
Why him?

Donghae, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are sleeping in the chairs. Siwon is trying to read some magazine but he still checks the clock hanging on wall every few seconds. Shindong and Eunhyuk went to buy some snack and Leeteuk is walking around the waiting room. Heechul is biting his nails and listen every sound of steps in the hallway. Why is still no one coming to speak with them?


Shindong and Eunhyuk are back with coffee for everyone and they slowly drink. Suddenly the door opened and they all jumped toward the doctor.


"Can I speak with you in my office?"


Everyone nods and they hurry to the doctor's office. Leeteuk and Heechul sit down in front of the doctor's desk and the others stand behind them. The doctor does something on his compute and then turned the screen toward them.


"This is MRI scan of Yesung's brain and this round thing here is brain tumour. Growing pressure of the tumour caused the seizure."


They are staring on the screen and Leeteuk feels tears in his eyes while Ryeowook and Donghae are wailing loudly.


"It is tumour, but you will fix it right?"


Heechul leaned closed to the doctor and grabbed his hand.


"The tumour is too big to operate it now, but we will start chemotherapy. It will shrink the tumour and then we will operate him."


They nod and sighed in relief.


"Can we see him now?"


Leeteuk doesn’t want to be here any longer, he needs to see Yesung. The doctor said them number of his room and they almost sprinted there. Yesung's mother, father and brother are already here. Mister Kim and his younger son are dragging hysterical madam Kim between them. She is crying hard and wails like a wounded animal. After hearing that her son has brain tumour she completely broke down. Super junior members bowed to Yesung's family and stopped in front of the door. Leeteuk is nervous and slowly put his hand on the door knob. He opened the door and they silently stepped inside the room.


Yesung is laying in bed tucked under white blanket. He is wearing blue hospital gown and Leeteuk worries about who changed him. What if some crazy nurse took photos? Yesung is still out of this world and he looks so peaceful. Who will say the news to him? Leeteuk is the leader so he will probably have this duty.


Yesung has oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. Few needles are stuck in his arm and there are some wires connected to his forehead. They sit around the bed silently. Heechul, Leeteuk and Ryeowook are sitting on chairs right next to the bed while rest of them squezed on couch close to the wall. They are watching Yesung who looks so small and fragile. How he will find strength to fight? Everyone would give him their strength if it was possible. Leeteuk carefully takes Yesung's small hand in his and gently his little fingers. Brain tumour. Leeteuk is repeating it in his head and few tears silently rolled down his cheeks.


"It is useless for all of us to be here. I will stay here and you go home."


The younger members see that they can’t argue with their hyung and left. Heechul takes Yesung's other hand in his and sit down again.


"What?! I am his hyung too."


Leeteuk doesn’t send him away and they are silently waiting. Heechul and Leeteuk ended sleeping with their upper body resting on the bed. They are still holding his hands from their slumber.


In the morning Yesung woke up with head ache again. It isn’t so bad as usually but Yesung feels weird. There is also something heavy and big pressed to his sides, it can’t be his dog because he is tiny. Yesung opened his heavy eyelids and gasped. This isn’t his bedroom! He doesn’t remember what happened. He knows that they had concert yesterday but suddenly there is nothing. Yesung looked around and sees what heavy is pressed to his sides. On his left is Leeteuk and on his right is Heechul. There are sitting on chair, but their heads are close to his thighs. Yesung suddenly knows where he is. Hospital. The blue gown is uncomfortable and he is little bit cold. There is also something on his forehead and something is covering his mouth and nose. He wriggled around and Leeteuk woke up.




His scream woke up Heechul who almost fell down from his chair. The two hyungs hug him tightly. Yesung innocently asked what happened and then Leeteuk started to cry. He ran out of the room in tears and Heechul went to find Yesung's doctor. There is one ugly conversation waiting for Yesung.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 10: Glad that they have a happy ending thingy.....
But I'm crying hard while reading it 😢😢
401 streak #2
Chapter 10: It's almost one year from the first time I read about this story, and here I am again, rereading it, because it's so goooooood!! <33333
Chapter 10: niiiice story
it would have been better if u also included kangin and sungmin
kibum and hangeng too
i don't think they wouldn't visit him if they knew yesng was sick even though they aren't with them in the dorm
401 streak #4
Chapter 7: This is really a wonderful story #sobbing

I love Leeteuk and Heechul here~ They're really like a big brother for our Sungie #still sobbing

I hope it's a story that have a happy ending (just read until chapter 7) I'll continue it tomorrow **I have a lot of work to do**
401 streak #5
Chapter 1: Why I always read stories that always make my heart aches .___.
Chapter 6: ugh..this is really heartbreaking..at least he know all members always beside him..you give me tears bomb huhuhuhu...*cry at the corner