Chapter One


"The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence."



Chapter One

Central Seoul photoshoot location, 6:53 p.m

January 2




Another busy schedule for all Super Junior members, which meant yet another hectic and tiresome day for them all. Most of the members were scattered around different parts of South Korea, with the exception of Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Ryeowook who were taking part in a group interview. In one particular building in the heart of Seoul sat Yesung in a small dressing room waiting for a call from his manager. Yesung has just finished a photoshoot with an underground fashion magazine that centers around alternative fashion trends. Earlier that week when Yesung received the invitation call, through his personal cell phone which is strange for job requests, the owner told Yesung enthusiastically: "you have just the kind of face I'd love to see on the front of my magazine."

With those words and some more exchanged between his manager and the man, to get some more information on what this magazine is like, it was a done deal. Yesung himself wasn't that excited for the shoot -he's just not a big fan of photo shoots that he's not required to take part in- but s said it would be something new to look forward to. And now two weeks later, that's where Yesung ended up that afternoon: some run-down building located in the middle of the city, directly against a club on one side and a cafe on the other.

     Another thing Yesung believed when he was first offered the position and even up till the day of was that it would be a quick, solo shoot. But his belief quickly got washed away when he realized he was one of the ten models that appeared for the shoot and Yesung quickly realized he would likely end up going last that evening. Just like the owner over the phone, the photographer kept endlessly complimenting Yesung. He kept referring to the singer as the most important model of the night and wouldn't stop calling him his "golden ticket". After more talk, Yesung found his opportunity to escape and took it, because there was at least one model there that actually cared for the shoot and wanted details, and he ended up placing himself in a narrow hallway just outside of the photography room, earbuds shoved up his ears to hopefully drown out the excited yells of the photographer and each of the model's stylist's pressing words directed towards their model to be sure to not mess up their makeup.

Now with the photo shoot having ended around fifteen minutes ago and Yesung having added in his touch to the shoot, and not without the overly dramatic compliments that were thrown his way from any random staff member or photographer himself, Yesung can finally relax. The quiet and calming feeling of finally having some time to himself is the one thing Yesung has needed the entire day. And if not for himself then at least for the growing headache that's quickly settling around his head.

 The headache forced him to go hunting for something more comfortable to sit on something that isn't a lawn chair. It took only minutes for him to find the only sofa present in the building, which was most likely taken over by another model and his stylist earlier. With his earbuds shoved back in his ears and volume on full blast, he lays sprawled out on the soft furniture with an arm draped across his face to shield his eyes from the bright, luminescent light on the ceiling. Even with the pounding music, the vocalist finds no room to complain about his current state since he did upgrade from that rickety old chair and also that he's now completely alone in the room. All Yesung can think about is how good the dorm sounds at the moment, much rather willing to deal with the other members and their annoying but, at the moment, seemingly calming antics.

In the midst of Yesung's rest, his phone suddenly vibrates on top of his chest, what he can only assume is because of a new message. He lifts his arm and brings the phone up above his face, hazily scanning over what the message says, still practically half asleep. As his eyes adjust and take in what was just sent to him, Yesung abruptly sits up on the couch, grabbing his bag off the ground and rushes to the room's only door.

 It was a message from his manager that said the car was outside and ready to leave, having just finalized the last details from the shoot, and Yesung couldn't be happier to of read those words as he walks swiftly down the narrow hallway towards the front of the building. Even if he'd just woken up no one that he passes by could tell, especially due to the newfound spring in his step.

Soon, Yesung arrives at the indicated spot his manager said and quickly spots the said man ahead but also, sadly, the photographer and the magazine owner talking happily amongst themselves. Ever since the first words Yesung heard uttered from the owner's mouth, he's never been able to understand how those two can always be so cheerful. He would suggest it's just their personality but the types of jobs the two have provided otherwise; a photographer shouldn't always be as cheerful as he is, especially considering the types of people he has to work with on a daily basis.

