Chapter Seven


***Please forgive all and any spelling or grammar mistakes. This chapter has not been deeply edited.***




"Until you're broken, you don't know what you're made of. It gives you the ability to build yourself all over again, but stronger than ever."




Chapter Seven

Seoul Police Station, 4:37 p.m

January 3





The ride to the police station, put in simple terms, was rough.

The large group had been broken up into two: the lead male detective went with Leeteuk, Heechul, Donghae, and Kyuhyun in one car and the female detective drove the second car that held the remaining members. Siwon had tried his hardest to convince the group's managers to allow him to tag along with the others, saying he deserved to be there during the meeting, but his doctor wouldn't allow it. Just a simple discussion with one of their managers was enough to enforce the restriction on Siwon from leaving the hospital, so that left the other members to head out and finally get the much-needed information they've all been waiting for.

Hardly anyone in either car spoke during the long ride; both of the officers had made a few attempts early on, but none of the members cared to carry on a conversation. Most of the boys were fed up by that point; one of their members was missing, another in the hospital with a concussion, and no one seems willing to share even a small bit of information with the group. They're being kept in the dark, and every member hopes that what the two officers said in the hospital wasn't just a cover-up for something much bigger, but they can't know for sure. Maybe there is a much bigger bombshell waiting to drop, one that couldn't be revealed in the middle of a hospital room, and this car ride is towards a horrible revelation, rather than some much-awaited updates.

It's fear and anticipation that fills the two cars as they slowly make their way to Seoul Central Police Department, or SCPD for short, that's home to some of the most notorious and complex criminal cases in all of South Korea. The pile of unsolved and ongoing cases within the department is sky high, and yet another has been added ontop.

After some time, the cars finally slow and pull into a crowded parking lot, the members taking to watching out the windows as they pull in front of the towering building, exterior bleak and gray, inside still a mystery. The officers waste no time in parking, exiting their separate cars mere seconds later to the group members up the front staircase and through the double doors of the station. They remain silent as the male officer calmly leads the large group through the various narrow halls and past the many curious eyes of other officers and criminals, the smaller female officer remaining at the rear.

It takes a minute, but the leading officer eventually stops in front of a large wooden door, taking his time to fiddle with the numerous keys attached to his belt before unlocking the door. Moving to the side he gestures for the members to enter, some giving the man looks of skepticism as they make their way into the large meeting room. Upon entering, they spot a large conference table situated in the middle of the room, chairs surrounding the large wooden table, and an even larger whiteboard stationed to the far wall, words and pictures decorating almost the entire surface.

Being the first to get inside the room, Leeteuk's eyes automatically go to the cluttered surface as he reads through the sloppy handwriting. It takes him a moment before he realizes all those words and pictures scattered across are about Yesung. This is everything they have on his case.

"Where did you get all this? I thought you said the CCTV footage was mostly corrupted. Surely one camera can't give you all of this..." The officers remain silent as the last of the members and their two managers enter the room, the female staying back to relock the door as the male heads towards the whiteboard. Only then, once he takes his seat and places a few files down on the surface in front of him, does he reply.

"Everything you see behind me is every ounce of information we have managed to gather about Yesung and his disappearance, including everything we got from your dorm and the salvaged footage." He speaks as he rummages through the multiple papers scattered about the table, only grabbing a paper from the pile every now and then.

"I realized during our drive here that me and my partner haven't formally introduced ourselves. My name is Kim Beomseok, and this is my partner, Yoo Jihyun. We are the leading detectives on this missing persons case, and it is truly a pleasure for the two of us to be the ones leading this investigation. We were assigned to this case fairly early this morning, so eveything the two of us know is what we have been told. It is all rather, simple information... so, before we begin our own investigation, both of us knew we needed to talk with you all today. For some insight on what we are getting involved in, and also for you all to finally be filled in on what is going on."

"So, quite the blabbing and just do it... why can't you just tell us already? I'm tired of being kept in the dark, we all are... we deserve some answers." Kyuhyun's words are laced with venom, the anger and frustration he has been barely managing to contain since last night now finally started to make itself known. His words receive looks from the two managers present, and one seems ready to say something to Kyuhyun for speaking out, but the male officer, Beomseok, beats him to it.

"Look, I understand you are all upset and worried, and I know we have been keeping each of you away from this as much as we could, but it was simply to protect you all. It has just barely been a day since it occured; we were simply unsure if anything else was going to happen last night, and your company... let's just say they told my chief this case needs to stay under wraps. So no matter how much I hate the idea, the public stays out of this. For Yesung's protection, as well as all of you."

"Yesung's protection? Getting the public involved would help the case. Do you even understand how hard our fans would go to get Yesung back? You need the public in this case, so who gives a what the company said-"


"No, this is exactly what these so-called police officers need to hear! They need to hear that this investigation is going to go nowhere if they don't get their heads out of their asses! That whiteboard of yours is pointless, I could have told you everything written on there without even seeing it. Nothing on that is going to help us get Yesung back and catch whoever it was that took him. I know it's only been a day, but to me, it seems like nobody really gives a damn-"

Before Kyuhyun can finish his sentence, someone suddenly grabs ahold of his arm and roughly pulls him up from his chair, dragging him away from the table. The singer catches a quick glance of one of their managers with their large hand locked tightly around his bicep, and Kyuhyun tries his hardest to pull out of the older man's grip, but to no avail. The door is once again unlocked by the female officer and the two exit the room, Kyuhyun shouting through the entire ordeal to be let go.

Before the door can be shut tight, Eunhyuk is suddenly there in the doorway facing out into the hall, but turns back towards everyone to speak.

"Don't worry, I'll go out and calm him down. And I am really sorry about him; just continue without us." With that Eunhyuk hurries out into the narrow hall towards where Kyuhyun was just taken, the female officer standing next to the open doorway, hesitating to shut it back up in case someone else tries to leave.

"I knew none of you were going to take the news well... but I guess neither of us fully prepared ourselves for your reactions. Even so, this isn't the time for emotions... so does anyone else wanna let out their frustrations with me before we carry on with the meeting?" Beomseok says as he eyes the remaining idols scattered around the table, most seated with their heads bowed or eyes downcast as a way to show their cooperation with the officers. None of them show any signs of wanting to speak up, but that is until Leeteuk suddenly straightens up and looks towards the head officer, voice firm as he speaks for the group.

"Being the leader I'm apologizing on behalf of Kyuhyun. He isn't taking this whole situation easy at all... none of us really are. Though he could have been much nicer, all he was trying to say is that we are tired of being kept in the dark. It may only be a day since the incident, but the only thing we know is that Yesung was taken. That's it... we have been told nothing else, and when we finally are given the chance to learn more, we're being told the one thing we believed could truly help us is being taken away."

"I get it, I really do. But keeping the public out of this case was not my decision. Each of our superiors has their own ways of handling these types of situations, and though we may not always agree, going against them could risk everything we have. I'm not going to lie and say I don't believe your CEO or my chief has their own personal reasons for their decision-I've faced this scenario enough times to know all too well-but fighting against it is going to get us nowhere. It'll put our entire investigation on hold, which means the longer it will take to help Yesung."

Every one of the members is hit hard with reality as the officer speaks, his words sinking into each of them as everything really dawns on them for the first time. Every idol knows of the rumors and talk of CEOs of entertainment groups being corrupt. How they view each of their idols as machines and use them only to make a quick buck, and though there is so much evidence to prove these rumors right, it's still a hard thing for an idol to digest. To actually believe their CEO, who once viewed the group with admiration and support, now views one of their own as not worth it just because the company would receive some public criticism. It's revolting, to say the least.

"We, we understand sir... it's just hard, for us to accept this reality. I still believe, and will not stop believing, that the public should be included. But like you said, that's not our decision to make. We need to push aside these differences and focus on the main task at hand, because sitting around like this arguing is doing nothing." voices Leeteuk, his mind and emotions far past arguing with anyone else anymore that afternoon. 

