vanished. 

"Any idea on the MO?" Mina said blinking rapidly and turning to the next page to read through. 

"None yet, but we're looking at the boyfriend as one of the prime suspects." the blonde shrugged briefly looking at Mina, "Hirai told me there wasn't any signs of forced entry, but we did get some of the swabs and some fingerprints to the lab. I'll have Chae get us something soon." she said while she unbuckled her seat belt and headed out

Mina nodded, they were approaching the crime scene a dozen or so police cars surrounded the house the mid morning heat finally coming through. Mina approached the police line and showed another officer her badge, the police cars and sirens wailing attracting an audience to gawk and gather, she was immediately greeted by Momo once she passed the police lines, another officer for the homicide division who was in charge of processing the crime scene. 

"Hey, okay so I just sent Chaeyoung the swabs I got," Momo said shoving her phone back in her pocket. "it's really bloody in there." she warned. 

Mina walked towards the house and looked back again on the gathering onlookers, one woman really caught her eye, she has wearing a red coat with her short brown hair curled and tucked behind her ear, directly looking at Mina. Another wail of the sirens and when she looked at the woman again she vanished. She shook it off and proceeded to the front door.

The smell of death and rot reached Mina's nose the moment she opened the front door, the once beautiful walls now ruined by the dried blood coming from all different angles. Mina trudged further in the house, looking for anything that would help her understand the case. 

"See anything Myoui?" Jeongyeon said gloving her hands in preparation of their search. 

Mina shook her head, she hasn't found something yet. By now she would've found something out of the ordinary, like misplaced items, missing pieces of furniture, but no, Mina hasn't found anything yet.

Mina wandered further, checking the room to her right, "Office" She mentally notes, creating a constructive floor plan of the house in her head. She starts her search again, going thoroughly to ever item before her. Inspecting every page of the books littered on the desk to the sills of the windows letting in sunlight to all the other rooms in the house, but everything is either wiped down or plain clean except for the bloody walls and floor. 

"Anything here?" Jeongyeon asked. Again Mina shook her head. "It's bugging you isn't it?" She raised an eyebrow. Mina sighed Jeongyeon was right, usually by now she would've seen or noticed anything, but it's like she's in a thick fog and she's just going around in circles. 

"Was there any sign of forced entry?" Mina asked getting up from where she was. 

"None, we might be looking at an inside job. We already have the boyfriend in custody but we have to hurry if he lawyers up then we won't get the chance." 

Mina felt defeated, there is something different in this house, like the killer was too careful, like they knew every step they were going to make. She went down the blood soaked hall. Then it hit her, "Why hasn't Momo taken the carpet?" 

Jeongyeon shrugged. "I mean she should've but you know Hirai." 

"Help me roll it up." Mina said getting on her knees. Surely enough just like Mina thought the killer wasn't so careful after all. 

"He might have cleaned up and made the place look pretty, he was so confident he left through the front door" Mina said, fishing her phone in her pocket to take a photo of a single bloody footprint. 

"As always, you always think of these things Mina." Jeongyeon nudged her shoulder. "Let's get to the lab and give this to Chae. I might have a feeling you'd want to meet our vic." 

Mina felt great, not only did she gather more evidence, she was glad she thought of that last minute. She smiled to her self while she walked to the exam room. 

"Someone's happy." Tzuyu said not even looking up from her clip board. "You found something didn't you?"

"She found a bloody print under the carpet." Jeongyeon boasted. "So where's our vic?"

"Alright ladies, meet our Jane Doe." Tzuyu said uncovering the cold body of a woman. "Seventeen stab wounds to the chest, multiple defensive wounds and lacerations to the arms and legs suggesting an altercation broke out, and she fought for her life. Four hit her lungs, 3 hit her heart and the other was just point blank. I'd say who ever did this was mad but they weren't done with her easily." Tzuyu said pointing at each of the wound. "She might have survived initially but three shots to the head ain't that pretty. All entry wounds are from the posterior side of the skull executioner style, but I guess they missed on the fourth." 

Mina pictured the scene in her head, trying to work out how this possible murder commence with out any one noticing it. 

"As you can see total rigor mortis has already set predominantly, she's been dead for maybe thirty-six to forty-eight hours or so." Tzuyu said placing her clip board down on the cold metal counter. 

"And no one even noticed her. No police reports, or missing person report." Mina said placing her hand on her hips. 

"One more thing you might want to know Mina..." Tzuyu pointed to a white scar proudly embossed on the girl's skin.

"Is that an X?" Mina asked as she looked closer. 

