White Line

Following the Line that Leads to You
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You can do this, Baek.


Seven-year-old Baekhyun heaved a deep sigh and continued walking, following the white line on the edge of the sidewalk meticulously. He was like Peter Pan. Once his feet touch the concrete road, it would be game over for him. The white line was the only way. Stepping outside the white line meant falling down the dead sea which is infested with ferocious sharks. With two arms stretched out for balance, Baekyun took little steps, making sure that his feet were still on the white line. He needed to be alive. This was his everyday challenge going to school.


Byun Baekhyun had a wild imagination. He was inquisitive and curious. When he was in kindergarten, he won a storytelling competition. He was creative. His artworks were always pinned on their classroom’s board. His parents would always praise him, saying that he was a bright kid. It was his imagination that prompted him to turn the dull city, concrete, landscape walk into a wild sea crossing setting.


With his eyes on the ground, Baekhyun failed to notice another kid coming his way. He heard the thud of two bodies colliding. Baekhyun’s eyes widened at the impact.


“The sharks!” He shouted while grappling for support. A hand quickly held his arm, preventing him from falling from the white line of life.


“You—“ Baekhyun pointed at the one who almost pushed him to be food to the sharks. “You almost killed me! You could’ve walked on the other side and not on the line. Are you a pirate?!”


“What are you saying?” The other kid replied. “I saved you from falling down the ravines! You need to pay attention to your surroundings.”


“Ravines?” Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion. “The setting is a shark-infested sea. Once you fall from this white line, you get eaten by sharks.”


“No,” the other kid shook his head. “This is the deadly forest! We are on top of a mountain. Once you step out of the white line, you will fall to the ravines! They’re deep and steep. You will surely die!”


Little Baekhyun pouted. This was his turf. This line was his line. How dare another kid ruin it for him? His imagined setting was way cooler than the other kid’s. Ravines? Forest? Land was too overrated. The waters were more intriguing and mysterious. Baekhyun did not know what lies beneath them, making them more fascinating.


Baekhyun scanned the kid in front of him. The kid was a little bit shorter than he was. His hair was curly black and he was wearing a pair of eyeglasses. The other kid was also on the chubbier side. His cheeks were like soft buns. Soft buns are yum.


Baekhyun, on the other hand, was on the skinny side. He had a bowl cut. His hair color was also a lighter shade of brown whenever sunlight hits it. The other kid was wearing the uniform of a nearby school. Baekhyun knew because his older brother was attending the same school as the stranger.


“How do we cross now?” Baekhyun mumbled. The white line was too thin for them. Someone needed to give way, but both of them wanted to stay alive.


“We can do this,” the other kid said. “Give me your hand.”


Baekhyun stretched out his hand. The other kid held it and guided him. The chubby kid had his right foot forward. “Put one of your legs between my two feet.”


Baekhyun did which resulted in tangled limbs.


“Ooofff!” Baekhyun quickly held onto the kid’s waist for support.


“Now, move your other foot behind my left foot,” the stranger instructed. “I’ll hold on to you so you would not fall.”


The chubby kid spun him around, Baekhyun’s one foot staying on the white line. He almost fell, but the stranger was there to pull him back on the line. Once he was safely on the other side, Baekhyun turned around and started to bow to thank the kind stranger who helped him.


“Thank you, mate.”


“My name is Chanyeol,” the chubby kid stretched out his hand.




“Let’s meet again tomorrow, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol smiled, offering a small wave of goodbye.


“Yes!” Baekhyun smiled back. “It was nice to meet you, Chanyeollie!”




They were already in middle school but Baekhyun was still following the imagined setting created when he was just seven. It was his morning routine – to follow the white line and continue crossing the shark-infested sea. So far, he had survived for the last seven years, he commended himself. It was not easy surviving, but his best friend was always there to help him cross – Chanyeol was always there.


It was a sunny morning. Baekhyun loved sunny mornings since it was easier to following the line. Rainy mornings were the worst since it was a little bit difficult to balance on the white line while holding onto an umbrella. Baekhyun loved mornings. Whenever he would walk towards his school, he would whistle a jolly tune. He was happy because he knew that following the white line would lead him to his best friend, Chanyeol.


Chanyeol was always there at the end of the white line.