Beomseok smiles as he replies to the young leader.

"Couldn't have said it better myself. Now, let us begin, we definitely do have a lot to discuss." says the officer as he begins to stand from his chair, but in the midst of his move, a new voice suddenly sounds in the room.

"Wait, what about Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk? They need to be here for this, we can't just go on without them." All eyes go to Ryeowook as he speaks, the realization that getting Kyuhyun back into the room would be for the best. Leaving him out of the conversation would do more harm than good, and no one wants to deal with that side of the maknae more than they have to.

"Five minutes, give us that and I can promise you Kyuhyun will be back in here and not say a word against anything you say." Leeteuk tries his hand at appealing to the lead officer, who was the least pleased to hear what Ryeowook had to say, and after a few tense moments, he gives the group a quick wave of his hand, signaling their five minutes has begun.

The group, as well as most everyone in the room, believed it would take much longer than five minutes to get Kyuhyun to agree to go back inside the room, but after only three, those that left to get the youngest were already returning with him in tow. They take their seats, and soon after they can finally begin. Beomseok stands once again, moving to the edge of the large whiteboard as he starts relaying all the information they've gathered.

"At approximately 9:41, one of our sister stations received an alert from dispatch of an 11-80 and a 10-65, which is assault with major injuries and a suspected missing person. Upon arriving at the scene, responding officers found your manager who drove the car that evening, and who also made the call, and the unconscious body of Choi Siwon. After talking with the manager and Siwon very briefly the officers were informed of the situation with Kim Jonghoon, but after searching the premises he was nowhere to be found. Shortly after it was ruled a kidnapping. This is all information you already know, correct?"

None of the members verbally respond, some nod as the officer continues.

"Paramedics arrived on the scene shortly after and took Siwon to the closest hospital and your manager remained at the scene as officers investigated the crime scene. Each of you was escorted away from the scene as you arrived home, and an officer arrived at your location to explain the situation shortly after. I had been one of the officers called to the scene, and I arrived a little under an hour after the call came in. Officers and detectives had remained at the scene for two hours, but little information was able to be gathered in that time."

"Blood was discovered on the floor, but after a quick analysis, we learned it came from both Siwon and Yesung, both of who sustained injuries during the ordeal. Furniture throughout the front area was also carelessly knocked over and scattered across the floor, a clear sign of a struggle. A heavily damaged smartphone was also found and taken in as evidence, but we have yet to determine who it belongs to. Our small talk with Siwon earlier revealed the scattered furniture came from a struggle from him and the kidnapper as he fought to protect Yesung. But we were also informed during that talk that some objects were already on the floor when he arrived at the dorm, so we can only assume Yesung and the kidnapper must have gotten into their own struggle as well before Yesung was knocked unconscious."

'Unconcious? Was he hurt bad?" asks Eunhyuk, clearly distressed to hear such news about the singer. As were they all, being zero information about any injuries Yesung sustained was given to the group before that moment.

The officer hesitates before answering.

"It is still unclear on the extent of his injuries but... yes, he was hurt and seemingly knocked unconscious during the crime. And being as Siwon is still recovering, we found it to be too soon to start prying too much into the smaller details." Everyone inside the room listens intently to the man's words and remains silent for him to continue his briefing, but it is the sudden, high-pitched voice of Ryeowook that startles them all.

"What about the body, the one you mentioned in the hospital... it's not Yesung, is it?"

All heads immediately turn towards the officer, who once again takes his time to answer the younger's question.

"I received the update on the deceased body during the ride here, and I'm happy to say it was not Yesung. It was still an innocent life lost though, but we can rest a little easier now knowing the invader's intentions were not to kill."

"Then why did Yesung get taken? If it wasn't just some psycho looking for another victim, then why was he taken?" Kyuhyun's voice rises as he speaks but Donghae and Eunhyuk are by his side in a second, both using reassuring motions, a soft hand rubbing Kyuhyun's tense shoulders and another wrapped gently around Kyuhyun's, to try and get him to relax.  

