Chapter Six


"I have come to understand the world will have its way with us despite what we might wish, or once believed."




Chapter Six

Unknown Location, 5:43 a.m

January 3

Yesung doesn't know how long it has been since Seungmin eventually stood from the chair and left the room, but he's more than happy to finally be alone. The singer can only estimate, but if he were to say the man probably sat there watching Yesung, with zero communication, for close to half an hour. And on top of everything that went on earlier, this time of solitude is a necessity for Yesung's well-being, the small cut still stinging in the middle of his forehead.

With being surrounded by nothing but dank and barren concrete, he has no way of knowing what he looks like but has a pretty clear image in his mind. Face still swelled and puffy from all the crying, a small, dried-up trail of blood leading from his forehead down to his chin, body heavily restrained over the wooden chair.

His flowing tears had ceased a few minutes before Seungmin left the room, and Yesung can't help but think the thing the man was waiting for, his cue so to speak, to leave was for Yesung to contain his emotions and stop crying. Just the thought makes him even more of a creep than before, but Seungmin up Yesung's blood still holds the position for the creepiest thing he has done so far.

With his bindings on the mind, he tries again for the umpteenth time that evening to break out of their hold but fails miserably. He's still too weak to doing virtually anything to the ropes and though Yesung knows he is not by any means a strong man, but he still can't help but lay the blame on drugs that are doing this to him. He was out for a while, at least he assumes, and from the time he first woke to the present, his body feels no different. One of those men from earlier had to of been ordered by Seungmin, or maybe even someone else, to give him some sedative to ensure his resistance would be kept to a minimum.

That raises the suspicions of there maybe being someone besides Seungmin that Yesung does not know about, someone of higher status and authority, calling all of the shots. In a sense the idea seems practical, Seungmin just doe not rub off as the kind to be the leader, but then again he was ordering Yesung not to long ago for him to be called 'master'.

Maybe Seungmin just feels that since he was the one that did the kidnapping, Yesung is now his prize to flaunt around with, but either way, just the thought of the conversation earlier and Yesung can already feel his emotions starting to build up all over again. The memories are pushed aside in a second as Yesung gets ahold of his emotions for the second time that day, trying to think of everything and anything to distract his mind. But just as he's feeling calmer the large, metal door in the corner suddenly swings open, and Yesung can't help but feel that life really has it out for him these days.

First, that crappy photoshoot run by the even crappier photographer and magazine direct-. Yesung's eyes go wide when they finally land on the three figures that just entered the small room, instantly recognizing the two forms of the eerie, lanky photographer with the unreadable stare, followed closely behind by the stocky form of the magazine owner, whose sporting a surprising solemn expression as the two near Yesung. Seungmin is not far behind, the man carrying multiple items in his arms but the singer is too overwhelmed by the other two nearing him to really process what it is he's holding.

The photographer is the first to break the uncomfortable silence that landed over the room, Yesung shrinking away from the other when his hands land suddenly on his shoulders, his tall form hunched over top of and directly in front of the singer's restrained form. Yesung can only stare helplessly into the man's eyes.

"Well well well, long time no see. Who knew we would be meeting again... in such circumstances." The man stares at Yesung with a glare he can only describe as sinister. The photographer wasn't one to talk much when Yesung was at that photo shoot, but the singer is definitely happy that he never had to deal that closely with this creep before.

Yesung stutters out the first words he can conjure up.

"Wh-why are you here? Who are you?" To anyone in Yesung's situation, it would be clear that asking such questions is just ridiculous. But surprisingly, the photographer is more than willing to share.

"It's obvious really, I'm you're, well we are... let's just say we're the ones that caused this whole thing. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be in this situation right now, so if I were you I would act at least a little grateful."

Yesung can't help but scoff even though he knows it will do no good for him, especially after what happened to him earlier when he decided to 'act up'. Though, instead of the expected punishment, the photographer straightens and walks away from the singer with a laugh, an unpleasant one for that matter, and goes towards Seungmin who just finished carrying in two chairs for the men. The photographer is quick to take a seat, directing a steady gaze upon Yesung the moment he turns back around. It takes a few extra moments for the director to head for his chair, the same solemn look etched across his face as Yesung watches the three unknowingly.

