Chapter 2

|Dandelion| ~A 2min fanfic~

Song Recommendation: Dandelions by Oohyo

Word Count: 5.3k

"Minho, open the door, I need to talk to you" Taemin exclaimed as he stood in front of Minho's door, knocking it. His parents were usually out of town because of work and his brother moved out so he was the only one in the house right now. "What is wrong with you? Why don't you pick up your phone? Open the door!" He could hear steps coming closer to the door, sighing he moved back. The door swung open and Minho stood there in his pajamas with his arms crossed as he leaned sideways at the door frame.

"What do you want, Taemin?" Taemin raised his eyes, pointing at himself in disbelief "What do I want?" He pointed at Minho "What do you want, Minho?" He said dropping his arms "You're being a complete " Taemin said, pushing Minho by his shoulders that made the taller boy scoff "Oh, so now making new friends is being an " Taemin rolled his eyes, unable to believe that this was the guy he spent his 14 years of his life with.

"Of course, making new friends is good. Going around bullying people and smoking and spending the whole night out is, not. Do you know how worried your parents were? Of course, you don't, cause you were out having 'fun'. Minho what is wrong with you? This is not you." A tear slipped down Taemin's cheek and Minho just rolled his eyes "You're just jealous, Taemin, because I am your only friend and now that I'm hanging out with other people, you're being a stuck up. Get over it sweetie, I can't stay with you and be a loner. I want to live my high school life and not be a loner with you."

Taemin just stared at the other, registering each and every word like it was getting pasted on his heart and as he replayed each word, a part of him broke. This was what he was scared of, people leaving him for being too boring, and when it was actually happening, Taemin felt numb like he was losing his each and every limb and all he wanted was to hold something, because he had no idea when his legs would give in and he would go crashing down like a fragile glass.

"Minho, send that loser away and come fast, it's the main part of the movie." Taemin was pulled out of his thoughts as he scoffed, wiping his tears away and looking back at Minho "Well, I think you should go in and enjoy the movie. Thank you for giving your precious time to this loser here. I'll get going."

Taemin turned around and the door slammed behind him.


"Taemin, wake up" A faint voice brought Taemin's consciousness into reality as he shot up but groaned, as a sharp pain ran through his back. It took him a second to realize what was happening when his gaze focused on the tall boy who had a slight worry in his eyes.

"Ah Minho, you're here," Taemin said as he got up from the stair that he was sitting on from the past two hours and anger boiled inside him at the thought that Minho was two hours late and that he had to sit outside, like a person who had been kicked out. But before Taemin could even complete his first word, Minho interfered with his hands in the air.

"Yes, yes I know I am late. I ended up sleeping on the bus and when I woke up, I was in another part of Seoul that I never even knew existed." Taemin eyed Minho from his head to toe and snorted "Shall we go in or I bet people are going to start putting money in front of me"

The three weeks flew by like a wind and seeing the change in Minho's behavior did make Taemin feel a little proud of himself. It was like the old Minho was back, the one who he was in love with and for the first time, Minho enjoyed studying more than anything, just being in the presence of the younger gave him so much motivation and Taemin's nature of not giving up or getting fed up even when Minho asked the silliest questions, just made him admire the younger boy, for his beautiful, loving nature.

The exams were just a week ahead and Minho for the first time, in his life, was done with all his syllabus that he himself couldn't believe when Taemin slammed his notebook shut and stretched his arms up, while Minho just stared at him in confusion.

"What are you looking at?" Taemin asked, with a pleasant smile on his lips, putting all his books inside his brown leather bag "Why are you packing up? It's been only an hour" Taemin giggled and pushed Minho's forehead with his fingers "What more do you want to study? We're done with the whole syllabus."

Minho blinked for a few times, his eyes widened "W-what? Like you mean we're done with everything?" Taemin nodded "Now, all we need to do is revise, which is the easiest part." He stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder "C'mon let's go out. I'm hungry." Minho stood up, his jaw still dropped but followed Taemin out, shouting "It's my treat."

"Of course, you're treating me." His Choi Minho was back.

