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                          Kung ‘Di Rin Lang Ikaw
Artist: December Avenue


I decided to base this shot to that one Filipino song I have gained to love these past few months. This song reminds me so much of Yulsic. And I hope you can relate to as well. 

Those who can’t understand Filipino, here is the English translation of the song, just click away

Kung 'Di Rin Lang Ikaw Translation

Enjoy. And sorry for the errors!

That ominous feeling of your heartbeat, telling you to stop. One, in particular, happened when I laid eyes upon her. Tall and brooding, tanned into perfection until the curls of her hair drawl back behind her shoulders. 

That one bully I really hate. 

I for one had no inkling of any possible care towards Kwon Yuri, a lie or not, point not asked! Or so I would be futile enough to the classic onlookers I have, so abusive to call them friends but that’s not the case. They have been constant in their little fantasies of me being her princess and so on and so ing forth. 

Oh, no. Kwon Yuri ain’t getting any zipper towards my pants. Not on my watch.

“Jessica~ssi.” I hear a husky voice of putrid demonic calling, reeking my neck with her fragrance that lures its prey. 

“Get out of my sight Yuri. I’m working here.” Opposite to what I have said, I am currently drowning in the art of horrifically tragic books in my lap. I.e doing nothing.

“Working? Really? Romeo and Juliet?” She settles beside me on the bench and I am appalled by her perfume. Ravished with an excruciating lace of lavender. It is suffocating, god Yuri.

And she blew up my cover, I am not a liar more so I don’t entertain. So why is she here again?

“Yuri, why don’t you go back to your cave of beautiful women?” I saw the surprise in her eyes, I was astonished by her talent of returning back to her state of indifference, however, due to the lack of vocabulary, her indifference came up to me as smug.

“My cave of beautiful women is still not complete for one beautiful woman is still down here, under the shade of the tree, reading this…” 

She forcefully tugged the book out of my grip, then grinned like a lunatic. “Awfully tragic love story. Tell me, Sica, is this your desired happy ending?”

“No. Get out of my sight.” I fiddle over my bag, slumping it over my shoulders when I feel Yuri’s hands on my wrists. Eventually turning around, I glared at her and her gaze softens as she lets me go.

“Okay, I’m not going to bother you any longer. I’m leaving, okay Sica? Yeah? I love you.” 

“Yuri..” as I simply stare at her, my thoughts raced back to the past, I never looked into Yuri that way. Or I have simply put a barrier over my feelings to gain momentum, I did fancy her, almost went nuts in trying to stop myself from falling but I stopped, 

More so because I know I could get hurt.

“I just want to say it. Go on, chop chop.” She waved at me, running towards the cafeteria like a child. 


“You better give her a chance again Jessi, she’s worth every assumption you have stapled.” Tiffany once again cornered me in some Kwon Yuri related topics when we are taking some time off from school works.

“I gave her a chance and then what? She cheated. And now she harbors great affection in bullying me.” I folded my notebook to look at Tiffany earnestly, trying to get her point.

“FYI, Yuri didn’t cheat. You just believed that harlot.” Tiffany corrected and I became mum.

Perhaps in the span of our relationship, I am the more paranoid one, with mistrusted perspectives that even Yuri got annoyed. My fear of heartbreak caused me to believe the words of those humans capable of taking her away from me. 

And they did. Maybe that is why Yuri has become such a player? I may be conceited enough to say that it is because of me but she became such a different person altogether. And somehow, I don’t like it.

“You are just afraid to fall in deeper. Not blaming you though. You’ve got it hard, take it easy. Just let her love you, for what’s worth, Yuri deserves it.”

I peeled my sight of Yuri kissing another girl, on the cheeks of course. It is her tradition to greet every worthy soul. I believe she has induced that to make me jealous, in times I have comforted myself with that. But now, I see that she is just that. A cheerful friend. An awestruck crush material. 

“Sica!” Finally seeing my presence at the corners of her eyes she dashed her way to me, like a child. 

I was startled by her happiness I forgot that I was somehow sad. Embarrassed that I got the audacity to be jealous, I ran away from my bully again. Of course, it wouldn’t be Yuri if she stays. Screaming and yelling my name like I would demand my feet to stop and met you halfway? Sorry, Kwon. Nu-uh.

“Jung Jessica! Wait!” She screamed in front of me. Literally gleaming with her beautiful smile and her proud stance. I dare say I am not talented in sprinting, I’m evasive as hell but I doubt I have the requirements to be an expert.

“Finally, caught up to you.” She huffed. My knees buckled when Yuri hugged me close. In the midst of my expecta

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Wow another feature! Thank you very much you guys! T_T


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Osekop12 #1
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 13: Mierda estoy llorando
Chapter 14: im done reading these too, and im crying why u have to hurt me like this lmao i will continue to read some more of your works, all the best!!! thank you for writing yulsic <3
Chapter 9: Me enamoro
congrats on the feature
Congratulations for the feature!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #9