Chapter 3

One Letter Coffee 2.0

Fifteen minutes until the party started and Junmyeon was standing outside of the hotel along with Jongdae. Chanyeol and Sehun weren’t there yet, but they still had fifteen minutes and it wasn’t like they were going to skip the opportunity to party with possible billionaires.


"Well? Are we going inside or not?" Jongdae eventually asked. Junmyeon wasn’t really paying attention, too busy looking at the hotel, wondering where the party even was. There had to be at least fifty floors. Where could it be? At the top? At the ground floor? 

"Huh? Oh. I don’t know," Junmyeon replied. "Isn’t it a little early? There's still ten minutes left until it starts." Jongdae sighed, wrapping his arms around himself. "So? It’s not abnormal to show up ten minutes early. They’re not going to throw us out and make us wait outside."

"I guess you’re right."

"Yes, I am. And thank God, I’m freezing."


"Well... This was anticlimactic. I was expecting some decorations or something," Jongdae commented, following the older into the lobby. It was empty and quiet, not even a single Halloween decoration was anywhere to be seen. "Are you sure this is the place?"

"It should be." Junmyeon was beginning to doubt it was as well. It could be across the street for all he knew, or maybe next door. There weren’t any people either, and he couldn’t hear anything, neither music nor talking.

The two found some chairs, sitting down to wait for the other two, who had still not arrived. They couldn’t be far away though. Maybe there was a lot of traffic.


"Everything seems to be ready, except those lemons, but can’t Zitao go find them? I’m not his assistant." The two looked up as they heard a voice. Junmyeon immediately recognised it as Luhan’s voice, Yifan’s accountant and personal date planner. "And I don’t know where they are. I wrote down the a-." 

Luhan was on the phone with someone and hadn’t noticed them until he was halfway through the room. "I found them. I’ll call you back, Yixing. Bye." He pulled his phone away from his ear, shoving it into his pocket. 


The accountant was barely recognisable though. He was dressed in a dark purple suit Junmyeon never had seen him in before, his lips were lined with a lot of red, creating a big smile, his eyes were covered in black eyeshadow presumably and his hair was green, most likely dyed with one of those spray cans of hair dye. 

Oh, he was supposed to be the Joker. 

"A devil and a cat. What a duo." Luhan walked over to the two, straightening his green tie. "Where are the other two? Chanyeol and Sehun right?"

"They should be on their way. We’re waiting for them," Junmyeon told him, standing up and straightening his vest. "Where is the party exactly?" he asked, taking an extra look around the empty lobby. Still just as empty. "Oh, right. It’s on the top floor," Luhan explained. "The elevator’s just over there. Now if you’ll excuse me. I have some lemons to get, because no one else wants to get them apparently."

Junmyeon and Jongdae shared a confused look. Lemons? "What?"

"They’re in the basement and Zitao’s too scared to go down there or something and no one else wants to."


He disappeared through a door and the room was quiet once again. "Should we go up or wait here?" Junmyeon eventually asked and Jongdae shrugged. "You can go find your boyfriend if you want. I’ll wait here."

"He’s not my boyfriend," Junmyeon quickly informed him. They hadn’t talked about that yet, but Junmyeon was still pretty sure they were just dating. They weren’t boyfriends, Yifan hadn’t asked him to be his boyfriend and neither had Junmyeon. If Yifan wanted to, he’d ask. Junmyeon wasn’t interested in asking and getting rejected. 

"Alright then. Go find your date."

"I will."


Junmyeon walked into the elevator and took a look at the buttons. Fifty floors. That was a lot. Luckily he didn’t have a fear of heights, or he would definitely had stayed on the first floor with Jongdae. He pressed number fifty and leaned against the wall to wait. 

After just a few floors the elevator stopped and Junmyeon thought for a second that the power had gone out or something and that he was going to be stuck there. All those thoughts disappeared soon though as the doors opened. 

A guy stepped inside. Junmyeon didn’t know him. He’d never seen the guy in his life. Maybe it was one of Yifan’s contacts? One of his friends? Or maybe it was just one of the guests? He wasn’t dressed up though, as far as Junmyeon knew at least. He was just dressed up in a black, striped suit. 

Or maybe he was dressed up. He did look a little odd. He didn’t look like a normal business man with that white tie, the black dress shirt and those black and white shoes. But what was he dressed up as? 


"Hi," the guy eventually said, flashing him a smile. "I like your costume." Junmyeon smiled back at him. "Thanks," he said and he’d him up and down. "Are you going to the party?" he asked and the guy nodded. So he had to be dressed up, but as what? Junmyeon didn’t recognise the costume. 

The guy must’ve noticed him looking. "Gangster," he said and Junmyeon raised an eyebrow. "I’m dressed up as a gangster if you didn’t know. I forgot my hat downstairs." Junmyeon realised the guy was holding a hat in his hand, black and striped like his suit. "And you a devil I presume?"

Junmyeon nodded. "Yeah. I didn’t really have time for anything too creative, but I didn’t want to just put on a blanket and say I was a ghost either."


"Well. You look good."

"Thanks." Junmyeon smiled once more and the guy stuck his hand out. "I’m Jongin," he said, smiling as well as Junmyeon shook his hand. "But since you’re such a handsome devil, you can call me Kai if you want."

Junmyeon swore he saw him wink.

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Currently entering uni so updates might be slow from now on


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MarieJane #1
Chapter 17: OMG... the plastic cups are out at last.
2448 streak #2
Chapter 17: I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT SO MUCH GUYS! but tbh, if Jongdae didn't in at that moment, they would've been officially dating already! HAHAHAHA

anyway, it's finally over! no more secrets, no more Jun wondering what Jongdae and Luhan are trying to spell out with the cups! it was such an elaborate setup so i really want to thamk the others for that...

obviously they would say yes, right? I'LL RIOT IF NOT! HAHAHAHAHA
Myeonni2020 #3
Yayyyy... An update
2448 streak #4
Chapter 16: why is Jongin so shameless??? and he's so dense lmao as if it wasn't clear enough that he wasn't welcomed in the cafe, i hope he gets the message now, tho i doubt it
shahida6 #5
Chapter 16: Jongin is so annoying ( ̄_ ̄) He needs to leave Jun alone otherwise imma fight him (ง •̀_•́)ง
shahida6 #6
Chapter 15: Yifan keeps trying to ask Jun to be his boyfriend but someone’s always got to interrupt him!

This fic is adorable!!
Chapter 15: Poor yifan has been trying to pop the question for awhile now hope luhan and their friends plan is a success
Chapter 15: Poor yifan has been trying to pop the question for awhile now hope luhan and their friends plan is a success
MarieJane #9
Chapter 15: Can't wait for the next chapter.
2448 streak #10

ughhhh things were going so well! they were spending alone time together, being so sweet and cuddly... and they really were just there!!! Kris was abt to ask him already!!! UGHHHHHHH

i think it would be funnier if the others push thru with the plan, but Yifan and Jun are together already HAHAHAHA