When the sun rose the next day, casting the trees in their virescent hues and bringing the warm back to the earth, Taemin felt something exciting, like the weight from his heart, was lifted out or like the Sunday morning when there's nothing to do and you can smell the morning coffee which enlights you. It's as if invisible holes were poked in his skin during the night and all his tension leeched out. His steps felt lighter as he stepped down on the same old bus stop and he tilts his face upwards as the sun shined brightly through the clouds and he already knew it was going to be a good day. "Perhaps," he wondered, "this is happy. This is what comes when a battle is over."

If it wasn't for Jaehyun, Taemin would've kicked Minho's long back but he was glad that he didn't because now that he looked back, he was the only one that could've helped that tall dork come out of the black hole that he got himself up and seeing Minho every day wasn't that bad, infact for the past weeks it made the younger boy notice every small detail about him like the way his eyes focused on a tough maths problem or his eyes smile when he got an answer correct or the way he smelled like mint and jasmine, he could understand that the mint smell came from the chewing gum he always had but he never understood where the jasmine auroma came from, or the way Taemin always wanted to put his fingers in his hair that fell on his forehead, covering his perfectly shaped eyebrows, his eyes had a softness and the sparkle in them that always mesmerized Taemin, while his laughter never failed to cheer him up and when he giggled, it was like a boy and Taemin loved it. Yet, everything else about him was all man. He filled out with muscle's or when he clenched his jaws, outlining his perfectly sharp jawline. There was something so welcoming about him. Taemin felt just a little more lost, a little more at home, each time they were together.

That scared him too.

He grabbed two banana milk bottles and sandwiches from the canteen, thanking the middle-aged lady when his mobile vibrated in his right pocket. He swiped the text and it was from Jaehyun.


Have your lunch, I have to go back home, my sister is locked out and my parents are out of town. Sorry bro, miss me ^^

Taemin sighed, pushing his mobile back into his pocket, staring down at the two bottles and the sandwiches that he got for Jaehyun. Guess he has to eat two sandwiches and drink two bottles, no worries.

He sat down on one of the empty tables in the cafeteria and just when he was about to take a bite off of the sandwich, he felt a tap on his shoulder and Taemin turned around, a smile appearing on his lips. "Oh, Minho what're you doing here?" He felt his insides turn upside down and for some random reason, he just wanted to jump and hug the taller boy.

But everything turned into a fog, clouding Taemin's mind when he saw the group of kids that he never wanted to see again, especially not around Minho. Was he still hanging out with these stuck up kids? Taemin's eyebrows furrowed as his gaze shifted back to Minho, disappointment in his eyes but he tried his best to understand the situation before jumping to conclusions.

"Where's Jaehyun?" Minho asked and something about his eyes scared him, they weren't the soft, welcoming eyes anymore.

Taemin wrapped his arms around his chest and rolled his eyes "What do you want from him now, Minho?" There was a silence, like Minho himself didn't know what he should say like he didn't want to say something harsh and disappoint Taemin but he had no other choice.

"None of your business. Where is he?" Minho trailed off, "Loser." He mumbled, trying his best it was audible, yet hoping it wasn't. Taemin's eyes widened as he tried to register everything, hoping that maybe he heard it wrong, maybe his ears were playing tricks.

"Minh-" He was interrupted by one of the guys, pushing Minho to the side "Listen here loser. Where is Jaehyun?" He took a step closer to Taemin "I don't think I have any use telling you where he is."

The guy snorted and stepped back, glaring at Taemin "Since our precious friend is not here, why don't we treat our new friend a piece of us. Shall we, Minho?" Minho's eyes widened as he looked at his friend, his mouth opening and closing like a fish for a few times, analyzing the situation. "Why don't we just go back? I'm hungry." Minho said, placing his hand on the other's shoulder but was pushed off "Why? Are you scared Choi Minho?" He stepped closer to Minho with a smirk on his lips and Minho just rolled his eyes.

"I'm hungry. Let's just go." Minho said, smiling in return.

"Why? Did you fall in love with him or something just because he helped you in studies?" The guy said just when Minho started walking off, making him stop in his track and turn around, with anger filled in his eyes. He started walking back towards the guy and grabbed him by his collar, making Taemin jump a bit "What did you say ?" Minho spat just to get a shrug back.