"I think it is.." Jeongyeon inspected. "Did we get any DNA match?" 

"I sent some up to Chaeng, I think she has some news for you upstairs. I'll let you know if I find anything else on her." Tzuyu said placing back the sheet on the victim's face.

The elevator ride to the lab where Chaeyoung gave Mina a lot of time to think: a possible motive, a possible suspect, a possible anything. 

The elevator doors open and they're greeted with the full cyber office. 

"What's up losers?" One person greeted.

"Hey Dahyun." Mina greeted back, "Have anything for us?"

"Welp... check this out." Dahyun said, typing on her keyboard. "Meet Riley Kang, thirty-two, elementary teacher. Last seen leaving her school. No missing persons report, no police report."

"Any records on her?" Mina asked. 

"Well she's clean, if you count a pull over four months ago as something then just that." Dahyun said, pulling up the DUI copy on the large screen. 

"Has Momo sent you the floor plan to the crime scene?" Jeongyeon inquired. 

"I just uploaded them on the dots program." She said pulling up the floor plan on her screen again. "This is from our 3D cams. So I just did a map to recreate how she was killed. Get ready for some magic."

Before Dahyun could even press the button, Jeongyeon's phone rang.

"It's Momo." she said, swiping on the screen of her phone. "Hey Momo. What's up?"

Jeongyeon's eyebrows furrowed, "Alright we'll be there soon. I'll tag Tzuyu along, alright. Bye"

"Any problem?" Mina asked as Jeongyeon took her coat. 

"They found another body. Get Tzuyu, I'll go get the car. Dahyun tell Chae I'll talk to her when we get back." Jeongyeon said hurrying out the glass doors. 

The drive to the creek to where they found the body was fairly quick, partly because of Jeongyeon's fast driving and because of isolated location of the body away from traffic. 

They got out of the car and dodge the police lines that cordoned off the location of the body. 

Camera flashes went off, a they walked over to Momo processing the scene. Tzuyu hurriedly prepared for the coroner's report. 

"What happened here Momo?" Mina asked, staring at the , bloody victim's body. 

"Single gash to the throat," Tzuyu said inspecting the body. "The bruising on her wrist and ankles suggest that she's bound. Blunt force trauma to the head, some scarring to her scalp. No defensive wounds, and..." Tzuyu stopped.

"What's the matter?" Jeongyeon asked.

Mina crouched down, to grab a syringe in Tzuyu's kit and jammed it down the victim's arm. "She's been drained of her blood."

"Why would anyone do that?" Momo asked snapping away at the wound and bruises on the body.

"I don't know Momo." Mina shook her head and pulled the syringe out. 

"Jeongyeon, Mina, you have to see this." Tzuyu said gesturing at the victim's ankle. 

"What is that?" Jeongyeon asked, looking closer.

"I think its a V and three I's" Mina said touching the scar.

Mina pursed her lips, "The other had an 'X' on her ankles right?" 

"Yeah." Jeongyeon's eyes transfixed to the scar, when they hear a branch snap.

Mina and Jeongyeon drew their gun, "Who's there?" Their finger ready to pull the trigger, another movement and Jeongyeon gives a chase. 

"Momo, don't leave Tzuyu, call for back up. I'll catch up to Jeongyeon." Mina said sprinting after her partner. 

Jeongyeon was panting, her gun holstered, her head on a swivel to see who she was chasing. "What the ?" she exclaimed upon seeing the clearing. 

Mina caught up to Jengyeon the blonde touching the blood soaked ground. A pentagram burned into the earth, Mina's heart quickens, her weapon still holstered, Mina reached for Jeongyeon. 

She turned around gun pointed at Mina, "Woah, woah, it's just me." Mina instinctively put her hands up in the air. 

Jeongyeon lowered her gun, "Get, Tzuyu and Momo. This isn't pretty." She said pulling out her phone to call. 

When Jeongyeon passed her she saw another body seemingly freshly dumped. 

More officers came to the site, firstly to take the first body back to the lab to await Tzuyu, while she pre-examine the third body. 

"Blunt force trauma to the lateral side of the cranium, and one swift laceration to the throat, again drained, but this is fresh. Rigor mortis hasn't set in fully, I'd say it's has been about 8 hours and.." Tzuyu inspected the girl's ankle. "An I and an X" she looked at Mina. 

"An X, a V and three I's, and now an I and an X." Mina crouched next to the body. "You know what this means?"

Momo shook her head and Tzuyu sighed. "We have more bodies we have to find."

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
15 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.