Jonghyun: Family Time

That's Life

November 5th





Jonghyun’s mother requested that he see his father after school to spend time with him.

He didn’t understand why she was making him do this, he had no desire to see his father. Like at all.

But she insisted that his father missed and wanted to see him. He wanted 'Family Time'.

He usually didn't drive his car to school to often, opting to take transit to save money, so when he got him he threw his book bag in his room and made way to grab his car keys and leave.

“Okay mom, I’m going!” He yelled before exiting his house.

“Kim Jonghyun, wait!” His mother said rushing out the kitchen. He tried to leave as fast as he could, the faster he left the faster he could come back. He had a scheduled FaceTime call with his boyfriend tonight, and he wasn’t going to miss it.

“You have to wait for Junghee! She isn’t home from school yet!” She reminded him.

“What! You didn’t say she was coming!” He groaned. Now he had to be subjected to being aroundthe two people that he tried his best to stay away from. 

“You know Junghee loves to visit her father, just wait for her to get home and you two will go together.” She said sternly.

Jonghyun groaned again and threw himself on his living room couch dramatically. He decided to lounge around on the couch to wait for her and picked out his phone form his pocket to text the one person he has been dying to talk to the moment he left school.


Are you home safely yet?


He typed to Kibum.


Yes! How was your day?



Kibum typed back immediately responding. He smiled softly at the thought of his boyfriend. He was still slightly upset with Kibum for not telling him what was going on in his life, but after that week apart with no communication Kibum had been in constant contact with him and asking to see him when he was free. Although Kibum did shy away from him when the two were alone in public in the school, he just didn’t want another reason for his bullies to say something to him. He made sure that whenever he saw the boys he got in a fight with that he stared them down refusing to break eye contact with them so that he showed no signs of weakness. He hadn’t seen them mess with Kibum since the fight happen. HIs boyfriend said they no longer messed with him, at least from what he knew. He tried to take Kibum’s word for it, but he wasn’t sure if he was lying so that he wouldn’t worry. Although he once caught them trying to follow behind Kibum when he hadn’t noticed, but he quickly intercepted there walking path telling them they would cause another fight if they didn’t stop stalking Kibum. Aside from that issue he had no other problems with them. 



It was great, because I got to see you :D I can’t wait to talk to you tonight.


Jonghyun typed.


Me too<3


He loved when Kibum sent him hearts, he didn’t do it often because his parents would check his phone. He usually would delete messages between them when they texted ‘suspicious’ things. 

His moment of happiness was cut short when the door to his home slammed open. 

Ugh, Junghee was home. Great. She immediately stuck out her tongue at him the moment she saw him.

“Junghee your home! Your brother will take you both to your fathers house.” His mother said from the kitchen.

Junghee gaped.

“Both? What do you mean both?” She whined.

“Listen.” Their mother said sternly exiting from the kitchen again.

“You two get along for the sake of your father, he wants to see you both. So yes Junghee, you will be going with your brother! And you two will enjoy your time without making a fuss!” She said clearly irritated.

“Grab your keys and go, please!” She said desperately.

Jonghyun grabbed his keys and drug his feet out the door with his twin sister behind him.

They quickly settled themselves in the car. He was tensed and annoyed as he tried to ignore his sister’s petty comments about his car here and there. She didn’t even have a car, the nerve. He tried to drown out her voice by cranking up the radio’s volume on high the rest of the way to their destination.


He was able to drive without speaking or acknowledging her. He knew this would ruin his day.

They exited the car, Jonghyun sluggishly did so while Junghee ran up to the door in a hurried manner. She had her house key so she didn’t bother knocking.

“Dad!” She yelled as she entered their old home. He was trailing behind her looking inside his old home. He found it so weird to step back into this house. It had always been his home but now it felt...foreign. Like he don’t belong their anymore.

He shrugged the feeling off and walked off to the living room to see his sister and father in a hug.

“How’s my daughter?” His father cooed.

“I’m so glad to see you Daddy! I missed you so much!” She cheered.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes. She was just with him this weekend. She was always with him every weekend. 

He hardly noticed when his father paused their conversation to acknowledge him. 