Aside from the two men's overly happy personalities, their presence surprises Yesung as well. As he walks hesitantly forward, he can't think of any reasons for the two to still be in the building, believing the photographer would have left by now and not understanding why the owner is even here in the first place. However, the moment the two men spot Yesung walking towards them, he understands all too well, realizing they stayed to see him off. The realization doesn't shock Yesung as much as it should've, considering this type of behavior is the same kind they have been continuously possessing towards the young singer. But still, the awkwardness between the three that's increasingly growing can't be helped.

With the appearance of Yesung, the owner swiftly turns towards the singer and flashes a wide grin with his arms opened wide, indicating a hug. Yesung releases an awkward laugh at the sudden gesture, glancing nervously in the direction of the manager. When the two meet eyes, Yesung wills himself away from openly expressing his anger when he takes in the manager's expression and realizes he's silently telling Yesung to deal with it for the time being.

Rather than chooing to voice his opinion of the three others present, he instead flashes the brightest fake smile he can muster at the moment. Any normal person would take notice of the smile's true identity almost instantly and Yesung can practically hear his manager's toothy grin from where he's standing. But knowing the other two, they don't seem to understand what awkward is.

The owner makes a subtle hand movement to come forward, forcing Yesung to reluctantly walk towards the man and before he knows it, he's wrapped in the arms of the shorter man. Yesung practically stares daggers into the ground as the hug progresses and it's not until Yesung lightly begins to pull away that the owner realizes he has been holding on for a little too long.

"You did excellent today Yesung. I studied every single one of your photos and all of them fit the image for the next issue perfectly! I think we have a real star here. You, my boy, should be very proud." he says encouragingly as he squeezes Yesung's shoulder, just a little too roughly for his liking.

All he can do is, again, awkwardly laugh at the remark given to him. And it's not until the photographer makes his first appearance in the ordeal that Yesung realizes how truly uncomfortable he is. His eyes diverted back toward's the manager, practically pleading to him to help him get the two away, or at least get him some breathing room. Thankfully, the manager seems to catch on quick because, in no time, he's standing beside Yesung with eyes focused on the owner, who seemingly chooses to ignore the new presence.

"I appreciate how much you are satisfied with the outcome of the photos but sadly we really need to be leaving. I had informed the other managers earlier that I'd get Yesung home as soon as possible and even promised Yesung in the car ride here he'd be home before nine. On top of those he has another very busy schedule tomorrow that starts quite early so if you don't mind, we really should get going now." His words leave no room for argument and judging by the owner's sudden change of expression, it seems he doesn't enjoy the intrusion very much. 

His smile morphs into more of an annoyed grin as he moves his focus up to the manager's face. If intimidation factor were to come into play between the two males, the manager would certainly win with his towering height and stoic expression, but the shorter owner doesn't falter even a little. Instead, the wide grin returns but now it includes some new emotion Yesung can't put a name to; he would say it just maybe look a little evil.

"Oh, of course, sir. I didn't realize I was holding you two up. Yesung here must be exhausted from today's schedule so please do return home. A lot awaits him there, isn't that right? I was just extremely thankful for Yesung today. Because of you, both of us are going to be getting a real treat. But enough talking, I thank you again for your attendence today and wish you both a merry evening," says the owner as he steps aside, now beside the photographer and out of Yesung's reach.

The two bid farewell before finally heading out the doors into the cold fall evening. The cold winds chill Yesung to the bone and he shivers from the sudden drop in temperature, only making his desire for his warm, comfortable bed grow. No matter how significant the drop is though, it's much more comfortable for Yesung to be around than what he had just experienced inside that building moments ago. As the two silently walk towards the car, Yesung directs his attention back towards the small building for a brief moment.

He expects to see nothing inside the front lobby where they were just standing, but instead sees something that makes him do a double take. He can't make out the figure clearly, but his eyes can't be deceiving him when he swears he sees someone standing inside the building behind the front windows, staring dead on at Yesung. He can't make out a face, but from the short appearence, he's almost certain the person he's seeing is the magazine owner.

The manager takes quick notice of Yesung's sudden absence from beside him and turns to spot the younger a few feet away, facing away towards the building they just came from. He calls out for the singer but gets no form of recognition in return, as if he didn't even hear the man, so he calls out again but this time louder and causes Yesung to abruptly turn to face his manager.

"You okay?"