The white line leads Baekhyun to his important friend. The two had been best friends for seven years now. It had become their tradition to meticulously walk the line. Somewhere in the middle, their lines would cross and they would bid each other a good morning with smiles on their faces.


At exactly eight o’clock, Baekhyun would start walking. After around ten minutes, he would cross paths with Chanyeol. They would always meet at the white line in front of a book shop. They would sometimes take a break and read comic books whenever they were free. One time, they skipped school to read and came home to nagging. They were still attending different schools.


“Baek!” Chanyeol greeted as soon as he saw his friend. Baekhyun smiled and waved his hand in the air.


“Good morning!” Chanyeol smiled.


At thirteen, Chanyeol was already a little taller than Baekhyun. Baekhyun always pout whenever his friend pointed out the difference in their height. Baekhyun was months older than Chanyeol but he was smaller in height. Chanyeol also became skinnier while Baekhyun began to gain some weight. Chanyeol had already shed his baby fat. Both their voices were becoming deeper too. Baekhyun once laughed out loud when Chanyeol’s voice started to deepen because the latter sounded like frog croaking.


“Give me your hand,” Chanyeol said as he reached out his own hand.


Baekhyun stretched his own and met Chanyeol’s halfway. He giggled. He knew what was about to happen. With his foot, in between Chanyeol’s feet, his best buddy would spin him around. It was almost like they were dancing. It was always fun doing it with Chanyeol.   


Once he was safe on the other side, Baekhyun turned around and gave a thumbs up to Chanyeol.


“Thanks, Yeol!” Baekhyun’s eyes crinkled in delight as he smiled. “See you later after school?”


“Yup!” Chanyeol nodded excitedly. “I have this new game! You will love it, Baek. I’m sure you will. Let’s play it in my room after class. See you at this point again?”


“Yes, let’s see each other at this point. Later, then, Yeol!”





The end of classes meant that Baekhyun would see Chanyeol again.  


At the end of his class, Baekhyun would follow the white line on the side of the road which would eventually lead him to the worn-out bookstore and to Chanyeol. Aside from their morning tradition, it was this afternoon rendezvous that Baekhyun looked forward to. He tapped his fingers on his desk. A few more minutes and the bell would ring. He can’t wait to see Chanyeol.


Today was a special day. They were graduating from middle school. They were goin to be high schoolers soon. The two best buds decided to attend the same high school. Baekhyun was excited. His acceptance letter had already arrived. The high school was right at the middle of Baekhyun’s and Chanyeol’s houses. It was the perfect location. Additionally, the white lines were headed towards the chosen high school. It meant that they could continue their white line tradition.


The bell rung. Baekhyun quickly grabbed his bag and went zooming towards the classroom door, bumping into a few students along the day. He just grinned at them as he apologized. He got sneered on, but he paid no heed. He was about to see his best friend and he cannot wait to share the good news. They were going to the same high school. They would be together every day. They did not have to cross paths since they can now walk the white line together, side by side.


The skies were gray, Baekhyun noticed. It was just three in the afternoon, yet it was already dark. The rain must be coming anytime now. Baekhyun sighed as he grabbed his umbrella. It was better to be ready. A heavy rain could fall anytime now based on how the dark the clouds were. Baekhyun also made sure that his acceptance letter was tucked neatly inside his pocket. He did not want it to get wet if it rains.


Going on line as always, Baekhyun hummed a mellow tune. Chanyeol would always wait for him at the white line in front of the bookstore. It was their meeting point – or should Baekhyun say “meeting line”? Baekhyun chuckled at the joke. Chanyeol loved those kinds of jokes. He had apparently been influenced by his curly haired friend.


Baekhyun was getting nearer at their meeting line. However, he could not see Chanyeol’s shadow anywhere. At fifteen, Chanyeol had grown exponentially taller than Baekhyun. Chanyeol was about a head’s taller now. Baekhyun, although his height was average, felt shorter. Having a giant for a best friend made him self-conscious. He ate rice and drank milk just like Chanyeol but he did not grow as tall as the latter.


Upon reaching their meeting line, Baekhyun waited. He squatted down the ground, making sure that his feet stay on the line. The sharks were still lurking, waiting for him or for Chanyeol to make a mistake and trip. Baekhyun hoped that that day would never come – he had to make sure that they were both safe on the line.