It is Seungmin who breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"I know you must have many, many questions Yesung, but be patient. Me and these two gentlemen fought tooth and nail for your capture, and there is so much more detail work yet to be done." Yesung is surprised at the sudden change in name from Seungmin, but he can't be more surprised than by his sudden growth of confidence. Maybe it's the two's sudden appearance or it is his growing hatred for Seungmin that fuels his fight, but he is too slow to stop the words before they spill from his mouth.

"Patient? How the hell am I suppose to be patient when you s have me tied up like some animal! I am not someone you can just kidnap then talk to like I have to listen to anything you're saying!" 

Yesung expects anything but what he sees after his little outburst; Seungmin clearly looks annoyed, the photographer is laughing yet again at Yesung as he sits back into his chair, as if enjoying some TV drama, and the director looks almost sorry for the singer, a faint look of sympathy present. Yesung doesn't register what the expression could mean fast enough before a hard object collides with the side of his face, the force a strong enough of a blow to knock the chair he's strapped to over. Unable to move any limbs, Yesung is helpless to prevent his head from smacking against the stone concrete floor.

Stars cover Yesung's vision when he lands, the rough surface of the chair also digging into his skin. He hasn't even gotten close to recovering from the first blow before there is someone suddenly overtop of Yesung's body, straddling his chest as they start landing hit after hit onto Yesung's head. After a dozen hits, the man finally lets off of the singer, roughly standing from overtop the idol before maneuvering his body to lift the fallen chair back up.

When he's finally back upright, Yesung can't make out anything through his flowing tears, those of which started the moment the numerous punches commenced. It's not until someone goes up to him with a damp rag and starts wiping at his face that he starts to slowly regain his bearing. The person isn't being particularly nice as they move the rag across his face, Yesung hissing in pain when the rag is brought over multiple spots, and when they eventually pull away, he finally gets to see the full extent of whoever's sudden tantrum. The once stark white rag is now covered in streaks of crimson red blood, some spots even almost covered with the dark liquid. That's when the smell finally hits Yesung as well, the coppery stench filling his nostrils.

It's not until later, after the bleeding stops and dries up, that Yesung realizes the smell was so strong because it was coming from his own nose and mouth.

His eyes go directly towards Seungmin, the older standing next to his chair with his own damp rag in hand, wiping away any remaining remnant of blood off his knuckles. Yesung waits for him to speak, no fully understanding the consequences of talking, but surprisingly it's the magazine director that speaks first.

"Was that really necessary Seungmin? You clearly put the kid through something already, so don't go killing him now."

Seungmin looks pissed as he tosses the bloodied rag to the floor, taking his seat next to the photographer.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about Daejung."

"Don't give me that bull, anyone can tell from the blood that was on his face when we entered that you let your anger get the better of you. One of these days, that is going to be the reason we get caught."

"Okay! Alright, I get it! I have anger issues, so what? We have more important matters to deal with right now." The now named director, Daejung, retorts no further, stopping and releases a heavy sigh after one final statement for the other.

"Don't come crawling to me when the kid dies because you can't control yourself."

Seungmin stares at Daejung in anger, Yesung unable to do anything due to the circumstances, and it's the photographer who finally decides to do something about the argument, the lanky man standing to block Daejung from Seungmin's view the best he can.

"Children, children, please... can we act like the adults we are and get on with this. Even if you two don't have anything better to do with your lives, I have a shoot to get to later. And I'm sure as hell not missing it because of your petty argument." After a few seconds of zero movements within the room, Seungmin finally reaches underneath his chair for a thin file, the few papers inside sticking out in various places. Yesung watches as he hands the file over to the photographer, who accepts the papers happily with an almost sadistic grin, his previous annoyance now gone.