"Y-ya, I'm fine. Let's just go..." The manager can tell from the uneasiness in Yesung's voice that something is troubling the singer, but chooses to make nothing of it for the time being. If he spots Yseung continuing to act this way in the car or when they arrive at the dorm, then he'll start questioning. For now, he makes the basic assumption that Yesung is still feeling uncomfortable from what just happened in the building. Yesung walks past his manager in the direction of the car and the manager makes to turn to walk with but stops when something catches his eye near the building.

His eyes return to the spot where he thought he saw someone standing either inside or outside the building, but now there's no one in sight. He scans the surroundings for a few more seconds before turning and jogging to catch up with Yesung, now not feeling comfortable leaving the male alone. He'd have to talk with Yesung later about what he saw but for now, he needs to worry about getting him home.

Within minutes, the two have returned to the car and get themselves inside, both wanting to get away from that building and the cold weather than seems to only be getting worse. They both situate themselves to their liking, the manager already messing with the heating controls and Yesung already getting his earbuds out to put in his ears, and before long they're off. Yesung takes one last glance out the side window at the building that'll haunt his dreams for the next week before turning away, forcing any thoughts of this evening out of his mind. Getting home is a must at this point and Yesung just can't wait to see s again so he can tell them all about what happened.

He leans his head back against the car seat and turns back to look out the window once again, but this time instead of a haunting building he watches the bright city lights and different people and places pass by in a blur. The soft melodic music that fills his head with it's delicate and warm sound only grows as he raises its volume, wanting to distract himself from the world for the time being. Listening to piano and orchestral music was in a way, Yesung's therapy. Most people the singer knows or talks to wouldn't find listening to this type of music enjoyable, not even his fellow members. To Yesung though, he listens to the music when he's in need of a sense of calm. Anytime he's anxious, nervous, or upset, Yesung tunes into the soft melodies to calm his beating heart, fuzzy mind, shaking hands.

The music calms and distracts him from the many worries that appear in Yesung's mind almost everyday. It's a distraction he can't seem to be able to live without, and he doesn't even want to think of what would happen if he didn't have the music. Because of what he just went through, Yesung needs the music more than ever. He allows himself to drown out the endless thoughts with the melody as he brings his full focus to the car window. He's quick to take notice of the small raindrops beginning to hit against the clear surface. His eyes wonder along the window from raindrop to raindrop, moving to a new one when the one he was just focuing on moves out of view or disappears from the cold glass surface.

He remains that way for close to twenty minutes but turns his face downwards to his lap when a soft ding sounds through the earbuds. He slowly lifts his phone in front of his face, choosing not to move from the glass, and turns the screen on to read what was just sent to him. After unlocking his phone, he sees two new messages from Siwon.

'When u getting back from schedule? Last event got canceled so I'm getting ready to head back now.'

'Just talked to Leeteuk-hyung. Said he was going to be late cause last minute interview came up.' 

Yesung is quick to reply.

'Last event just ended, not far from dorm. Be back in about 15.'

'Ok:) C U soon<3' 

He chuckles at Siwon's last message, noticing the familiar heart at the end of the message that Siwon always adds when he's saying bye. Yesung locks his phone back up and sets the device on his leg, bringing his attention back towards the raindrops. The rain picked up since Yesung first leaned against the window and now it's pouring outside, the large raindrops smacking against the highway and can be heard pounding against the aluminum car roof.

As his focus returns, Yesung begins to find a soothing harmony in the soft, delicate music mixing with the hard, pounding rain. The contrasting sounds help wash a sense of peace over Yesung, who moves his head to rest back on the seat's head rest to get away from the cold window.

After some time, Yesung takes notice of the familiar surroundings outside and the slowing of the car itself. He reaches down to grab his bag whilst removing his earbuds from his ears and unplugs them from his phone to shove them inside of the bag to find when he gets to his room. When the car finally pulls over to park, Yesung looks out the window and sees the familiar towering building, happy to be home.

After a quick exchange of goodbyes, because Yesung is anxious to get inside, he opens the back seat door and steps out. The manager tries to get Yesung's attention to talk about what he saw, and what Yesung most likely saw too the more he thinks about it, but to no avail. He decides to just let the singer get inside to rest, knowing they both are going to have yet another long day tomorrow.

