Chapter 1

|Dandelion| ~A 2min fanfic~

Song Recommendation: Still in love by CN Blue

Word count: 4.8k

The brown-haired boy turned his gaze towards the right as the bus came to a halt at the usual bus stop. He got down and the bus took off. The seasons were changing as the harsh winter went by and people no longer buried themselves in the heavy winter clothing. His breath was quite invisible in the air, while the birds were more active in the sky. Even though the clouds lingered but it wasn't the dense layer of grey but instead it was the blue. He stretched his hands out and started walking, making a way through the crowd of people that were going on their usual routine as well.

The crowd has a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shine in the morning light and the people move like shoals of fish. There is chatter between sellers and buyers, old friends catching up, new friends made. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brought a life to this city that he always loved but going to school was definitely not something that he was looking forward to. After all, only a few more weeks and he will never have to look back at school. He hung his head low and tried to step in the boxes, trying to walk without falling on his face. He did this every day ever since he joined this school. The brown boxes were way too satisfying to not step in and stepping on the line always threw him off the edge.

They were other students around his age in different uniforms. He wondered if they actually chose their school just because of the attractive uniforms because the one he was wearing was just a plain grey blazer with his name tag tugged on his left pocket with a red tie and a white shirt while the one they were wearing was way fancier like some elite school uniform. In fact, he wasn't even sure why he even went to this school in the first place. The school's education system was ranked the lowest and all the kids, who lost interest in studies ended up coming here and the fact that this school actually accepts them because intelligent students don't even know this school exists.

His thoughts were diverted when he felt himself in an unfamiliar environment. His gaze shifting from the dirty box tiles to the walls that were surrounding him. He mentally facepalmed himself for blindly following the tiles and ending up in an alleyway I'm doomed on the first day of school He rolled his eyes before removing his mobile to see his GPS and to know where the heck he really was but gladly, his school was just next to the building. He left a sigh but just when he was about to turn around on his heels he heard a scream.

The scream tore through him like a great shard of glass. He felt his eyes widen and pulse quicken, his heart thudding like a rock rattling in the box. The scream came again, desperate, terrified... and familiar. The blood drained from his face and before he was even aware of making a conscious decision, his legs were pounding furiously on the boxed tiles, not minding the lines that separated them and all he wanted was to know where it had come from. He had no clue as to what he'd do when he got there and he knew he was going to regret his decision but he just had to get there. And of course, the regret came rushing up to his veins as he stood in front of a group of boys, making him involuntarily roll his eyes. He crossed his arms, walking a bit closer to the oh-so-familiar group of boys doing their everyday duty, bullying.

"Honestly guys, where do you all find this much energy on the first day of school at 7 am?" The boys turned around just when they were about to get violent which made them either sigh or roll their eyes in pure annoyance but one of them scoffed, a smirk plastering his face.

"What energy? We were just greeting an old friend we missed" The tallest of the group said, smacking on the boy's back "Isn't it?"

"Minho, leave him unless you want some trouble here."

"Oh really, Taemin? What kind of trouble?" Minho stepped closer to Taemin who was trying not to make it obvious that he'd rather run away than stay here and fight someone who meant so much to him but he would do anything but back down after coming this far.

"Leave him alone. He did nothing wrong to you." He said, looking at the boy who was pushed against the wall, unable to look up. Taemin stepped a little closer, leaving only an inch between them, making Minho a bit surprised but a smirk was back on his lips "What are you going to do in return if I leave him?"

Taemin stared deep into Minho's eyes, they were brown but not the kind of shade that's easy to describe. It was almost like they were both brown and hazel at the same time in the sun, with black creeping in around the edges as if it was trying to take over. He blinked and the beauty was momentarily covered by the shield of his eyelashes, naturally long and soft looking, feminine compared to the rest of his well-structured features. Every muscle in his face was tensed and without a word, he communicated intense mistrust, anger, despising but all that went through Taemin's mind was that this was not the person he used to know four years back. These weren't the eyes he saw the most happiness in, these weren't the dreamy eyes that he dreamt about. This was not the Choi Minho he knew.

"Thanks for teaching me how stupid and cruel a person can be, Minho." Taemin glared back and smirked, before pushing Minho to the side and sprinting towards the boy, grabbing his arm firmly and before he could even register what he was doing, he sprinted away, deeper into the alley while the rest of them ran behind him, except Minho.