“Jonghyun.” He called.

He snapped out of his daze and gave him a fake smile.

“Hey, Dad.” Was all he said. 

They stood at an awkward distance. He and his father were never the affectionate type. They never really hugged or anything, he didn’t even do simple things like a pat on the back when he did something well. They just didn’t have that type of a relationship. And honestly he wasn’t determined to fix it either. 

“Come. Join me and your sister.” His father said gesturing that they all sit on the couch together. He wanted to decline, but gave in.

He sat at the end of the couch with his father and listened to the two chit chatted about their boring lives that he cared nothing about. 

He scrolled through his phone at the disappointment of his father. He was busy texting his boyfriend asking for him to come ‘save him’.

“You should try to be more like your sister, Jonghyun.” He suddenly heard his father say

“W-what?” He said dazed. He wasn’t listing to their conversation at all.

“Your sister said she’s joined two news clubs. Maybe if you did such a thing you could make more friends. Even now your on your phone. You should be more social.” 

Jonghyun had to muster up a lot of strength not to roll his eyes in front of his father. 

He was always so condescending to him and poked fun at him.

His parents knew he didn’t have many friends outside of the Jinki, Kibum, Minho, and Taemin. He struggled making new friends because of his uality. No one wanted to talk to the gay kid

“I was apart of the music club, Dad. Remember?” He said irritated.

Jonghyun was musically gifted. He could play the piano, guitar and drums. He even sang. But he saw it more as a hobby. His father spent so many years downplaying his talents and telling him should choose a career that was more respectable to the point Jonghyun had started loosing his passion for music over the years. It didn’t help that he didn’t enjoy music club either. People who knew of his ual orientation often hesitated to speak to him, so he felt like an outsider. They acted passive aggressive comments towards him and make little comments here and there. They treated him strange, but couldn’t deny his talents so let him apart of the club.

But he quit after a year. He was tired of being treated the way he was being treated. He was human. And he deserved to be treated like one.

Quitting the club devastated him. His mom comfort him while his dad told him to join something more meaningful anyways.

“Why don’t join the soccer team like your friend Minho?” He asked. 

Jonghyun sighed. 

“You know I don’t like soccer...” He said bored. Jonghyun wasn’t the sports type. He worked out but didn’t prefer doing sports. 

“You should put yourself out their more, make more friends.” He said again.

His father knew that was a soft spot for him. No matter how hard Jonghyun tried sometimes, some people just didn’t want to be his friend. He couldn’t help that! He couldn't force people to be his friend.

“I’m completely fine with the friends I have now.” He said trying not to get angry. 

“Come on dad, not everyone can be popular like me!” Junghee said turning the attention back to her. She acted as if she was joking, but he knew she was serious. 

Junghee was popular, but not for the best reasons. She was pretty so that draw her some attention, but she was rude and stuck up and he knew many girls that didn’t like her very much. But of course she wouldn’t admit that. 

“Whatever.” He said under his breathe. 

“Why don’t you two go wash off upstairs? Dinner is ready.” His father said dismissing the two. 

Jonghyun got up to make his way up the stairs. 

Junghee quickly made her way upstairs to their shared bathroom and her old room. His rooms was mostly bare now as he had all his new things were in their new home but Junghee still kept enough things in her old room to where it was still cozy and she looked like she lived there. 

When he walked up the stairs Junghee violently pushed him aside to beat him to the bathroom and lock the door.

“You little...” He hissed. 

“Don’t take ing forever!” He said kicking the bathroom door. 

He waited stupidly in the hallway, knowing she would take her sweet time to annoye him.

Instead of giving her the satisfaction he decided to do something to preoccupy his time.

He took the small walk to his old room which was around the corner. Last time he was their his father filled it up with random junk and office things. He didn’t know if he changed things around or not so he decided to be nosey and see.

He didn’t know what he expected to see but he didn’t expect to see the room cleared out with a small bed in the center. 

It was a plain small bed with white sheets and pillows, nothings speacial. Maybe his dad was hoping he would come over more often and spend the night? 

But the bed was small. Jonghyun was short, but not small enough to fit in that bed.

“Odd.” He thought out loud. 

He was caught off guard by a push to the back of his head.

“Your turn stupid.” Junghee said rushing past him after touching him.

He closed the door to his room and quickly went to freshen himself off before dinner.

When he came downstairs and entered the kitchen he was amazed at the food he saw before him. His father had various traditional Korean food laid out for them, it was so much food! And it looked and smelled amazing. As they took their seats Jonghyun couldn’t help but sense something was off. 

“Umm...who made this?” Jonghyun said taking his seat cautiously.

His father gave him a strange look.

“What are you talking about, Jonghyun?” Junghee asked annoyed.

“Dad can’t cook. Especially food like this. Who cooked this?” He asked again.

His father sat quietly as he filled his plate with food. Jonghyun was confused by the strange reaction. His father was saying anything, and his father always had something to say. 

“I had a friend help me.” He simply stated after a few moments of silence. He avoided eye contact with Jonghyun when he said this. Strange. 

“A friend?” He repeated.

“Yes, boy. A friend.” His father said sternly, clearly showing he did not want to speak on the topic any longer. 

Jonghyun shrunk in himself a little shocked at his fathers strange behavior. He decided to start filling his plate with food, but felt odd eating it. The food was delicious and well made but something just didn’t feel right. He was poking at some with his chopsticks when he suddenly heard a question that he dreaded to hear infront of his dad.

“How’s Kibum?” 

Jonghyun looked up to glare at his sister. She used a fake sugary tone when she asked this, trying to sound like she actually cared and wore big 'innocent' looking eyes.

She she wore that evil smile he knew all too well.

Jonghyun looked at his father nervously.

“He's fine...” He said.

It was always uncomfortable to bring up his boyfriend around his father. He didn’t want to start a argument. Even though his father claimed he accepted him, he acted like he didn’t. Actions spoke louder than words didn't they? 

“That’s good to hear. I know it he must have been so scared when you guys got into that fight a few weeks ago.” She said stuffing trying to look cute and innocent. 

“A what?” His father asked.

Jonghyun had told his mother that he would tell him about the fight himself. His father had anger issues and he did not want to feel his rath. His mother knew he and his father’s relationship was strained right now and she didn’t want to cause any more friction than necessary and said she would allow him to explain to him what happen. But he may have lied and said that he did...

“Daddy you didn’t know?! Poor Kibum was being bullied and Jonghyun jumped in and started a fight!” She said driving her fake innocence into the ground. 

“Your such a little snitch.” Jonghyun growled. 

“Kim Jonghyun.” His father said sternly.

Jonghyun looked at his father with a little fear in his heart. When his father was angry he got very loud and aggressive.

“T-they were trying to hurt him! I had to step in!” Jonghyun said quickly trying to defend himself.

“He’s a boy isn’t he? He should be able to fiend for himself. He shouldn’t be so soft.” 

“Dad.” Jonghyun said slightly slamming his hand on the table. He always made snide remarks about Kibum.

“It’s not your responsibility to act like the man he can’t be.” His father continued.

Jonghyun clenched his teeth and his fist. Now he was mad. 

"You should be worried about school and being social. Not fights and-and a boyfriend!" His father said that last words as if it disgusted him to even utter that word.

Jonghyun abruptly stood up and violently scooted his chair back. 

“And where do you think you’re going young man? Sit down.” His father also stood up challenging him. 

He made his way toward the living room an GC grabbed his car keys. 

“I’m leaving.” 

“Kim Jonghyun-“

“No! I’m not going to listen to you degrade me and talk about my boyfriend again! I’m going home.”

“Your such a disrespectful child. I have made such a nice dinner for you two! Why can’t you be like your sister and-“ 

“I would rather eat dirt than be anything like her...or you for that matter.”

“Kim Jonghyun!” His father yelled.

Jonghyun jumped back a little. His father was a little bigger and broader than he was. His friends always said he was blessed with good looks, but not height. So when his father would invade his space and geet aggressive it scared him a little bit. But he tried to show no fear, he knew if he did his father would use that to his advantage.

“I will be speaking to you mother about this.”