The singer doesn't have much time to see what the other is doing, however, as his head is pulled to the side by a strong hand, Yesung seeing it's none other than Seungmin who is responsible. Holding a small pocket knife, Seungmin brings it towards Yesung's arm, and the idol clenches his eyes as he braces for even more pain to come from Seungmin, but after a few long seconds go by and Yesung feels no pain, he opens his eyes. Seungmin has the knife underneath the lines of thick ropes tied around his right wrist, roughly sawing at the bindings until they finally snap. Yesung feels instant relief as his wrist is finally freed from the rope that was dangerously tight against his skin, but his moment of relief is short-lived.

Not even a second after the ropes are cut, Seungmin has the small knife presses loosely against his throat.

"Try anything and I'll have this knife sticking out of your neck before you can even blink. This sudden confidence of yours dear, it is not doing you any good. At first, it was cute, but now I'm annoyed. Try anything... you know what will happen." Seungmin harshly whispers into the singer's ear, Yesung whimpering as he hears the older's threats. The noise catches the attention other the other two present, the photographer clearing his throat loudly to catch Seungmin's attention and get him away from Yesung.

"Uh, uh, uh... away from my prize. Can't have you ruining him more than you already have" the photographer says excitedly, making Seungmin scoff loudly.

"Please, give me a break Beomgyu, like I would let you do anything to him. I know your intentions, and they are sadistic, to say the least. The only reason you are in this room right now is because you helped catch him, but that doesn't mean you get to have him. So lay off."

Beomgyu doesn't say anything else as he readjusts himself in his chair, obviously affected by the comment. Though he's trying to play it off, Yesung sees as the photographer keeps sneaking quick glances over at him, each one accompanied by a wicked grin. Yesung shivers at the possible thoughts going through the man's head.

"Sign this." Yesung's attention is diverted to his other side, away from the photographer, and sees Seungmin standing directly in front of him with that same thin file from earlier in hand, this time with one of the sheets laying flat on top. Yesung can only stare at the word-covered paper in front of him as he tries comprehending what it could be, but Seungmin gets impatient.

His freed arm is harshly grab and a blue pen shoved between his fingers, Seungmin digging his nails harshly into Yesung's skin as he brings the singer's hand to the paper. Seungmin releases his grip when Yesung's hand reaches a certain point on the paper, Yesung having to lean forward slightly to read the small words printed above the small dashed line on the paper:

'I hereby sign my life over... I will follow all commands given to me from anyone deemed a master... my body and soul will be thereon controlled fully by the ruling figures of this contract...'

"Come on, just sign it." The words fly right through one ear and out the other, Yesung's mind too overwhelmed by what he's just read. It's a contract for his life, Yesung knows this without even having to think too hard on it, but his body still makes him ask the obvious question due to his shocked state of mind.

"Wh-what is this?" Seungmin seems annoyed by the question but manages to control his anger this time and simply goes on explaining what the form is. And if Yesung would have been able to look to the other side of the room, he would have seen the satisfied grin that grew on Daejung's face at Seungmin's sudden change.

"This, Yesung, is the contract for your life. Each of us has already signed the form since we were the ones responsible for your kidnapping, and now, you're going to sign it too. With your signature, you'll be signing over your life to us. Think of it as your initiation. Now, use the pen and sing your name." Though Seungmin tries sounding as reassuring as he can, Yesung feels no change in emotion.

The intensity of his emotions, the fear of what it will mean if he actually signs this paper, the worry for his own life, the hope that s or the police are out there looking for him, it's almost too much. If he could, Yesung would break down crying right then and there, but after his earlier slip-up and the knowledge of the extents Seungmin is willing to go to get what he wants, Yesung holds it back.

With a shaky hand, Yesung maneuvers the pen between his fingers so it's in writing position, all three men staring at the idol as he slowly lowers the pen the rest of the way down to the paper. With one last heavy breath, Yesung moves the pen shakily across the small blank space at the bottom of the contract and doesn't stop until his full name is written over the small dashed line.