Taemin took a sharp turn and there was an open door to a building. Without a second thought, he entered the building, slamming the door shut. He took a deep breath, controlling his beating heart and as he sat down on the dirty floor, his focus went back to the boy who was still standing and he looked up, his eyes filled with worry.

"Jaehyun, sit down. Are you okay?" Jaehyun's hands were in fists and Taemin could feel the boy shiver. He stood up, grabbing him by his shoulder "Jaehyun, look at me. Are you okay?" Jaehyun looked up, tears freely spilling across his red cheeks as his bottom lip quivered. His dark brown eyes, glittering under the sheen of water, constant, yet allowing the tears to flow without pause.

"I'm sorry, Taemin. You didn't have to do this." Taemin smiled, smacking his arm a bit "Hey don't be sorry you're my friend. If I don't help you, do you really expect me to help those s? Do you?" Jaehyun chuckled, wiping his tears from the back of his hand.

"Thank you, Taemin."

"You're most welcomed. Now let's go before we get later than we already are."


Time flowed like cement. He checked his cell for the time. A minute had passed since he last checked an hour ago, or so it seemed. He sat there with nothing to do but stare at a wall with educational charts which was boring and Taemin can't understand a thing that the teacher was going on about so it was pointless too. Maths is pointless, to begin with. He began to drift into an unpleasant daydream or was it a paranoid fantasy? It was hard to tell but he didn't care. It helped to pass the time and he just wanted to get over to this day.

"Lee Taemin!" His eyes widened as his head shot up, trying to figure out who had called him but when the situation sank into him, he stood up, with his head hanging low "Yes Ma'am?" The middle-aged women collected all her belongings, looking up at Taemin, with a smile on her face "Meet me after lunch." Her gaze shifted to the other side of the room, her smile fading away "Choi Minho, Follow me."

"Do you think she got to know about the thing that happened this morning?" Jaehyun asked as they stepped down the staircase towards the cafeteria, while Taemin was on his banana milk "I think it's because I wasn't concentrating in class." He ruffled up his hair in frustration "Ahh why did I have to daze out?"

"You always do that, she doesn't care. All she cares about is grades and you have some decent grades. I think it's probably the thing that happened today."

"Whatever it is, I know I'm doomed."

Taemin stood in front of the staff room door, pacing back and forth. He worried. Things he felt he should have done, coupled with the time that he secretly texted or played games on his mobile dominated his mind. He thought about his actions and words, finding them inadequate. Festering guilt rendered his mind.

He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door, pushing the door open. He left the breath that he held in for so long and forced himself to step a foot inside. The staff room was filled with teachers on their desks and a few kids running from one place to another, doing errands for teachers. It was a chaotic place but Taemin's eyes scanned for only one desk which he wished didn't exist, but sadly it did and in a few moments, he will be standing in front of it, waiting for the worst to happen.

"Ah, Taemin come here." Taemin turned around at the source of the voice, forcing a smile on his lips before walking towards the desk but the smile soon faded when he saw the person who he never wanted to see again.

This gives me bad vibes. Taemin pushed the thought at the back of his mind and stood in front of Mrs. Kim, trying not to look at the tall boy, who was piercing nails with his glares.

"Good thing you're here, Taemin. We were just waiting for you." Mrs. Kim had a gentle smile on her face that can make you trust her the first time you see her, no doubt she was a good lady and she always loved Taemin cause he always respected her and got good grades and no doubt Taemin loved her but right now, he would be anywhere but here.

"May I know the reason why?" Taemin asked, unsure about how to start this whole thing, after all, he was unsure as to why he was even standing here in the first place.

"You know that you're my favorite student in the class, don't you?" Taemin could hear a scoff from his right but he ignored it. "Thank you, Ma'am." She smiled back, looking at Minho and back at Taemin. "I want to ask you a favor, Taemin." She said, which made Taemin raise his eyebrow "What favor?"

"Tutor Minho till the finals."

Her comment was so out of character, so far from what he knew of her, he just stared at her, open-mouthed. His brain formulated no thoughts, other than to register that he was shocked. He closed his mouth, looking at his toes before glancing back up to catch her eye. Tutor Minho? It was like asking a deaf person to talk or a handicap to walk and "I can't." was all that could come out of his lips.