“I-I don’t care! Tell her!” He challenged.

Jonghyun didn’t miss the smug look on his sisters face as she continued eating. 


“Obviously staying with your Mother is not doing anything to improve your attitude or keeping you out of trouble!” 

Jonghyun glared. His father had such a rude and smart mouth. He hated when he talked about his mother in such away.

“Screw you.” 

He quickly grabbed his keys and ran out the door to his car.

“Ya! Jonghyun what about me you idiot!” Junghee said jumping up running after him. He immediately locked his doors the moment he got into his car. 

“Dad know's where we live. Or you can find your way back.” He simply stated through his rolled down window, gesturing that she ask him to take her back.

He drove ignoring his fathers disappointed look and his sister yelling at him form outside the car. 

He knew he was going to be in big trouble when he got back home. He was going to get it from his mom, he just knew it.

He just couldn’t go home.

He picked up his phone and called someone he needed the most. 

“Hello?” The small voice rang.

“K-Kibum-ah! I need to see you...please!” He said sniffling.

“Jjong? What’s wrong? You sound like your crying? What happened?” Kibum said with a panicky tone.

“C-can I come over? Can you come outside? Please?” He begged. He was trying his best not to cry. His vision was becoming blurry while he drove. 

It was already getting late and he knew this request would be hard for Kibum to complete if he was caught.

“Y-yes...of course, come over.” Kibum said hesitantly.

Jonghyun’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing his boyfriend. Tears started falling down his cheeks but he immediately wiped them away every time they fell. 

Once he finally got to Kibum’s neighborhood he parked a few houses down and turned off his lights so he wouldn’t be spotted by Kibum’s parents if they saw them.

Kibum texted him and told him to wait fifteen minutes. He had to wait for his parents fall into a deep asleep. He waited impatiently, but there was nothing he could do. It was already a risk asking him to meet him outside. It was a little over fifteen minutes when he finally saw the familiar figure walking towards his car. Kibum hurriedly entered through the passenger seat and threw off his hood when he got in the car. 

“Jjong? Jjong, look at me. What happen? What’s wrong?” He asked frantically. Jonghyun was sensitive and wore his heart on his sleeves. It wasn’t uncommon to see him cry but it still worried Kibum everytime. He didn’t like to see him sad.

Jonghyun let his hands be held in his lover’s as he tried holding back tears. 

“...are you okay?” Kibum whispered. 

The moment those words were said Jonghyun let all the tears he had been holding back go. 

Kibum quickly pulled him forward into a hug and rubbed his back to comfort him. Jonghyun squeezed him tightly. He felt safe and comforted by his boyfriend...finally. He had been so distant that he hadn’t been able to come to him about his problems.

“Jjongie, stop crying tell me what’s wrong, please!” 

“I-I hate my family! I hate them!” He cried. Kibum pulled back to look at him.

“You don’t mean that.” He said.

“I do. I do hate them! I hate my dad and I ing hate Junghee!” 

He watched as his boyfriend cringed at his choice of words. Kibum hated such foul speech but he knew he wouldn’t correct him on it right now. That’s not what he needed. He jsut needed him to listen. Instead the younger leaned forward a laid a kiss to quivering lips.

He wiped away a few of his tears with his long sleeved hoodie. 

“Jjong...” He whispered.

Said boy looked him in the eyes. All the ligths were off so it was dark, but he could still see his brightly shining eyes.

He still wanted to keep crying. He was sad. Why was his father so mean to him? Why was his sister evil? Why couldn’t he have a happy family? Why did his parents have to fall out of love and divorce? 


“I know things are hard, but your parents love you. I know it’s hard to believe...but Junghee loves you too, you two came into this world together. She’s just hurt right now...just give it some time.”

Jonghyun listened to his words but didn’t believe him. Divorce wasn't common in South Korea, so when the two heard the news their perfect little families reality was shattered. Junghee was hurt but so was Jonghyun. Why couldn't she see that?

“I pray for you every night. I pray that you have peace and that your family heals. You just have to keep believing that everything is going to be okay. I know it will.”