"That's the question, isn't it. The culprit left almost zero evidence behind for us to use to find Yesung. All but one CCTV outside and around your building was wiped. I have some of the best working on trying to restore the other footage from last night, but there is no guaranteeing any of it can be recovered at all. And with the only witness being Siwon, any information we receive from him can not be relied on too much."

"What do you mean? Siwon would not lie if that's what you're trying to say. We all have known him for years; he can be trusted." It is the first time Shindong has spoken during the meeting, but he speaks on behalf of everyone at that table as he defends their groupmate.

"Please, that's not what I am saying at all. Just try and understand me when I say that with Siwon's concussion and the number of painkillers he has been given, any information that comes out of his mouth can not be fully trusted. It could very easily be the drugs talking, so if we want the most reliable description we can get out of him, we need to wait until he is better, or at least well enough to get off the drugs."

"What can be done before then?"

The male officer's expression turns stern as he moves towards a small, empty area of the board. He pulls a small marker out of his pocket as he turns to face the group.

"Help, that's what we need. Any kind of information on a potential suspect, it does not matter how big or small it is, give it to me. If you can think of anyone who would have done this, tell me."

The members start racking their brains for any kind of information they may have for the officers, each lost in their own heads as they search around for even the smallest bit of information that could help save Yesung. It takes a few moments of utter silence and deep concentration before Heechul is the first to speak up.

"Well, this may seem like the obvious answer, but a sasaeng is a big possibility. They're crazy and willing to do just about anything if it gives them a chance to get close to their favorite idol."

"But why didn't they take anything? Usually, when there is a new sasaeng incident, they take some personal objects with them. The front of the dorm was all messed up, but I over heard an officer last night say it wasn't the kind of mess as if somebody was searching for anything. But that was just the officer basing his words off assumptions."

Eunhyuk's question stumps most inside the room, who look down towards the large table's surface in thought, but it is the female officer, who had remained silent up until that moment, that speaks up.

"Maybe the culprit was only after one object, or rather person, and they succeed in getting what they wanted. As you said, these sasaeng fans of yours, they'll push through any boundaries to get what they are after. With nothing missing, this person's main objective was Yesung, and Yesung only. And whether or not they are a sasaeng or not, they succeeded. So now we need to figure out who did this and why."

"Easier said than done. There is an unknown number of sasaengs for Super Junior out there. And if this person isn't even a sasaeng, then I have no idea where to begin looking. Even with the police searching, that's still not the help we need to find Yesung."

"So, what Heechul-hyung is trying to say is that you can go out and do all of the searching you want, but without our fans helping and doing your job for you, then this investigation is going nowhere. This is a waste of time."

Kyuhyun's comment is the final straw for Leeteuk's patience. He abruptly rises from his chair and slams a fist onto the wooden table as he stares directly at Kyuhyun's shrinking figure, startling everyone in the room but the two officers.

"That's enough Kyuhyun! I don't know why you are being so disrespectful, but you need to stop. These officers are putting their time and effort into searching for Yesung, and some may even be sacrificing free time and nights for this investigation, so stop being such a whiny brat. Whether you like the circumstances or not, this is how things are right now. Yesung is missing, we have no idea who the culprit could be, and conditions we hoped were met weren't, but that's just what we have to deal with right now. We all know this absolutely , but how you're acting right now is inappropriate and ignorant."

As Leeteuk speaks, all the members can only stare at their leader in pure shock. None of them have ever seen Leeteuk lash out like he just did, but it was enough to get Kyuhyun to advert his gaze and finally, finally shut up. Even the two officers and managers inside the room are taken aback by Leeteuk's aggression, but the leader's words relieved the older adults nonetheless. Kyuhyun doesn't look close to speaking again anytime soon, so after Leeteuk retakes his seat and a brief hesitation falls over the officers to collect their thoughts, Beokseok is the first to break the silence.