"If you don't like that guy, why don't you give him a taste of you?" The guy said and if glares could kill someone, he would've been a rotting dead body by now "Do it, Minho." The girl who dyed her hair blonde stepped up from behind "Show you're not a like him." She pointed at Taemin and Minho scoffed, leaving the collar and taking a glance at the girl before stepping closer to Taemin.

Taemin's eyes were still but he didn't know how long his shaky legs would hold him up and he didn't want to back down, he didn't want to show the fear that was taking over him physically. Violence always scared him but now that he was standing in front of violence he had no idea what to do first.

Minho stood in front of Taemin, his fist clenched, making his knuckles white and his jaw clenched so tight that if he clenched it more his teeth would fall off. "Never knew you were gay, Minho." And that was the breaking point of his patients. At that moment, he was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying. He reached out. His fist came in contact with Taemin's face and he fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

I don't like him Minho thought before he tackled him and held him down so he could not fight back, as if he could anyway and his fists continued to hit his pale face. Minho felt guilty, but he couldn't stop. So many years of subtle bullying, that sunk deep into his mind, added a divine spice that completed the vexed dish he was serving. He knew he should've put an end to it, apologize before he made it worse, but he just couldn't.

Minho stopped punching him, staring at the boy who was lying underneath him, he couldn't recognize him. As his eyes focused on him, his heart fell right through his converse, he's more purple than his pale fair complexion. His left eye is swollen, and his lips bleeding while his clothes are an utter mess.

Taemin hesitantly tilted his head, looking up at Minho as a tear rolled down his bruised cheek, itching, but all he could do was utter Minho's name. His cracked lips tried to call him out but failed at the first syllable, but he doesn't need to because Minho was already on his feet, running away.

I love him.

Taemin was like the disposable plastic that was thrown away after being used. He expected somewhere deep down at the bottom of his heart that this was going to happen. People don't change and maybe, he should've listened to that saying. Maybe, he was a loser after all, for helping and being the dandelion in a world full of weeds but then blaming people for blowing it out. Taemin slipped down his bedroom door as he slammed it shut before his mom could even have the chance to take a glimpse at Taemin. His phone started ringing in his pocket but he didn't care. He felt emotionally bankrupt. There was nothing left to feel, nothing left to say, nothing left but the void that enveloped his mind in swirling blackness. He wiped away the tears that already dried up on his face, mixing with the blood. He stumbled towards his bed, laying down as the sharp pains ran through all of his body parts, lullabying him to a deep slumber from which he never wanted to wake up.


The exams came and left like the harsh hurricane that flew by, shaking everything in Taemin's life but now he was glad that he had all the time to bring his life back to normal. His bruises were slowly healing but the bruise on his heart was still there, but every time he thought about it, it only made him laugh at how much of a fool he was. He didn't see Minho since that day, for which he was more than glad for and he wasn't even curious about how he wrote his exams.

"Taemin, let's go. What are you doing?" Jaehyun grabbed Taemin's arm, pulling him into the arcade room that they decided to go as their last exam ended today. "Can't we just go home and rest. I'm not really feeling like it." Taemin suggested as his body was still sort of aching.

"Taemin" Jaehyun stood in front of Taemin, with a sympathetic smile on his face "I know you're still upset but just think of it like a really bad lesson and just forget about him." Taemin smiled, pulling his arm from Jaehyun's grip "Forget about him." Taemin looked at him "I can't. I really want to, but I can't. If I could I would've, Jaehyun but I like him-" He trailed off "No, I love him and I always did and now I can't..." Taemin choked on his tears as they spilled involuntarily, without him noticing across his face and Jaehyun could do nothing but just stare and watch his friend in pain.

Jaehyun dropped Taemin off at his house and turned his bike in the opposite direction.

He climbed the stairs, getting up to the door and taking a deep breath. If he'd rehearsed this conversation once, he'd rehearse it a thousand times, even if he was going to be beaten to death right now it had to end. Now that he got to his door, his mouth had gone dry and his heart was beating more forcefully than it usually did. He raised his finger to the buzzer, then lowered it to his side. Could he do this? Then quickly he raised his hand and pressed it before his second thoughts got the better of him again.