"And may I know the reason why?" She bent a little in front, as her finger intertwined. He looked up at Minho, who wasn't buying it either. His hands were buried deep in his pockets, wishing that he could be anywhere but here and have Taemin tutor him. "When the student doesn't like the tutor, there's nothing the tutor can do" Taemin shrugged and Minho once again looked at Taemin in disbelief

"You two better agree or 20 marks will be deducted from your internals." Both of their jaws dropped at the same time.

"That does not make sense," They said, synchronizing and she moved back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"If either one of you doesn't listen to each other, call me and I'll deduct the marks accordingly. You're dismissed."


"This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy" Taemin slammed his head on the wooden table that was placed on the rooftop of his school, while Jaehyun just sipped on his juice, swiping on his mobile "You can't do anything now, Taemin." He said, taking another sip from his juice "So you want me, your best friend, to tutor the person who has made your life a living hell?"

"Well, he was your friend first, so maybe you guys can try ending up on good terms and in that way maybe he will stop bullying me as well." Jaehyun turned towards Taemin and smiled "Take it positively Tae. You can either make him a good person or teach him a lesson." He took another sip from his juice "And who knows maybe you will get your first love back."

"What is wrong with you? I don't like him, I never did!" Taemin stood up, slamming his hand on the table, causing the other to choke on his juice "Alright, fine, calm down Mr. Topper"

Taemin sat down again with his hand in his freshly cut brown hair "But this doesn't make sense. Out of all the 33 students in our class, why me?"

"She knows how close you two were."

"Still doesn't make sense."

"Then you're an idiot"

"Go away, Jae."


Taemin stood at the same bus stop that he did every day, his glare wandered, stopping at the group of kids probably around his same age, standing right next to the bus stand poll. There were six of them, two girls and four guys. The taller of the four guys were laid back. The muscular one tells the rest of them something from what he could assume, was some type of joke, he laughs too. They were the type of people Taemin always wished he could be. They were cool, powerful and were living the life that he always wished for, but he was just never carved out for it, he was always the nerd sitting either at the back of the class or at the front. He wasn't really a nerd but studies were all that he could do and it was the only escape that he had in his life. Of course, he was glad to have such a life and friends like Jaehyun but still, he couldn't help but wonder, that people like them were the reason he lost his childhood friend and maybe, just maybe if he was a bit cooler, maybe they would still be friends.

The bus came to a halt and the sound of the door opening brought Taemin's attention back into reality and he closed his eyes for a brief moment, before standing up, stepping into the bus and as the door's closed behind him, he left all his thoughts at the stop as well.

He thanked the bus driver, stepping down on the same old dirty footpath, looking up at the sky which was now a shade of orange mixed with yellow giving away the shadows which were twice as long as they usually are and the birds flew across the sky, going back to their homes. Even though the sun was no longer seen behind the high rise buildings, the effect of the sun meeting the horizon could be seen throughout the sky while the opposite side was already giving out the shade of blue indicating that the moon was about to rise up. Taemin started walking, listening to the music blasting through his earphone.

Taemin stopped in front of his house at the sight of the person who he was least expecting. He dug his hands deep into his pockets as he walked closer "I didn't think you would actually buy her words." Taemin said as he pulled out the keys, pushing it into the keyhole "I didn't want you to take advantage of this and complain about me, those 20 marks are the only hope I have for passing now."

I can't believe he still remembers my address

Taemin pushed the door open and entered inside, removing his shoes "Mom, I'm home." He exclaimed as he turned around to see Minho still, waiting outside the door, hesitant to come in. "You don't really expect me to put a red carpet for you, right?" Minho rolled his eyes but ended up entering before removing his shoes, placing them perfectly next to Taemin's. It always fascinated him how small Taemin's feet were, compared to his age.

They entered the living room where his mom was watching TV. "We have guests." His mom shifted her gaze from the replay of her favorite drama to them, as a smile appeared on her lips "Minho? Wow, it's been years since you visited. Where have you been?"

Minho smiled back as his desperate gaze shifted from Taemin's mom back to Taemin who understood the signal "Mom, we will go up now, we have a lot of things to study." He said, making his way up the staircase "Okay boys, study well."

"Your house didn't change a bit. I can still feel the same coziness that I felt before." Minho hopped on Taemin's bed, kicking his legs on the ground that made him bob on the bed "And your room is still the same." Taemin sat on his chair with his arms wrapped around his chest and his head thrown back. He did nothing today but he was never this mentally drained. "Nothing changed and everything is same" He trailed off, looking at Minho who was still bobbing on his bed "Except you, Minho." Minho stopped, looking at Taemin who's eyes were filled with nothing but anger and curiosity. There was just so much that Taemin wanted to ask the person sitting on his bed but he didn't know if he even had the right to ask, because he was someone who's a completely different person now.

"Taemin I-" Minho stopped in between when Taemin turned around, removing his books and slipping down on the floor, spreading his books. He opened the mathematics books "You were always bad at Maths. Let's start."

A heavy silence settled over them, thicker than the uneasy tension in the room. Unsettled eyes glanced around and tried to avoid catching others glances that passed by. Minho tried to concentrate on the words that slipped out of Taemin's lips while Taemin tried his best to not get distracted by all the thoughts, going crazy in his mind. If minds could speak on their own, this quiet room would've been the most chaotic one.

Taemin's eyes for the first time looked up in the past two hours, just to find the other looking at him. It wasn't the anger filled eyes that he encountered in the morning, or the annoying eyes, stabbing nails with its glare or the hatred that he always had in his eyes for Taemin, This was different and for a second it felt like the old Minho was back, who's eyes were soft, filled with love and affection but he didn't want to fall for this. He's just a tutor who have to save his 20 marks.

"Do you need something?" Taemin asked in a stern voice, making Minho smile as he nodded his head "I want to go to the washroom." He said, getting up and stretching a bit before exiting the room.

Taemin took a deep breath and leaned back, relaxing his back. Who knew he would ever end up in a situation like this? Like how can anyone expect two people, who gave so many scars to each other to have an educational meet up that's just absurd. But life is absurd and the most absurd things can happen that are completely unexpected and that is life. He grabbed his mobile that was laying somewhere underneath the layers of the books and scrolled through his notifications till he came back.

Minho came in with a plate of snacks, munching at one of the chips. He placed it on top of the books just to get a disappointing stare back "Don't stare at me like that. Your Mom handed it to me." Minho said, sitting down in the same place as before "Now shall we start?" Taemin asked, annoyance spilling out in every letter and Minho looked up with his eyebrows raised "Can we just eat first? You know I can't concentrate when I'm hungry."

"Like you were concentrating for the past two hours."

"Like you were teaching me from the bottom of your heart."

There was a silence between the two and the only sound accompanied the atmosphere was the seconds ticking away on Taemin's clock that he owned since he was in elementary school -A gift that Minho gave on his birthday- and the clinking of the broken fan that hung from the ceiling but still worked well.

"Taemin, listen, I know this might sound crazy and I know whatever happened today was, in fact, crazy but why don't we give it a try. I really need someone's help and maybe, just maybe, we can clear everything that is going on between us." Taemin didn't know if his brain was rushing with thoughts that he wanted to spill out or if his brain was just blank.

"There's nothing going on between us and nothing can be changed because I changed, our circumstances changed, you changed and there's something that we had in between us that's changed." Taemin closed his eyes for a brief second, leaving a sigh "We both can just go tomorrow and tell her that this is really not working out and it's just going to mentally stress us out and since finals are coming up soon, I really don't want to get distracted and focus on my studies."

Minho just stared at Taemin while the other just pulled the books back, slamming them shut "Taemin you think she will listen to us? Our 20 marks will be gone." Minho said, his voice still hopeful.

"I don't care, I can get good marks in written exam."

"What about me?"

"I don't care."

"Fine, I'll concentrate now. I won't give you a single reason to be angry. Maybe nothing will be solved between us but, can't you be my tutor at least? I really don't want to be a loser for the rest of my life. Please?" Taemin looked at Minho with doubt in his eyes "Last time I remember, you were rolling your eyes when she suggested this. What made you have the change of mind?" Taemin crossed his arms and Minho moved back, shifting his balance to the right, rubbing the back of his head.

"No... like... yeah I was angry at that time, but then since this is what it came to at the end, I tried to bring the positivity out of it and maybe, this is my only chance to correct my life ya know, like I really need a good company and good marks and maybe, after all, this is not a bad decision." He looked up at Taemin, who still had a doubt in his eyes "I mean... That's what I think... like you know, find positivity in everything." He shrugged and Taemin rolled his eyes.

