Chapter 4

One Letter Coffee 2.0

The elevator eventually arrived at the top floor and the doors opened. The elevator ride had for the most part been silent, neither of them saying much after introducing themselves. The other’s flirting had definitely not helped.

Once the doors were open, Junmyeon stepped out of the elevator, Jongin following right after. "I’ll see you later, handsome devil." And then he was gone, disappearing through a door. 


The top floor wasn’t what Junmyeon had expected. Instead of a big suite like he had initially thought it would be, it was just a big room. It wasn’t empty like the lobby though. There were some tables and chairs off to the side along with what looked like a bar, a stereo on the other side of the room and a ton of decorations. 

There weren’t that many people, yet at least. Junmyeon recognised Yixing, dressed up in his usual uniform, except the - obviously fake - blood and bruises. He could also see Zitao, Yifan’s assistant who apparently refused to get lemons from the basement, who was talking to Yixing by the bar. The younger was dressed up as... Junmyeon wasn’t really sure to be honest. 

He was wearing some black pants which reached his ankles, some weird belt and a loose shirt. A pirate? 


Minseok was there as well, talking to a group of people Junmyeon had no clue who were. He’d never seen any of them in his life. Junmyeon wasn’t completely sure what he was dressed up as either as he was standing pretty far away. It did look like he’d put a lot of light and dark makeup on though, making him look a little dead. 

Yifan was nowhere to be found though and Junmyeon didn’t really know what to do while he waited. He barely knew any of the few people there. 


After a moment of just standing there, looking around, he decided to go over to Yixing and Zitao. "Hi," he said once they were close enough to hear him, hopping onto one of the barstools. "What are you two dressed up as?"

The two turned to look at him, greeting him almost in sync. "A dead chef," Yixing replied. "I thought I’d dress up as well, even though I’ll be spending most of my time in the kitchen."

"I’m a pirate," Zitao said. Junmyeon then noticed a hat in front of him. It was a classic pirate hat with a red feather on it. "Want to hear some pirate pick up lines I’ve come up with? They’re really good, don’t listen to Yixing. He doesn’t know the art of seduction." Yixing just laughed. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead."


The youngest cleared his throat as if he was about to have a speech or something. "Just because one eyes is patched doesn’t mean I don’t see how beautiful you are," he said and Yixing let out a chuckle from the other side of the bar. "And that’s not the worst one," he commented. "He has plenty of bad ones."

"Excuse me? I’m trying to show off my pick up lines to this handsome devil here."

Zitao cleared his throat again, shooting Yixing a glare before looking back at Junmyeon, his hat now on his head. "Arr you free this Saturday?" Junmyeon couldn’t help but laugh along with Yixing. They really did get worse. 

"You’re just jealous there aren’t any good chef ones," Zitao grumbled. "Your loss. Should’ve picked a better costume."

"Hey, unlike you I’m actually doing something productive," Yixing replied. "While you’re here, telling Junmyeon, who has a boyfriend, bad pirate pick up lines." Junmyeon opened his mouth to tell him they were just dating and that they weren’t official yet, but he stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. 


Junmyeon immediatly recognised the painted on grin. "Partying without me, are we?" Jongdae removed his hand from the older’s shoulder to wrap his arm around him. "I heard pick up lines. What’s going on?"

"Oh, Zitao’s just telling Junmyeon some really bad pirate pick up lines," Yixing explained and Jongdae gasped dramatically. "You’re getting pick up lines from someone else than your boyfriend-, I mean date. I’m shocked. Junmyeon, how could you?" 

"Are they good?" The younger continued before Junmyeon could reply. "Does he have you swooned?"


"Yes, they’re good," Zitao said. Yixing laughed, turning around and disappearing through a door Junmyeon assumed must lead to the kitchen. "Want to hear?"

"Hit me."


"That’s not an echo, my parrot thinks you’re beautiful too."

"Oh, that’s bad." Jongdae let go of Junmyeon, taking a look around the room. "Good luck with that, you’ll need it if you’re actually telling someone that. I’ll go find Chanyeol. He left to go to the bathroom a while ago. He’s probably lost somewhere."

"Where’s Sehun, then?" Junmyeon asked before he could leave. "Talking to some random guy in a striped suit. I thought this was a costume party." 


Jongdae pointed to the other side of the room and Junmyeon turned to look. He couldn’t see anyone as there was a person in the way. Had they just been standing behind him the entire time? 

He tilted his head up to look, and right in front of were a pair of fangs, some fake blood and red contacts. 


The shriek he let out was very manly and not at all embarrassing.


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Currently entering uni so updates might be slow from now on


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MarieJane #1
Chapter 17: OMG... the plastic cups are out at last.
2447 streak #2
Chapter 17: I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT SO MUCH GUYS! but tbh, if Jongdae didn't in at that moment, they would've been officially dating already! HAHAHAHA

anyway, it's finally over! no more secrets, no more Jun wondering what Jongdae and Luhan are trying to spell out with the cups! it was such an elaborate setup so i really want to thamk the others for that...

obviously they would say yes, right? I'LL RIOT IF NOT! HAHAHAHAHA
Myeonni2020 #3
Yayyyy... An update
2447 streak #4
Chapter 16: why is Jongin so shameless??? and he's so dense lmao as if it wasn't clear enough that he wasn't welcomed in the cafe, i hope he gets the message now, tho i doubt it
shahida6 #5
Chapter 16: Jongin is so annoying ( ̄_ ̄) He needs to leave Jun alone otherwise imma fight him (ง •̀_•́)ง
shahida6 #6
Chapter 15: Yifan keeps trying to ask Jun to be his boyfriend but someone’s always got to interrupt him!

This fic is adorable!!
Chapter 15: Poor yifan has been trying to pop the question for awhile now hope luhan and their friends plan is a success
Chapter 15: Poor yifan has been trying to pop the question for awhile now hope luhan and their friends plan is a success
MarieJane #9
Chapter 15: Can't wait for the next chapter.
2447 streak #10

ughhhh things were going so well! they were spending alone time together, being so sweet and cuddly... and they really were just there!!! Kris was abt to ask him already!!! UGHHHHHHH

i think it would be funnier if the others push thru with the plan, but Yifan and Jun are together already HAHAHAHA