The door swung open and Jaehyun's jaw dropped at the boy standing on the other side "Minho, what's wrong with you?" His nervousness broke into worry at the sight of Minho, he was a wreck. Like he didn't take a shower for years and his eyes were blood-shot red with blackness underneath his eyes. He looked pale but the sick pale and the fact that Minho couldn't get himself to stand straight made Jaehyun get a grip on Minho's arm.

"Are you sick? What's wrong?" Jaehyun asked but Minho just pulled his arm back "Why are you here?" His voice was hoarse like he had a severe cold or like he just woke up "Minho, answer me. Are you okay?" Minho looked up and smiled at Jaehyun "I'd rather be dead right now."

Jaehyun entered Minho's house which was dark like no one lived here for years and he wrinkled his nose at the stench that wafted up at him, a mix of stale coffee and perfume over sweat. He gagged in disgust. He wanted to go away, but he has to make Minho apologize. He stumbled over a misplaced shoe, kicking away a soccer ball. He d around the wall, his fingers finding the light switch. The lights flickered on, illuminating his house. It was a jungle of dirty clothes and uneaten food, homework, and textbooks. Jaehyun began to wade through the mess. Empty cereal boxes littered the floor but his mind could only clearly form one thought. Was he a mess because of Taemin?

"What do you want?" Minho turned around as he plopped down on his couch "Tell me honestly, Minho" He sat down next to Minho, trying not to mind the horrible odor that he was giving out.

"Do you like Taemin?" Minho looked at Jaehyun and smiled. He missed calling out that name so much. He missed him and he wasn't afraid of anything or anyone anymore, he was glad to love a person like him but he could never stop the guilt that lived in his heart like a bacteria living off of his feelings.

"I love him" Minho admitted as a tear rolled down his face. Jaehyun stood up, his fist clenched and without a second thought, a sharp pain ran through his fist as it made contact with Minho's face. Minho let his tears flow freely. He can't do this anymore.

"Stop being a coward and go confess to him before you're too late," Jaehyun said, sitting back. Minho shook his head "I-I can't..."

"Why can't you?" Minho looked up "He hates me now." Jaehyun scoffed, rolling his eyes "If he hated you, he wouldn't be crying every day just by hearing your name." Minho looked at Jaehyun in confusion and the other just rolled his eyes "He loves you, you idiot."

"Why did you punch me earlier?" Minho asked as he held the side of his face while he drank the coffee Jaehyun made. "For hurting Taemin and for bullying me for no reason " He sipped on his coffee and Minho left a dry chuckle "There was a reason." Jaehyun looked at Minho with his eyebrows raised "You were too close with Taemin, you made him happy and I was jealous of you." Jaehyun stood up, as another fist went in contact with Minho's face "Loser."

"Take a shower and go meet him today," Jaehyun said as he walked out the door, finally able to take the fresh air "What if he's still angry and hates me now?" Minho asked and Jaehyun rolled his eyes "I did not spend my two hours, trying to explain how head over heels Taemin is over you, just for you to ask me that question. Get ready to be beaten up but he doesn't hate you, don't worry" He smiled as he waved at Minho.

"I'm sorry, Jaehyun. For everything." Jaehyun smiled again and turned around, walking towards his bike.

"You're welcome."


Taemin was underneath his covers, he had to plan what to do from now on, he can't be idle for the rest of his vacations but the fact that he can't even get himself out of bed was not helping him at all. He had no energy or motivation left in him. His mom probably noticed that something was going on, as she checked up on Taemin every once an hour, either bringing something sweet to eat or drink. Maybe, she was the reason why Taemin could even get through his exams or even go on with his daily routines because if he was alone, he would've better off been dead and that made him wonder if Minho's parents were back from their trip, but anyways he's better off without them, he doesn't need anyone and that was killing him more, the fact that Taemin couldn't go on like Minho, without depending on someone else for his happiness and that was the worst thing that a person can do to destroy themself. He knew he was going to get through this. He will get through this and look back and laugh at it, but a part of him knew he would never get over his first love ever. He closed his eyes, controlling the tears that were threatening to fall but the darkness consumed him and he fell back into the never-ending pit of darkness.

