Day 28.

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GK        : Should I be happy or should I be sad?

Suho      : What’s going on?

Suho      : You finally resigned? Or getting married?

Max       : Aren’t those obvious? Both are more on the second thought

Suho      : Well, I would be happy if the day I resigned from the company

Max       : Man

Max       : Not sure who’s getting more offended, your girlfriend or Minho

Suho      : Try me

Max       : That sounds so wrong

Max       : Your attempt to be savage turned sultry

Suho      : Actually I have no idea how your girlfriend managed to stay this long with you

Suho      : Oh, right

Suho      : She’s in Japan, and Paris, and Milan, and everywhere else but around you

GK        : Boys, we’re in the middle of talking here

Max       : Almost forget about that since this bish rant about his life

Max       : Envy doesn’t suit you, Kim Junmyeon

Max       : Get a life

GK        : Did I not make myself clear?

Suho      : Then stop roaming around beating the bush!

Suho      : Get on your n point

GK        : Did someone vomit on your meal?

GK        : Or you didn’t get some last night?

Max       : IKR!!

GK        : However

GK        : So while you two es busy complaining about your pathetic life, this happened about two days ago

GK        : No one seems aware about it I guess

GK        : *sent a picture to the group*

Max       : HOLY HELL!

Suho      : How on earth

Max       : When? How? Someone

Max       : EXPLAIN

Suho      : Please elaborate!

GK        : The other day D.O and I had to work for some calculations for the B&B in Jeju

Max       : Ah, the one that Donghae been ranting the whole night on the other group

GK        : That one

GK        : So, we happened to work passed lunch hour so I sneaked out for some air and sandwich around 2

GK        : And that was when I saw the lovebirds

GK        : Live their life happily ever after being giggly and jolly like sugar high teenagers

GK        : Seemed like they picked the best material to blow their bubble because dude

GK        : I’ve been flailing my arms for solid 5 mins

GK        : But neither realized I was there

GK        : So

Suho      : So you being Dispatch and did the deed

GK        : Exactly

GK        : Here, some other pictures just for your entertainment

GK        : *send 3 photos*

Max       : Whoa

Max       : WHOA

Max       : The last one tho

Suho      : These s are good!

Suho      : You really should work with Dispatch, dude

Suho      : Probably serving you better life

Max       : What’s with you and the whole resign shenanigans?

Suho      : Try me

Max       : Dude

Max       : About the grammar lesson a while ago

Max       : Some extra verbs and nouns won’t hurt

GK        : And the highlight of this conversation surely not talking about grammar and Suho’s pathetic life

GK        : Let’s focus here, gentlemen

GK        : My only question

GK        : It’s passed more than two days and dude still hasn’t told us anything

GK        : Suspicious much

Suho      : Or cautious much

Minho     : Whoa, surely you have talent in photography, dude

Minho     : Thanks for the pictures, by the way


“Honey, phone off the table, please. You know the rule.”

Minho glances up and saw his sister carrying some plates from the kitchen to the dining table, nonchalantly huffing on the way, perked Minho’s interest almost too quickly.

“Who let you carry those stuffs by yourself?!”

“You, hybrid frog! I let you came in to my house dateless not to yell around torturing my ears!”

“What’s the use having a husband if he couldn’t even help his wife?”

Jonghyun walked out the toilet and join the ruckus on the dining room, “Tell me how can I help my wife while I’m helping myself in the toilet?”

“Baby, that came so much wrong,” Minjung kissed Jonghyun’s temple to comfort him.

“I don’t know what this man’s problem is. I married you almost seven years now and he’s still sulking on the fact that I’m ing his sister.”

“Language!” now it’s Kibum’s turn to scold the boys, “Jinki, I’m starving! Get your over here so these idiots can shut their mouth!”

Minho hung his trademark you-gotta-be-kidding-me look and returned to his phone, trying to be unbothered by the lovey-dovey scenes about to happen in front of him once Jinki placed his on the chair. He actually can’t help but screaming joyfully inside with the pictures he got from Kyuhyun. How is possible he didn’t catch Kyuhyun back on that day? But again, how was it possible to take your eyes off of an amazing person like Taeyeon?