Small drops, which soon became heavy drops, begun to fall. Baekhyun quickly unfolded his umbrella. It was usually Chanyeol who reaches their meeting line first. His best friend must have had something to do. Baekhyun could wait. Chanyeol had been the one always waiting for him since the former’s dismissal time was earlier.


Minutes went by. Baekhyun started to play with the puddle in front of him. Small school children passed him by, playing with him. The elementary pupils were loud and naughty.


“Hyung!” One of the elementary kids said. “Why won’t you step out of the line?”


“Oh-hoh,” Baekhyun smirked. “I’m taking on a challenge.”


“A challenge?” Another asked.


“Anyone who steps out of this white line would fall into the waters and the sharks would eat them!”


“That’s scary,” the smallest of the three said nervously.


That was how Baekhyun found himself in the company of small elementary kids on a rainy afternoon. The kids stayed with him, lining and also squatting down the white line. The kids had their raincoats on. Baekhyun shared his umbrella. An hour passed by and the little children had to go home.


“Why do you always keep following the white line, hyung?” One kid asked before finally leaving. “I always see you every morning and afternoon following the white line.”


“You see this never-ending white line?” Baekhyun pointed at the sidewalk line, “Whenever I follow it, it leads me to a special someone.”


“A special someone?”


“Yup!” Baekhyun nodded. “My best friend is always at the end of this white line. We always meet in the middle.”


“That’s cool! I hope to meet a special friend too just like you!”


After exchanging little waves. Baekhyun was finally alone. The rain was not stopping. As the minutes go by, it became stronger. Baekhyun held on. He had to wait for Chanyeol. Chanyeol must have had club activities and he just forgot to tell Baekhyun. Or perhaps, Chanyeol had to cover the cleaning duties of one of his friends. Baekhyun certainly cannot go home until he showed Chanyeol the good news. He was accepted in their target school! They would be going to school together at last! Baekhyun sent a couple of messages to Chanyeol but they were all unanswered.


The wind started to become more aggressive. Baekhyun’s umbrella overturned. He got wet. Baekhyun quickly grabbed his acceptance letter and put it inside his bag. It was a little bit colder, making Baekhyun shiver as a gush of wind passed him by.


An hour became two. Baekhyun was still waiting. He fixed his overturned umbrella although it did a poor job shielding him away from the rain.


Then, he heard footsteps. He looked up and saw Chanyeol’s dark face. His best friend was wet. He was probably walking under the rain. Baekhyun quickly stood up, holding his umbrella over his tall friend. Worry was written on his face. Chanyeol’s eyes were swollen, a sign that he had been crying. His eyes were a little bit red. His nose was also pinkish.


“What’s wrong, Yeol?” Baekhyun asked.


“I’m sorry, Baek,” Chanyeol’s voice was hoarse. “Sorry…”


“For what?”


“For making you wait under the rain,” Chanyeol mumbled.


“That’s fine with me!” Baekhyun offered a bright smile, expecting it to be returned by Chanyeol’s boyish grin. Chanyeol did not return it.


“Are you okay?” Baekhyun worriedly asked. “Are you sick? We should head home as soon as we can or else we will both get sick.”


Baekhyun held Chanyeol’s arm but the latter would not budge. Chanyeol was sad. Baekhyun was beginning to feel the sadness too. It just pained him to see his bright and cheerful friend get so downcast. What would make Chanyeol happy or smile? Baekhyun thought. Ah! I know.


Baekhyun hurriedly opened his bag and picked up his acceptance letter. With a grin, he showed it to Chanyeol. “Look, Yeol! I’ve got accepted to our dream high school!”


Chanyeol was silent.


Baekhyun was beginning to understand.


Slowly, Baekhyun put down his letter, letting it fall onto the wet sidewalk.


“I’m sorry, Baek,” Chanyeol started. “But I think we won’t be attending the same high school. I got rejected.”


Baekhyun threw his umbrella away and hugged his giant friend, gently running hands on the taller’s back and murmuring soothing words.