Slowly and reluctantly, he uncovered his face. He blinked, then closed his eyes, and then blinked again. There was no sunlight penetrating the window which meant that it was already dark outside but the only thing that ticked him off was that he felt an extra weight other than him on his bed. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and grabbed the lamp switch, switching it on, only to turn it back off when he saw the unusual silhouette in the corner of his bed. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up, his blanket tightly clutched in his fingers. He turned the lights on just to see someone, standing near the door.

"Whoever you are, go away before I call the police," Taemin said and the lights went on, making him fall back on his bed, covering himself with the blanket in a lightspeed. He felt a tap on his shoulder and that made him involuntarily shoot up with his fist coming in contact with a face, a human face and it took him a second to realize the softness of the skin before he opened his eyes just to see Minho standing with his hand on his face. Everything else fell away and he no longer heard the cars, speeding down the street. Every natural body movement went on hold and Taemin just cleared his throat, getting into a proper position on his bed as he ran his fingers through his already messy hair.

"Are you here to beat me up in my room right now?" Taemin asked and Minho's gaze fell on his distorted face that he couldn't even look at anymore to the brown laminated floor "Why are you here, Minho?" Taemin exclaimed as anger filled up his insides, he wasn't going to cry, he cried enough.

"Taemin I-" Taemin wrapped his arms around his chest "Why? Are you sorry? You want me to teach you something and then let you throw me away like a disposable plastic?" Minho looked up "Taemin, I can never throw you away" Taemin left a dry chuckle "But you did beat me up like I was your blood-sworn enemy after what I did for you, just because you were called gay. How amazing." Taemin stood up, just inches close to Minho "What's wrong with being gay, huh?" Minho nodded and opened his mouth but closed it once again when Taemin started speaking.

"I thought you were changing Minho, I really did. I tried my best to change you but I'm sorry for failing at everything, every time and I'm sorry for giving you my all, I really thought... you could go back to being the old Minho, who used to cry when I cried, who used to smile when I smiled, who used to do everything with me. You were my other half, Minho... Do you have any idea how it scarred me when you just ing left me like I meant nothing to you when you meant everything... when you mean the world to me... I am just a mere wind to you. I really really thought..." Taemin closed his eyes, trying to control the tears that were pricking in the back of his eyes, threatening to fall "I really thought tha-"

And before he could even register or make sense of what was happening, he felt a pair of warm lips on his own for a brief moment, like a passing warm wind when you step in from the cold freezing winter into a cozy coffee shop. With the taste of mint and coffee still lingering on Taemin's lips, he stood there frozen like every human sense was pulled out of him, he looked up at Minho, whose eyes were widened and his lips in.

"What in the world did you just do?" Taemin spoke, still feeling the warmth of his lips on his own and though his heart was doing a hundred flips, his mind was scolding back at it "Y-you were talking non stop... so I had to stop you." Minho stuttered and Taemin blinked a few times before opening his mouth but before he could even utter a word, Minho placed his finger over Taemin's lips, making all the blood in his body to rush up to his cheek "Don't speak till I finish, Lee Taemin."

"I know I'm a bastard and a loser and a coward and call me whatever you want because yes, I'm the worst guy you've ever seen and I'm sorry for everything that I did, I really truly am, that day I don't even know what took over me... It was like I was out of my mind, please I... I could never hurt you like that and when I realized it... it completely broke me." Minho paused in between, taking a deep breath.

"And while I was your world, you were my whole wide universe, that I failed to realize for so long and I'm so sorry for that Taeminnie... I really am sorry and... I think..." His right hand came up to Taemin's face, his thumb caressing the purple bruise that was slowly, fading away as he stared deep into the other's brown orbs that had a watery cover over it, making it sparkle.

