
Why him?

Today Yesung is absolutely fatigue. He is blinking slowly and murmurs something incoherent while sitting on couch in the living room.


"Doctors tried new kind of treatment."


Leeteuk has explained why is Yesung like this after today's treatment and they silently watch him.


"Yesung are you hungry? Do you need something?"


Donghae is looking in Yesung's eyes and waits for some answer. Yesung's eyes slowly turned toward Donghae and he is trying to remember his name.


"Hae ..."


Yesung is then quiet and only looks at him. Heechul came with glass of juice. He gently lifted Yesung's chin and brings the glass to his lips. Yesung takes few sips and then Ryeowook came with just finished soup. Yesung only eats few spoons before he turned his head away to show that he is full. Shindong gently lifted Yesung and carries him in his bedroom. Heechul wrapped Yesung in warm blanket and they let him rest.


Soon Yesung stirred around. His stomach hurts terribly and he hurries to the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet and gasped because of sharp pain which runs through his whole body. Yesung wailed in pain and feels that his bowels let go of huge mess. It is brown liquid and Yesung sees even red blood. He is crying and clutches his stomach. Every hurts so much that he doesn’t hear how door of his bathroom opened and someone stepped inside.




Leeteuk heard the pained whimpers and went to see what is wrong.


"Go away! I am disgusting."


Yesung is sitting on the toilet bowl and wails. Leeteuk doesn’t know what happened so it is hard to soothe him.


"Yesung I am here to help you!"


Yesung is crying more after he released another disgusting noises and Leeteuk knows what happened. Leeteuk took big piece of toilet paper and gently wipes Yesung's while he screams in humiliation and pain. Ryeowook came to see why is Yesung screaming but ran away after he saw the blood stained toilet bowl. Yesung is clean but still cries and he is tightly hugging Leeteuk around neck. Leeteuk slowly got up and carefully hold Yesung. He pulled up his pants and then carried Yesung back in bed. After short time Yesung feel asleep and Leeteuk tucked him under blanket. He let him sleep and checks him every 20 minutes. After two hours things went much more wrong.


Leeteuk came to check him and Yesung looks much more worse. He is pale and sweat is running down his cheeks and forehead.




Leeteuk shakes slightly his shoulder but Yesung doesn’t move so Leeteuk touched his forehead. He immediately hissed because Yesung is burning up.


"Yesung, wake up!"


Leeteuk is now really panicking and ran for pack of ice. He wrapped it in towel and pressed it on Yesung's forehead. His eyes slowly opened and Leeteuk gasped because his pupils are extremely dilated. Leeteuk waved his hand in front of Yesung's face but he doesn’t even slightly budge.


"What is happening?"


Shindong came in the bedroom and leaned above Yesung's bed. Leeteuk is about to call doctor Park but Shindong is faster.


"We are going to the hospital."


He wrapped Yesung in blanket and lifted him. It is scary that Yesung is so light that Shindong almost doesn’t know that he is caring him. They all got in van and Leeteuk is rushing to the hospital. Ryeowook, Shindong and Yesung are sitting on the back seat and Shindong is holding Yesung in his lap. All three are staring onto Yesung. He is completely unaware of what is happening around him and his glass are glassy. They arrived to the hospital and Shindong runs inside with Yesung in his arms. Doctor Park is waiting for them with stretcher. Shindong laid Yesung down on the stretcher and doctor Park wheeled him away. They run behind him and wait for what happened to Yesung. Doctor Park is rushing around Yesung and knows what happened to the poor man. This happens quite often when they try new treatment. Yesung's body was used to the old treatment and the new one surprised him so it reacted like this. He told to one nurse to wash Yesung's sweaty body and left. He gave medicine to Yesung and soon the fever will go down. He is going to find Super junior to calm them down because they probably think that Yesung is dying.