"Um, ahem... I can tell this meeting is draining for all of you, so if it would be best for you to return home for th-"

"No, no we're fine... please, just let us continue. I'm sorry for my behavior just now, but this is the closest we've come to learning anything, and I'm not letting it end now. We're here to get answers, and I am not leaving this chair again until I have some kind of good news." Leeteuk's words leave no room for argument, so after a quick moment for Beomseok to collect himself once again, their meeting carries on.

A few more possibles are given by the members for who the suspect could be-someone out for money, a crazed person that Yeosang sadly ended up getting involved with, and even the idea of someone from the company being the one at fault pops up- but each idea led the group further and further away from any kind of useful information. Over an hour had already passed and everyone was beginning to reach their limits, especially each of the members. None of them had gotten a good night's sleep, so sitting inside a room for so long whilst pushing their brains to their limits to try and come up with any ideas was definitely taking its toll. Beomseok takes notice of this quickly.

"Look, I can tell you all are exhausted and need a break. It would be best to end the meeting here and continue this tomorrow. You all just need to get a decent nights sleep to be more well off to think and discuss. We got really far with possible leads, and I'll have some of my coworkers help look into all of these ideas to try and uncover anything."

They all look hesitant to oblige to the officer, especially Leeteuk, but after the leader takes his time to look around and scan s' tired and worn out faces, he knows they need to call it quites for the day. For everybody's health, even though they have to stop their help in finding Yesung for the time being, they all need to get some rest.

The managers are the first to rise and head for the door, slowly followed by each of the members. Leeteuk stands but allows for the others to leave before him, mostly to scan each fo their faces to try and fnd out how they are all feeling, and he catches Kyuhyun's gaze locked on the spot of floor directly in front of him as he exits the room. Kyuhyun is clearly avoiding Leeteuk, something he was already prepared for after his outburst, but that's going to be something to deal with back at the dorm.

As Leeteuk finally begins to make his way for the open doorway, following closely behind Heechul, he's stopped by Beomseok calling out to him.

"Leeteuk, if you have another minute there's something I'd like to discuss."

Leeteuk catches Heechul's eyes and the leader can tell what the other is tryign to say even without spoken words. Go, I'll let the managers know you'll be a minute. Heechul leaves and Leeteuk turns back to approach the officer, who's standing with a small enevelope held loosely in his hands.

"Leeteuk, first I just want to thank you for helping earlier with Kyuhyun. I completely understand where he's coming from but in these types of situations, it's best to remain level headed. I can see you already know that pretty well, and I don't hold any anger or annoyance at you for getting a little upset. It's what was needed, so thank you."

Leeteuk only nods slightly at the officer's words; he can tell the older man still has more to say and he doesn't want to distract him in any way with his words.

"As for what I really called you over for..." Beomseok reaches the envelope out towards Leeteuk, who hesitates to grab it at first, but Beomseok sends a reassuring look that allows Leeteuk to carefully grab the small envelope out of the man's hands. At first impression the object inside is hard and fairly small, btu in his current state Leeteuk can barely discypher it's contents past those two basic descriptions. Thankfully Beomseok is there to help.

"Inside you'll find Yesung's cellphone. It's cracked and pretty damaged from the attack, but one of my buddies in the station managed to get it earlier. There's still some charge to it, but it seems that no charger works any longer in restoring the battery. Instead of keeping it here to waste its remaining battery in a useless search, I wanted you guys to have it back."

Leeteuk can only stare down at the envelope in disbelief. Yesung's phone? It can't be...

Leeteuk could've never imagine that Beomseok would be offering up such a valuable piece of evidence back to the group. Surely they would have much more use with the device then Leeteuk or the others ever could, but in that moment of shock and weakness, this thought didn't bother Leeteuk at all. He's holding Yesung's phone, something he never thought he would see again and also something that never even crossed his mind until that moment. Such a small part of his brother, but something so major. Something Leeteuk can hold and let himself know that Yesung in there, though in mind rather than body, but nonetheless its something to help Leeteuk feel even the smallest bit better. It's a positive, something Leeteuk didn't think he'd be getting that day.

"Th-thank you... so much. I-I can't even tell you how much this means to me."