"I think I like you..." He trailed off, shaking his head "No, I really love you. I always did, for so long that I don't even remember since when. You are still a part of me, Taeminnie. I know its selfish of me to ask you to like me back but please don't be angry with me, please. I'm sor-"

Minho, suddenly met with a fist that made him stumble back but he didn't question it, as another punch came in contact with his shoulder and he was ready for another blow when Taemin raised his fist but he paused in between, with his fist mid-air as tears fell from his eyes, spilling across his face. At this moment, he did not know if he was angry or sad or happy, he did not know if he wanted to jump till his legs give in or just sit back on his bed and cry till he drowns in his own tears but for all he knows right now, is that he waited for this moment since middle school and now that it was finally in front of him, he didn't know whether he should embrace it or let it go. Saying that he was scared was an obvious statement. What if Minho hurts him again? What if he's being a fool again? What if-

"I know Taemin, you don't trust me and I don't blame you, but please forgive me." Taemin let his hand fall back down "Did you forgive me?" Minho asked as a smile appeared on his lips.

Taemin looked up, wiping his tears with the back of his palm as he stepped closer to Minho, staring in his brown eyes, they looked so tired and worn out with dark circles underneath them and he looked pale but still mesmerizing. To describe his appearance would be to totally miss the point. He was an aristocrat and he didn't give a damn what you thought of the way he looked.

He might regret it later on but if he doesn't embrace it now, he might regret it forever and he wouldn't let his negative thoughts take the best of him, he wanted to give in, he wanted to embrace him now. Taemin's shaky hand slowly came in contact with Minho's bruised cheek as he caressed it with his thumb, smiling before he leaned in, placing his bruised lips against the others pink, warm lips and he could swear to all the angel's out there that he felt the happiness, like a part of him that was missing for so long, was back intact. Minho smiled in between the kiss, bringing his hands up, resting it on Taemin's neck, deepening the kiss. It was soft and slow, leeching on the physical and emotional pain that both of them had. They couldn't feel anything other than happiness, and happiness was all that they needed.


Minho laid beside Taemin while Taemin went on whining about how Minho ruined his sleep. The half sleepy boy turned around, wrapping his arms around Minho's torso and hesitantly, placing his head on his chest.

"Just because I like you, doesn't mean I forgive you. I'm still angry." Taemin mumbled as he tightened his grip on Minho's torso, just to get a giggle in return which lit up Taemin's heart.

"If this is your anger, then I hope you stay angry for a very long time" Taemin looked up, with his eyes half closed and snorted, pinching Minho's arm.

"Go, go and sleep, sleeping beauty." Minho scoffed and Taemin snuggled up closer to him "I'm tired right now, but I'll give you back every pain that you made me go through in the past four years tomorrow."

Minho couldn't help but feel guilt taking over his heart, he looked down at Taemin who's eyes were shut, making his eyelashes the center of attraction. He wrapped his arms around the younger, snuggling him closer and turned around, raising his head up, he pressed his lips against Taemin's forehead that were partially covered with his soft bangs.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, which made Taemin raise his head up and he smiled, pointing his tongue out and teasing him "Still not forgiving you."

Minho snorted, teasing back "Sure, sure do whatever you want."

"Now, let's sleep before I kick your out of here for ruining my beauty sleep."


Yaaaay you just got through the most cringiest and terrific 2min fluff congratulations, but also thank you so much for checking it out because even though it , it took up so much of my time, it was crazy so yeah... and btw, special credits to shalkowfeobe9 This amazing always helps me out with the plot when I'm suffering and FrejaMarple for inspiring me so much, I don't even know what I'd do without this ahjumma but yeah sorry you two, I just made a mess out here which I don't even regret yikes.

But don't forget to comment and vote because yes, I'm an attention hoe and I love when I get comments and stuff so yep.

Thank you once again and I love yall so much!!!


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 2: Peer pressure is no joke but Taemin's love is able to overcome all obstacles🎉! Thanks for sweet slice of life story author-nim ❤️
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hopefully Tae and Min can salvage their friendship
Chapter 2: i like the story although taemin shouldn't have agree easily and give minho a good punishment but its ok i love happy ending heheheh

Nice storyyyy
Chapter 2: Yas yass... for the first time I can understand why Minho changed, because he felt confuse for his feeling toward Taemin, so he found new friend to get over with Taemin. But finally this is end well, althougt I hate Minho too. LOL. but they cute as hell that I can't denied.
Chapter 2: Love this story~~~
Chapter 2: Cute♡
Nullaniscnazani #7
Chapter 2: Congrats writer.. You make me cry with this beautiful story. Thanks.