Yesung lets his arm drop to his side and pen fall from his hold as he weakly slumps back into his seat, head hanging low. He feels a hand softly land on his knee and starts rubbing almost comforting circles against his skin, but Yesung feels no warmth from the touch knowing it's coming from one of those monsters. he lets his eyes fall shut, wanting nothing more than to fall into a deep sleep and dream away everything that has happened to him these past few hours.

Sleep seems to welcome Yesung warmly, the last thing the singer being able to register before he's out being Seungmin's voice.

"Now you're official, welcome to the family dear. I hope you'll be happy here, and once you awake, your new home will finally be ready. Until then, I'll let you sleep. Oh, and Daejung, since you were so keen on not letting him get hurt earlier, I'll let you do the honors of untieing him... and please, do be gentle."



Hospital, 12:21 p.m

January 3


When Leeteuk and Kyuhyun eventually returned to the hospital room earlier, they were meant with the anxious and worried forms of the rest of the members, all scattered helplessly outside Siwon's hospital room. Heechul explained how when they were gone, the police showed up and made them all leave the room so they could talk with Siwon about that night. Leeteuk was beyond furious at the sudden news; Siwon was still out of it when he saw him before, so he most certainly wasn't going to be up for a police interrogation.

But no matter how much he and the others protested, no one was willing to listen. It wasn't until one of their managers fully shut them down and made them leave the hall for the neighboring waiting room that they had to finally given up. But that didn't mean Leeteuk wasn't going to continue to try as hard as he could to figure out what was going on inside that room.

And now, close to an hour after the police entered Siwon's room, that's exactly what Leeteuk is doing. The moment they were all ushered into the cramped waiting room, Leeteuk refused to sit down, opting to stand against the doorframe of the door leading to the hall, head as close as he could get it to hear what was happening out there. All of the others tried to reason with Leeteuk, but their leader wasn't going to stand down.

If the police are having some conversation about that night and the details of what happened, Leeteuk deserves to be in that room just as much as Siwon does. He's the group leader after all, and there's also the fact that even though Siwon was the one in the dorm with Yesung last and he saw the kidnapper first hand, Leeteuk was the last one to talk with Yesung, even if it were over the phone.

He would love to march into that room and give those damned police a piece of his mind, but that idea was shot down by the managers earlier when they caught Leeteuk trying to sneak in. His attempt failed miserably; he was caught in a matter of seconds after leaving the room, and Leeteuk stayed sulking by the doorframe for a good ten minutes before Heechul managed to calm him down.

When they reach the one hour mark is when Leeteuk seemed to have meant his limit. Knowing they have been in there for an hour talking about information on Yesung, information Leeteuk, as well as all the others, deserve to hear is what pushes him over the edge. He tries repressing him pent up anger, but with everything bad that seems to keep getting thrown his way, he doesn't think he can handle it anymore.

Leeteuk decides quickly, almost too quickly, that he's going to attempt escape once again. He sneaks a glance back at the other members behind him: Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, and Donghae squeezed on the only sofa in the room, Ryeowook and Shindong both sitting off by themselves, and Heechul planted in the uncomfortable chair directly beside Leeteuk, seemingly lost in a haze.

He takes this as his opportunity to strike.

With a swift movement, Leeteuk forcefully pulls the sliding door open, rushing out the small room towards his destination. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the multiple forms of their managers scattered throughout the hall, each of them perking up at the sudden noise. But after so long of standing around and staring at barren walls, their minds are too hazy and sleepy to react fast enough at Leeteuk's appearance. Using this to his advantage, Leeteuk rushes for the only doorway he cares about at the moment, grabbing ahold of the cool metal handle and yanking the door open just as he feels a hand brush up against his shirt.

Leeteuk rushes inside the room and he's meant with a sight he wasn't expecting to walk in on. Siwon, who not too long ago was lucid from the many painkillers given to him, standing beside his bedside with normal clothing on, his robe discarded. The officers are seated on the opposing bed to Siwon, one with a recorder and the other with a tablet in hand. Leeteuk freezes to his spot as he hears the distant sounds of others entering the room behind him, but he's too concentrated on Siwon to care.