His mind was debating over all the possibilities, maybe this is all a big prank and a revenge that Minho is pulling for what he did today. Maybe he's going to be a laughing stock when he goes to school tomorrow or maybe he's the next target for being bullied.

"Take it positively Tae. You can either make him a good person or teach him a lesson."

Taemin cleared his throat, sitting up straight, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"So you're sincere about this right? There is no ulterior motive right?" Minho nodded with a smile on his lips "You really want to study? Like with all your heart and soul?" He nodded again and a sigh left Taemin's lips

Why do I have to go through this? Taemin thought as his glare fell at the tall boy, looking back with all the cuteness that he had in him.

"I really want to get good marks and I realized it too late but you're my only chance," Minho said and Taemin sighed again, he knew he can't say no to someone who's asking with so much of sincerity in his eyes, especially if it's Choi Minho.

He knew that he wasn't perfect, he lost keys and was clumsy. But if a friend called by needing his counsel, he would smile warmly and get all the snacks and blankets before sitting to listen as if there was nothing he wanted to do more. Helping others settled his mind, allowing his logical thinking to re-emerge. Even if they gave him the deepest scars and Minho was someone who was still dear to him, even though he know's that after this, he might dispose of him away like a plastic waste just like he did before, but he still couldn't get himself to say no.

"Fine." Taemin trailed off, wrapping his arm around his chest once again "But I have some conditions which you need to agree to and-" He pointed at Minho "If you dare break a single one of it, It'll end right away. Get it?"

"Shoot." Minho said, pointing back with a grin on his face.

Minho's mobile screen was now changed from a picture of a soccer team to 10 rules by Tutor Taemin and the rules written underneath it.

"Don't you dare break these rules, I'll break you." Taemin made a fist with his tiny hand towards Minho "And I'm not, in any way, being anything else than a tutor to you. Once finals end, let's go our own ways" Taemin said and the taller boy just giggled before grabbing his backpack "Tomorrow at 8 at my house, right?" Taemin nodded, getting up from his place "But are you sure? Your parents are not at home. Wouldn't it be a trouble?"

"Of course not. We can study until late at night and you can stay as well if you want." Minho said as they walked down the staircase. Taemin couldn't help but reminisce the old days where they used to spend day and nights at each others house, without even realizing the time and he missed those days. But it's changed now, everything is changed. "Sorry, I don't have night outs with a person who bullies my best friend." Taemin flashed a sarcastic smile before pushing Minho out of his main door and slamming it shut.

He leaned back and left a sigh, closing his eyes and recollecting everything that took place in a span of three hours. The hours felt like years with the person who he used to spend days that felt like hours and hours that felt like seconds.

"Minho left?" His mom peeked in from the kitchen and Taemin looked up, nodding and as he started walking towards his room once again, his mom grabbed his skinny arm "Are you okay?"

Taemin looked at his mom, after all, his mom knew everything, she was there with him every night that he spent crying, blaming himself. The thought of it still brings his scars back to life and now that he had to see him every day, it would slowly kill him. He wasn't fine, he can't be, the only person that he ever truly loved, left him for others and now he is back when he had a favor from Taemin but the fact that Taemin couldn't say no to him, showed how he still had feelings for him and that just made him feel like a fool. He was not okay.


Yall better ignore the grammar errors because I just edited it once and I'm very lazy to read it all over again, so yeah sawwrrryyyyyyy 
Oh, and that's definitely not Jaehyun from 
nct u. That name just popped up in my head but if u wanna think it's him then that's fine because he's such a softie in this fic I cri.

But still, don't forget to comment and vote hehehehehhehe (yes I'm an attention seeking hoe)



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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 2: Peer pressure is no joke but Taemin's love is able to overcome all obstacles🎉! Thanks for sweet slice of life story author-nim ❤️
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hopefully Tae and Min can salvage their friendship
Chapter 2: i like the story although taemin shouldn't have agree easily and give minho a good punishment but its ok i love happy ending heheheh

Nice storyyyy
Chapter 2: Yas yass... for the first time I can understand why Minho changed, because he felt confuse for his feeling toward Taemin, so he found new friend to get over with Taemin. But finally this is end well, althougt I hate Minho too. LOL. but they cute as hell that I can't denied.
Chapter 2: Love this story~~~
Chapter 2: Cute♡
Nullaniscnazani #7
Chapter 2: Congrats writer.. You make me cry with this beautiful story. Thanks.