“It’s alright, Yeol. We live in the same neighborhood anyway. I can enroll at your high school. We can still be together—“


“No, Baek,” Chanyeol started sniffing, hiding his crying face onto Baekhyun’s shoulder. “You need to go to dream school. I cannot hold you back like this. I’m sorry to let you down. I’m sorry we won’t be able to walk the white line together side by side.”


“Hush, Yeol,” Baekhyun replied. “You do not have to apologize. Anyway, we can’t walk on this thin white line side by side or else we would fall and we would get eaten by sharks!”


Chanyeol’s shoulder shook with laughter. “You’re right.”


“Just don’t forget our meeting line: around 8 in the morning and around 3 in the afternoon?”


“Of course.”




Baekhyun whistled a happy tune as he walked on the white line. It was already passed eight in the morning. Chanyeol, for sure, was already at their meeting line, waiting for him. They were already on their first year of high school but they still continued with their white line game.


He smiled upon seeing the tall figure in front of the worn-out bookstore. Baekyun waved his hands. Chanyeol smiled upon seeing him. His curly hair was complementing his jolly disposition. Chanyeol’s ears were also sticking out, making him look more approachable and funny.


As Chanyeol went through puberty, Baekhyun had seen how his best friend changed into a popular high school kid. They went through puberty together – both of them developing acne, their voices becoming hoarse, and their faces becoming more mature and handsome. Baekhyun failed to grow in the height department though unlike Chanyeol.


“Good morning, Baek!” Chanyeol smiled at him.


“Good morning, Yeol!” Baekhyun answered enthusiastically.


Chanyeol offered his hand to Baekhyun and the latter received it. Baekhyun was expecting the usual spin, but it did not come. Instead, both were stuck in a mess of tangled limbs. Chanyeol was too tall. Baekhyun was short. Their usual spinning movement which they did to cross one line without stepping outside was not efficient anymore. Their difference in height was the cause. Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed upon finding themselves stuck to each other in a curious way.


“The elementary kids would laugh at us,” Baekhyun said while chuckling.


“No,” Chanyeol shook with laughter. “They would run away from us, thinking that we are two crazy high schoolers.”


Chanyeol looked lovely while laughing, Baekhyun noticed. His face was just inches away from Chanyeol’s. Baekhyun could see Chanyeol’s dark lashes complimenting his face. His brows were bushy. His eyes were adorable. His nose bridge was high, making Baekhyun envious. And then Chanyeol’s lips… Chanyeol’s lips were always pinkish.


Baekhyun was beginning to become more aware of Chanyeol. He did not know why but his heart begin to thump. Being this close to Chanyeol, smelling Chanyeol’s aftershave, was making Baekhyun’s heart skip a beat.


And it was not normal.


“So how do we get through this?” Baekhyun diverted his mind from wandering too far. It was a dangerous, dangerous thought.


“Hmmn,” Chanyeol framed his chin with his hand. “Ah, I know!”


Chanyeol bent down, picked up Baekhyun’s waist as if the latter was nothing. Chanyeol carried Baekhyun like a sack of potatoes, safely delivering his little friend to the other side of the line. Baekhyun, who was caught off guard, quickly looped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck. All the while, Baekhyun could feel his cheeks getting warm at the gesture. His heart was beating so fast that he was afraid Chanyeol could hear it.


“Holy ! Park Chnayeol! Don’t drop me.”


When Baekhyun’s feet safely landed on the white line, he released a relieved sigh. Chanyeol was just chuckling at him.


“How do you like the air up there, Mr. Byun?” Chanyeol teased.


“This giant—“ Baekhyun gently smacked the taller’s chest. “I thought I was going to die. I could hear the sharks getting excited, swimming closer.”


“I won’t let you fall, Baek,” Chanyeol raised his pinky. “I promise.”






“So you like your best friend, Chanyeol?” Sehun asked as they walked home from school while their lollipops.


Baekhyun’s eyes widened at his friend. His hands shot up to cover Sehun’s mouth and prevent him from spilling his secrets further. They were walking home – Sehun on the sidewalk and Baekhyun on the white line at the egde of the side walk. They were already near the meeting line when Sehun decided to blurt out Baekhyun’s feelings. Baekhyun roamed his eyes around and released his breath when he found no Chanyeol lurking. That could have been the death of me.