"Please, it no big deal. Just, lets keep this between me and you and the other members. I won't be told the nicest of things if somebody else in the station finds out I gave this back, so it would be best to keep this a secret. I've already looked through it for anything useless but came up blank, so I would rather this phone die while its back in the hands of you than sitting on an evidence shelf in this building. I don't want to keep you waiting any longer, so I'll let you go now. I'll be giving one of your manager's a call either tonight or tomorrow about meeting back up, so plan for that to happen sometime tomorrow. I still have a lot to go over with you all, but your health is more important to me at the moment. So please get some rest tonight so we can have a good day tomorrow."

Leeteuk can't help himself from thanking Beokseok two more times as they are saying their goodbyes. Leeteuk leaves the meeting room with a grin plastered on his face and the envelope tucked securely underneath his shirt. He can't wait to tell the others about the good news when he get back to the dorms, and he can only imagientheir reactions as he makes his way down the narrow hall. Appraoching the building entrance, Leeteuk drawn out of his thoughts by the appearance of raised and almost paniced voices. A few sound familiar; maybe one of their managers, and the next two sound oddly similar to Eunhyuk and Heechul. Why are they still inside? Shouldn't they be in the vans by now?

His thoughts are quickly answers as he rounds the corner into the lobby. More than what looks like a dozen reporters and people with cameras stand just inside in the large front entrance of the station. They're gathered mostly into a tight group due to the countless officers and their managers standing around keeping them back. It's clear they're aiming their attention for the group, who stand trapped between the group of reporters and a few tables set up in the entryway. It's not this sight that surprises Leeteuk the most, however. His eyes catch the flashes of movement outside of the building, and after having to strain his eyes a little to be able to look past the loud and hectic crowd to the street, that's when he sees it.

There has to be a hundred, maybe more, fans and more reporters and paparazzi gathered around the front of the station. They've created a large wall of people as they all stand around pushing and knocking into others outside, just trying to get a better view inside the building. A majority hold large signs and because of their constant movement it is hard for Leeteuk to catch what they say. But looking hard enough he is able to catch what a few say, and the more he reads the more his happiness from just a few moments ago is shattered.

Save Yesung!

SM needs to protect their idols!

Get Yesung back!

Rescue Yesung! Don't let him get hurt or die!

Leeteuk's next few moments progress almost as if they are in slow motion. A few of the reporters notice Leeteuk's appearance and turn their attention to him as they try and make their way over. The officers and managers hold them back as the grown men and women try their absolute hardest to get their microphones and cameras as close to Leeteuk as they can. He can hear their constant shouting that's directed towards him, but Leeteuk registers none of it. He doesn't even register the hand that suddently grips his wrist and begins pulling him away from the crowd and away from the front of the building, just that it's Heechul that's pulling him away.

He can only think of the crowd of fans outside who now know about Yesung's kidnapping and how the news has probably already been spread far across the internet by now. He questions a lot in that moment, but it's jsut one word that stays at the front of Leeteuk's mind as he's being dragged further and further away from the scene.





















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So I've decided after doing some editing that I hate the description of Erased SO MUCH. I've brainstormed but have always come up blank. So I'm saying that if anyone has any ideas they can give me, plz message me them. I would appreciate it so much.


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Ta_fics #1
Author-nim, we are still waiting!! Good luck!
401 streak #2
Chapter 8: Rereading and still waiting for an update ❤️
Chapter 8: PLEASE , I have read your story more than 10 times ، I want a new update please ، I can't wait any longer 😭💔💔💔💔
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Where are you babe~? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Shiname470 #5
Chapter 8: When will you upload the next chapter? Your story is so good!😄
Please I miss your story, when are you coming with a new part? 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
This is so good, when I see that some story was update I click so fast! What can I say? I love good stories with Yesung <3
Chapter 8: :(((
Chapter 8: What will happen to Yesung? Someone save him. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Oh Kyuhyun:(( let’s all pray for Yesung’s safety. I hope Siwon can help with the kidnapper’s face.