"Siwon... you-you're up! I thought you were still gonna be ou-out of it?" Siwon lets a genuine smile spread across his face, laughing at the utterly confused form of his leader standing before him.

"Nice to see you too hyung!" Leeteuk goes to question Siwon further, but an excited shout fo behind him stops him in his tracks, as well as breaks him out of his shock.

Ryeowook, having been the first after Leeteuk to enter the room, notices Siwon and rushes forward, practically jumping onto the older. Siwon releases a pained whimper, causing Ryeowook to retract himself quickly from the other.

"No, no... it's fine Ryeowook. I'm just a little sore still, that's all. Seriously, I'm fine." As to prove a point, Siwon reaches forward and grabs Ryeowook's arm, dragging the younger into a bear hug. Leeteuk hears laughter and quiet exclamations of surprises from behind, knowing it's the others finally having entered. He turns back towards Heechul, sending him a questioning gaze.

"The managers tried to keep the rest of us out, but after Ryeowook pushed through and ran in they couldn't keep us out any longer." 

Accepting Heechul's explanation, Leeteuk quickly turns back to face the Siwon again, planning to go forward to wrap Siwon into a hug of his own, but it's a loud noise from the two officers that stops Leeteuk.

The male officer, the one with the recorder in hand, presses a small button on the side of the device before shoving it into his pocket and standing, the other officer, female, standing as well.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion, but there are many more important matters to be discussed with Siwon, as well as the rest of you. We were actually about ready to head into your room when we were... interrupted. But no matter, the rest of our conversation will have to hold off for later. You all need to head down to the station with us immediately."

All of the members in the room send the two officers confused and questioning looks, but it's Leeteuk who dares to ask the question.

"Why? Can't we just stay here and talk?"

"I'm sorry to say it Leeteuk, but we need to head down to the station as soon as possible. Earlier we got an update on the kidnapping case, one that you all might want to hear about."

"Wh- Yesung's case?"

The male officer is the one to speak next, the previously speaking female officer now with a solemn expression across her face.

"Sadly, yes. We got two pieces of news at the same time, both not any good. But to confirm them, we need to leave now." the officers go to leave to room, but the members aren't willing to go until they've heard what the dreaded news is.

"Well, what is it?" speaks Kyuhyun, who had remained silent for the entire conversation until the officers started avoided answering, and then he got plain annoyed.

"...We were hoping to tell you later, but now it seems inevitable... firstly, some of our officers on the case managed to find some none corrupted footage from one of the CCTV outside your building. All other cameras were destroyed, but it seems this one got passed up, or maybe even salvaged, for whatever reason."

"And? The other?"

"...While surveying the area, an officer stumbled upon a body... deceased. We received the report, but haven't been given any updates on who the person is. As of right now, we have no way of knowing if this body they found is Yesung's or not."




Well here it is, chp six. i hope you enjoyed it. small request before you leave; could you leave any advice or opinions you all have on the story so far. any ways to improve, tell me if it's all linking up correctly. all and any advice is welcome, i would love to hear what you all have to say! thanks! ps- this chapter was written late at night and hasn't been fully edited so plz excuses all mistakes, thanks!













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So I've decided after doing some editing that I hate the description of Erased SO MUCH. I've brainstormed but have always come up blank. So I'm saying that if anyone has any ideas they can give me, plz message me them. I would appreciate it so much.


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Ta_fics #1
Author-nim, we are still waiting!! Good luck!
401 streak #2
Chapter 8: Rereading and still waiting for an update ❤️
Chapter 8: PLEASE , I have read your story more than 10 times ، I want a new update please ، I can't wait any longer 😭💔💔💔💔
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Where are you babe~? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Shiname470 #5
Chapter 8: When will you upload the next chapter? Your story is so good!😄
Please I miss your story, when are you coming with a new part? 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
This is so good, when I see that some story was update I click so fast! What can I say? I love good stories with Yesung <3
Chapter 8: :(((
Chapter 8: What will happen to Yesung? Someone save him. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Oh Kyuhyun:(( let’s all pray for Yesung’s safety. I hope Siwon can help with the kidnapper’s face.