That was easy for Kibum to say. Kibum was very religious, but Jonghyun was aestheist. An odd couple wasn’t it? 

Kibum usually tried to stay optimistic through his faith, but Jonghyun just didn’t believe in any of that. Kibum never forced his religion upon him, although he did ask that he would consider learning about it. He did, but in the end he decided it just wasn’t for him.

When Kibum couldn’t be there for him physically or emotionally he said he could be there for him spiritually. But sometimes that wasn’t what he needed...

Jonghyun just nodded his head and looked down. But Kibum lifted it up again to give him another kiss. Things like this really gave him comfort. 

He leaned over in his seat to lay his head on Kibum’s shoulder.

“Do you feel a little bit better?” Kibum asked with his arms wrapped around his shoulders. 

“A little.” Kibum words didn’t help all that much, but having him actually there with him again made him feel a whole lot better. Kibum had been so emotionally distant, he was happy to have his Kibum back. He just hoped it would last.

Jonghyun looked down to check his phone and saw he had over twenty missed calls and messages. He knew was in trouble.

“Listen. I have to back now, I’m sorry.” Kibum said.

He knew it was a risk having Kibum slip outside his house after hours. 

“Okay, Bummie.” He said dejectedly. There were times he just wished he could run away with him. Silly thought wasn’t it? 

“Call me tomorrow.” He said before slipping out of the car. He waited to watch and make sure he got in his house safely.

He didn’t want to go back home. Where could he go?

He couldn’t go to Jinki’s. He’s overbearing parents wouldn’t allow it at this late hour.

Kibum’s was absolutely out of the question.

He couldn’t go to Minho’s because usually his friends couldn’t come over because his excuse was his house wasn’t ‘presentable’.

Maybe Taemin? 

His father liked him well enough. 

He would give him a call. He just couldn’t go home tonight.












Poor Jonghun, am I right? I wonder has anyone had to deal with divorced parents or sibling rivalry? 


Hope you enjoyed. Comment please :)


Also check out my other story: After Everything















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Will be posting a chapter either tonight or tomorrow!


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2035 streak #1
Chapter 18: Oh God! The ring leader though! Poor Kibum! She's doing it purposely as a revenge against Jjong, isn't she? That's cruel. Hope he finds out about it sooner than later and resolve it somehow. And as for Nicole, is she Kara's member? I wonder how things are gonna go between them. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2035 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Jonghyun indeed! And about the small bed and food cooked, is his father gonna remarry someone? Not that there's anything wrong with it. Just wonder why he's hiding it, if that's the case. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 16: This chapter was nice. Jinki was cute here. I mean I'm not a shipper but it's still nice to see him find someone to date XD anyway, now that he has gotten the lead role, I wonder how he's gonna make time for the practice and all without his parents finding out about it. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
Chapter 16: Onew is so cute when he is shy.
Ambw66 #5
Chapter 3: This is really good i luv high school au like this
2035 streak #6
Chapter 15: I have finally caught up with all the chapters! Taemin really has to get it together. I can understand where he's coming from but it's for his own good more than anything else. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2035 streak #7
Chapter 14: First thing first, this chapter was nice. Poor Minseok though! And their mother too. She's really doing her best for her children. I'm not a huge football fan but I kinda know enough to understand what you wrote. Although, I'm not really a Shawol or Minho fan, I have seen him enough in some shows to know how competitive he is and how he gets if he happens to lose. So I can totally imagine him doing the same here. Anyway, can't wait to read more but will be back later ^^

PS which webtoon comic based drama is Minho gonna be starring in?
2035 streak #8
Chapter 13: Oh no! Although I did guess his secret was out, but it wasn't entirely right. Can't really predict how his parents are gonna react now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS I know it's late but I hope you are doing alright now. Take care!
2035 streak #9
Chapter 12: Did Kibum's parents find out? Wonder what happened to him. Poor JJong though. Hope these two talk it out soon. And Minho and JJong teasing Taemin was pretty cute. Anyway, Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2035 streak #10
Chapter 11: I was thinking the exact same thing as Kibum. Only thing I'm worried about is, how'd Jinki's parents react when this come to their knowledge. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^