Doctor Park or Super junior members have to idea what is happening in the room where is Yesung. The nurse of course knows who is laying in front of her. She is alone so she pulled out her phone and quickly took few photos of Yesung's face and body. The pictures are horrific. Unconscious Yesung is laying on hospital bed with bare chest. Few electrodes are stick to his chest and check his heart beat. He has oxygen mask strapped over his nose and mouth and few tubes are leading in his body. She immediately put them on her Twitter account and then washed him as the doctor wanted. Soon after she released the photos it started to spread like a fire. After 20 minutes millions of people are speaking about Yesung. Donghae told the news to Leeteuk who almost collapsed. Yesung is luckily sleeping so Heechul took his phone. He doesn’t need to know that whole world is speaking about him. After another 20 minutes the hospital is surrounded by reporters and fans. Leeteuk is crying while their manager tries to reasonably speak with the reports. But no one is listening him, they want to speak with Super junior. Boss called to Leeteuk and told him that there will be press conference soon. Heechul promised to go with him because Leeteuk has had enough. In two hours the conference started. Leeteuk and Heechul are standing in front of the hall full of reporters and photographs. Everyone is yelling questions at them but one particular reporter is extremely loud. Heechul recognised him as the one who distort the incident when Siwon's dog bit someone.


"Why did you lie to your fans? Were you afraid of losing money after cancelling your comeback?"


Leeteuk opened his mouth but doesn’t know how to answer.


"Because ....."


Luckily Heechul next to him knows how to answer.


"Because it isn’t your business! We wanted to give Yesung privacy and peace to recover. But you! You don’t respect it! Do you think that it is normal to take photo of ill people in hospital?!"


The reporters are surprised by Heechul's yelling and shut up.


"No it isn’t! He deserves to have calm time for recovery! We don’t care about money and real fans will understand that we have to cancel our comeback."


Of course that news from the press conference speak about Heechul who attacked the reporters but Super junior couldn’t care less. Yesung is back in their dorm and he is hysterical when he found out about the photos. He is crying while Siwon and Donghae try to hold him in bed.


"I ruined our comeback. I ruined everything!"


Yesung is crying while he struggles to get up from bed. Right after they came home Yesung tried to leave because he said that he is a burden.


"Who said that you ruin it?"


Heechul's voice is cold and he is already plotting where he will dump body of the er who said that. Yesung have not to think that the reporter was right.


"You are not a burden and you didn’t ruin anything."


Heechul took Yesung's chin in his hand and gently lifted his head. Heechul's nose is almost touching Yesung's nose and he is staring into Yesung's red eyes.


"Repeat after me: if someone has problem with me then I will say it to hyung so he can beat their ."


Yesung sniffled few times but repeated it.


"Say that you aren’t a burden or problem. You are important part of our group and lives. You are young smart beautiful man with amazing talent."


Yesung stopped crying and Heechul wiped his face with wet towel.


"You rest and hyungs will take care of everything."


Heechul tucked Yesung under duvets and brought him glass of juice with sleeping pills dissolved in it. Yesung fell asleep and Heechul told to the others to look after him. Then he left and headed to house of the nurse who took the photos.


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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 10: Glad that they have a happy ending thingy.....
But I'm crying hard while reading it 😢😢
390 streak #2
Chapter 10: It's almost one year from the first time I read about this story, and here I am again, rereading it, because it's so goooooood!! <33333
Chapter 10: niiiice story
it would have been better if u also included kangin and sungmin
kibum and hangeng too
i don't think they wouldn't visit him if they knew yesng was sick even though they aren't with them in the dorm
390 streak #4
Chapter 7: This is really a wonderful story #sobbing

I love Leeteuk and Heechul here~ They're really like a big brother for our Sungie #still sobbing

I hope it's a story that have a happy ending (just read until chapter 7) I'll continue it tomorrow **I have a lot of work to do**
390 streak #5
Chapter 1: Why I always read stories that always make my heart aches .___.
Chapter 6: ugh..this is really heartbreaking..at least he know all members always beside him..you give me tears bomb huhuhuhu...*cry at the corner