They managed to not talk about the works and just tried to know each other better. She complained about the education system she’s on and Minho being Minho, listened to every single word and probably spilled here and there unconsciously about how charming she was.

“Choi, phone off!”

“Even if this is the only way to get me a date for the next brunch?”

“Did you decide to try online dating I’ve been pushing you for only-God-knows how long?”

“Baby, did you forget he got catfished once and hates online dating ever since?” Jinki took a place next to Kibum, didn’t forget to caress his cheek as usual. But this time, Jonghyun didn’t flinch, he got Minjung almost glued to his side, they’re practically shared one chair.

“Ah, almost forgot about that. I think it’s just because he still got the jinx after his last break up. You know, sometimes bad luck just lingering around a bit longer.”

“I’d rather not to talk about that one.”

Minjung’s sighing again while resting her back to Jonghyun’s chest and nuzzled on the crook of his neck, “Mom was already set up some dates and called potential wedding organizer back then.”

“I love you but I don’t mind kick you on the , sister.”

“Over my dead body, Choi!”

One cannot content her excitement and flails her arm to Kibum, “Isn’t it nice to have someone like this for the rest of your life?”

“I know right!” and he clung onto Jinki, closer than before, “Plus, broad chest and firm biceps. If these idiots managed to tied us down, that toad face over there should get a girl easier than anyone in this table.”

“I don’t chase a girl. I go for a lady.”

Jinki restrained himself not to toss the precious garlic bread on his hand to Minho’s face, “Sometimes he thinks he’s a prince. Even Taeyeon won’t spare him a glance if he’s being this big headed douche!”


Jonghyun nods, affirmative to Jinki’s statement, scooping the fruit salad in front of him, “The intern, Honey. Half of the people at the office already rooting for both of them, I guess. Still though, no moves no dates, no nothing.”

Minho ducking his head a little bit, hiding the obvious smirk on his face. With the nosiest people on both cycles of friendship, he doesn’t want to ruin anything between him and Taeyeon before something actually happened between them.

“Leave Taeyeon alone, she has nothing to do here.”

“Oh, Dear, she might have something to do here if you make some moves and let her in,” Kibum pointing his fork and drawing imaginary lines of Minho’s physique.

“You all keep saying make some moves as if I was a male trying to seduce some clients.”

“Male . So fancy. That’s what gave you away.”

“Gave me away to what?”

“Being obnoxious? Presumptuous? Pretentious?”

“Excuse me?”

Minho knows he can be really hard sometimes, but what Jinki said is just too shocking at this point. He looked up the man as an older brother since a long time ago. Those words dropped his confidence and everything he believed he is just flew over the window, something prickled his chest, making him unable to compose another defense.

“Basically all the negatives feature possible on a man. I mean, you’re a very kind and nice person, you’re smart and dude, if I don’t have Kibum and you’re not straight, I might go for you,” he stopped for a while when Kibum slapped his chest, choked him up to the bones, piece of crepe

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970 streak #1
Chapter 12: What did Taeyeon do that Minho is eibg an to her?
970 streak #2
Chapter 2: I think Minho also has a crush on Tae! But at least he apologized for beibg a jerk.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: I finally started reading this. After all, LWFWE is done.
Looking forward to this "love at first sight" thing of Taeyon.
januarysunshine13 #4
Chapter 22: Welcome back!!! This story has a special place in my heart.... would like to see more epilogues.... and want to meet the baby!!!! I would really like to read about Jong and Minjung's life..... they seems so lovely..
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 22: Yeah! So happy you add this epilogue. Love this first epilogue! But since it is the first one , waiting for the next one too. ;)
Chapter 22: Huaaaa... I can't wait for Kibum!! Must be really fun xD
Chapter 22: Thank you for the epilogue but it's too short ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: Amen!
Chapter 21: Amen! this is one of my fav 2min story ♡♡ you really did a great work author-nim! and yes..!! would like more for epilogueㅋㅋ thank you for finishing this story!!
januarysunshine13 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww,, its over.... thank u for this lovely very few works the writer can make all the characters likeable.... but u did it with this.... I wont mind if you make more fics from this universe so we know whats the crazy gang doing in their lives!!!!!