Following the Line that Leads to You

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Baekhyun continues following the white line on the road hoping that Chanyeol would be there to welcome him at the end… just like always.







You can do this, Baek.


Seven-year-old Baekhyun heaved a deep sigh and continued walking, following the white line on the edge of the sidewalk meticulously. He was like Peter Pan. Once his feet touch the concrete road, it would be game over for him. The white line was the only way. Stepping outside the white line meant falling down the dead sea which is infested with ferocious sharks. With two arms stretched out for balance, Baekyun took little steps, making sure that his feet were still on the white line. He needed to be alive. This was his everyday challenge going to school.


Byun Baekhyun had a wild imagination. He was inquisitive and curious. When he was in kindergarten, he won a storytelling competition. He was creative. His artworks were always pinned on their classroom’s board. His parents would always praise him, saying that he was a bright kid. It was his imagination that prompted him to turn the dull city, concrete, landscape walk into a wild sea crossing setting.


With his eyes on the ground, Baekhyun failed to notice another kid coming his way. He heard the thud of two bodies colliding. Baekhyun’s eyes widened at the impact.


“The sharks!” He shouted while grappling for support. A hand quickly held his arm, preventing him from falling from the white line of life.


“You—“ Baekhyun pointed at the one who almost pushed him to be food to the sharks. “You almost killed me! You could’ve walked on the other side and not on the line. Are you a pirate?!”


“What are you saying?” The other kid replied. “I saved you from falling down the ravines! You need to pay attention to your surroundings.”


“Ravines?” Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion. “The setting is a shark-infested sea. Once you fall from this white line, you get eaten by sharks.”


“No,” the other kid shook his head. “This is the deadly forest! We are on top of a mountain. Once you step out of the white line, you will fall to the ravines! They’re deep and steep. You will surely die!”


Little Baekhyun pouted. This was his turf. This line was his line. How dare another kid ruin it for him? His imagined setting was way cooler than the other kid’s. Ravines? Forest? Land was too overrated. The waters were more intriguing and mysterious. Baekhyun did not know what lies beneath them, making them more fascinating.


Baekhyun scanned the kid in front of him. The kid was a little bit shorter than he was. His hair was curly black and he was wearing a pair of eyeglasses. The other kid was also on the chubbier side. His cheeks were like soft buns. Soft buns are yum.


Baekhyun, on the other hand, was on the skinny side. He had a bowl cut. His hair color was also a lighter shade of brown whenever sunlight hits it. The other kid was wearing the uniform of a nearby school. Baekhyun knew because his older brother was attending the same school as the stranger.


“How do we cross now?” Baekhyun mumbled. The white line was too thin for them. Someone needed to give way, but both of them wanted to stay alive.


“We can do this,” the other kid said. “Give me your hand.”


Baekhyun stretched out his hand. The other kid held it and guided him. The chubby kid had his right foot forward. “Put one of your legs between my two feet.”


Baekhyun did which resulted in tangled limbs.


“Ooofff!” Baekhyun quickly held onto the kid’s waist for support.


“Now, move your other foot behind my left foot,” the stranger instructed. “I’ll hold on to you so you would not fall.”


The chubby kid spun him around, Baekhyun’s one foot staying on the white line. He almost fell, but the stranger was there to pull him back on the line. Once he was safely on the other side, Baekhyun turned around and started to bow to thank the kind stranger who helped him.


“Thank you, mate.”


“My name is Chanyeol,” the chubby kid stretched out his hand.




“Let’s meet again tomorrow, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol smiled, offering a small wave of goodbye.


“Yes!” Baekhyun smiled back. “It was nice to meet you, Chanyeollie!”





This fic is based from one of my favorite mangas:

People who have read the manga may know what they're in for. If you haven't, you're in for a little surprise.

While writing this fic, I listened to the following songs too: All With You (Taeyeon), It Was Love (Luna), Universe (EXO), and You Were Beautiful (Day 6).







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Read this on ao3. Leaving an upvote here as well ❤️
EleBear25 #3
Chapter 1: I know this manga, but the end is kinda different? If I was right, the bottom is the one who passed away first? Anyway, I enjoy it thank u^^
ilovereixx #4
Chapter 1: I shouldve just re read TBD for the 5th time. I cried so hard in here....... ?????
Omg I've read that manga and it's also one of my favorites ❤️
Chanbaekksii #6
Chapter 1: This was so beautifully original, I couldn't help but cry my eyes out :'(((
Chapter 1: I love this one and read it again and again. You are definitely one of my most favorite author.

Btw I accidentally clicked block user and now I can't wall messages you. Can you approve my friends request again?
ariandelle #8
Chapter 1: Oh god, you're really amazing. This is the sweetest fanfic i've ever read. Not so sweet tho cz I'M CRYING SO HARD. Thank you authornim you're such a great writer :)) Love You
Chapter 1: I was crying on the bus