“Shh!” Baekhyun placed his index finger on his lips. “It’s supposed to be our secret, Oh Sehun! Se-cret.”


Sehun nodded and made the zipping mouth motion.


Baekhyun was thankful that Chanyeol was still not around. Recently, his best friend had joined his school’s basketball club hence, the giant was always a little bit late. Chanyeol who was lanky was perfect for the team. Being agile was also a bonus. Being in one of the best basketball club in their neighborhood, Chanyeol rose to fame. Even girls at Baekhyun’s school knew his tall friend.


“Chanyeol does not know okay? So keep your mouth shut.”


“What do I not know?”


Baekhyun turned around and found his giant friend standing on the line near the worn-our bookstore, a few meters away from them.


“Uh… hehe…” Baekhyun massaged his nape. “You… you did not know Sehun?”


Chanyeol’s eyes wandered over to Baekhyun’s new friend from his high school and went back to Baekhyun. Chanyeol made it seem like he was disinterested with Sehun. Baekhyun gulped. Was Chanyeol mad?


“I think he’s jealous,” Sehun whispered closely onto Baekhyun’s ears.


“No, he’s not—“


“What are you guys whispering about?” Chanyeol suddenly cut their conversation off.


“Uhm nothing?” Baekhyun laughed nervously.


In his mind, he had already played the different ways he would kill Sehun if ever Chanyeol found out his secret crush on his best friend. The best scenario was to feed Sehun to the sharks. Baekhyun was not ready. Even he took a while before finally acknowledging his feelings. Chanyeol knowing his adoration could end up with the giant cutting off their friendship. Baekhyun would rather stay Chanyeol’s best friend than the lose the latter.


Moving closer to them, Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders. “Let’s head home, Baek?”


“Hi!” Sehun butted. Chanyeol was obviously ignoring him. “I’m Sehun. Baekhyun talked a lot about you.” 


“Hi. My name is Chanyeol,” the giant accepted the handshake. “Baekhyun never talked about you.”


Baekhyun choked on his spit. He could see Sehun’s face darken over the statement. Sehun did not like it when people provoked him. Baekhyun held his laughter in.


“Yeah,” Sehun nodded. “Cause he was keeping me a secret.”


Chanyeol’s Adams apple bobbed. Baekhyun could now feel the tension in the air. Sehun and Chanyeol stared intensely at each other. Baekhyun was beginning to get worried. Sehun was Baekhyun’s closest friend in his school while Chanyeol was his best friend. He wanted his two close friends to get along with each other.


“I need to go, Baek,” Sehun said his goodbye. “My house is in the other direction.”


“Alright,” Baekhyun nodded. “See you tomorrow, Hun!”  


Once Sehun was out of sight, Chanyeol began to walk in front of Baekhyun.


“Sehun is a good friend of mine,” Baekhyun walked behind Chanyeol. “He’s a good kid. I hope you two get along together.”


“Of course… of course.”


Baekhyun paused and tilted his head.


Chanyeol’s back muscles looked tense.





“Sorry, Yeol,” Baekhyun said as they tread on the white line. “I can’t go to your house this Saturday. Sehun and I have to—“


Chanyeol, who was behind him, stopped. Baekhyun turned around when he felt his best friend stop walking.


“Are you alright, Yeol?”


“You’re spending too much time with Sehun these days,” Chanyeol started. He looked a little bit angry, Baekhyun noticed.


They were already at the last year of their high school. Since they were seniors, Baekhyun became busier. He had a lot of projects to do with Sehun who was also in his class. He also had to fill up university application forms. He had to attend interviews and so on. Because of his busy schedule, the only time Baekhyun spent with Chanyeol was during their morning walks. Lately, Baekhyun stays late at his school because of club activities. He was part of the drama club. He had been writing scripts for their plays. Chanyeol was in the same situation. This time, they were aiming for the same university.


This time… for sure… Chanyeol promised Baekhyun. Baekhyun could see how Chanyeol worked hard the past few days, preparing for the entrance examination. Chanyeol had been inviting Baekhyun over their house for the past weekends, but Baekhyun kept rejecting him.


“We have a super project due this week,” Baekhyun explained. “Sehun and I need to work on it.”


Chanyeol looked dejected. His shoulders were flattened. “I understand.”