"See you tomorrow manager-hyung! Get some sleep, okay!" Yesung yells out as he shuts the door behind him. He watches as the manager drives off in the rain and once he's out of sight, Yesung steps towards the dorm building's front door and reaches for the handle, stepping inside. He's hit with a wave of warmth, now remembering how their entire dorm building has an amazing heating system, and practically sinks into it. He stands just inside the doors taking in the amazing warmth, almost forgetting about the fact he's only floors away from the dorm, but more importantly his bed.

Without another thought, Yesung walks to the elevators and presses the button, waiting only seconds for the two large doors to open, revealing a empty space in front of him. He quickly steps inside and presses the designated button for the dorm room's floor, elevator slowly beginning to ascend upwards towards it's destination.

After a few moments, the elevator reaches the floor and doors open, releasing a anxious Yesung. He turns down the dimly lit hallway towards the dorm's front door, fumbling with his bag's zipper to get the door key out. He takes a quick glance up to make sure he hasn't passed the door, but stops dead in his tracks when he does so. Yesung stares dead ahead, frozen in his spot, urge to use the bathroom now once again gone and  body too shocked to move, as he studies the opened doorway that is the dorm. The first thought that he manages to register in his mind when he overcomes the shock is that maybe Siwon got back earlier than expected. Maybe the driver of his car drove faster than Yesung's and ended up getting Siwon home sooner. 

Yesung has known Siwon for years though and he knows the younger isn't dumb or forgettful enough to leave the door hanging open. Leeteuk has talked to every one of the members enough for them all to understand what kind of position they all are truly in because of their idol status. The term sasaeng has come up in enough of these talks for every member to understand how careful they all should be.

Yesung starts taking cautious steps forward, mind now racing with explanations, heart beginning to hammer in his chest no matter how hard he tries to control it, and palms become sweaty due to the invading fear. He reaches the door sooner than he wanted, because he's still trying to get a grip on his mind and nerves, and carefully peers inside. It's completely dark inside, only light being the bright flow of moonlight from the distant window, and Yesung hears nothing, which should come off as a good sign. If he doesn't hear anything, then that means either no one is inside or someone was and they left already.

He tries to use these quick thoughts to reassure himself that there's nothing wrong, but it seems his mind has other plans. His head is filled with thoughts of what if someone is still inside and you just can't hear them?, do you really believe Siwon is home, stop trying to fool yourself, what if the person's hiding out somewhere else and is waiting for a chance to escape?

He begins repeated deep breaths because of the thoughts as he slowly pushes the door open  the rest of the way and cautiously enters the dark room. If there is someone watching him from the hall trying to get a chance of escape, Yesung will gladly give it to them. He silently prays to himself as he walks carefully across the kitchen tile to the closest table, the kitchen bar, that he hasn't just walked into a trap. Yesung again tries to void his mind of thoughts like these, but it's a losing battle. He's just too shocked, nerves too sensitive, mind is too confused, and thoughts way too jumbled to bring his senses back to regular functionality.

As softly as he can, Yesung sets his bag ontop the  kitchen counter and pulls his phone from his jacket pocket, heading straight for his messages. If he's going to get to the bottom of this whole problem he needs to talk to both Siwon and Leeteuk, the only two that would have any idea of what's going on. He's quick to send a message to the two members.

Siwon: "Did u get baxk yet?"

Leeteuk: "When ar you getting back? theres something goin on at the dormd, try ancall  whenever you get a chance."

Yesung takes notice of the multiple spelling mistakes in the two texts as he leans against the bar, trying to steady himself and calm his shaking hands. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, the singer is scared out of his mind. Never did he believe he would go through something like this, even if it does turn out to be a false alarm.

Yesung leans there staring down at the two chats wishing for one of them to reply already, even if they were just sent seconds ago. Without noticing, he starts to tap his foot anxiously and his heartbeat stays at its quickened beat as he continues to wait. Yesung doesn't want to face the reality that maybe someone broke in but, what if someone did? All signs so far point towards yes but at the back of his mind he continues to tell himself it's just a false alarm.

It's the soft ding of his phone that breaks him from his thoughts.

