The Fourth Sin

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“They say when the goddess Pandora opened her box, she closed it too soon. Greed, gluttony, lust, anger, envy, pride, jealousy and finally death. At the bottom of it lay hope, but before hope could fly out, Pandora shut the lid.”


When one of the large-scale guilds launches an attack on Cho Eunjung's village, she ends up as another one of the captives in the military camps. They tell her it's only a matter of time before she's either killed or sold off somewhere, though Eunjung's determined to find a way out of the barricaded walls of the prison whatever it takes. 


As a soldier in the camp, Baekhyun isn't sure what else he's there for. His family is safe but he'll probably never see them again, and everyday is a repetitive cycle of bloodshed and inhumanities that he's growing increasingly desensitized to. All he can do is struggle to reign in his power and keep it hidden, though even that is beginning to slip out of his fingers too.   


An unlikely coincidence brings both of them together, and by some sort of miracle, Baekhyun finds himself leaving the camp with the girl who claims that she knows where Pandora's Box is. She insists that they have to find it and open it so hope can be freed. She claims that it can all be fixed if hope is let out, and Baekhyun finds himself going along not for her words but for the fact that she seems to be able to hold back his power.  


But the clock is still ticking, and it's only be a matter of time before Baekhyun too is destroyed by his own power too.


Welcome to story #123798 of Emilieee should not be publishing this :'))))))


So I actually have the prologue written out, hopefully that'll be up sometime this month too. I won't be updating, however, until I have Cutlass finished (in terms of writing—uploading is another story, though hopefully I'll be finished writing it July/August).


A couple of notes about this fic:

>Based on Pandora's Box, ish—basically, the seven sins have been released and each sin is represented by a deity. By making a deal with the deity, you're able to aquire power, but the more you use that power, the more you will start to succumb to the sin you made a deal with (eg. lust, jealousy, greed). 

>Please don't call me authornim! Emily will do.

>Do not push for updates. I'll fall into an update schedule most likely when I start writing the fic more, and I'll let the readers know if I update periodically and which day that's going to be.

>If you have any questions regarding this fic/or just want to talk to me, here's my twitter and curiouscat

>Baekhyun actually has a bit of a dual personality here because of his power, though you'll see later :D


Poster credits (click on the poster to be redirected to the designer's profile):



Other stories: 


Cutlass — Baekhyun x OC (pirate!au, romance, fantasy)


Crescendo —Baekhyun x OC (music!au, romance, hurt and comfort)


Touch of Hades — Chen x OC (assassin!au, romance, fantasy, action)


Fearless — Baekhyun x OC (slice of life, romance, school life)


Darkest Hour — Baekhyun x OC (fantasy, adventure, romance, action)


On Angel’s Wings — Baekhyun x OC (angel!au, slice of life, romance, angst)


Sea of Flames — Baekhyun x OC (oneshot, romance, fluff, fantasy)


Prometheus — Kai x OC (action, romance, fantasy)


Windwalker — D.O. x OC (prince!au, fantasy, action, adventure)


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2491 streak #1
i was looking at ur profile bc u inspire me and i saw DISCONTINUED next to TFS and cried a little :')
in breadboy and toasthyun, we remember
also i was reading my old comments and oh my god, i forgot i called exo-sc "sanyeol and chehun" during my smooth brain days (jk my brain is still v smooth LOOOOL) bruh why did i spend so much time trying to figure out cool codenames WHEN I COULD'VE USED THAT LOOOOL
also PERSONALITY SWITCH?? THE OG?? queen of plots, we bow down to u
Chapter 7: Never read a story based on the major sins so this was intriguing from the moment I came across it but with all the suspense Baekhyun seems to create with all his vague answers and promises to 'explain later', now I really wanna read more.
Chapter 3: Ooww she's a bold one, good!
Chapter 1: Damn, that's intriguing, I wonder what consequences are there to be looked forward of.
To be honest, baekhyun as a soldier woah he's hot.
Aleaikniv #6
Chapter 7: This is so awesome!
minminsy #7
Chapter 7: wow Baekhyun's power..

Thanks for the update!
kimike #8
Chapter 7: So baek made a deal with Hades right? And that's the 4th sin? Death? Oh gosh I didn't expect that. How is it that he actually had the upper hand? I have so many questions. And eunjung have this strange control on him that stops his power if she touches him with her bare hands right. That explains y he returned normal during their combat behind the truck. Gosh I can't wait to find out more
kimike #9
OmG Em, idk what just hit me? This is totally the type of story I wanna read. And Baekhyun as the lead is the cherry on top!!! Thanks for sharing. Now I'm gonna binge read till the last chap u uploaded
Youngforever143123_ #10
Chapter 7: Damnnnn I'm hooked