Baekhyun felt guilt prickling him. “You can join us, Yeol… if you want?”


Chanyeol’s face brightened. “I would love to!”





Saturday came. Sehun did not.


Baekhyun, who was in his room together with Chanyeol, received a call from Sehun. His friend was apparently sick and could not come to his house to finish their project. Fortunately, Chanyeol was there to help Baekhyun finish it.


The two best friends were on Baekhyun’s bed. Baekhyun had his laptop on, typing his and Sehun’s paper while Chanyeol was lying down, casually examining Baekhyun’s face. Baekhyun was grateful that Sehun had done half of the project already. Chanyeol helped him immensely in the data gathering. He just needed to add his input and everything would be finished.


The sun had long set. It was already evening when Baekhyun finished.


“Wanna grab ice cream in the convenience store together?” Chanyeol offered. Baekhyun quickly agreed.


They were walking silently, following the white lines of the sidewalk. Baekhyun, as usual, was a few steps ahead of Chanyeol. He had his arms stretched out. His back had taken the brunt of the all-day research activity.


“Ahhh, I’m so glad we finished the final project.”


Baekhyun turned around to face Chanyeol. A bright smiled was painted on his face. “Thank you so much for today, Yeollie!”


Chanyeol gulped. It was now or never.


“There’s something I need to tell you,” Chanyeol said seriously.


The smile upon Baekhyun’s face fell. His best friend looked serious. Baekhyun suddenly felt nervous. Chanyeol had that serious look he wore whenever he had basketball competition – the look that screams desire for something. It was often a look Chanyeol wore whenever he badly wanted to win a basketball game. It was a look that Baekhyun knew too well.


“This could ruin everything about us,” Chanyeol continued. “But I’m taking this chance because my heart will never be satisfied until you knew to whom it was beating for.”


Baekhyun’s heartbeat increased. His palms were already sweaty. His mind had conjured up all the possible scenarios. The worst was Chanyeol finally admitting to Baekhyun that the former had a girlfriend he did not know about.


“Baek, I think I like you.”


“You… like me?” Baekhyun eyes widened. “As a friend?”


“No. More than that. I think I’m gay,” Chanyeol admitted.


Baekhyun stilled for a moment. He needed a little time to capture and absorb everything that Chanyeol had uttered. His heart must had stopped beating. He could hear nothing but Chanyeol’s heavy breathing. Slowly, Baekhyun started to move towards the giant, not minding that his feet were already out of the white line.


To hell with the sharks.


Heaven was right there in front of him with the look of doubt and terror on his face. Baekhyun wanted to turn that look into a happy one. It was a line that Baekhyun never dared to cross, but this time it was different. This time, Baekhyun was sure that crossing that line would make him and Chanyeol irrevocably happy.


There, in front of the closed worn-out bookstore, with city street lamps, Baekhyun tiptoed and kissed Chanyeol for the first time.   




Twenty Two


It rained and Baekhyun forgot to bring his umbrella.


At twenty-one, Baekhyun and Chanyeol both finished their military service. They were both accepted to their chosen university in Seoul, pursuing different degrees. Chanyeol was in the business department while Baekhyun pursued film. Baekhyun, since he was a child, was a great storyteller. His creativity and imagination had been his strengths.


“Are you going straight home, Baekhyun?” His classmate, Jongdae, asked.


“Yup,” Baekhyun nodded.


“In this rain?” Jongdae asked.


“Today is quite a special day,” Baekhyun smiled. “It’s Chanyeol’s birthday. I can’t miss dinner.”


“Ah, it’s so nice to be in love,” Jongdae teased.


After saying goodbye to his friend, Baekhyun went to the entrance of the university. Chanyeol did not have classes that day. Ever since they entered college, Baekhyun and Chanyeol had decided to live together. They were currently renting a small one-bedroom apartment.


Their parents did not know about their relationship. Perhaps, one day, they would be able to tell them. Until then, Baekhyun and Chanyeol hid their relationship from their respective families. Only a few close friends knew about them. They wanted to keep their relationship private and intimate.


Baekhyun waited for the rain to end at the shed at the back entrance of their university. He could probably run home when it is only drizzling. Baekhyun tapped his foot on the ground. He was itching to go home to Chanyeol. His gift for his boyfriend was safely tucked inside his bag.