Leeteuk: "Yesung what's wrong? my interviews almost over and i'll be back as soon as i can. tell me whats wrong."

Yesung's goes for a quick reply to Leeteuk to just call him, but just decides he'll call the leader himself. His message must have worried him sink, knowing Leeteuk's personality, and Yesung can only imagine how much he just wants his interview to end. Yesung wouldn't be surprised if the eldest just ended the interview himself, too worried to continue on.

He enters his contact list and scrolls through until he spots Leeteuk-hyung. His fingertip brushes against the glass screen when he goes to tap the caller ID, but falters when a sudden voice freezes him to his spot. 

"If I were you, I wouldn't hit that call button."

The voice sounds unfamiliar, doesn't even register in Yesung's mind as a person he'd know. All he can pick up from the strange voice is that it's definitely male, a matured one for that matter, and lacks any form of emotion in it.

The voice came from the direction of the dorm's front door and with a slow, unsteady turn towards the entryway, Yesung slowly raises his head up and braces himself to face the stranger, who still even in the back of his mind, Yesung prays in just another member or friend. His heart sinks.

It's definitely no one he knows; a young male, maybe Yesung's age, with a much larger build than the singer, muscles showing through his thin shirt. A man Yesung really shouldn't mess with. He'll have to play these next few moments out smart unless he wants to end up with a concussion, or worst, from the tall man standing in the doorway.

His phone stays grasped in his hand as he stares at the man in front of him, whose feet never seem to move and eyes never stray away from Yesung's face, preventing Yesung from attempting escape. Simply trying to make a run for it won't work; there's probably so many factors Yesung doesn't know about. Like if the starnge has any weapons, more importantly a gun, or how skilled he is in fighting. He's taken the average lessons as a child but that was years ago and judging from the man's build, he defintieley knows much more than Yesung. Staying put is his only real decision, even if it seems like the worst decision to make, but it's for his own safety.

Even though the room's dark, the realization just seeming to hit Yesung that he never turned any lights on, he can make out most of the male's distinct facial features.  Distinct cold-cut eyes, sharp jawline, medium length hair that vaguely appears pushed back, and thin mouth drawn up into a menacing grin. From Yesung's spot on the far side of the room, the man clearly looks like a crazy maniac standing infront of the opening in the pale darkness. If it were any other situation, Yesung would make the joke he looks like a killer straight from a horror movie. Now though reality is starting to look more and more like a horror movie, the stranger playing the killer and Yesung playing the victim.

The male takes a threatening step forward  which causes Yesung to manuever around the bar and take his own steps back, determined on maintaining as much distance between them as he can. His phone in his hand is visible in the very corner of his vision, Yesung noticing how the screen is still brightly lit and Leeteuk's caller ID still present. Even knowing it's a risky move, Yesung deliberately maintains his fear struck expression and keeps his eyes trained on the male as he shakily manuvers his thumb across the screen to press the call button. The stranger's face void of emotions tells Yesung he didn't notice, one of the few things the singer is beyond thankful for that evening.

As the phone begins to ring, the stranger's monotone voice fills the quiet space again.

"You don't need to be so scared Yesungie, I'm not going to harm you if you comply with all of my orders. It's simple really, so no need to make this hard on yourself dear."

The stranger's failed attempt at sounding sincere only rocks Yesung's emotions tenfold, the nicknames not helping either. Only s ever really call him by a 'pet name' in Yesung's eyes, so to be called 'yesungie' and 'dear' by a complete stranger sends a chill down the singer's spine. The man's grin grows as Yesung's steps do, his advance backwards not ceasing because the stranger's never does either.

His steps lead him knocking straight into a large, hard object and with a quick glance downwards, Yesung notices he's reached the edge of the living room couch. Without another thought, Yesung quickly reaches down to pick up the object nearest to him to use as a weapon, which happens to sadly be a decorative pillow. The thought of a gun being in the man's posession never leaves Yesung's mind, and with his looks and attiude, he wouldn't be surprised if the man pulled one on him.

Aside from the gun, Yesung also wanted the advantage of striking a sense of intimidation in the stranger if he would've grabbed a much harder and larger object, but a mere pillow isn't going to cut it. The stranger laughs at the sight of the singer defensively holding a small decorative pillow in front of his chest as if that'll help him. The laugh's menacing and a sound Yesung never pictured coming out of the stranger's mouth, the sound not even coming close to matching the type of expressionless face and monotone voice the man possesses.

A quick glance downwards to his phone shows that Leeteuk has answered the call and is most likely at the brink of screaming at Yesung to say something through the phone; thank god he turned the volume on his phone down to the lowest setting when he unplugged his earbuds, something he seems to do impulsively nowadays.  With this new opening in the situation, Yesung takes this as his opportunity.

If he's able to stall the stranger just enough to get the message across to Leeteuk of what's happening and that Yesung is indeed in danger, then he may get out of this alive. With another quick side glance, Yesung is able to manuver his thumb again to press the speacker option on the call screen, making it easier for Leeteuk to hear as Yesung speaks his first words of the night since his earlier goodbyes to his manager.

"W-who are you? What d-do you want?" Yesung's practically pleading as he stands in that same spot against the couch with the pillow still held defensively in front of his chest, as if he can really fight the man off with a mere pillow. Yesung can only imagine what s would be saying right now if they saw him with the pillow.

Aside from his mind bringing forth the thoughts of s, it also registers a sudden change in the man's expression. His once madly sinister grin turns downwards into a frown, as if Yesung's frantic and fearful words actually emotionally hurt the man.

"Oh Yesungie, you don't need to be scared. Like I said, I won't hurt you. Please just calm down so we can talk." Again with the attempt at sincerety as well as the pet name, two things Yesung doesn't think he'll ever get used to hearing no matter how many times he does. These also send him emotions into a mild frenzy, and Yesung's next words are those he's just barely able to jumble together in his state.

"No! Li-like I wouldn't be scared of some stranger who shows up in my dorm! You're crazy to believe I'd actually trust yo-you maniac!"

His explosion on the man is enough to break the dam on the stranger's control. Yesung's about to release more out at the man but the sudden appearance of a small hand pistol from the inside of the man's long coat is enough to shut Yesung's mouth instantly. He was right to assume a gun would come into play, but he never actually prepared himself to see one suddenly pointed out right at his chest. The surge of emotion appears once again inside of Yesung but instead of an explosion of harsh words and anger, it's emotion in the foam of hot tears welling up inside of his wide eyes.

The frown turns back into the all too familar grin on the man's face as his advance quickens, his deamenor and the hard set in his eyes showing he's beginning to get frustrated. Along with the man's quickened advance, Yesung quickly moves around the couch leg and begins his backwards advance as well, this time at a much quicker pace to match the stranger's.

After a few more quickened steps backwards, Yesung's body comes into contact with yet another hard surface, but this time it's on a much larger scale. A frantic glance to the side reveals the dorm's far wall is pressed up against Yesung and for the second time that evening, his heart sinks. His advances back now cease to exist, he has reached the end of the line in terms of escape. Both the pillow and phone are clutched tightly to his chest as the man's steps bring him closer and closer to Yesung. The pale singer can do nothing now but stare at the man, too scared to try and run with the fear of getting shot and mind too jumbled to form a simple straight thought. The scen resembles that of a tiger nearing in on its defenseless prey, ready for it's next meal.

Yesung shuts his eyes tight, which seems to be the only thing he's able to do on his own, and because he does so he can't see where the man is or how close he's getting to Yesung. He still has control over his senses though, and a sudden itching feeling of a new presence directly in front of Yesung causes the singer to shrink back into himself as a harsh chill runs down his spine. He can practically feel the man's breath against his own neck with how close he has gotten, a feeling Yesung has never wished to experience. He senses the man moving slightly and within seconds Yesung is flinching away again, this time from the new appearnce of a mouth directly next to his ear,  mouth parted slightly to release a chilling but warm breath against the side of Yesung's face.

"You know, I tried to play nice dear. But sadly it seems you're looking for trouble tonight. I didn't want to have to hurt you Yesung and I still don't, so I'll give you one last chance.  But first you have to open your eyes," the man practically purrs the command into Yesung's ear, sending more of the electrify chills down along his shaking figure.