Baekhyun eyed the white line at the edge of the sidewalk. He smiled. They were already in college but they still loved playing their game. Baekhyun would always be in front, his hands holding tightly into Chanyeol’s as they walk on the line. They do it at night, when all their classes were through and when there were not much people around. There were usually no people in the back entrance, letting Baekhyun and Chanyeol hold hands.


Baekhyun first saw the pair of shoes. They were familiar because Baekhyun bought the same type of shoes for Chanyeol. They were some of the newest basketball shoes released by a famous brand. Chanyeol had continued playing basketball even now that they were in college. His boyfriend was so famous that girls from other universities were visiting their school grounds in hopes of catching sight of Park Chanyeol.


“Are you done, Baek?”


Baekhyun looked up and found Chanyeol smiling at him. The shoes really did belong to his boyfriend. Chanyeol was standing there – still in his basketball clothes. He was a little bit sweaty, but Baekhyun did not mind. Chanyeol was holding on to a yellow umbrella.


“You did this on purpose,” Baekhyun let out a knowing smile.


“Did what?” Chanyeol raised his brows, still trying to act innocent. “I did nothing.”


“When I was about to leave the apartment,” Baekhyun continued. “I was supposed to grab one umbrella from our umbrella stand but I found none. I was running late. I did not have time to look for an umbrella. You hid all the umbrellas, Yeol. I know what you did last night.”


“How did you know?” Chanyeol chuckled.


“You knew it was going to rain. I saw you checking the weather app on your phone last night before we went to sleep. I woke up at around three in the morning when I heard you get up from the bed.”


“I wanted to come pick you up,” Chanyeol shyly admitted. “You do not allow me to pick you up whenever your classes end very late at night. Now, with the rain and the umbrella, I have a legit reason to get you back home safely.”


“Uh huh,” Baekhyun teased. He s his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and kissed him gently. “Happy birthday, Yeol. I love you.”


“Thank you, Baek. I love you too,” Chanyeol sneaked another kiss.


The two started to walk. Baekhyun was in front of Chanyeol. They were sharing the yellow umbrella while trying hard not to step out of the white line.


“I love this umbrella,” Chanyeol sighed, almost breathing in Baekhyun’s nape, making Baekhyun shiver in delight. “It’s small enough to keep us as close as possible.”


Baekhyun smiled.


“What did you get me for my birthday?” Chanyeol excited asked.


“Me.” Baekhyun turned around, his forehead bumping into Chanyeol’s. The two laughed. “I am your present… but you can only open me in the bedroom.”


“ yes,” Chanyeol smirked. “Get ready in the bedroom, babe. Oh my god. This is the best present ever.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “You’re indeed a ert. We always have on your birthday. Seriously, Chanyeol. I got you a gift.”


“What is it?”


“You can open the present at home.”


“I want to open it now.”


“Here?” Baekhyun asked.


Chanyeol nodded.


Baekhyun handed the small box to Chanyeol. It was a small box that was wrapped in golden paper. The ribbon on top was also a shade of gold.


“Don’t tell me—“


Baekhyun nodded, urging Chanyeol to open the box. Upon seeing what was i

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1114 streak #2
Read this on ao3. Leaving an upvote here as well ❤️
EleBear25 #3
Chapter 1: I know this manga, but the end is kinda different? If I was right, the bottom is the one who passed away first? Anyway, I enjoy it thank u^^
ilovereixx #4
Chapter 1: I shouldve just re read TBD for the 5th time. I cried so hard in here....... ?????
Omg I've read that manga and it's also one of my favorites ❤️
Chanbaekksii #6
Chapter 1: This was so beautifully original, I couldn't help but cry my eyes out :'(((
Chapter 1: I love this one and read it again and again. You are definitely one of my most favorite author.

Btw I accidentally clicked block user and now I can't wall messages you. Can you approve my friends request again?
ariandelle #8
Chapter 1: Oh god, you're really amazing. This is the sweetest fanfic i've ever read. Not so sweet tho cz I'M CRYING SO HARD. Thank you authornim you're such a great writer :)) Love You
Chapter 1: I was crying on the bus