Yesung's smart and knows not listening to the man's command won't do any good for him, especially with the kind of situation Yesung put himself into. Something he said or did managed to anger the stranger enough to threaten Yesung's safety, something that's starting to confuse the singer more and more. With the attempt at sweet talking, the amount of chances the man is giving Yesung, and the multiple pet names make it seem like the man doesn't want to hurt Yesung. But then again, some are willing to go to the extreme to get what they want, or more so who they want, even if it means hurting them to get their way.

Willing himself to listen to the command, Yesung takes in a staggered breath as he slowly opens his eyes, coming face to face with the stranger. Yesung's eyes go wide at the sudden appearance and the extremely close proximity the two are in with each other. His eyes begin a impulseive scan of the stranger's face, noticing that same damn grin still plastered across his face. But with the closeness, he's able to notice so much more. The redness of the man's cheeks, eyes filled with lust, and breathing that seems to be growing heavier from the way Yesung is hearing it.

The male begins his own scan of Yesung's face, most likely studying the singer's facial features and taking in everything he can. Just the thought of what the male is thinking about as he looks Yesung over is enough to cause Yesung to shutter where he's standing, a reaction the male seems to pick up but keeps quiet on.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Now, lets continue with this excellent behavior, right dear?" The male leaves no room for protest as he suddenly reaches into one of the many pockets in his large coat and pulls out a small dark rag. It takes a minute to register what this rag is, but a sudden coming of realization is enough to bring Yesung's fight back. A struggle arouses between the two males, Yesung trying his hardest to push the stranger away so he can make a run for the door.

The male of course is on Yesung within seconds of the struggle. The two find themselves in a struggle of who can push the other down first, and it seems luck just isn't on Yesung's side that evening. His phone, the phone currently still on a call with Leeteuk, is knocked from his grasp and lands roughly on the floor below with a loud thud, screen side up. The two both glance downwards at the sudden noise and at noticing the position he has gotten himself in, Yesung tries to hide the screen from the stranger's eyes, but he has already seen enough.

The male brings forth a newfound strength against Yesung and reaches roughly for the singer, one hand wrapping harshly around the singer's throat and other landing hard against Yesung's gut. Yesung's first instinct at the sudden impact on his gut in to double over but the suffocating grip around his throat prevents him from doing so. Yesung can't even move an inch but manages to make quick eye contact once again with the stranger, and this time he looks pissed.

"You ! To think I actually trusted you to not go against my orders earlier! I bet you felt good to know you managed somthing behind my back, didn't you! You deserve to be punished! This time without holding back..."

Before Yesung has time to register the man's words, all thanks to the lack of oxygen flow he's intaking, a hard object roughly collides with the side of his head, instantly knocking him out into a void of darkness. The male drops the now unconcious singer's body harshly to the wooden floor, glancing downwards at his handy work. His eyes  move from the body to the more important matter at hand, the phone that's caused all the issues. 

It's a mere flick of his eyes towards the phone screen before his pistol filled hand in placed over the small object, gun pointing downwards at the phone. The loud ringing noise sounds out inside the room, vibrating against the walls as the once intact phone turns into a pile of metal, glass and wires, the once phone now ceased of a the phone call with Leeteuk.





















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So I've decided after doing some editing that I hate the description of Erased SO MUCH. I've brainstormed but have always come up blank. So I'm saying that if anyone has any ideas they can give me, plz message me them. I would appreciate it so much.


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Ta_fics #1
Author-nim, we are still waiting!! Good luck!
401 streak #2
Chapter 8: Rereading and still waiting for an update ❤️
Chapter 8: PLEASE , I have read your story more than 10 times ، I want a new update please ، I can't wait any longer 😭💔💔💔💔
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Where are you babe~? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Shiname470 #5
Chapter 8: When will you upload the next chapter? Your story is so good!😄
Please I miss your story, when are you coming with a new part? 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
This is so good, when I see that some story was update I click so fast! What can I say? I love good stories with Yesung <3
Chapter 8: :(((
Chapter 8: What will happen to Yesung? Someone save him. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: Oh Kyuhyun:(( let’s all pray for Yesung’s safety. I hope Siwon can help with the kidnapper’s face.